Wardroom -> Cargo Bay
Tsuguka narrowed her eyes at Freyja's comment for a moment, unsure if she was supposed to be detecting a humorous exchange or not. Having them show off some hand-to-hand moves, and then become evaluated on their aptitude, was the exact series of events she was hoping to achieve. Still, the neko didn't want to throw the blue one off, not whilst they were being proactive...
"If that is what your goal is... I expect top effort." A responsive nod, standing stern with her eyes closed thoughtfully, arms crossed at her back. "Providing equipment and guidance will be my duty. Hopefully your specialisms will become clearer, under heightened exertion and prolonged physical contact."
There. No way could be construed as anything dirty.
"Taii Yamashiro!" An unexpected visitor. Didn't seem them much off of the bridge. Tsuguka bowed deeply, befitting someone of Natsumi's rank, before beginning to make her way back towards the zero-G shaft once more. "Let me know if you need assistance. If you'll excuse this abscondance, however, now is the most opportune moment for acquiring new equipment."
No foot-dragging when protocol demanded it, despite the fact that Natsumi had never really cared in the past. But that wasn't the point. Utilizing the rule set was simply how Tsuguka operated. Nobody had ever handed her a book on how to act normal, but if she had one, damn straight she'd be following that to the letter too.
Junko seemed to follow her. That was okay. Their questions were pretty efficient, so it felt like some good could come of it. They did seem a little... rosy cheeked, perhaps, but...
"Your basic task as a member of the Orochi squad was effectively long-range attack and pursuit, right?" They were still standing stiffly at attention, despite flying downwards. "I've used both, and never particularly specialized. The Eucharis engages in many investigations within alien facilities, and sometimes subversive activities, where exact enemies are not always clearly defined. Sometimes being able to take a hit, before your own counter-attack, is necessary. Fortunately the Mindy 4 is considerably more durable overall, and covers both bases."
"Also... The lack of manpower means that every loss is felt." The expression was blank, but internally, she was just wondering if Taharial still had that hand-written list... "If you can imagine that situation. In comparison to your carrier-based background, I mean."
Shiho floated past them, new kit in hand. For somebody who acted to lackadaisical, they certainly seemed to get on top of the situation quickly... Definitely had to give them a good putting through their paces in the gym.
Line wasn't too long by the time they got to the hand-out table. Tsuguka took one of everything, and made a point of trying on the jika-tabi boots, off to one side, then and there. Their form-fitting nature seemed to go well with her glossy blue pilot bodysuit.
"What do you think, Santo Hei Junko? Think it is worth setting up an official uniform standard for stand-by pilots?" A genuinely concerned glance, hands on robust oversized hips. "I keep hearing this phase 'In Yamatai, tight is right!' but... Seems more like a materials cost cutting measure to me, sometimes, I swear."