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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 5: Expanding Horizons

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RP Date
YE 44.2
RP Location
YE 44.2

Central Fleet Depot, Central Uesureya, Planet Yamatai (Yamatai Star System)

YSS Resurgence was ready to venture forth to the stars again. Her hull was patched up and she had a new paint job just like the day she launched. After some time on leave (or training school) it was time for the crew to reunite. Most of them had gained a rank with the new year, and two of them had gained a baby together. After lining up in formation, the crew was released outside the ship to start boarding through the cargo bay ramp.

Captain Aoba, freshly promoted to Chusa, took a moment to look over his crew. They had been fairly green at the start of last year but now that they'd been through combat and other missions together he hoped, and expected, they would start working better as a team. Accordingly, he hoped to do more in YE 44 in terms of systems surveyed, missions completed, and problems solved for the Star Army.

Yayoi was silent as she stood and moved in formation, her thoughts went to the Giretsu school, and new training she'd endured, and now she was a Giretsu trained Ranger. She smirked a little as her memory went to the talk she and Sanda had, where Sanda mentioned they'd be badasses. She also thought of the bar she reopened and the money she had as a partner.

Cheilith stood with the rest of her team, now a ranger as well. She wore a smile of pride at having worked hard, but suceeding at something extremely difficult.

Pidole and Euikoshi looked up at the their home-away-from-home, the Resurgence, as it sat perched on the spaceport tarmac eagarly ready to rush back into the cold depths of space. "Time to get back out there," Pidole smiled. She liked working on ships. There was always something to tinker with. Her beetle buddy rode on her shoulder.

Euikoshi nodded. "I hope Iemochi left some clear space in the science lab for me this time," she chuckled.

Sanda was still in somewhat of a daze. She tried to process the events of the last few months. They were almost a blur. Giretsu training. It was as hard as she thought it would be and more. Much more. But she had gotten through it. She would never forget that graduation ceremony, when they pinned that cherry blossom on her. Her sister, six months pregnant and her four year old niece had been there. Even her brother-in-law, Trowa, had been there. But the biggest surprise had been her parents had been there. That was a shock Sanda still hadn't fully recovered from.

Delmira was happy to be back with the Resurgence and its crew. She barely managed to squeak through Giretsu training, her less than professional personality at times was what almost did her in. She stood in formation with the others and scanned the crowed for familiar faces, Pidole and Euikoshi she saw right away and wondered if Thad and Mia would return to the ship. Most of all she was excited to see Kinie again and it took her willpower to keep her tail from betraying her excitement.

Mia stood off to the side holding her small infant wrapped in a blanket with Poppy and Cassie hanging around her, fawning over the adorable little boy.

As the Giretsu trained Ranger Neko approached with the others, She couldnt help but spot Mia, and Yayoi couldn't help but see Poppy, and Cassie with her, but also an extra small person wraped in a blanket. She knew what that meant, Mia and Thad's baby was here. Her face didn't betray how she felt about it, but she knew she couldnt wait to meet the little one, even if his father was Thad. She also couldnt wait to reunite with the other ladies.

"Hi, Yayoi!" Cassie waved. "Got your pin, eh?" she smiled, making room for others to look at the new arrival.

Sanda noticed Mia and the baby and did a much better job of hiding her true feelings about the whole situation than she would have before Giretsu training. She had hoped that Mia and Maximus would have left the ship together but alas, looked like they were still around. Maybe the baby would make both his parents more mature adults.

Akira stood behind the formation of the crew. She was happy that the infantry section had bonded on the pain of Giretsu School. Though she was a bit surprised some actually got through first go. She would have figured they need a sesecond time around like some. Just means they get held to a higher standard now. She had said her piece at the graduation ceremony, so she was silent for now. She was on her way out of service.

Kinie skipped over to Delmira and gave her a big hug. "Delmira!" She grinned. "How are you? You made it through? How was it?"

Yayoi waved to Cassie as she stepped into place and nodded showing off her Giretsu pin with pride. "Yup, it was hard but i'd say worth it. More importantly I see we have a new adorable crew member on board." She said as she looked at the cutie, before glancing to Mia "Congrats!"

Demira gave a happy purr and hugged Kinie in return. "It was very hard." She said and smiled back. "But yes i made it through just barely. How have you been?"

"Things have been good! I missed you. We'll have to catch up with each other. I had an idea that maybe we should set up some sort of bar on the ship to get that old Ternifac vibe going again. Maybe I'll propose it to the captain," she grinned. "Oh, and speaking of that, I know a little about the next thing we're doing and it might involve a bar as well..."

"Oh yeah?" Delmira said in reponse to both comments.

"Yeah, we're supposed to visit Pisces, the old star fortress that's now the international diplomacy hub. It's getting used for the International Relations Conference this year and we're supposed to stop by and do one of our location surveys." Kinie told Delmira.

:Sounds like we may need to recon the bar just to make sure there is no enemy forces and to make sure that nothing was poisioned." Delmira said and smiled at Kinie. "But back to your idea i'm interested in the bar on the ship, maybe we can finally get a band together and play some tunes."

Even though she tried, Sanda couldn't help but stop and see the baby. He was cute, despite his parents. As she smiled at the baby Sanda nodded to Cassie. "Good to see you again Cassie. What did you get into while the ship was refitting?"

The tiny boy's eyes looked around at all the interesting people and made a little "ehhh" sound and smiled. Mia rocked him a little in her arms. "Isn't he beautiful?" Mia asked, totally loving it all.

Cassie shrugged. "To be honest I mainly drank booze, played video games, and wanked," she admitted. "I didn't sign up for Giretsu because it sounded like too much stress and I just needed to relax for mental health reasons."

Yayoi listened as Cassie answered the question and smiled as Mia spoke before looking at the baby as he made his cute baby sounds. "Relaxing is fine, though I did a thing on the first break of training though." She commented.

Sanda laughed, "Nothing wrong with taking some RnR. You good to get back into the fight?"

"Yeah! Feeling refreshed and ready," Cassie nodded confidently. She gave a thumbs up.

Yayoi nodded and smiled "sounds good" She replied to the next response but didn't say more on the thing at the moment.

"You go girl." said Sanda. She was glad Cassie seemed back to her old self. It would be good to have a strong NCO. Sanda smiled mischievously. "Have you heard from Frank?" She teased.

"I'm on maternity leave so Julia Meadows is going to be the caretaker in my place this mission," Mia told the other crew. "I'll miss you guys."

Delmira's ears turned sharply towards Mia. "Sounds like we should go talk to Mia since she wont be with us for this one." Delmira said to Kinie turning her head to look in Mia's direction.

Yayoi nodded to Mia understanding that she'll need time to take care of her child. "i'll miss you too, but i know you'll be having an interesting adventure of your own with the little cutie." She said to Mia. "I'd offer you a job at my Bar, but not sure even after your leave is complete you'd want to go there." She said though feeling bad she couldn't offer her something if indeed leaving the army was her desire.

Mia nodded. "It's alright. Thanks and good luck out there!"

Captain Aoba studiously looked over the crew, the ship, and the starport one last time before walking up the loading ramp. His expression was distant, serious, and thoughtful.

"Looks like it's time! All aboard!" Kalena grinned. "Let's get out there in the stars! And out of these hats," she said.

Delmira will disentangle herself from Kinie. "I will be right there just have to say bye to Mia." The neko will swiftly head over to her friend and the baby and smile at them. "Glad to see you two just wanted to pop by and say hi and bye it seems, i will attempt to keep Thad out of trouble." She will say and lightly brush the babies nose with the tip of her soft tail. "Hopefully next time we can talk more and i can spoil the cutie."

