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RP: YSS Eucharis [Pre Mission 26] Getting Settled In (YE 38)


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Central Uesureya, Planet Yamatai
Late Spring YE 38

The Star Army of Yamatai gunship YSS Eucharis, fully repaired, rested on the cracked, stained concrete floor of an old Uesureyan military hangar on planet Yamatai, lit by beams of sunlight from clouded windows above. The tail of the ship was slightly sticking out of the hangar into the sunlight and the ship's rear cargo bay ramp was open, pointed at the railway tracks that ran in front of the hangar. A container-moving vehicle sat close by. The humming of the ship's electrical systems gave away that the ship was getting to head back out into space again soon.

Victory was down in the cargo area getting all of the shipping containers positioned and secured, and making sure the ship had everything it had asked for. There were fresh, refrigerated, and frozen food for the galley, ammunition, and other essential stocks. In addition, there were the "Mindy 4" armor suits, which were taken up to the armor bay by the cargo elevator.

Shosho Hanako, dressed in her Class A duty uniform as usual, came down to the ramp to meet the returning crew members as they came back from leave. She had enjoyed the hanami festival, getting to spend time with the Poku people, and of course the shopping and dining. But now it was time to leave home and get back out into the frontiers of space. After a little time for the crew members getting settled in, she would be able to give the mission briefing.
Yamashiro Natsumi ascended the ramp, her own white paneled class a uniform crisp and a model of perfection, as if she was turned out for review. She had just come from the YSS Sakura, landed in the next hangar over, where she had said goodbye to her sister, Sakura

Natsumi had enjoyed the festival, getting to see Sakura again after so many years apart. Everuthing had been wonderful and she was a little sad to see this happy time come to an end. But she was also excited to get back to space and whatever adventures lay ahead of the crew of the YSS Eucharis.

She looked up at the gleaming red winged gunship that loomed over her and smiled as she once again boarded the ship that was her home.

Spotting Hanako in the cargo hold, she walked over to the Shosho and bowed respectfully to her admiral.

"Yamashiro Natsumi reporting back to the ship" she said and smiled. "I hope you had a wonderful vacation."
Vacations were great, but sometimes it was good to get back to work. Especially when you loved your work.

Jackson Howard looked back fondly on his time off. He'd taken a huge step in his relationship with Umeshu. For the first couple of days, things had been heated, with moments sparked by nothing more than a look, an accidental touch. Later, once the raw edges of hunger had worn off, things slowed down into long, passionate hours full of exploration and discovery.

Also, their close proximity meant that they'd touched many relationship milestones: Morning breath, the startling revelation that everyone eats and produces waste (even your significant other), and last but not least, annoying sleep habits! For instance, on most nights, Jax's purrs would be soft and pleasing to the ear. However, sometimes they could be loud and grating, like an obnoxious snore, and could only be cured with a sharp kick under the sheets. On top of that, Jax sometimes had a habit of unconciously trying to steal the sheets and wrap himself up like a sushi-roll.

Then, there was the Minkan's new longsword, purchased in the wee hours of the morning during a quiet, momentary bout with existentialism wrought by his hand-to-hand struggle with a Rixxikor during the last mission. He planned to practice with a wooden waster in the holographic simulators in the rec room when he had free time.

So, all in all, his first time of Yamatai was a blast. The festival was kinda meh, but at least there was alcohol. The rest of Kyoto was awesome! So many lights, sights, and scenes. He knew he'd have to come back again to truly see it all.

The nekojin was next up after Natsumi. Dressed in his own class A, he bowed.

"Howard, ready for action, ma'am!" he greeted with his usual, goofy grin.
Central Uesureya, Planet Yamatai

Candon stood face to face with his new armor as it hung on the rack. Training in it had gone well, though several deep, thin black scratches in its flawlessly white paint told the story of growing pains. Having been an armor operator his entire life his vast experience in the suit had made transition almost seemless. Those scratches hadn't come as a result of collision or sparring, which the infantry hadn't practiced yet. Those squad building sessions had been just that and Candon had been mostly observing from his armor during those excercises.

