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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing

Old City - Streets - On Little Wasp Feet

As the aliens slowly split into groups and entered the city, Gut-Stripe and the other Thi-Thi I'ee returned to their vehicle, which slowly and quietly rolled into the streets behind them. It made surprisingly little noise for a vehicle of its size besides the crunching of its tires on the ground; presumably running off of some electric engine. Once everyone was inside the city limits, the heavy metal gates began to close behind them with a rumbling sound. For now, Gut-Stripe's vehicle remained just in front of the gate; several of its crew visibly watching from a walkway beside the crew cabin.

Those taking the streets walked by tall concrete structures coated in moss and lichen of various sorts, with practically all entrances choked with plant life. Even those buildings that could be entered were mostly impassable from the thick trunks that had grown through their depths, splitting floors both above and below ground level and collapsing ceilings. In the centre of the streets were what looked like pairs of tracks, suggesting that some sort of tram had been used in centuries past to traverse the city.

At each North-Western corner of each city block was an overgrown entrance to the old underground, which was noticeably less blocked by foliage than most other places in the city. In some cases, what looked like shed fur, feathers and torn foliage could be seen, suggesting that animals had made their nests in the old tunnels. Meanwhile, up above, many of the taller buildings had small, metal I'ee structures placed upon their corners. Cameras visibly dangled from these automated listening posts, and as the aliens passed them, the machines tracked their movement: Possibly relaying the footage live to Thi-Thi herself.

Despite the abundant plant life, and the evidence of animal habitation, the streets were deathly quiet. Not even wind seemed to blow through the cities depths to stir the fallen leaves which coated the concrete ground. There was no clue as to where their mystery prey could be, besides Gut-Stripe's vague suggestion of the city centre. All was still.
Uso was focused on tracking for the moment. Her path kept her on the ground, avoiding going into buildings or other small spaces. She moved towards the center of the city while trying to find any trace of large creatures having been through the area recently, broken foliage, foot prints, the smell of animals, or even decaying bodies that might have once been food. Anything that would help point them in the right direction.
Old City - Streets

Watching the group disperse, along with the plan she laid out, Hasewega began making her way into the city. She turned and looked towards Jay. "You can follow me if you like or move with the group." She turned back towards the foilage, a hand firlmy on the hilt of he katana. "Or go on your own, if that pleases you."

As the minkan walked, she followed in the group's footsteps at a sizeable distance. Just enough to listen to the surrounding nature without their movements being heard. She kept herself silent as stepped, her breathing slowed to help minimize her noise.
"Alright then." Jay muttered. "Larger groups attract more attention anyways." He said as he followed behind Hasewega.

He quietly tapped the side of his head to activate the overlay on his ocular implants.

"Shouldn't take too long to find this thing."
Base Camp

"Honey?" the I'ee asked, as if trying to recall if she knew the word. "I don't think so, miss. Maybe we can name it after you? What is your name?" The Ee'ith did a little dance, hopping from one foot to the other and squeaking as she waited for an answer. The other I'ee had finished eating the cheese; some seeming to have liked it more than others. One of them gave Kiwi a hug, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Thank you!" he squeaked. Another of the I'ee was tottering over to Pecan, evidently intent on hugging her as well.
Old City – Streets

“It depends on where the monster is,” Skade replied to the Elysian’s remark, floating over the Freespacer’s head herself, “Araxie, wasn’t it?” Could be around the corner for all we know, she thought, looking around, the multitude of underground entrances catching her eye, or right beneath us.

“Real question is how we’re going to deal with it once it shows up,” she said, tightening her grip on the rapier while checking that Mjolnir was still on her hip, “Especially since we don’t really know how it fights or anything.”
Old City, Streets

The Taii's smile quickly faded. "I believe you would not enjoy testing that assumption." With her hand on the hilt of her sword, Tsukisaki followed Uso into the city proper. "I do not have much experience hunting creatures other than Mishhuvurthyar. Your colleagues are likely more familiar with the practice of hunting a man or beast." She eventually began to float slightly above the ground, noticing how her temporary partner was examining the area. Curious, she began to switch her eyesight to the various alternatives available to Neko, scanning the area herself. She did not seemed to be too worried about the safety of herself or her crew, leaving them to their own devices. They were technically already on leave, after all.

"...even the NH-27 did not have as many...enhancements...as I believe your current body possesses." Valesti seemed rather unhappy to admit that, grimacing slightly. "Seeing as I am still dutifully serving the Empress, I upgraded to the NH-29 and NH-33 when prompted." She landed on her feet directly in front of Uso. "I suppose your own NH-29 chose to forgo her upgrade? Before she deserted." Tsukisaki narrowed her eyes. She was confident of Errowyn's model, but had no evidence for the other assumption. Yet.