Yayoi heard Kalena's voice and nodded before spotting Delmira's appearance. "indeed, looks like its time to get going. I hope your baby grows big and strong!" she said and made her goodbyes to Mia. actually smirked as she heard Sanda's comment to Cassie as she made her way to the ship.

"I thought he was at the training with you," Cassie told Sanda. "I mean, I haven't written him a love letter if that's what you're asking," the catgirl chuckled.

Sanda laughed. "Yes he was training with us, but he said before we started that he gave you some kind of gift. Was just curious." Sanda smiled. She glanced up at the Resurgence. De vuelta a la lucha. "So any idea where we're headed?" She asked.

"I assume we'll get some sort of briefing?" Cassie shrugged. "I bet the officers know." She grabbed her overstuffed duffel bags and started lurching towards the loading ramp.

"Yeah, and they won't be in a hurry to tell us grunts will they?" Sanda joked, picking up her own bag and heading for her quarters.

Delmira will wave to Mia and follow behind Kinie grabbing her own bags.

Once everyone was aboard, Beryl and Sakuko checked the ramp and began to raise the loading ramp, closing it up and then running tests on the air seals. Soon, the bridge was fully of activity and the ship was making its way back up through the skies of Yamatai and out into the cosmos.

OOC: JP by Wes, Demibear, Ajax, Charaa Cowboy, and Soban
YSS Resurgence

Thaddeaus was one of the last ones to show up to the docked YSS Resurgence. He was happy to see everyone getting along and more so enjoying the new addition to his family. It took awhile getting use to Mia and her crazy ways but he came around to enjoying her company. Granted they still had not tied the knot though he did promise to always be there for her and the little one. It took a few hours after the baby was born to pick a name but Thad and Mia finally selected Aiden. The meaning behind the name of little fire seemed fitting given the drama that happen in the early months of his life.

During his time away he had signed up for classes at Fort Hikari to study to better understand the roles and technologies within Yam. This is a top end school that only the most well connected can attend. Which was lucky Thad knew a senator who could pull some strings to get him signed up. At first he only aimed to attend some classes but once the school learned of his past time at University of Osman and experiences within the different armies suggested he look into the Mayame Officer School. He accepted this offer and had no issues with passing the different parts of the program. However at the very end even though he had passed all the requirements, he decided to withdraw. As such instead of gaining the usual rank of Shoi Kohosei, he was instead once more demoted to rank of Yontô Hei.

"I see I am just in time to board the ship. Sorry for the delay, I had almost forgot my book from school. Don't wish to miss out on my studies while away on a mission." He said as he walked up beside Mia. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He then booped little Aiden on the nose. "Who is my big strong boy." He said with a big smile. "Remember Mia if you need anything to contact Madam Seraphina." He said in a firm voice. This person was none other than Seraphina Belmont. He had ran into Alastair Belmont who had been invited to the university to give a speech and accept his new rank. Through ideal chat Thad shared his desire to give Mia and his baby a place to call home. Alastair offered part of the old ruines near the Belmont Compound. This was the original area the main house stood prior to being destroyed during the 3rd war. It was more or less an empty lot so turning it into a farm area seemed like a great idea. It would also give a place for the kids displaced by the last war a place to work.

"As much as I want to play dad, I must head off." He stood in front of Mia and lifted her clean off the ground. "I will miss you and the little one." He lowered them both and gave a big hug, followed by a deep kiss to Mia. After a moment he placed her once more on the ground.

Aboard YSS Resurgence

Once the ship was out of the Yamatai star system, Captain Aoba got on the intercom. "We've got a full plate of things to do so let me give you the short version. We have been asked to visit Pisces Station, the international diplomacy hub where the conference is supposed to take place. I also want to check out the place we heard the Kuvexians talking about -- Sood Zadra. We can also make a possible stop in the Tami system and we'll be avoiding the Mirada system per the request of their very elusive planetary government. I'd like all crew to be ready for any situation that arises, as it's always possible someone could try to disrupt the upcoming peace conference. That said, we don't have any specific threats at this time so enjoy the ride"

Sanda had headed streight to her quarters to drop her stuff off. As she entered her old room she paused in the door way and sighed. Wasn't much, but it felt like home. She tossed her bag onto the bunk and leaned against the bed frame while she took sip from her hip flask. That had been one thing she really missed during Giretsu training, her little bottle of Rum. She listened to the update from the captain and smiled. "Brindaré por eso." She said to the ceiling as she held her fask up in a toast.

Delmira headed to unload her luggage, if things where the same she would have a room to herself but she hadnt patched things up with Thad nor had the opportunity to do so. She dressed down and started to unpack and made a little spot on the desk in the room for the officers sword she was restoring in her free time. Nothing had been resolved about it so she was keeping it and fixing it up.

Like Sanda she'd gone to her old quarters, and simply glanced around it before she sat on her bed. She got herself ready as she listened to the Captain's words through the intercom. She smiled to herself as she felt pleased that there didn't seem to be any threats at the moment but it didn't stop her from desiring to put her new Giretsu training. She chose not to ask if she could, knowing full well the captain knew she was a Giretsu trained warrior and would have taken that into consideration.

Euikoshi was in the area of the crew cabins and waved to Delmira when she saw her. "Tami is a nice planet with mostly forests. I bet it'd be a great place to go camping if we could make some excuse that it's useful for training," she pondered aloud. "There was a guerilla resistance movement there carried out by Star Army rangers between YE 31 and YE 34 when the Mishhuvurthyar had it occupied," the green-haired science specialist added, always happy to blurt out facts and lore that filled her head.

Koyama had returned to duty fresh, seemingly less stiff than she had been. During their time ashore, the princess had disappeared on the mainland. Not in Kyoto staying just long enough in the megacity to pass along her thoughts and reports to the reclusive Empress, then having headed to Malifar of all places for her leave. Malifar was many things. And seemed like one of those places she would never go to.

But had. And for some reason had returned standing looser, more relaxed with an artless grace to her movements. Unburdened. And with different hairstyling. Much shorter, a bob of sorts. One side a bit longer than the other. It had gotten her a few looks but her usual response had simply been replaced with a small smile, little shrug and moved on. Even wearing a hair adornment. A silver hairclip enamled with a red spiderlily.

The oversized travel bag she held was carried easily. A Neko's impressive strength holding up to the task. Still, the thing looked like it could've held a dead body or two in it while the uniformed Neko strode down the hall toward her quarters.

Koyama encountered a new face: It was the new caretaker, Julia Meadows, dropping off gift baskets for the officers outside their cabins. The baskets were made out of Velanese straw and had red silk robbons on them. Inside were a couple of chocolate bars, rice crackers, and some bottles of Ternifac root beer. "Good morning, ma'am," Julia greeted her. "I made some welcome back gifts for the crew. I am headed down to the enlisted cabins next."

Koyama blinked, and narrowed her eyes briefly, checking the ship's registry before offering a small smile. "Ah, Mia's replacement?"

"She asked me to take good care of everyone," Julia nodded.

Koyama bobbed her head, "Well, I am sure you will do an excellent job, Meadows-hei. You're off to an excellent start." She offered by gesturing to the baskets, "A very considerate thing to do."

Akira was in no rush to make it her quarters like most of the crew. Beyond reliving the final exercise as a spectator at the Giretsu Graduation Ceremony and pinning the new members of the club, her leave was busy.

Seeing Sanda and even Frank become Giretsu started getting her to think her time was up, cemented when she encountered Tachiko. Akira really was a fossil in this new world. Though it really got started when she saw a post of a fellow Taii on the Giretsu Social Net looking for an assignment after being in the NDC for a year.