No, those scratches had been the result of a far more difficult taming effort. His new sword, KokΕ« Ken had left those gouges. It was time to finish the taming of KokΕ« Ken, Candon wouldn't dare bring a weapon into battle without gaining control of it first and that morning he'd had an epiphany. He'd hidden himself behind his armor every time he'd practice, today that would change.

With a deep breath he withdrew from his armor, located in the center-most rack, and kneeled in the middle of the empty armor bay. Tamahagane had cut steel blocks to demonstrate the power of this weapon. Candon knew what the problem was, why it would cause him more harm than good. For the first time in years he was afraid of his weapon and fear was to him nothing more than a distraction.

It was time to leave it behind.

With another deep breath to clear his head he rose to his feet once more, the door to the armor bay locked. At about this time Hanako had appeared in the cargo bay door. Suites had completed his inspection of the ship, submitted the proper paperwork, and personally oversaw the delivery of the Mindy 4's. There was only one thing left to do.

He opened the telepathic link to KokΕ« Ken and reached his hand behind him to hold the Yarvex grip. The saya split open releasing its weightless Ninjato for Candon to hold it two-handed, as a proper sword aught to be held.

"Okay… let's do this…"
He released his grip on the sword letting it hover, suspended in a lattice of manipulated gravity. With just a thought it slowly floated to the starboard bay door and then to the port, passing behind him as it slowly took its position.

He paused for what felt like an hour. It was the part that had left each scratch and gouge in his chest plate. With no armor he had no choice but to make this work. He began using the only method of deep focus he knew of, sniper breaths.

He recalled the sword at the bottom of his third breath. It was an odd sensation as his life was on the line. The grip made forceful contact but never pushed against him. He opened his eyes, not even realizing how tightly he'd shut them. There it was, the sword had returned to his hand.

"Hmm," he mused, "that wasn't so bad." The entry door unlocked as he returned the sword to its saya, or attempted to, to be specific. Reaching his left hand behind him he pushed the blade close enough to the saya for it to guide the sword in the rest of the way. Brushing his hands together he- um- he realized that he'd just made what most people referred to as a really stupid mistake.

He knelt down and picked his index and middle fingers off the floor.
"MEGAMI, alert Taharial that her presence is needed in Medical," he spoke aloud as he made his way to the Butcher's den.
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Junko gripped the strap of her carry bag a little tighter as the Eucharis came into full view. The scale of it, of her commitment to the ship and its crew, was becoming more intimidating by the minute. One of the most storied vessels in the fleet, with more of the same in its future. Then their was herself, only a few days past being ninety niner herself.

She took a breath, slowly, and released just as measured. Then again, feel the raw edge of her nervousness chip away. She'd be fine if she just worked as professionally and fought as well as she had until now. On the upside, she now had a squad of her fellows to rely upon in a pinch.

Falling in with the rest of the crew, she headed for the ramp aboard. Noticed she stood out with her Type 31 working uniform, but it shouldn't be a problem. From her experience, it just fit into an armor suit better overall. Operating assumption was to be ready to fight and serve at any moment.

"Reporting for duty, ma'am." Junko snapped a smart salute when her turn came up.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay

There he was back again - for the third time. Sigurd approached the cargo bay of the Eucharis with his duffel bag swung over his left shoulder. It's been a year since he last served aboard that beautiful ship and took part in the Rixxikor cookout which certainly was the weirdest thing he ever did in his life... and would ever do. Or not. Who knows?

The last year has been interesting as well, for a science guy that is. First he had to report his insights of the Rixxikor to some Chusa of SAINT which wasn't one of his most pleasant experiences. Somehow these black uniformed intelligence guys always made him nervous. It still topped decompression without a suit though.
After that he had been assigned to Project Prometheus as a research assistant for almost a year, which for a physicist like one Bjarnison Sigurd was the best thing that could have happened to him. The last year certainly was the best year of his life. Yet.