Base Camp

Kiwi finally giggled as Kiko responded, continuing to do so as she enjoyed the alien's excited dance. "Oh, don't name food after a person. That'd be weird." Said Kiwi Tart, before suddenly being hugged by a bug. "Uh, hello there?" She seemed a bit surprised, but not upset, giving the I'ee a careful pat on the head, trying not to bump her hand against an eye or that screen or anything else that seemed sensitive. "You're welcome, it's a Cook's job to feed people, after all. Right?" She grinned over at Kiko, before grunting as Pecan backed into her. "S-sis...h-help...it...it's..." She'd gone pale as the friendly and harmless I'ee had latched onto her, pulled along for the ride as she scrunched herself back against her sister, hoping to be rescued.
The Raid Group

"I think I've got this one, Alex. The height isn't that excessive. I would prefer a small breeze but I guess that won't be happening today..."

Mentally gauging a good building to mount, Araxie was about to comment on the newer-looking devices mounted to many before someone else mentioned her name.

"Hm? Yes, that's my name. I don't know if whatever the thing is lives underground or not, but if we can eliminate above-ground areas first then we'll know it likes to be underground. I do not believe I caught your name, miss...?"
Base Camp

Kiko let out a giggle, "She's right, you don't want to name a fruit a 'Kiko Ki Fruit' do you?- of course that's funny coming from someone named Kiwi." She snorted, "And actually, 'Kiko Fruit' has a nice ring to it. Only midly narcissistic too!"She added, winking in a playful manner at the other Neko, before erupting in a loud fit of giggles as Pecan began to needlessly freak out, "Could always just try asking nicely!" She suggested.
Hunting Grounds
Spacecase would look around thinking deeply on the tasks at hand. "If I was a large beast trying to avoid a large group of possible predators I'd take to the subway system or one of the overgrown buildings. I think our best chance is to split into two groups an above ground and a below ground team."
Old City – Streets

Corgan noticed that suddenly he was alone with the android. He took one look at the metallic death machine and took off, catching up to Hasewega. Avoiding the larger group seemed a good idea. "Hello. Hasewega isn't it?" He said, walking up beside her. "Don't know who you are though, probably one of Alex's Sky Knights or whatever judging by the outfit." He said, looking towards Jay. That's when he saw one of the underground entrances.

"Hey, you see those?" Corgan whispered, pointing at the entrance. "Why are there fewer leaves? Maybe we should look down there. Would be a good way to sneak up on someone, or something." He smirked, remembering a bank job on Nepleslia in which he had used similar tunnels to escape.


The android, meanwhile, floated up and shot forward, locating Skade's group quickly. He floated down next to Skade. "The Nepleslian went with the other group" Takeshi informed her. He spotted Araxie, moving to hover beside her. "I apologize for the bad joke. I'm still trying to understand humor. It is quite complex compared to other feelings." He said, sounding exasperated.

After a few seconds of silence, he decided to speak again. "Your idea was a good one. Do you want to go on ahead? I will accompany you to guarantee your safety."
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Old City, Streets

“Skade Masashiga-heisho,” she told Araxie, grinning at her as she settled on the ground slightly behind Spacecase, “But just call me Skade.” Turning to the Freespacer and the android, she said, “I’m not sure splitting the party more is a good idea. We got plenty of time to look above ground without going into who knows what mess the subways look like. Not to mention,” she continued, pouting at Takeshi, “I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt if I can avoid it.”

But whatever way we go, she thought, looking back at the leaders of both factions, I'm just glad I'm not dealing with the passive aggressive conversation the Taii and Uso are having.
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The Bigger Group

Araxie spent what was probably too long trying to remember what Takeshi was talking about, on top of who he was...

"Oh, you're an android? That's pretty cool. I was planning on reaching the rooftops to help out-how high can you fly like that?" Indicating the lack of contact with the ground he possessed, the silver-eyed girl took a few deliberate, deep breaths...

"Ah, I believe we will be alright up above Miss Skade, although I appreciate the concern; I do doubt this beast can fly, else we'd have seen it in the air already." After a few more moments, the birb's wings accelerated into a blur, lifting her about a meter off of the ground while producing a low-pitched, audible hum. The turbulent forces from Birdy's actions did create a light breeze in the area for the time being, rustling nearby plant life and a few loose articles of clothing of those nearby. "Besides, if we find this thing I'm just going to come back to you guys when I can!"
Old City – Streets

"Or it finds us." Hasewega said as she took moment to glance around the pair. "We are lagging behind the group. It might think we are weaker or injured, probably an easy prey to pick off especially when we are separated from the larger group. Another form of baiting it, I suppose..." She thought aloud as she continued to scan their surroundings, watching the buildings and foliage for any movement.

