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Quotes Quarantine

I fought and bled for you my fellow mewmews.
[11:30] <Kampfer> Zenme shi pian tai ren
[11:30] <Fian_At_Work> tou nao you wen ti
[11:30] <Kampfer> What about the question?
[11:31] <Fian_At_Work> can also be translated as 'problem', Kampfer
[11:31] <Kampfer> Oh right.
[11:31] <Kampfer> It's been a while since I did Chinese
[11:31] <Fian_At_Work> Didnt you do a 40 year old chinese woman recently
[11:31] <Kampfer> ...
[11:31] <Kampfer> She was 37
Context: Foxtrot is Brazillian

[10:45] <Fian_At_Work> > mfw it was about local malaysian football
[10:45] <Foxtrot> football or soccer
[10:46] <Fian_At_Work> But Foxtrot you arent even American :^)
[10:46] <Foxtrot> no but
[10:46] <Foxtrot> we're speaking american
[10:46] <Foxtrot> Also the country that gets to name the sport is the one who did better in the cup among the english speaking countries
[10:49] <Fian_At_Work> Because clearly they didnt do better in the cup among the German speaking countries
[10:49] <Foxtrot> N**** can you imagine what Football would sound in german?
[10:52] <Fian_At_Work> yfw it is just Fußball
[10:52] <Foxtrot> What is that in the middle
[10:52] <Foxtrot> why is it a square
[11:13] <Fian_At_Work> You're a real aß you know?
[11:13] <Foxtrot> I'M A REAL WHAT
[15:03] Luca> < Enzo's Uncle
[15:03] Eistheid> Enzo is clearly his own Uncle.
[15:04] |<-- Lamb has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[15:04] Luca> I think that caused a time Paradox
My unpopular opinion: Even though Doshii is just the default ending girl you get if you don't do anything at all, she's my favorite. And yes, I've done the Jimmy playthrough and I know that Doshii canonically ends up with Fian. I don't care about the canon though, they're probably not going to make a sequel anyway.

EDIT: Man, this made me really want to boot up my old copy. I guess this time I'll try to get the Born-On-Board ending.
12:57:42 PM
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