And now here he was back again, assigned to the Eucharis - for the third time. He just hoped this assignment wouldn't include any new Rixxikor encounters.
Sigurd arrived at the top of the ramp and came to attention in front of ShΓ΄shΓ΄ Ketsurui as well as he could with his duffel bag in his left hand after the ones before him did there reporting in.
"SantΓ΄ Hei Bjarnison Sigurd reporting for duty, ma'am", he announced far more confident than his first time and with a precise salute.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

"Welcome back, Natsumi," Shosho Hanako greeted her first officer. "Please make sure everyone has a cabin assignment before we leave."

Next, the Shosho greeted the others as the came aboard, returning their salutes. "Howard, Hasegawa, Bjarnison, welcome aboard." The two cooks followed behind them, as did Cherry, the technician. "Welcome home," Hanako greeted her. "That reminds me," Hanako said to all of them, "Anyone without a recent mind backup should get one made in the medical lab today."

As the crew filed aboard, an ambulance shuttle landed near the ship's tail. From it emerged NitΓ΄ Hei Eira Ogawa, a tall china-white NH-33 medic with small teal eyes and mullet-style green hair, who went and spoke quietly to Victory, the cargo specialist, before returning wait to her shuttle. Victory went into one of the cargo containers and emerged with some body bags. "Infantry soldiers, lend a hand helping me carry some bodies," she ordered. "We need to get rid of some dead people in the medical lab. There should be one Nepleslian and one frozen head in a jar that need to send home."
No matter how many times she saw one, the full view of a starship never failed to take Astridr's breath away.

And so, there the pink-haired Neko stood, her mouth agape as she stared up at the majesty of the YSS Eucharis. She wore the Type 31 Work uniform, the patches on the sleeves freshly-minted and showing the fleet insignia, the Hinomaru, and the ship patch for the Eucharis herself. Astridr still felt it was too good to be true, a dream that she would soon wake up from. She didn't pinch herself, the weight of the duffel bag carrying her things enough to make her feel grounded in reality, but took a deep breath before approaching the cargo ramp, where the Shosho herself, Ketsurui Hanako, was waiting to invite them aboard.

Astridr dropped her bag and snapped a salute to Hanako as she came to the foot of the cargo ramp. "Santo Hei Shigefumi Astridr, reporting for duty!" She barely got the words out before the medical shuttle landed, and the medic stepped out to talk with the cargo specialist. When Victory-Heisho made the order, Astridr jumped at the chance, eager to show she was right for the crew.

"Hai, Heisho," she called out to Victory, quickly reading her insignia and grabbing her kit before moving aboard to assist.
Junko went to the aid of the specialist without a word. She took a body bag because, hey, what else were you going to put a body in. Fell in right behind her to head to medical. At the least, she was probably going to need to know where it was eventually anyways.

"A frozen head in a jar?" Junko raised a brow. Her knowledge of popular culture still needed work, but that stood out. Sounded more like something you'd hear in a monster movie, not a military med bay. "Can... I ask why we have a head in a jar?"
Shiho trudged in behind a few others with a look like the world might as well be ending, her duffel and backpack slung over her shoulders. Uniform cap askew, jacket open down to the waist, she looked for all the world to be... Well, a Star Army sailor who'd just spent their last day in port like it was their last day alive. That she basically snapped to and tidied herself up upon seeing commanding officers who could get her in trouble for looking like that indicated that there was probably no sort of hangover involved here.

She gave a salute to Hanako; absolutely textbook, looking like she worked on pure muscle memory rather than any real desire to be doing that right this second. And then... Corpse detail? Well. Anything to keep a mind busy. A Neko's gotta do what a Neko's gotta do.

