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Sakura II Discussion (formerly A THOUGHT Experiment)

-Didn't pick gifts since Koyama was new to the ship and likely wouldn't know everyones likes and dislikes.-
I'd like a roll call to see who is still around. Some people have been dropping here and there, and about half of my players are actually posting.
I'm still here. Just nothing to really do but have her sit at engineering's main console and watch the gauges. Nothin' wrong with that.
Mission 5 is up, please post. I would also like feedback on Mission 4 and what you'd like to see more of. Ideas and feedback are important, and I still need them from you all. Note that people who are unhappy being stuck aboard ship are able to deploy as part of the PA team this mission.

Also, almost serendipitously, it's time for plot audits again. Please make sure your pages are up to date and tell me if you're staying or going.
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At this point, you should update your history section with the basics of what she experienced in the last mission, as well as updating her finances to reflect her accumulated pay.
u vu

I'll check on my pages and such in a day or so, and also get out a post.

Regarding the mission, I like how there was a bit more focus on tactics in combat as opposed to simply winning by being cooler(TM) than our enemies; I'd like to see more of that sorta stuff, where we'd need to use our wit to take on an otherwise superior force.

...Well, that's my thoughts for the combat, anyways. I'm not sure what would go down on something more exploration or investigation-focused! : P
Thanks for the feedback. I invite others to think of tactics as well and voice them ICly.

As for our players, everyone's either responded to me here or in PMs save Immortal. As she's not gotten back to me in 2 months though, I'll have to drop our medic.
Bloodyscarlet's character has permission to start posting in the plot. We can skip the formal interview since the Eucharis already has that requirement and Yai trusts Hanako's judgment. Main question though: Is she a stay-on-ship medic, or a field medic that uses a PA? >:3
I need more than two people to post. If you're here but don't know what to say/ask, at least respond in here please so I know you're reading/waiting?
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