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RP Ragnarok: A New Beginning

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His smile turned to a look of surprise momentarily when Arccos gave him a smack on his rear. It only took a second for him to return to the big grin he had before. He had no illusions that anything sexual was about to take place once he'd invited the Freespacer. It was the only way he could think of getting Arccos to come without doing anything that might draw the wrong kind of attention.

As he went up the stairs he dropped the grin he'd been struggling to maintain for show. He followed Mikalia to her apartment. The instant the door was open he was inside looking a bit embarrassed. The state of the apartment didn't bother him, he'd lived in much worse as a child. A cursory look around the room gave him new information to work with. Hmm, Mikalia. Star Army, not unusual for a Neko. Wonder what's under the cloth.

While he was waiting for the Freespacer to enter, he got the message from Ace over his comms. Oh boy.. so much for subtlety Ace. He thought and then sighed. Speaking into his comms, he said, "Ace. We're upstairs. Kind of a bad time, I'm gettin' intel on a target." He shrugged his shoulders, though he knew Ace couldn't see. "What the hell. Last door on the right, amigo. Don't break Rose's cover, we could use someone to watch out for us downstairs."

Soon as Arccos was inside he gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, ma'am, couldn't think of another way. Didn't mean to embarrass you." He was quiet for a moment after her statement, and he looked at Mikalia. "No, don't think that's happenin'. I mean, not that I'm not interested." He appeared to be getting flustered. "We have business to discuss. She knows somethin' about these Junkers."

Mikalia laughed at Arccose words as she listened to Corgan speak. "Sorry for the charade. Its unsafe to talk about The Gang Bosses in public. They like their anonymity." She sat at the desk with the covered items on it. "Besides I make better money at what I do professionally, not on my back." She looked at them both, then it seams that another was joining them. "What you want to know about them?" Looking at the both of those currently present.
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Mikalia's apartment:

'Not really embarrassing. Walk out of here with an exaggerated limp and we'll call it even.' was all Arccos had to say about Corgan's methods, he earned a solitary point back for apologising at least.

But there was other business to attend to, the Freespacer simply stood stock still in the middle of the room; looking about at things that weren't there as she sifted through the personal correspondence of a few of the bar patrons. She was saving that one woman Rose was talking to downstairs for last, since she was the most likely to be secure.

'We're looking for the bosses. For the reason. The bounty reason.' she let out, holding a thousand yard stare at something going on in her optics, 'or justice? Are we justice heroics in this company?'
Mikalia's Apartment (above the bar)

"Today is your lucky day. Loouwees is coming by to pick up the weekly protection money from Rose's Bar." Mikalia spoke softly, eyes darting towards the only door to the apartment. Maybe coming up to the apartment wasn't such a good idea. She thought to herself. "He's one of the Junker's Top errand boy. He'll be wearing shoulder to floor really furry coat and a black shiney derby hat with polarized goggles. A bushy beard. and a Fu Manchu mustache."

Bar corrospondance would contain a ledger of who renting what apartment and their source of employment. Her apartment #25 listed :: Mikalia Toshimaro. Occupation: Sub Contractor Demolition Expert currently employed by Icefall Port Authority.
He nodded at Mikalia. "I understand. I didn't think ya were a painted lady. I prefer a challenge. Like to get to know a gal first, personally." He suddenly looked more serious. "Anything you can give us. We don't have much to go on." He checked his rifle again. "Although Ace is bringin' a guy up here, so we might be drawing some attention." He said in a worried tone.

It took Corgan a moment to realize what Arccos was suggesting. "If it makes us even, sure. I'm new at this. My thing is picking locks and shooting people, not information gathering." He said in response. For a minute he thought she was insane, but he realized what she was doing. "Not here to be a hero, just to make a few DA."

He found a chair and plopped down in it. A look around for a place to prop up his feet revealed no such location. Her glance at the door made him a little nervous. "This Loouwees has a strange sense of style." He noted. At least he won't be hard to find, he thought. "So, where does he pick up this money? I'll make sure he gets his due."
Arccos blinked once or twice; cybernetic eyes going momentarily cross eyed as she pored over the chatter from downstairs. The re-adjustment to watching Corgan and Mikalia seemed a little jarring. 'I don't credit mercenaries as detectives. But you're about to be stuck where you shine soon enough.'