Depositing her stuff, Shiho stepped over to the corpses. For a Neko, Shiho remained way more muscular than the others, something she apparently felt the need to show off as she effortlessly and unceremoniously slung one body bag over her shoulder, before taking up the jar in her free hand. By the looks of her she could likely have just slung the other body on top of the other and handled it alone...

"Someone cut their head off, and someone wanted to preserve it." Shiho said rather callously, starting to haul the cadavers away.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp area

Wazu tipped the driver to the cap and stepped out onto Central Uesureya.

He hadn't been gone from the Eucharis for that long, but already it felt like so much had changed. There were new faces he didn't know, some faces he knew, and some others that were missing entirely. It was a bit amazing how all the uniformed crew just seemed to get together, all upbeat, like there was some sort of secret handshake they knew. It was already starting to feel like a different ship, and that was just the most immediate thing in his path. With the change in Nepleslian government also brought a change in his own politics, the Garts had their own problems... it was far easier for him to just play with his shirt.

He would readjust the shoulder strap over his shoulder, bringing his duffel bag with him.

His hands would then adjust his shirt a bit, it had something on the front about the Mshhu reproductive cycle...

It was so tempting to just run and hide, or just brood... but that wasn't him. There was a wall in the way, and it was time to start smashing his face against it until it gave way... metaphorically.


He would call out to her once he was only a few feet away, half wondering if he should salute or something similar,

β€œI would like to spend some time with you, going over the Rixxikor problem. I have a sterility virus and deployment vector in mind but I would like to see if Yamatai is interested in perusing it before going further.”
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YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

Shosho Hanako returned Astridr's and Shiho's salutes and then addressed Wazu, the science adviser. "I see. I really have no idea. The Star Army has not resorted to biological weapons before," she said. "Now is not the time to discuss such things, but I will meet with you later." When she saw his T-shirt, a look of disgust flashed across her face. She had a lot of bad memories about the Mishhuvurthyar. "You know you do not have to stay on the Eucharis if you do not want to," she mentioned. "We will probably see more combat this mission and if you want to avoid it, now is your chance to opt out."
Eucharis-Cargo Bay Ramp

Marcus wasn't far behind Wazu in his return to the ship. He tried to lose himself in the small crowd that was gathering, but with his size and the color of his clothes, that just wasn't going to happen. He left his other belongings at a storage space he'd rented, for the time being. He still didn't have any Yamataian currency, but it wasn't all that difficult to find people willing to trade for some of the products he'd brought. He made sure, at the request of several people, not to bring anything that didn't exist in this universe when he'd returned from Ayenee with Candon and Wazu. That still left him with quite a few valuable options.

He smiled when he was close to Hanako. He followed up Hanako's response to Wazu with a sarcastic quip to the man, as well. "Yeah, Heram. Learn some timing, old man."

Marcus looked at Hanako. "My predecessor is back home safely. I told you I'd see you, again. I'd be willing to stay with the ship to be of assistance, myself, but that's not why I came to this universe. I just need to ask you who to talk to about what steps to take now. A name with where to find them and, if you're willing, a reference from you, would be fantastic."

His smile widened as he held out a small blue stone. "Oh and I brought you back a trinket from Ayenee. It's enchanted. Okay, well, it would be if you were in Ayenee or another universe closer to it. But, should you ever find yourself back there, this will come in very handy for calling for help, when it's needed."
Eucharis - Crew Quarters

Jax made his way to his cabin, having decided that he didn't quite feel like hauling corpses. After all, Hanako had asked for infantry specifically.

Before entering cabin three, he made sure to knock as per custom. Aikiko could've arrived before him, so it was only polite. there was silence on the other end, so he stepped in and allowed the door to hiss shut behind him.

Finally, he was home!

Jax tossed his duffel under his bunk, and placed his new sword in his locker. When he made an about face to survey the space, he came to the realization that something was... wrong.

For lack of better term, the room was... lacking.

...Lacking Aikiko's stuff.

