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Sakura II Discussion (formerly A THOUGHT Experiment)

But yeee @Toshi just gimme the word and I can have Aradia jump in either this mission or next mission ^v^
I'm wondering why an Iroma is in the SAoY instead of their home military, but maybe it's something that happened when I was gone or if there's an actually compelling story. If this is just to recycle an existing character, I'd prefer their presence to make sense.

I'm also struggling to think of what to do with a second scientist. I blame myself for not updating the 'talking all comers' entry in the wiki sooner after we got a first scientist.
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Reactions: Wes
It could be that the Star Army, for the purpose of testing the Iroma's capabilities, went out of its way to recruit one.
Updated MOUA references to Electronic Warfare Suite. I goofed slightly there in my memory, but it doesn't change the function of the post.
For clarification, the Plumeria 2E's gun has been revised to have a base charging time of 30 seconds. Koyama's tactic cut that down to somewhere in the lower 20s. I'm thinking 23 seconds.

Plumeria 2D, the older variant, had a recharge time of 45 seconds. This tactic may cut that down to the mid 30s.

Also, to clarify confusion, that last shot killed all the enemies around still. Now they are going to the main battlefield.
Sorry I haven't been able to post, my sister's wedding is this weekend and it's been pretty busy. If you need to, feel free to auto Ren for this post, otherwise I'll have time when this is over on Monday!
Apologies for the delay. Life's been hectic here. Still is. I also need to prod some people on the Infantry side to post though.
I'm perfectly content in waiting especially considering your life has been hectic as you've said. I know how that goes and can empathize.
An idea I want to run by you guys: A lot of you have more experience with playing infantry combat than I do. While I will not be giving up the general flow of the fight or most of the forces since I need to GM and improve (though I am up for ideas or going with the flow if someone comes up with something good), I might be inclined to let some of you who have proven your skills control specific or small groups of enemy NPCs if desired. Of course, the enemy could only fight other players (not your own), and could not be an insurmountable challenge for the group. They'd also have to follow my direction if required (sometimes without question since I don't want to spoil the overall game plan for my players).

Thoughts? If this doesn't work out or there's no interest, I can avoid the idea. It's not essential, and shouldn't be done if the people participating wouldn't find it fun.

I am also not opposed to people PMing me ideas in general, for infantry/space/social/etc.
That's an...... Interesting idea. I'll try to do a post for Aradia and then I'll think some more about that ^~^

Now, about that idea... Being directly in-control of the enemies, even if those enemies are not related to the character(s) we play, doesn't seem like a good idea to me. It could get kinda confusing and/or messy, and the way some people might think of how combat should go (i.e., how easy it would be to defeat the Kuvies) will almost certainly disagree which might make people unhappy. I do like the idea of people DMing/PMing you ideas for how to go though, to help you out : P It's a good thing that you asked for our help and opinions on this, Toshiro!

But yeah: I don't think that players having direct control of the enemies would be very good in this particular situation, but being able to give you ideas for how to proceed and what to do does seem like it'd be an excellent choice.
Reactions: IQ
I'll try to post something either later on today or tomorrow.

EDIT: And posted. Apologies for it being smallish and not entirely coherent, running on fumes after a caffeine crash.
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