'Someone who I think is probably this "Ace" is gravving some attention. If he isn't careful, Loou...' she stammered. 'I can't pronounce that.' stepping over to the window, Arccos thanked some Freespacer god that this room was at least street facing. 'Whoever the boss' man is will likely be coming with friends. They already sent men after Ragnarok today. I suggest that we thank her for her time, and get out of Demolitions Expert Toshimaro's room.'
Mikalia jerked slightly at Arccose's announcement. But then she had at least did the correct thing by disconnecting herself the bar's web interface. She looked at Corgan. "Downstairs in the bar. Him and the Bar's owner head for the office. His henchmen hover near by. At least to prevent anyone from moving in to help if things get a bit rough. If he don't see me, he'll come up to pay a visit. To make sure I haven't fled to parts unknown or moved to the company Camp."

She leaned back against the table, "Just what I need more trouble..." She murmured. Then noticed Arccose looking out the window, she spoke a bit louder in a normal tone. "He'll be driving a Snow-cat like vehicle."
The Bar

The woman smiled as Rose made her way over. "Of course dear..." She started. "It is nice to get away from these fools for a while." She smiled. At Rose's question the lady grew colder. "I wouldn't be saying that to loud around here." She said in hushed tones. "If you really want to know how to find them, then you'll want to head to east side of town. They have a warehouse or something out there. That is all I know." She said looking back to the men assembled. "Now I would love to stay and chat, but I have my eye on that hottie right there." She said as a young man walked up with another drink.

Outside the Government building-

Cyrus sighed. Dealing with his friends in the government was never fun. They always had some bone to pick with him. This time it was for shooting up downtown Icefall. Plus they think they can get their tabs wiped because they know the owner. Cyrus shook it off and walked up to the statue. He leaned against it as Ace reported in. "Roger Ace." He replied as he opened comms to the whole team. "All teams, start making your way back to the statue. Time to see what you all have been able to gather." He said cutting the link again.
"Well here's the scumbag I found real winner this one here's his list of crimes. Oh and I also have this data slate he dropped I didn't go past the pics of the women he enslaved too disgusted to." Ace flung the man on the ground after making sure that he was bond.
"All teams, start making your way back to the statue. Time to see what you all have been able to gather."
Cyruses voice over comms made Corgan jump, as it was completely unexpected. He had been looking out the window with Arccos waiting for the vehicle Mikalia said was coming. He replied over comms. "Boss, I got a lead on this guy that collects protection money. Loouwees or something, one of the top errand boys for these Junkers. He's gonna be here soon, I planned on grabbin' him and beatin' some info out of him. Also found a cute little neko, name of Mikalia. Think she's a Demo Expert. I'll head back after I snag him."

He smiled at Mikalia. "Thanks for the info. Think I'll wait somewhere I can ambush this guy, maybe in this office you mentioned. " Whether or not he could get in the office didn't seem to bother him. With a shrug of his shoulders he walked to the door and paused to look back at the Neko. "Shame we never had that drink. Maybe later, kitten." A quick wink and he opened the door and headed back down to the bar, walking with an exaggerated limp as Arccos mentioned earlier.
Mikalia looked at Arccose to see if she was going to go help her partner. "No problem," She gave Corgan a half smile as her eyes lit up. She remained sitting next to her work desk.
"I give this about a fifty fifty on the bar turning into sector 47 once this whole thing goes down." Arccos busied herself, keeping one eye out the window; the other half of her attention seemed to be ruffling her clothing and hair just right to make it look like something actually happened in Mikalia's apartment.

"I don't really know what relationship you have with this guy, but we're looking to put him through the grinder." The crowning touch on the look was readying one of her disgusting cigarettes at her lips; she seemed to have the decency to wait until after leaving to light it at the very least. "If you want protection from his gang, Ragnarok PMC can quote-unquote 'kidnap' you for information. I'll give you directions to where the boss is meeting the others if that's what you want. If we fail to provide, it's no fault on your behalf when we're all bleeding, right?"

The last step of her total preparedness however was to check her gun; slotting in a new magazine, and loading a round into the chamber before securing it again underneath her coat. "Safe thing would really have been to just knock you out, or slit your throat. You do work with them... But my guess is blackmail, or they have a hostage on you."