So instead of heading to her quarters, she made her way to the dojo. Naturally finding it empty, she sat her bags down and just sat down.

After delivering the baskets on the officer deck, Julia started doing the same for the enlisted cabins two decks below.

Yayoi unpacked her bag quetly before she left thinking she might go to the ship's onsen. She noticed the new crewmember, and remembered Mia was now on leave. The thought occured to her, and she silently made her approached. "Meadows-hei, a word of advice if I may...watch out for Maximus-hei..he has a...rep here. Not a good one, I might add." She said to the new crewmember. She noticed Koyama there and bowed to her. "ma'am" she greeted.

Koyama offered a wider smile to Yayoi, "Welcome back from your training, Yayoi. No need to stand on ceremony. I am not on duty as of yet. Have you seen your fellow Ranger? I have a few things for her."

Yayoi nodded"i think we each went to our quarters to put away our things, she might be there, or has gone somewhere else on the ship. As for me, i planned on going to the onsen, i hadnt done that in so long.

Koyama tilted her head. Querying the ship. Then shook it. "She is in the Onsen." corrected the First Officer. "Would you care if I joined you?" asked the older Neko.

Yayoi grinned as she heard where Sanda was. "I wouldn't mind at all! come!" she said and begins leading her to the onsen.

Delmira will return Euikoshi's wave when she exits her cabin and will go walk over to join her. "Camping huh maybe we could be able to go swimming as well."

"Yeah!" Euikoshi agreed with Delmira. "I'd be happy if we could! In the meantime, I guess we'll have to settle for the onsen."

Demira nodded her head. "I will happy to be out of uniform and naked one way or another, lets see if we can rope Kinie into this as well."

"I bet she's stuck on the bridge as usual," Euikoshi guess. "I mean if Kalena isn't in the onsen the bridge is clearly busy," Euikoshi giggled, referring to the clothing-averse teal-haired crew member from starship operations.

"Point taken." Delmira said with a shrug. "They both work a lot."

"Gabriela too," Euikoshi agreed. "We'll message them when we get in orbit of something," she suggested.

Delmira nodded her head. "Well how about we go to the onsen, i have never been there myself."

Euikoshi smiled. "Sure! Let me grab my towel." Soon they were on their way.

After another sip of her flask Sanda stripped out of her uniform into her workout shorts and tank top. She didn't know why but she thought she might actually try out the ships onsen. She had never relaxed in it before and thought a relax might be nice. She through her towel over her shoulders and left her quarters.

Cheilith had also decided to go to the onsen, the YSS Resurgence was home and it was good to relax at home. She waived at Sanda when she came in. "How are you?" She asked cheerily.

Sanda smiled at Cheilith. "Hello Cheilith. I'm doing pretty well. How about yourself?"

Thaddeaus had dropped his things off in his assigned room. It was bitter sweet he would be away from his new family but the sleep would be better. He was very tired from the long sleepless nights taking care of the baby so Mia could get some sleep. He figured before things got too wild, he'd head down to the onsen for a dip. His sore body would enjoy the warmth.

Thad walked towards the onsen to see others had the same idea. "Hello Sanda and Cheilith." His hand went up to give a quick solute. "How was the training while away?"

"Pretty good, I think I need to enter another one of those Salvage giveaway. Did you hear about that Super Elikan?" She said to Sanda before answering Thad. "It was intense, I thought about quitting, but I didn't want to let my crewmates down."

"Super Eikan? No what about it?" Sanda said before seeing Thad. She sighned inside, but her face remained the same. "It was very very difficult." She said simply. There was a brief pause before she asked, "How about you? Did you stay out of trouble?"

"So apparently, Last Chance Salvage Company swept it up during cleanup of a battle. The back quarter was crushed but apparent the rest of it was intact. Wouldn't that be cool to have?" She asked enthusiastically.

Sanda turned quickly back to Cheilith, "No? A super Eikan heavy Cruser! Wow, I need to sign up for that!"

Yayoi and Koyama soon stepped out into the hall where they spotted everyone else. The Neko ranger smirked slighltly. "I see we had the same idea" she said out loud to the others. She quietly walked on to the destination.

"I sure did stay out of trouble. Decided to learn a few things over at Fort Hikari." He took a seat to wash prior to getting into the onsen. "Though I bolted since I have no interest in being an officer."

Sanda saw that Thad was heading for the onsen. No no. no. no. Ni en un millón de años. Preferiría entrenar en Giretsu por el resto de mi vida. Sanda thought to herself. "I'm heading for the dojo to get in some more training."

"Yhea, so I got my truck in the first one I signed up for. I've mostly gotten random pieces of junk that I put on Yamaselldis since. It's been a interesting side hustle, always an advanture."

Euikoshi and Delmira arrived at the onsen. "It looks like a lot of us had the same idea," she said to Delmira. "It's going to be cozy in there," she laughed.

Delmira smiled. "Its a party in here." The short neko said looking around.

"All these same faces, my gosh it is good to see everyone." He said as he dumped water over himself. "This is starting to feel like old times."

Yayoi waved at Sanda"huh seems we all had the same idea, i figured we could use the onsen since training happened" She'd tell Sanda though not aware that Thad was inside yet.

Sanda smiled almost sadly to Yayoi and gave her head a small shake. "I think half the ship had the same idea. It's a little too crowded in there for my liking. Think I'll head to the dojo instead for awhile. Get a good workout then take a shower and a dip. By then in might have cleared out some and I might actually be able to relax."

Yayoi frowned as she heard about how half the ship might be in the onsen and nodded.

Koyama looked quizzically at Yayoi, "Everyone it would seem." came her response before crossing the threshold to the changing room. The bag she sat on the ground. A heavy thud and dull clink coming from it. Looking over her shoulder as others arrived, the Neko arched one of her already symmetrically sharp eyebrows. "I wonder if everyone knows that the standard Star Army Onsen seats ten." but she didn't get undressed.

She wasn't in uniform to begin with. Still in civilian attire and hadn't had a chance to change yet. Instead, the princess merely rummaged in the bag a moment to withdraw a smaller... bag from the bag. This one muffling the shape of a rectangular object. She drummed her fingers on it for Yayoi's benefit. It sounded like wood.

"By all means," motioning to the changing area. Koyama did have the decency to remove her sandals at the very least. At Sanda's voice, her smoldering gold eyes locked on the Nepleslian woman's. Drumming her fingers on the cloth-wrapped box again. "Longtime no see, Sanda." was her greating. The pleasantness she had shown Yayoi before drained from her voice. This one sounding more normal.

The XO padded over to the Ranger, "Have fun training?" all but ignoring Thad. She still didn't know how to feel about the promise she had made the man.

"We can fit more if we have some people sit in each other's laps," Euikoshi cackled, in a little bit of a rush now to get undressed and get one of the good spots.

Delmira looked at Euikoshi. "want to sit in my lap then?" she said and playfully pinched the other woman before undressing as well.

"Okay," Euikoshi answered, looking surprised.

Delmira smiled and giggled a bit heading towards the benches to rinse off.

""Koyama, it's good to see you again." Sanda said with a real smile. She had actually missed the short executive officer. "It was hard training, far harder than I would have thought possible. But I will admit, I did enjoy it."

Yayoi glanced at the object Koyama drummed and found her curious about it more so than the onsen. "what is that?' she'd asked the XO

Thad gave a quick wave towards Koyama but did not do much else. It was nice just being around the excitement but not being a part of it. After dealing with a baby he had all the fun he needed for awhile.

