Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: I Double Dare You...

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By the stars above, if I get something even worse than what she got... Walter didn't conclude the thought; it would be too terrifying to comprehend.

And so, pushing any and all thought and caution out of the way, Walter Hyde, humble and respectful Minkan, steps up, his dignity on the sacrificial table of Hoshi herself.

"I, Walter Hyde, desire to make myself a complete buffoon." He squints his eyes at her, assuming a comically heroic pose. "Give me your worst."

... Suddenly he immediately regrets foregoing all caution.

Hoshi eyed Walter, then Faye, in between small chuckles. She had her digital brain and recording this event was something it had most certainly been doing.

She then pointed to Walter, "Since you're so good at this game, it is indeed your turn!" Hoshi then stuck her hand in her officer's cap and took out a dare. She read it and smiled, then got up and went into the kitchen once more. She brought out a glass of fizzing soda. "You need to have Anastasia help you drink this." She placed it in front of him. "While doing a handstand."
It was great seeing the OPS slap her buttcheeks. Meissa was grinning at the sight, remembering every single detail.

It was even better when Faye turned around covering her face, completely flushed red from...

Whatever it was, it was embarrassing. Meissa's smile broke out into a full-out laugh as she connected the dots.

Kyoi let out a little chortle as Faye sang the Eucharis anthem, which broke into a full out laugh, baring her sharp incisors as she was forced to drop everything in her hands.

"Careful about tempting fate, Walter!" Kyoi shouted when he walked up to grab his dare, "Because the winds of fate are a very dangerous thing!"

"And when the wind shifts, you might end up with-wait, what?" Meissa finished, almost done with a minute or so of laughing, before the dare restarted that train.

God, her sides hurt.
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"... Oh the indignity...!" Walter moaned. His face became red again, although it wasn't because he wasn't making a joke. He WAS the joke!

He walks to the direct middle of the group, rubbing his hands together. "I may be no gymnast, but at least I am fresh from Basic Training.", spoke Walter, feeling bold, brave, and stupid. Mostly stupid, really.

Walter places the drink on the ground, close to where he will be doing the handstand. He bends down, his hands touching the floor, knees bent! With a heave, Walter pushes his feet off the ground, and does a less-than-sound handstand. Walter feels a little nervous, but the dare must go on!

"Alright Anastasia, hit me up!" Walter just knows he will regret this... But he is determined to see this through! For the dare!
Anastasia's eyes widened as the soda was set between her and Walter. She looked up at Hoshi in confusion, and fear. "Wh-whos doing the handstand? And, help??"

Anastasia reeled back slightly as Walter took initiative and did a full handstand. After a second, she picked up the glass, brining it up to the upside-down technician. Inevitably, it would soon be spilt.
Walter gingerly drank the soda, immediately discovering how hard it was to swallow the drink. O-okay, this is harder than it appeared-

As the saying goes, the soda went down the wrong pipe. He coughed and spit all the soda he drank all over Anastasia! Unfortunately for Walter, his handstand couldn't bear the minuscule nudge of the cough he produced, throwing him off his hands, and landing unceremoniously on the floor of the Wardroom.

The poor Minkan coughed a little more, just to clear the rest of the soda from his throat. "Ooowwwwww..."
Anastasia fell backwards as she was coughed on, dropping the glass of soda into Walter's face as the Elysian dropped to her butt. The glass of soda spilt on the floor all around them in what can best be described as a mess.

The technician wiped the once-drank soda off her face, looking at Walter. "Sorry... I'll clean that up." She stood up, grabbing a few napkins off of the nearest table. She knew what was coming next and was trying to avoid it.
Walter just had this blank expression, like he had seen the darkness within all of man, as he lays there in a pool of soda.

He looks up at Anastasia, and chuckled. He spoke rather casually, and a bit reassuringly. "Nah, it's fine. Though I think it's funny to hear an apology from somebody that I coughed on just... Oh." While definitely on the slow side, Walter did understand her cause for worry.

He gets up, and gave his audience a natural bow before going to the same table to grab the napkins, so that way he could clean the floor as well.

This uniform needs a good washing, though. I smell like... Walter pauses, and sniffs his sleeve. ... Ech! Who drinks pineapple soda? Walter thinks nothing of it, and continues wiping the soda away.
After a few moments, Arbles managed to pick herself off of the floor, kind of idly returning to Yoshida's lap if still a bit giggly as she did so. Her cheerful voice called out, "I'm fine I'm fine... Heh..."