Now, he certainly hadn't pulled a prank on her- this time- so clearly someone else was joining in on the fun.

"Hide all her things? Amateurs. Heh, it was probably Candon trying to have a personality for a change." he chuckled. No, that didn't fit, he realized. Something was off.

Jax sat down on his bunk, and immediately noticed that he was sitting on something rather hard. He pulled whatever it was out from underneath him, and once he realized what it was, it didn't take a genius to figure out who'd gifted it to him.

"Hey! This'll come in handy," he exclaimed with a purr as he held out the tool vest to observe. Star Army blue, with his name and ship patch sewn in. "I gotta thank Aikiko when she gets ba-"

He stopped.

The vest fell out of his hands and to the floor.

For several, long minutes he did nothing but stare at the opposite wall, his wide eyes full of hurt, jaw slack, and body cold. He fought desperately the urge to tear up, unsuccessfully.

Aikiko, his friend, was gone.

Slowly, he picked up the tool vest once again. a few errant drips fell from his eyes and soaked into the fabric. It was a farewell gift, he realized. Whatever her reasons for leaving, he wasn't one of them. That thought made him feel slightly better.

"...I once left home to find happiness," he breathed out shakily, his smile weak but none the less there. "Who am I to try and stop you from doing the same?"

So now, tears gone, he hugged the vest close to his body and grinned, confident that someday, he and Aikiko's paths would cross again. If not, he would at least follow her on social media... or something.

Standing, he prepared to head to the armor bay, to at least get a look at the new Mindy 4's he'd have to inevitably fix.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

Tsuguka emerged from the cargo lift still clutching a mop and bucket, already fouled with the blood of Suites-Heisho's latest misadventure in the power armor bay. Perfect timing to observe the new crew members lugging around body parts of their own.

Exiting the vessel briefly gave her plenty of time to think about how her briefing speech had been so ill-received. In hindsight it did seem preachy. These were not raw recruits as the ruby-skinned soldier had been when joining the Eucharis. They had clearly seen their own share of cadavers already. Dumping the water down the hangar's own draining system, it just made her think ways to start afresh.

Now looking into the sink's reflection, she just breathed deeply, allowed herself a little thought of Taharial's soft fluffy wings for comfort, and then swallowed her pride. The problem was so obvious. Until they were in combat together, the new blood didn't really have any reason to trust the old. Any honest advice she could give would just come across as patronizing at this point.

The return journey allowed her ample time to fix her shirt and fold her beret back under the left epaulette, just as Astridr, Junko and Shiho managed to make their way back from the medical wagon.

"Welcome on board, soldiers." A causal nod of greeting, standing at the peak of the ramp. The tone was blank and her demeanor fantastically rigid, frankly almost robotic, but at least her presence there suggested some kind of good will gesture. "It's not a large vessel, but the Eucharis has quite a strange vertical-based room plan. If any of you haven't reviewed the layout data, I would not mind showing you to the crew cabins at the very least."
Junko snapped a crisp salute to the squad commander. It was the kind of salute, in retrospect, only the newly serving could manage. Enough talent to do it well, and with the enthusiasm of someone who hadn't had it burned into muscle memory. Hadn't turned it into just an action.

"Good to be aboard, Tsuguka-Hei." Despite the circumstances of the briefing, she meant no ill will. Being in a position of command was a privilege and a burden. Maybe that was all it had been was a momentary lapse. Either way, she wanted to get along with her fellow Neko.


"That'd be appreciated, thank you."
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

β€œI said I would assist with your Rixxikor problem, and I intend to see that commitment through... later it is.” Wazu would then excuse himself to head back to the cabin he had been assigned, giving Marcus a pat on the shoulder as he passed by so as not to disrupt his conversation.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

Santo Hei Freyja Yuuki walked up the ramp nervously in her Type 31 Working uniform. The duffel bag over her shoulder felt heavier as she got closer to the Shosho. She gave Hanako a nervous salute. "S-Santo Hei Yuuki Freyja reporting for duty, ma'am." She said a little louder than she intended. The nervous blue Neko wanted to say so much more, but she contained herself, not wanting to repeat her mistake from the first time they met.