"Hard training is good." Koyama seemed to agree, flicking a strand of her shortened hair away, "I was going to show up before you went into training. But, well, let us just say protocol and Her Majesty got in the way. Along with other personal things." The Neko stated with a small shrug.

"But still," and with no more preamble, she held out the cloth covered box. "I guess this is for you." then to Yayoi giving the other Neko an answer, "A gift."

Sanda was stunned. "Thank your majesty... Ma'am... Koyama." The comment about Koyama seeing the Empress had gotten Sanda all kinds of mixed up. Shocked, but extremely curious, Sanda removed the cloth and opened the box. As the cloth fell away, the box, a lacquered dark wood with a sliding slat held the maker's mark of a rather well-known distillery burned into it. The mark. Koyama looked at her expectantly.

"Well, go on." she ushered. Whenever she bothered to open it, inside would be a squat, crystal bottle holding a tawny liquid. Perhaps Sanda's favorite color of drink. "I hear it was aged in barrels pre-empire. The rum that is. The last of the batch ever made with them. Fourteen years old. I could go over the flavor profile I downloaded... but I wouldn't wish to spoil it."

With a finger-wagging in the air as if chiding, "I had to haggle with a particularly unpleasant person for it. Considering it is a collector's item. The distillery burned in the NMX war. This was recovered from the remains. Along with a few other cases making it extremely valuable."

Yayoi observed as Koyama had given Sanda a gift. She thought that was nice of her.

OOC: JP by Wes, Demibear, Ajax, Charaa, Cowboy, Soresu and Soban, Spaceeye
Doorway to Onsen, (But obviously not in it)

Sanda's eyes widened and her mouth hung open. She knew the mark on box well. It was jokingly considered one of the greater war crimes commented against Nepleslia during the NMX war. The company had rebuild and rebranded, but many of the experts agreed that it wasn't as good of quality as the pre-war company. Sanda, almost reverently opened the wood box and looked inside. Her mouth suddenly felt dry and her hands unexplainably damp. She was terrified that if she tried to pick up the bottle she'd drop it so she left it in the box. This was indeed a lavish gift.

"How?" Sanda managed to weekly ask although she missed most of the details about Koyama's haggling with a particularly unpleasant person. With great effort Sanda closed the lid of the box. She had never been one for bowing, but she bowed now to Koyama. "Thank you Koyama. I will treasure every drop of it. Something this fine will only be used for the most specials of celebrations." She laughed, "I'd say like if I ever get married but then it'd never get drunk. We need something more likely to happen. Like you becoming a Taisa, or Empress."

Sanda glanced towards the door of the Onsen and shook her head. "It's a little too crowded in there for my liking. I'm going to put this in my cabin under lock and key then probably head to the dojo. I don't know what you plan on doing Koyama but I'd love to hear about your time off." Sanda eyed her superiors hair cut. "You obviously been doing something very different. I like the new do, by the way."
Koyama offered a shrug of her own as she escorted Sanda out just a Taisa? She had aspirations of being a Taisho. An Empress was an altogether different matter. "I'm not one for unisex Onsen anyway. Being raised as I was. And please, you need never bow to me while off-duty. Stand proud. You are a woman who should never bow to anyone unworthy. Or lacking your respect." She didn't stop, steering toward the crew quarters. The comment on her hair caused a self-conscious reflex of reaching for a strand of hair from the more extended portion and eyeing it critically.

"My sister may be mortified. Onee-sama is one for... hair fondling. Usually her own. Always well-kempt. Immaculate. But, she isn't here. And thank you. Thought I would try something new." The princess sighed, and the bag hefted over her shoulder with ease. It continued its dull clunk and clink. The rattle of something hollow, perhaps wood muffled by clothing and other things.

"My time off," musing as they walked, "Spending some time with Her Majesty. The planets we visited I would gather and send reports to her. She had some questions. Thoughts. Concerns. I provided suggestions." a puff of air escaped between her lips.

"Valaad I forwarded a report of it to the Shipmistress. What she will do with it I do not know. But I tentatively offered the opinion of us bringing it back into the fold." it was an old-fashioned title for Yui. "But my vacation... it was for the entirety of the time you and the others were off 'training' at the Giretsu school." the woman scoffed a little. Waving a hand. All they taught she had learned in the cradle. Only having to apply it once to great if horrifying effect.

"Sought my teacher out in Malifar. To help me through some things I have let fester for a very long time. To seek lightness and balance and enjoyment. The desert and ocean were beautiful. The sunsets and sunrises. The people as I remembered them." Eventually, she turned a smile on Sanda. "But I am glad you liked your gift. I like you so why not? You deserve something. And something else." The latter vague response was followed up by a: "Soon."

"Yayoi's gift will be forwarded to her communicator which should be any moment now. I ensured those children and adults she protected are well cared for. The children without parents will live in Tsubomi. Their needs are met. Treatments and counseling are given if necessary for any trauma they suffered. They will have schooling. Other children to play with and make friends. The adult's jobs if they wish. Stipends and allowances for both. All paid for by myself until they are able to stand on their own feet again. Even then I will help where I can."

With another flash of a pleasant smile, "Knowing the man who helped found it has its perks, Sanda. Make friends with those you can. You never know when such ties can be of benefit. For yourself and others. Or where your friends may go or lead. I suspect she may be pleased. They were cute kids. I nearly died from all the hugs."
Frank would be doing one armed pushups in his room after spending time training together in Giretsu training he needed some alone time. After finishing his 3rd set of 30 reps he would stand up and hit the showers. after some time he dicided to venture out and see how everyone else is. hell admit his lone wolf attitude and mentality got him into trouble a few times wile he was a away training but, he managed to pull though.

Walking around he would offer a wave as he meet up with both new a fresh faces. just as he was about to pass Sanda and Koyama in the hall he would give a short bow to them. "I hope your both are having a good day." frank said as he straightened his back.

Sanda smirked a little at Koyama. "I've never bowed to someone I considered unworthy, or who has lacked my complete respect." The truth was Sanda had nothing but respect for Koyama. To the Nepleslian Ranger, she had never served under a finer officer. She wasn't just a great officer, but she was a good friend who Sanda felt she could relate to. Even though they were very different, they both took their job's very seriously had held themselves to a very high standard.

Sanda smiled as she listened to how Koyama had spend her time off. Getting to hang out with the Empress, fancy. Sanda sometimes forgot that Koyama had been officially adopted by the Empress, making her a honest-to-goodness princess. "I hope she's been pleased with the Resurgence's performance. Especially with that Baroness we captured just before Valaad."

They arrived at Sanda's quarters and the Ranger quickly placed her gift inside and locked the door behind her. No way in hell was she going to let any of the lowlifes on the ship touch her very valuable Rum. As she exited her room she saw Frank bow to them and a hoped they were both having a good day. Sanda nodded her head in return. "Hello Frank. Can't complain." Then she smiled miscellaneously. "You know, it looked like most of the crew were heading for the Onsen. I think I saw Cassie there too." She let that comment just hang there. It was believed that Frank was a little sweet on Cassie. Sanda honestly couldn't remember if Cassie was at the Onsen or not but there was a good chance of it.
Frank would try not to seem too eager to head to the Onsen when Sanda mentioned it. However, he couldn't help a small smile appear on his lips as he nodded his head. "Then I shall head over there too...to greet the rest of the crew as well not just Cassie." realizing he was making himself sound like a lovestruck idiot he would do a about face and briskly walk away from the two of them lest he die from embarrassment. Making his way to the Onsen.

