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Post Your Pictures!

hair cuts are a scam developed by the steel workers, scissor makers, hair cutters, and of course the guys who make that blue stuff to clean combs in the barber shop.

It is much easyer to just use a hairtie... though it gets a hot sometimes.

((Yeah this is me from last years neko con

((This is another one. ^_^ Me and meh favorite webcomic artist))
Your nekocon pic looks great, Tyler. ^_^
Moooookiiiiiiie!! Dominic Deegan is like my most favoritest webcomic EVAR <3 I drew him some Luna fanart not too long ago... It's up in the Luna section of his fanart gallery. Eeee....

Anyway, hilariously enough, the most recent photos I have of myself are me all done up as a zombie for ACEN. In fact... MOST of the pictures I have of myself are of me as a zombie o.o; I love zombies...

And for the sake of having a semi-normal picture, me at the same con, crossplaying as Miki from Utena.

Soooo... now you know what the weird girl who's drawing pictures for the site looks like. HURH :B
Crossplay ftw
Wes said:
Crossplay ftw

Limed for truth! When I graduate and have more time for things like sewing, I am sooo going to stock up on some boy costumes to crossplay in. It's so much fun XD
*Falls in love*

Oh Alex you're so cute! If I could only have a face like that for one day! You could do so many things in cosplay, I'm in complete awe.
Lexxy said:
Moooookiiiiiiie!! Dominic Deegan is like my most favoritest webcomic EVAR <3 I drew him some Luna fanart not too long ago... It's up in the Luna section of his fanart gallery. Eeee....

You guys should really check it out. That pic is awesome, Lexxy.
*pokes to remind you of psd files and scan of the one you did today*
Ahmma workin' on it... didn't get home till way late o' clock and had the usual this and that to slog through first. Gonna go fix me some caffinated somethingorother...


Gundam Seed, by the way. No specific character in particular. Picture taken in my room.
Bad lighting, but great costume!
Thanks, I didnt even have a tripod when I snapped that picture, I just laid the camera on the most convinient surface and set the timer.
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