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Approved Submission [SAoY] KFY Ke-M2-4 Series MINDY Armor Suit


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Submission Type: Power Armor
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:equipment:ke-m2-4_series_mindy_armor


FM Approved Yet? Yes, FM-approved by me last year
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes (hand weapons)
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? Yes

Notes: Added the most requested feature: Compatibility with Mindy 2 hardpoint accessories. Also added backup (non-aether) power.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
That awesome guy said:
7: Titanium chassis? Really? Yamatai can do better.

Wes said:
It's not helpful unless to provide a suggested alternative. Yamatai has used Titanium chassis armors practically forever and they've been fine so far.

That same awesome guy said:
8: What is the zesuaium mounted onto? If it is the titanium layer, then we've got a major durability concern here. Mount the zesuaium on a more robust material, such as a boron compound.

Also, nice hustle on getting things handled. Just that little bit of fluffing up makes the armor become appealing.

About damaging starships; just because Mindy is in an armor weight class, does not mean her weapons have to be. Give her a bigger aether saber, or an ejectable missile rack. Something a designated unit in a team can use to put some precision hurt on a target, like Fred is suggesting.
Does no one but me have a problem with solid volumetrics and hard light being in use here? Because I've tried reading up on it and:
1. It seems to come out of nowhere in technological application for the Mindy. This doesn't have to be bad, but it feels a bit jarring to me.
2. What I've read on the topic of solid volumetrics clearly indicates that the generation point for it clearly needs to be fixed, nailed down, and likely somewhat large.
3. Hard Light was introduced by the Lazarus Consortium - that company Yamatai is supposed to have nothing to do with. It's only fielded by the Lazarus Consortium.
This begs the questions:
Did KFY copy/reverse engineer the tech after seeing it existed? (if so, when? We barely have any contact with them)
Did we actually contact them and purchased use of their technology? (this is probably the thing that would make the most sense)
Did we coincidentally create the same thing on our own? (please don't say 'yes' )
Yamatai actually picked up photonic tech in YE 35 from a market vendor on the Essai Dreamworld, of all places (it actually came with a huge instruction manual detailing the tech). Volumetrics tech is something Yamatai's had for a long time and has been using more solid volumetrics lately. The tech isn't from Lazarus, and Yamatai doesn't purchase Lazarus stuff. I've removed all "hard light" references from the armor article.
Wes, what theoretically would need to be done for them to be on good terms? The consortium is currently undergoing a kind of internal revolt.

A certain character wants to know what assurances she'd get as a political prisoner if she went down that route.

Got in a bit over her own head, see.
Let's not get sidetracked.
Yamatai actually picked up photonic tech in YE 35 from a market vendor on the Essai Dreamworld, of all places (it actually came with a huge instruction manual detailing the tech). Volumetrics tech is something Yamatai's had for a long time and has been using more solid volumetrics lately. The tech isn't from Lazarus, and Yamatai doesn't purchase Lazarus stuff. I've removed all "hard light" references from the armor article.

Yep, I was involved with the roleplay on the Eucharis, and the HSC were present as well. They just haven't started researching the tech the Essai displayed.
I've seen a lot of positive improvement on this, but one lingering issue is the weapons presented being very barebone.

Wes proposed to present placeholders until the intended weapons could be created and detailed. It just doesn't seem to have been done yet. I'd also like some more detail on the inbuilt pulse cannon... even if it can be as little as comparison with another existing weapon.

I'd like a more precise ballpark for consecutive uses of the teleportation module per 10 minutes. It says several. Is that between 3 to 5? 7 to 10? Also, what actually limits this? Is it a heat concern? A power concern?
Added that the cooldown on the telporter is for heat dissipation and that several means 7-10 (based on conditions).

I'd also like some more detail on the inbuilt pulse cannon... even if it can be as little as comparison with another existing weapon.
It is an existing weapon. It's the same one the Mindy 1H uses. it's already approved.

The companion weapons for the armor have been removed. It will just use whatever rifles the Star Army already has.