The YSS Resurgence arrived in a shimmering flash of teal light, blinking into existence near Pisces Station. Almost immediately Pisces hailed the Resurgence with a request. A ship of ambassadors from the Hidden Sun Clan was being attacked by Kuvexian Pirates who had boarded it and were holding the diplomats hostage. On the bridge, captain Aoba immediately set the ship to battle stations and called down for a fire team to teleport aboard the ship and perform a rescue. This team would consist of Delmira, Cheilith, Sanda, and Cassie.

Sanda heard the call to battle stations and smiled at Koyama. "Time to put my training to good use. If you'll excuse me." She took off at a sprint down the hallway to towards the Power Bay.

Demira booked it down the hall to the armory. {Looks like we will have to put that drink on hold} she sent a telepathic message to Kinie.

In the armory, Norita was ready and waiting with guns. Lots of guns, and and power armor modules they needed. She handled each weapon with care and pride like they were her kids. "Go get them," she told the team as she checked them out with a quick wave of her communicator device over them.

Sanda got quickly into her Mindy suit. She was far more experienced in one now that she had had good training in one. She grabbed a plasma rifle and slid her plasma revolver in its holster. She also had a new knife. Very similar to her beloved straight silver, but with an aether power back built into the handle. Suited up and ready to go, Sanda did a quick coms check. "This is Thunder, ready to strike."

Cassie suited up, always at home inside the snug form of her Ke-M2-4 series power armor. It felt like a second skin to her and it was comforting. she ran through quick checks of all the subsystems and then looked over her comrades before putting her helmet on and checking the seal. "This is...catgirl, ready to claw," she chuckled.

Delmira suited up in her Mindy armor the short neko grabbed her trusty sniper rifle and aether saber rifle. She would look over at Cassie. "Are you team lead for this one?"

Yayoi was staring at her power armor when she got the alert. But she sent a message requesting permission to join since she wanted to use her training and take down some pirates.

"Permission granted," Aoba replied to Yayoi from the bridge. "make sure the Poku diplomats aren't harmed. It's very important."

“Copy that,” she replied as she speedily got into her power armor and as the armor sealed she added, “Blade, ready to roll!” She said before checking to see if her weapons are ready. She had a power armor rifle, with a special hidden blade add-on for close-range attacks.

There was a flash of light as the Resurgence went back into spacefold to the ambush point not far from the neutral Xylar star system.

As the Resurgence arrived on scene, the pirate ship was already powering up engines getting ready to leave, already anticipating a fast response from the Star Army since they were in Yamataian space.

Koyama soon made her way onto the bridge, tugging at one of the gloves of her uniform. Moving to her station, the XO pulled critically at a shorter strand of her hair and wondered if the change had been worthwhile. Something had to change. A balance attained in her life.

She had been keeping apprised as soon as the alert went out. Connecting to the MEGAMI and allowing it to feed information to her. "We should have medical assistance on standby just in case of injury, Chusa?" it was more a suggestion than a question. Still, it would look better on them to be ready to render such aid if needed.

"Good idea," Aoba nodded. "Have Poppy suit up and stand by to join the team if needed. We may have to split up and chase that ship while leaving the armor team behind so have Zanven launch and Sakuko launch a shuttle for a recovery option. They're about to leave so I need everyone to launch immediately. Open fire, target engines."

"Weapons free, targeting the pirates," Kinie nodded, and the Resurgence started firing anti-ship aether cannons. Just then the pirate ship flashed into hyperspace.

"Hail the HSC ship and see if we can get some a sitrep," Aoba said. "We need to know who or what that ship took and the status of the HSC ship."

Koyama nodded to the Captain as she took her seat. As the SPINE took over from the wireless connection to the MEGAMI, the Neko informed Poppy of their current situation. And to be ready to suitup and be on stand-by with the team to render aid if needed.

To the Power Armor team, her voice came through loud and clear of the established squad net. "This is Command, Poppy-Heisho will be joining you if needed to render medical aid to the Poku if required." her voice then chimed in to Zanven and Sakuko. Telling them both what was needed of them.

The Resurgence launched 1 Ke-T7 shuttle piloted by Sakuko.

Yayoi listened as she heard Koyama's voice speaking to her, and nodded. She couldn't remember the last time Poppy joined them, and hoped their mission was successful.

Sanda was ready to go. She was ready and itching for a fight since completing Giretsu training and was just waiting for the call to go. She glanced over at Del and said, "You shoot me again and I swear I'll...." She broke off mid sentince as Akira appeared.

"I guess it is time for practice of your Katana element skills. Seeing how none of you are Giretsu." Akira said as her preparations were complete.

Delmira hooked up her gatling to her armor. "Don't stand in my line of fire next time." she teased the other woman. Demira straightened up when Akira entered the room and closed her mouth fast.

Aoba played the transmission from the attacked ship over the intercom on the team's wireless channel: "MAYDAY, this is WAP âmuso, we are a small diplomatic courier vessel for the
Poku Saeruo Degonjo, we have been attacked by pirates who killed our security officer and stole sensitive data from our ship's computer and one of our diplomatic aides. Several of their personnel are still on the ship and are taking over! Please help before we lose the bridge. We will fight to the last."

"Poku warrior culture." Koyama held a note of respect in her voiced comment. "Commendable."

Yayoi glanced to the two ladies, and was about to open her mouth to chastise them when she saw Akira enter. She became confused at her words but chose to say nothing.

Akira noticed the confused look on Yayoi's face and cocked her head a bit with a smirk. "You need to read up on the new Special Operations Command. No time to explain it right now." she said and nodded her head towards Delmira. She choose to ignore Sanda's statement for the time being.

Yayoi nodded her head, and made a mental note to indeed read up on the new Special Operations Command when they returned. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought to do so before hand.

Sanda tightened her grip on her weapon. It sounded to her like these Poku lived up to their reputation.

"It looks like I will have to proceed over there the long way as Keiko's do not have teleportation units yet. So good luck in your rescue! Remember your training and try to feel sorry for the bastards that get to be the practice dummies."

"Plotting a teleport calculation for a safe spot outside their bridge," Gabriela said, running calculations at lightning speed. "Transferring to the team...now."

Sanda felt that familiar twinge as she teleported to the Poku ship. She took a moment to re-calibrate herself before raising her rifle and scanning for targets.

"Regretfully I cannot comply with the last request, Ma'am." Yayoi left as she too teleported along side Sanda with her own calibrations and her rifle ready. Knowing that she had a hidden blade gave a thrill.

Akira, wearing nothing more than her Type 42 Bodysuit, immediately started running right back out to avoid most of the destructive effects of teleportation in a small space. Once they were gone and safe to reenter, she just put a hand on her forehead for a few moments before making her way to her Keiko Armor.

Frank would remain silent as the pins and needles feeling died off from the teleportation. "Alright boys and girls lets keep the blue on blue to a minimum or not at all." he says the last part looking at Del through his Mindy armor.

The Star Army team arrived in a wide corridor in the allied ship. Gabriela's calculations had been done well. The walls, deck, and ceiling were made of a metallic composite. There was not a lot of cover around. A number of hostile cyborg with chrome gold exteriors descended on the team and started shooting at them. They were clearly the QV-447 Murderguy model made by Quallox Vaibal, a familiar sight during the war that was basically an unmanned power armor.

Sanda returned fire instantly. Since there was little cover in the hallway, Sanda launched herself towards the gold platted hostiles. She let go of her rifle and let it dangle on the its strap while drawing her aether bladed knife. She had been a fierce close combat fighter before Giretsu training, now she was truly frightening how fast she was moving.