"...So... Avoid the crossfire, if you don't want protection?" Arccos finished, one hand on the doorknob.
"Debt... Bank job and I'm independent again." Mikalia spoke. "I return to work here in leveling the ground so Port Authority can put in a better space port than the frozen lake they've been using over in Icefall. I'll keep my mouth shut and owe you guys a big favor." She stood up and moved to the window to look down at the street. "Loouwees coming..." Sound of a Snow Cat growling engine and the treads thumping on the hard packed street could be heard getting louder. "Best of luck." She looked at Arccose with a soft smile as she moved to the bathroom to hide in the shower that had a steel bottom to it.
Ace heard the sound of an approaching Snow Cat and turned around.
"Hey Corgan what is this Snow Cat it's not registered on the systems and it seems to have some modifications on it think it could be our guy?" Ace had opened up the all chat channel and had whispered into it.
Arccos just gave a small nod of understanding, stepping out of the small apartment and heading out. She only spared a small glance at the really weird aesthetics of Loouwees, mostly because... Really how could anyone not? He was one weird looking Nepleslian. Once outside, she stopped to light her smoke, the air around her growing foul as she watched the gangers go about their business.

"Corgan, you have your man coming in now." Arccos broadcast out to Corgan with a mental command; on the street she remained silent and perfectly still. Just one more bar-goer stepping out for some air on a planet which still had some oxygen in its atmosphere. "Also watch out for the cat. She's dependent on this gang to erase her debts with a bank job, apparently. You might be standing between a Yamataian bio-weapon demolitionist and her payday... Best make whatever you're doing quiet and fast."
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It took a minute for Corgan to find the right door. He continued his fake limp, but added a drunken stumble. If anyone asked, he would say he was looking for the bathroom. He finally found the right door and checked to see if it was locked. It was, of course. His lock picking tools were in his duffel bag on the helicopter. Shit.. Didn't think I'd need those.. There was always the survival knife hidden in his cybernetic arm, but the body armor made that impossible to reach.

Ace's message came over his comms at that exact moment. Great, he's here.. Change of plans. He thought, getting annoyed at the situation. "Roger, Ace, that's him. Don't do anything yet, I'm gonna try to get him alone.. If you hear gunshots I need help." Corgan replied in a whisper.

He got the message from Arccos while he stumble-limped back to the bar and sat down on an empty stool. The information about Mikalia was a little surprising but he happened to like dangerous women. "I got ya, thanks." He said quietly. His hope was that Loouwees would be arrogant enough to leave his guards in the front of the bar while talking business with the owner. If not, things were going to get ugly fast.
Outside of Bar, Streets
"Sorry Corgan but I might get delayed coming to help since he has four guys out here standing guard and two more heading in with him. You'll be on your own for a bit. Tch! Cautious bastard!"
Ace started to go for his rifle. "Party's gonna start soon boss. Daniel get ready we have an asset at the bar whos gonna need our help securing a pretty high value target."
Ace turned to look at the man he had dragged with him
"Don't think I forgot about you scum say anything and I'll kill you myself."
"Hey Corgan I could try and hack into the Snow Cat and cause a ruckus outside to draw this man's guards he'd be forced to enter the bar alone."

Loouwees gave a brief glance at Arccose and then ignored her as he pushed his way into the bar, taking the most direct route to the bar. "Go see if Mik has the stuff ready!" After he glanced around the bar's main room and not spotting her. One of the guards moved off towards the stairs, and heading up them. Second guard that entered with Big Loouwees split off and took his customary spot at the opposite end of the bar from Corgan.


One guard stayed in the vehicle at the controls as the other three stepped out. Two lit up smokes themselves. One separated from the group and ambled over to Accrose, "Hey there, got some fire?" Waggled his unlit cigarette in front of her face. "Whot's a purty thing like you doing out here in the cold?
The complete lack of professionalism displayed by these goons annoyed Corgan immediately. He looked over at the guard at the opposite end of the bar. Too far away to do anything if he grabbed Loouwees. He reached his arms up and stretched, no longer feigning drunkenness. "Well, time for me to go." He said loudly as he stood. At this point, Loouwees was maybe three steps away from him.

Wait, see if Mik's got the stuff? What stuff? Probably explosives of some sort considering her occupation..
It didn't matter at the moment. Best deal with one thing at a time. He moved swiftly towards Louwees and put him in a chokehold, tight enough to hold on but leaving the man enough room to breathe. "Hello Louwees. Tell your men to stand down or I break your neck before they can even get off a shot."
Bar : Inside

Big Loouwee froze for a moment then gave a chuckle. "You'll be just as dead as soon as I become dead weight." The hand he had in his pocket moved briefly. "No matter which way you face, your back will be exposed. So Just let me go and leave. Maybe I'll let you live."

Bar: Outside

The guy in the snowcat, leaned forward and yelled out "Trouble!" The two outside the Snow-cat, drew out their HHG's, and readied themselves for gunplay.

The third one near Arccose turned his back to her as he drew his HHG, dismissing the girl smoking, "Hey toots, you might wanna move some safer."
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