Ready for review.
Roger that. I will save this one for tomorrow, if I don't get to it tonight. I want to have enough time to get it thoroughly reviewed.
@Wes I have a question about hardpoints. Are the shoulder hardpoints taken by the wings? And are the wings self powered like the engines on Eucharis or do they draw from the reactor?

Also, I'm sure it's a mistake but I noticed that the top speed at sea level is actually lower than the M2-2D which could reach Mach 1.8.
The ever blocky Hostile can apparently achieve Mach 5 in a planet and the aggressor, of all things, can manage Mach 3. Without the wings I'd imagine that this armor should be able to achieve at least Mach 1.3. If twin turbo aether plasma engines cannot outperform the daisy (mach 1.6) we need have a serious chat with our engineers! :D

EDIT: The more I look at it the more that speed thing is killing me. Even in space it's only slightly faster than the M2-2D and it too can be equipped with a teleporter. In fact, if the M2-4 has such a fantastic teleporter Yamatai should really just make it an option on the M2-2D. And why bother having wings if they don't bring any benefits to the table? In any confined space they'll just get in the way. I really believe the top speed for the M2-4 with wing thrusters should be mach 2 and acceleration in space should improve significantly, after all we will need to get into teleportation range if we intend to board the additional thrust will make dodging that much easier when the rival captain sees us. If that means sacrificing the solid volumetric system that'll be fine. Only one shield can run at a time anyway!
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Are the shoulder hardpoints taken by the wings?
No. The wings are mounted on the torso section and the shoulder hardpoints are mounted on the actual shoulders. The wings are detachable, though. The wings are self-powered.

The ever blocky Hostile can apparently achieve Mach 5 in a planet and the aggressor, of all things, can manage Mach 3.
We're not going to let the stupidly high speeds of other armors define speeds for this one. It's a body armor, not an aeroshuttle. I changed the TAP speed to Maximum Speed: 2092 kph (1300 mph), Mach 1.69 at Earth sea level to match the DAISY.
Self powered wings are an awesome idea, but I still think they just don't bring enough benefits. My biggest question would be: why is Yamatai making armor that is inferior to its own technology? The M10 high speed core cruises at mach 7(stupid fast) and has an overboost of mach 10(Ludicrous Speed!). So we have proof that the technology exists who makes body armor faster than a fighter Starbucks granted a collision that that should result in instant death. A minor collision at Mach 1 evaporate the armor, because as you say it is only body. Space combat it is already proven that Fighters have Superior Firepower. The only ball in the court of power armor is it's Superior maneuverability. If the CFS on the M2-4 honestly needs help getting close to what a vanilla M2-2D does with no assistance can only mean that the CFS on the M2-4 is inferior to the one on the M2-2D which would ultimately result in slow response, meaning that it would not maneuver as quickly as its predecessor two models behind.

Without an in character reason for this drop in performance or a real benefit I really don't see this armor catching on.
The M10 high speed core cruises at mach 7(stupid fast) and has an overboost of mach 10(Ludicrous Speed!).
Like he said:
We're not going to let the stupidly high speeds of other armors define speeds for this one. It's a body armor, not an aeroshuttle.

It's not because someone went and slapped values competitive to the NAM power armor that he has to actually agree with it. It's entirely plausible that this kind of stuff sneaks by unnoticed in his eyes, and he's right now setting down his preferences as setting admin.

Arguably, you ought to see it another way; the Wes might want to get the other armors to get speed revisions according to this vision.

(and if so, I'd like this revision to seriously reconsider the FTL speeds given to power armor, under the same flag as "they are not aeroshuttles". Having 0.3c sublight is already amazingly fast)
You are absolutely right @Fred. The speeds in our setting are absurdly fast. Should a revision occur then by all means my argument is invalid as my thinking until now has been limited to only what the wiki contains. I am 110% in favor of a revision in our speeds as a community and would help in anyway possible to see it come to fruition.

Also, @Wes, I apologize if I came off as disrespectful or aggressive at any point, that was definitely not my intention. I value our friendship and only want what is best for the entire SARP community.