Yayoi immediately started firing with her rifle when she registered she was attacked. She noted Sanda's movements so she made sure to adjust herself so that she didn't hit her comrade by accident.

Cassie busted into a side room, climbing over furniture and starting to navigate though the ship to flank the enemy by going around them to emerge behind them. "Looking for a position!" she shouted as she burst through someone's crew cabin, through a closest, and then opened an escape hatch into a galley. She did a tactical look into the dining area to find some hostages in there. "Found hostages and more enemies in their mess hall, marking it on the map." She then looked at the others' tactical display and found a way to come at the QV-447s from the side but thought twice about firing an aether beam in a friendly ship. She didn't want to cause a hull breach.

Delmira raised her sniper rifle and advanced behind the team. She took aim and fired at the first non Sanda target she found The neko moved behind Yayoi and Sanda providing cover.

Frank while using his aether Gatling began firing with the intent to keep the enemy pinned down so no shooters would get a lucky shot off on Sanda and Cassie. At the mentioning of hostages Frank would call over the Radio "10-4 on my way."

The Murderguys took several hits at first, dropping one of them, but then they started forming up into a sort of wall and merging their energy shields to the point where firing at them was not seeming to hurt them much. A weird pink gas began to lightly saturate the corridor. The QV-447 was great at ranged combat but they were not made for martial arts and Sanda was able to outmaneuver them individually when she could get one alone--a difficult proposition.

"Gas, gas gas," Delmira said over the coms. She was not worried about her teammates but the hostages where another thing entirely.

Sanda jabbed her blade into another head. She wasn't sure if these things were living or just robots but she killed them either way. She kept close in to the enemy so they couldn't use their range weapons against her.

Surprisingly the Murderguy bots actually bled. Apparently there was some sort of creature inside them. Not a human but some sort of fleshy humanoid dummy made out of a white sticky paste, not unlike a child's glue-stick. It was some sort of living mannequin thing.

"Frank let's bum-rush these guys, they're probably running the Murderbots and we don't want to give them more time with the Poku crew, okay?" Cassie proposed. "Then we pincer the bots from behind between us and our teammates."

"Sounds about right, Ladies first?" Frank said jokingly as he readied his Aether gatling rifle. Before waiting a few moments before rushing them like Cassie proposed.

"Don't blow out the side of the ship," Cassie said, igniting her aether saber and letting out a catlike howl as she pounced across the room from the galley into the dining area, landing on an armored Kuvexian and holding her white-hot blade at his neck. "SURRENDER!" she demanded. "Can't profit if you're dead!" she added, hoping he'd get the message.

"I got a backup," the pirate gloated, so Cassie just melted his fucking head off.

Yayoi charged after when she noticed the failing of her rifle to hit the shields so like Sanda she used her blade to cause damage and hopefully kill her target. She noticed the effect of the bleeding and winced. "disgusting Kuvexian slime!"

The murderguys were having trouble dealing with Yayoi at close range, as the were not exactly ninjas and their robotic movements were not ideal for a highly confined space. When she was able to get over their guns they reflexively moved to jump back and push her off, but in the confines of the ship they merely backed into corners this way.

"Don't worry I won't, when you get used to firing LMGs like I did as a arm replacement you tend to get really good at not hitting things your not supposed too." He said as he kept pinning down the Kuvexians managing to get one in the face sending charred chunks out the back of his helmet.

Koyama rubbed her forehead from the bridge at what she was 'seeing'. They would need practice. In her eyes anyway.

With the hostages in the dining room safe, Cassie told Frank, "Gogogo, assjam those bots," pointing towards the door to the passageway where the fighting was happening. She took a very brief moment to check on the furred alien crew to make sure they were alright before following as well.

Nodding his head Frank moved down the hallway before taking a near to fire at the muderbots aiming to overwhelm their shields with volumes of fire.

With the death bots forming a shield wall, Sanda used a trick she learned in Giretsu school. She primed a grenade then teleported in the middle of the group of bots. Stabbing one in head to cause confusion, she dropped the grenade then kicked another one the side before her suit recharged and she teleported away, leaving the grenade on the other side of their shields.

Delmira fired her sniper rifle at a murderbot she aimed and fired through a gap in the shields to distract them from Sanda so she could get ready.

Delmira's shots seemed to have difficulty penetrating at first but as the Murderbots got jostled around by the team's melee attacks their shield wall began to lose cohesion forcing them back to individual energy shields which were easier to wear down with repeated hits, and the close quarters made it kind of like shooting fish in a barrel.

Cassie joined Frank and the two hit the bots from behind while Delmira, Yayoi, and Sanda were hitting them from in front. The numbers of bots began to quickly dwindle from an overwhelming threat to a cleanup action and soon they were all on the floor dead.

Sanda stabbed the last bot and let it drop to the floor at her feet. She looked around making sure there were none left then sheathed her blade and pulled out her plasma revolver.

"Nice," Cassie said. "Everyone alright? Anyone hurt?"

"Nope no injuries here." Frank stated as he held the Aether Gatling rifle pointed up resting against his shoulder. "honestly Cassie that was pretty badass."

Delmira will open a private channel to Sanda. "Well you didn't get shot this time."

Sanda responded to Del in kind. "Looks like you get to keep your sniper rifle." To the rest of the team she said, "Come one, lets lock down the ship and make sure there are no more robots and start giving the Poku a hand."

With the immediate crisis resolved, Sakuko docked her shuttle with the Poku ship WAP âmuso and the team was able to board while the Resurgence had actually remained in the area instead of chasing the pirate ship, due to orders to escort the victim vessel to the safety of Pisces Station. They would have to catch up with it and make things right later...


OOC: JP by Wes, Demibear, Ajax, Charaa, Cowboy, Soresu and Soban, Spaceeye, Shadowwalker
Back aboard the Resurgence

Once back on board the Resurgence, Sanda headed first to the Armory to return her plasma rifle then the the PA bay to get out of her Mindy suit. She had grown to like the Mindy after Giretsu training. She still loved her Daisy more but she could now be just as deadly in the Mindy. She took a moment to replay the fight they had just had in her mind. By far and away it was better than the last boarding they had done. But it still felt sloppy. She'd do some review of the watch the combat footage later and make some notes for Cassie and Yayoi to review later. She would also discuss it with Akira and Koyama. She valued their input greatly.

Sanda had come to the PA bay in just shorts and a tank top. She very briefly considered going to the onsen, but quickly disregarded that idea. The onsen had been filling up too quickly and she imagined those that had just come from the mission would like to get back to it. She had no desire to be there with a bunch of people. In fact she could count on one hand the number of people she would actually feel comfterble in the onsen with. Those people who she didn't have to worry about hitting on her or making things feel awkward. There was always the Dojo, but Sanda had just come from combat. That was a pretty good workout in and of itself. Ah screw it, she would just go get dressed again.

After putting on a fresh uniform, Sanda headed to the Wardroom. Maybe Koyama or Akira would be around and she could review the last fight with them. If they weren't around, she'd see if Rossa needed any help in the kitchen. She hadn't had a chance to cook anything since before Giretsu training. Cooking was always relaxing and it would get her an opportunity to chat with Rossa and see what the cook had been into these last few weeks.
Delmira on the other did not wear clothes but she had a spare set near by. The neko had likewise popped by the armory to drop off her weapons before heading to the power armor bay. The battle was successful and no friendly fire happened though she was still tempted to make a note on her kill count that she shot Sanda. The short neko was tempted to see if Kinie was available for a movie but she thought better of it as the girl always seemed to be on duty. She did make a mental note to go find Pidole at some point and catch up with her.