As she continued up the ramp, she saw Tsuguka with Junko and stopped for a moment. She steeled herself and started walking again. When she reached Tsuguka she stopped and bowed her head slightly to her. "Tsuguka-hei. Forgive me if I did something to offend you at the orientation. With time, I hope we will become friends." She said sincerely.
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

There was one place Oshiro Masumi wanted to be and that was aboard the Plumeria-class gunship that she was fast approaching to to read sensors and test in the lab, to do what she loved.

She looked at it keenly, spotting the quantum mirrors at the dorsal and ventral edges, wondering if she would stay aboard the Eucharis long enough to see the need to have them cleaned one day, but that day was not today. No, because today they were sparkling and ready for their next mission. She looked at how the Eucharis had a neat array of sensors and scanners that she presumed were controlled from the bridge by their operator and she wanted to learn how to be there, how to know them like she had known the ones she had trained on. The array of hyperspace and subspace monitors, not to mention the telepathic activity scanner on-board, were enough to send her over the edge in excitement.

Training her eyes on the color of command white on the duty uniforms of her superior officers, Masumi remembered when Star Army personnel command gave her the orders to join the Eucharis. She had been delighted, which was nice as she had become more and more reclusive, less excitable, and generally less enthusiastic than others felt she should be towards the end of her training at Educational Facility 2. The orders, though, had brought her back to a high point.

Masumi smoothed her own type 31 working uniform and stepped forward after Ketsurui Hanako had finished speaking with her other crew members. Masumi's science teachers had mentioned that her new captain had worked on a well-renowned MEGAMI named Charisma. Stories of other Eucharis victories and advancements weren't hard to come by. Masumi was excited to meet them and them alone, for she was a solitary creature now, with science and the chain of command her only friends.

She betrayed no emotion as she set her issued duffel bag down, took off her hat with her hands, held it in front of her, and bowed deeply to the esteemed Shosho and said, "Oshiro Masumi reporting for duty."
YSS Eucharis - Cargo Bay Ramp

Tsuguka just blinked for a moment, ears twitching quizzically, before returning a contrasting bow back to the shorter form of Junko. The small smile was appreciative. Being interrupted by Freyja's rather more frank outburst was surprising, but no less well regarded. This was a more promising start.

"This is new position for all of us, Santo Hei Yuuki." A hand welcomed her deeper into the ship, grizzly features offering an angular smirk. "Don't worry, Suites-Heisho will be the one calling the shots. I'm just helping to organize his fighting capabilities."

The fabrication area had a strangely fresh smell. Howard clearly hadn't had the time to put it through it's paces again since the refit. Tsuguka simply led them through without making much of a remark, since the sign and equipment was rather self-explanatory. The zero-G corridor which was attached to the forward opening led directly upwards, clearly designed with Nekovalkyrja specifically in mind.

Tsuguka flew rigidly with arms crossed, making her way to a hatch two floors up, and introducing the newcomers into an unexpectedly lavish crew lounge. The red-carpeted abode was a far cry from star army training facilities, almost like the interior of a yacht. Both sides had parallel doors leading into the crew cabins.

"Two per room. Many are occupied, but there are three individual beds remaining." A blank tone, informative. "You can choose your own. There are also six sleeper pods for the more independent or solitary... Slept in one for almost two years myself. Quite efficient."

"Downstairs is the recreation room, and upstairs is the wardroom. These may be utilized by any crew member." A small sideways glance, as if once more remembering some old war story... "But please do not enter the galley without express permission. Joto Hei Mango is an eight-year Neko who served in the battle of Yamatai. Death is possible."

Was she joking? Tsuguka's poker face was impervious to all scrutiny.
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