The archangel, having been mostly silent earlier save for some suppressed chuckling during the butt-slapping-tumble-session, straightened herself up a little, amethyst-colored wings draped somewhat casually beside her, and spoke, "I would like to attempt the next dare, please, Madam?"
Mochi, who had been trying not to draw attention to himself, had so far succeeded but couldn't help a chuckle escaping his lips as the two dareees crashed to the ground. Up to this point he had been stifling the laughter behind the back of his hand but at this point he knew he was going to get picked sooner rather than later.

Recalling who had gone so far, Mochi resigned himself to the inevitable. "I'll do one as well, what the heck." the other Iemochi in the room piped up, looking over to Arbles with a little smile.

It was at this point when the room door opened to reveal the imposing figure of a huge grey Kodian, currently on all fours. "Taiyou-chusa! Finally, I couldn't find the room for the life of me." Ersus growled calmly, chocolate brown eyes taking in all the new faces.
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Hoshi nodded to Sora, then to Mochi. She took up a slip of paper and nodded once more at it, then looked up.

"Sora must ride on your shoulders from one end of the wardroom to the other and back. Enjoy yourselves while you're at it."

Her eyes widened as she saw who walked in the door right after she had spoken.

"Arigatou gozaimasu," Hoshi began in Yamataigo by saying 'thank you' then went on, "for joining us! Please, have a seat and enjoy the show!"

Her eyes settled on Mochi with a sinister grin. "And you can take your seat, as well..."
Arinori looked at Seinosuke. then at Arbles, then at Seino, then at the tiny albatross. The little Iemochi shrugged, indicating she seemed fine with it for now... Then again she also could technically be one of the most powerful people on the ship given her occupation as the main weapons operator.

Needless to say, the oversized birb chuckled a little and somewhat danced through the maze of people over to the raven-winged scientist. "Alright, on three... One, two, three!" As she said, on the third count the purple-winged woman seemed to float up into the air, before landing with her legs on top of Seino's shoulders, her hands uncomfortably pulling backwards on his forehead and hair. All things considered she was really light for her size.
Orion had been too busy dealing with his fallen asleep limbs to notice the current dares now going on in the background.
"i...hate.. pins and needles..." He commented as he started to regain the feeling of his legs.

Hoshi said, "Now go!!" She pointed towards the end of the wardroom and floated in the air a bit as she did as if pulled up by her rear.

She really was enjoying herself.

With Misaki on bridge watch and not wanting to bother her other mother with her hyperness, Kikyo wandered into the Wardroom once she had heard about the dare lottery. She quietly sat down next to her sister, looking up to meet her eyes with an excited yet curious expression. She buried her face in one of Meissa's arms before looking up somewhat deviously,

"So what do I do, how does this work?"
Oh shit. Meissa silently prayed to whatever god existed that the draw would be merciful on Kikyo.

"Well..." Meissa began. "You, uh...ask Chusa Hoshi for a dare. You hope it won't make you look ridiculous, like those two right there-" Meissa gestured to the Patrician and her glorious steed, "-and do what it says on the paper. You really only need to take one dare."

"Have fun." Meissa finished as her instructions, patting her little sister on the head.

She hoped Kikyo wouldn't get something ridiculous, but chances are she would get something really dumb and embarrass her little sister.

Meissa knew how fragile her little sister was. This would interesting night, to say the least.
Mat had been simply observing and chuckling up till now, and decided that since new people were arriving this would be a good time to take his dare.

"Chusa, may I have a dare as well?"
"There's a good example of how the dares work, Kikyo." Meissa pointed at her boyfriend. "Just watch. Personally the game's about making a fool of yourself for a minute or so, and then laughing at everyone else who makes a fool out of themselves. It's fun because it's normal to get laughed at in this game."


She could be easily mistaken as a very confused and odd Misaki, as besides her hair color, she looked exactly like her mother down to the tees.

Kikyo, without letting go of Meissa for some reason, turned her head to watch Mat. Her violet eyes observing every single move he made as if she was judging his every move. In actuality she was just incredibly curious. She tucked her legs about her left side and leaned into Meissa with sisterly affection.

She'd been like this ever since 'moving out' and being bunked with her sister, Mat, and Sora, sometimes seeming to crawl down to cuddle her sister when she was feeling lonely since it was a little bit of a trek to get to her mothers' cabin. She didn't mean any harm, she was just too new to have any real idea of what she was doing.
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