So opted to go back to her room that she was lucky enough to get by herself for the moment and would continue working on restoring the officers sword she purchased. There was little to be done as she had it restored out of pocket when she went to Giretsu school. The next step would be trying to find out who owned it before her and if it could be returned to its rightful owner.
The Resurgence was able to return to Pisces Station with the Hidden Sun Clan's ship, and docked with the station on the military concourse, Concourse A. Previously, Pisces was a military base, the same as any other Star Fortress in Yamatai, but now it had been transformed into an international hub for diplomacy and trade. The Nepleslians and NDC had their own concourses now, and there were also ones for smaller factions and independent groups. The station was getting ready for its first International Relations Conference in ten years, which meant activity on the station was ramping up.

Captain Aoba outlined a short mission to do an exploratory inspection to document the station in the way they had been surveying other destinations in Yamataian space. Crew members could volunteer to check out the station, which was known for having good shopping and hot springs, as well as being the place where the First Mishhuvurthyar War ended.

Gabriela Lively, the ship's furry navigator, went down to the docking hatch to check out Pisces. She looked around with big bright orange eyes to see who the other volunteers were. She was in an operations gray duty uniform and carrying a small black backpack.

Sanda was wearing her type 42 uniform with her Giretsu cherry blossom pin. She was ready to do some exploring. Maybe head over to the shadier side of the station and see what was going on over there. Naturally she was armed for bear, with two side arms and an array of blades. A girl had to protect herself.

Akira arrived in her Type 42 bodysuit and her standard sidearm. She had never been to the station before, so she figured a good time to figure what is so special about the place.

Delmira was there and ready to explore the station,her tail swayed behind her excitedly. She to wore her uniform with her pin. (Coming with?) Demira sent a telepathic message to Kinie.

Yayoi wore her own type 42 uniform with her Giretsu pin proudly as she made her way to the station. She had a new hidden blade hidden in the cuff of her sleeve, and her own side arm for extra protection.

Cheilith wore her uniform like her compatriots as they strode onto the station. "Wow, there are a lot of different species here!" She remarked.

Wearing his uniform with Girestu pin Frank wondered around the ship for a bit before walking to see if he can find Del. After a bit of walking around he walked over and gave a short bow before asking. "Hey Del can I ask you a question?"

Gabriela smiled. "I love this assignment, we keep getting to add to the list of places we've been to in person. It's just nice to be able to say 'I was there' and look back on all the memories later," she explained. "Let's get going," she said, walking the length of the docking tube and out into an airport-style waiting area in the concourse. The docking tube had a little bounce to it and minimal gravity but the station was a standard gravity inside. The place looked packed. With the Star Army's space on the station reduced to make room for the other nations, the remaining military zones were jam-packed with personnel and activity.

Yayoi glanced at Gabriela as she stepped into place beside her. "I know the feeling, memories are great, even ones where you can build, or rather rebuild places too. Once we get back to the capital, i should bring you all to my new bar, the Kakushi Nekoba."

Sanda stepped up with Yayoi and gave her a funny look. "You own a bar?" It seemed hard to believe to Sanda that Yayoi would own a bar. She shook her head and laughed. "What kind of drinks do you serve there?"

Akira raised an eyebrow to Yayoi owning a bar. She was expecting that from someone so serious. She had to repress a joyous laugh, coming out as a snort as she covered her mouth. "My you continue to be full of surprises."

Kawa Kinie caught up with the way team, and hustled over to Delmira. "Hi!" the raven-haired Nekovalkyrja waved.

Delmira looked at Frank "Go ahead." She saw Kinie and gave a wave back to her.

Frank nodded, "Well I was wondering if by any chance you know what kind of flowers Cassie might like." he said trying not to trip over his own words on the topic.

Demira gave a bit of a naughty smirk. "Oh ho ho got a thing for Cassie?" She said and smiled before shaking her head. "Sorry i do not." She would look to Kinie. "You know Cassie better than us i believe."

Frank blushed at Del's comment, "I mean yeah shes a really cute gal you know?" when she mentioned Kinie know more about the topic he would look to them then.

Yayoi took note of the funny look, from Sanda, as well as Akira's attempt at suppressing a laughter. "Yeah, i saw it and remembered two squadmates from an old team used to own it, I thought I'd take it over from its current state since they are gone, so to aid in their legacy. I got some last of Chateau Hanako's drinks, which sadly will be expensive, also a drink called the Moon's Nectar made by one of the Motoyoshi Clan, The Yugumo Corporation guys are helping me out with running it since they are more experienced."

Sanda nodded, "Hey that doesn't sound half bad. I may have to give that a try. Though I'm very much a Rum girl I'll try anything once."

"I will have to come to your bar as well then, be sure to let me know Hoshi-hei." Akira mentioned before looking over the rest of the group. She thought about her options post-retirement and she just could not see herself owning a bar. She needed action to keep active. She noticed an old poster from a Ryu Keiretsu Trade Show held on the station before and just tilts her head for a moment.

Gabriela took some video with her communicator, getting clips of the busy concourse, and then one of the Resurgence crew chatting. Kinie spotted this and went into a pose with a big smile and a V sign hand gesture to the camera.

Delmira will smile and give a V as she poses beside Kinie.

"I think Cassie will like something pretty smelling but not super fancy, like Gardenias," Kinie answered once the camera was off her. "Mainly she will just want to know someone care about her in spite of her being a bit cranky and damaged."

Akira gives 2 V signs when she notices what Gabriela is doing. One of the few moments on recorded history where she lets out her Yamataian girl side out.

Sanda raised a tattooed eyebrow at Akira. Was that the Giretsu officer, as the saying goes: letting her hair down for a moment? That was something she never thought she'd see. Sanda just let out a big laugh. She was quite happy. Happy to just relax and take in the sights. As the camra panned to her, she didn't give the V sign. She gave a sign she remembered from an old movie, Big trouble in little Yam. She had always loved that movie, and had a huge crush on the lead actor of that film.

Cheilith gave a big grin at the camera also throwing a V sign before going back to the discussion. "I run a food truck occasionally." She mentions.

Yayoi simply saluted, thinking that she wasn't right to do the V sign like her comrades. But she did allow a rare smile.

Delmira smiled. "I will say but maybe Frank can help her crankiness. Also that bar you mentioned wouldn't happen to be owned by Yayoi would it?"

"Why would she think shes Damaged. far as I can see shes undamaged and still a great person." he said before nodding. "thanks you two."

"She obviously has post-traumatic stress disorder from the time she was left in space after her ship was destroyed and almost all of her crew mates were killed when the Kuvexians wiped out the Sixth Fleet. If you've ever heard her talk about it...well, she's dark. She avoids Poppy because she doesn't want to get canned for a bad psych eval," Kinie explained. "At least that's the word around the bridge. Aoba knows but he doesn't want to make it someone else's problem."

Yayoi listened to the conversation about Cassie, and remembered how she hugged her. She knew what Cassie had been through though not everyone was like her. "She'll appreciate a hug I'm sure." She said hoping it helped.

Delmira shook her head "Poor girl shes to cute to go through that but that means you have to treat her good Frank."

Frank listened intently realize that the two of them might have something in common after finding this out. "Hey I appreciate the info, I'll catch you all later I'm going to go see Cassie and see if i cant make her day just a little better, thanks you." he said before he gave a bow and jogged off.

Gabriela asked Cheilith, "Where do you find the time to run a food truck? One of the reasons I'm out here exploring with you guys is that I feel like I've spent almost no time off the ship since I was assigned to her. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if half the crew is homeless and doesn't even have an apartment to go home to."