She turned to face Corgan, still somewhat in contemplation. "Yes, that is me." She replied before looking over that entrance the half ID-SOL was pointing at. "Could also be a good point of ambush... Still, it should warrant an investigation." She began making her way over, her hand ready to draw the blade from its sheath at a moments notice.

"You can yell for the group of us if we get attacked, right?" She turned, asking Jay.
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"Well, this is the first time I've gone hunting a giant killer beast so I can't say for sure." Jay said, a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.
Hunting Grounds

"Maaaaan.... where do I even start?" Uso asked, focused on her search instead of the Taii floating infront of her. The NH-7 tracking her way around the NH-33 that landed infront of her without directly making eye contact.

"I mean, firstly you were doing great there before you just came out and said it. The whole drawing information out in casual conversation is totally a thing someone should be crosstraining you in. I mean I'm totally not just going to blurt out that my favorite fighter-pilot is secretly Eve in a new body... or Chiharu reincarnated... or like... a time traveler come to warn us about Yui's fatal peanut allergy...

And Deserter? Really? Its like you're lookin for a fight. And not the fun 'lets stab some animal a lot' fight but the kinda fight that ends really quickly with a lot of bodies. You're wanting to look good infront of the I'ee right? Those murdorable little creatures love me. So lets stay besties.

Plus that NH-7 manual really oversates what NH-7s can do these days. I'm easily the best hemomancer out of anyone anywhere and not JUST because there aren't any more NH-7s... though, I mean, that's a huge part of it. I really gotta focus to form objects and such. I can't just suck your brains out through your skull... anymore...

Rocket based flight though? That never gets old but I think I'd consider trading that for the ability to walk in heels without having to put up with having to walk in heels... a little bit of float from that gravitythingy would be fantastic for that."

Uso started moving more slowly, heading on ahead as she tried to pick up the trail... before adding in,

"PLUS Do you know no one makes APIs with the NH-7 in mind? like I can't just interface remotely with shit anymore and the stuff I CAN remote into requires all kinds of work arounds.... hold up,"

Uso would turn towards their resident Spacer

Hunting Grounds
Spacecase would look at the subway entrances. "Seeing as to how the rest of the city is overgrown I'd say that since the subway is pretty much clear of it that something frequently uses it."
Old City, Streets

Tsukisaki lifted off her feet again, floating backwards as Uso continued to push forward. She noticed her temporary partner was avoiding looking her in the eye while she rambled. "I can see now why your subordinates felt they could speak so freely." She didn't seem to be so easily distracted from her current interest. "I am not skilled in subtlety. Subtlety is a knife." The Taii gestured towards her companion, other hand still on the hilt of her weapon. "I am a sword."

The Captain glanced aside for a moment at the other nearby groups, although she didn't seem particularly interested in the actual hunt. "I have no wish to quarrel with you, Tasuki Uso. This will likely be the only time our paths cross, as our duty on Ee'ee is nearly finished. However, I do have my orders, and there is only so much I can ignore." She held her hand out with the palm up. "If she was properly discharged, there is no problem. Otherwise, something must be done. I could ensure it is handled here, quietly, and buried in my report...or I could simply report what I have observed. And you both can wait to see when, not if, it draws attention."

Base Camp

"What's funny about that? Hey, why not call it a Kiwi Fruit. Wait." Kiwi looked up from her current task of gently prying the friendly I'ee off of her sister, who had sprawled out into a squirming pile, emitting a soft whine of discomfort. She gently placed the I'ee aside, next to the one that had been hugging her first, turning back to Pecan...now finding a pair of friendly bugs happily cuddling on top of the Logistics Neko.
Errowyn moved with the group in the rear, listening to the group converse. She was taking a lot of pictures to go through later. So far there was a lot of scenery pictures of vegetation and old building.
Kiko snorted in amusement, both at Kiwi's suggestion and at Pecan, "There's already a fruit called a Kiwi, besides Kiko Fruit sounds just as sweet as the fruit actually is!" She said with a firm nod, mostly only fooling around, but who wouldn't -honestly- want a fruit named after themselves!- "Maybe you should try asking the I'ee to get off of you, Pecan, if you're so uncomfortable?"
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