"Well, if you weren't such a kick-ass pilot you wouldn't be stuck on the bridge every time." Sanda joked to Gabriela.

"That's Navigator," Gabby chuckled. "More math's involved." She pointed at her head and she was absolutely right. There were not enough navigators in the Star Army to go around at present because it was hard to find the right brains for it. Many ships simply replied on starship computers for navigation so the Resurgence having one was a luxury.

"Hey, I'm a boots on the ground kinda girl. You bridge bunnies just do magic as far as I'm concerned." Laughed Sanda.

Yayoi blinked. "I don't actually have a apartment to go home to actually. Not yet anyways" She replied almost deadpan for her comrades.

Delmira smiled watching Frank. "He's a good guy but he better not pull a Thad and break her heart. God only knows that we don't have enough ammunition on the ship if he does."

"I like him more now that's he's not so cyborg-y," Gabby said. "I feel like he's starting to fit in a lot better than when he first joined us. That said, we haven't spend much time together so take my words with a grain of salt."

Yayoi nodded to Delmira's statement, and glanced to Gabby and nodded "agreed, from my experience, not having a cybernetic arm feels great."

"I beg your pardon?" Sanda asked holding up her right arm and inspecting it. She smiled at Yayoi. "Some of us like our cybernetic toys."

Yayoi blinked and realized she may have caused offense, not something she'd wanted to do. "your arm is amazing Sanda, truly, and i admit the hidden blade feature I'd had was awesome too, but I meant I'd preferred having the choice not be forced when it happened." She pats Sanda's shoulder.

After a bit of wondering around the ship wondering what he'd say he eventually sucked it up and Knocked on Cassie's Door, "Hey Cassie can I talk to you? If your not busy of course."

Delmira snickered a bit at Sanda. "Its a bad ass robo arm for a bad ass ranger." She leaned against Kinie just a little bit. "We got a space station to explore and then a bar to check out." She said and stood up.

Sanda flexed her arm at Del. "And don't you forget it." To Yayoi Sanda laughed. "You are too easy girl."

Yayoi smirked at her but she said nothing more.

OOC: JP by Wes, Demibear, Ajax, Charaa, Cowboy, Soresu and Soban, Spaceeye, Shadowwalker
Frank waited outside her door Wondering how to discuss these things with Cassie and instead opted to Do what Yayoi suggested and would give her a hug if she opened the door to talk with frank. but until then he waited. "Listen Cass, I wanted you to know your a great person and a awsome squadmate, if you ever need to talk even if its to vent Im here for you. I know what its like to be alone with what youve been threw. as a ex psychopomp agent I'll admit its never easy but ill be here for you every step of the way all you need to do is ask."
Zanven was putting away his clothes, emptying his duffel and making sure that all of his things were in order. The models he had built before shore leave were still there and the mess he created before was cleaned up. He did not venture out of the cabin for a while as he looked over his datapad and glanced at the crew listing with who was promoted, and what was going on if there were any newcomers. He saw that there was a few new things waiting on him, a transponder, and a watch...exactly like he was told...a sentai type device to get him in and out of his Nodachi, which was now anchored to the bottom of the ship. Since the training camp, he was considering asking the captain if he could also be assigned to ground forces missions, but the ship had plenty of "boots on the ground" for that work and he knew it. He was comfortable being a pilot, but he did put in acquisition requests for a mech suit that he could operate in a situation where ground forces were more valuable than air force, as well as still keeping to his piloting background.

Once everything was checked over and he changed into his off duty wear, he lounged around for a bit as he decided on what to do next.
"So where should we go next?" Delmira asked the assembled away team. "There has been multiple mentions of a bar owned by our esteemed Yayoi. This is a station known for housing diplomats so I'm sure there's some fancy restaurant we can sneak into." She said and looked at the group.
Pisces Station, Concourse A, Just outside the Docked Resurgence

Sanda looked around her. It this place was huge. She had been on a couple of space stations before, but this was something else. It was hard to fathom the size. Each arm was over 5k and the the center was half that. There was no end to the options available to them.

Sanda pulled up a map on her pocket tablet and scrolled through some of the options. The Nepleslian sector would be fun. She always liked looking at new cybernetics. Although she was pretty up to date. She had upgraded her neural interface and eye just before Giretsu training. She now had better eye sight and faster targeting abilities as well as scanners and display screen. She had also added a faster processer and the Neko Telepathy, although that was mostly turned off. She didn't like hearing voices inside her head. Her shoulder and right arm were up to date as well. She currently was sporting her 'normal arm'. It looked and felt just like a real arm, right down to her flowing lighting tattoo, but it had increased strength and sensors that would link any weapon held in her right hand to her cyborg eye.

Del's suggestion of going to some fancy restaurant actually sounded pretty good. The food was very good aboard the Resurgence but it had been awhile since she had gone somewhere really nice. The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea. A fancy, sit-down restaurant. No having to rush through a meal because you needed to get back to duty. Her mouth began to water at the though.

Sanda checked her time piece. "I think Del has got the right idea, but it's a little early most of the establishments. Lets take a look around the place and gather the intel we're suppose to be doing. We can also keep our eyes open for a fancy restaurant. In fact, lets make it a little contest. Who can find the fanciest restaurant that will allow in a bunch of enlisted grunts?" She smiled at that. "We'll check in in 3 hours. Whoever finds the restaurant doesn't have to pay."
Cassie opened the door. Frank was immediately hit by some sort of paint-like odor. Inside the cabin there were four bunks. Beyond Cassie, Frank could see her roommates: Pidole in black underwear brushing her bright red hair in the middle of the compartment while Euikoshi was in a blue Star Army T-shirt and duty uniform cargo pants, wearing headphones and sitting on her bunk looking at a laptop computer with 100 tabs open in her browser. Pink-haired Poppy was putting nail polish on her nails. Actually, on second glance, it was Pidole's beetle Bidole applying the nail polish for Poppy.

"Yo," Cassie waved to Frank.
Mochi made his way out alone onto the fairly packed dock, taking stock of who was already outside and raring to go exploring. Given that Pisces was a political station, he'd opted to wear the formal version of the Star Army uniform. The Elysian was more than used to it by now, having worn the thing countless times in the various senatorial meetings that had happened over the past months.

Oddly, Mochi appeared a few inches taller than what his crewmates may have remembered. A burned black colour rimmed the edges of his sunburst wings, which hadn't been present before. Rather uniquely, some cybernetics seemed to have been added to the scientist's body too, which were generally never seen on Elysians.The father of three corrected his cap and smiled politely at the others assembled there. It appeared his rank hadn't changed over the shore leave, unlike many of the others.

Using telepathy, Mochi would shoot a message to Koyama and Akira. "It looks like some of the crew are about to set off. I was thinking of checking out just how fancy a treatment they provide here. Should we have an officer's outing so that the others can let loose a bit without us? Although, that sounds like a diplomatic incident waiting to happen..-"

@Soresu @demibear
Frank would advert his gaze from the doorway out of respect for those inside before stating. "Listen Cassie If you ever need a shoulder to lean on even just to vent I'm here for you, I understand what its like to be a lone survivor. I've been in 4 different wars back to back and died in one of them so i know how you feel. That said would you want to go grab a drink at the bar and afterwards we go to a flower shop? Ill pay of course." Frank said trying not to stare into the room albeit blushing slightly.
Delmira looked at Kinie with a smile. "Two eyes are better than one, shall we go scope out the restaurants and work our way from there?" she asked her Neko companion. Delmira looked around for a map, worse case scenario she could just pull one up and via it in her mind.
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