Loud noises of a cane striking a solid floor sung throughout the halls.
"Mr. Premier!"
"Mr. Premier!"
The Sky Marshall of Nepleslia turned on his heel, leaning over his cane as he looked down at the chasing Sheva. His mouth spread into a small grin, before responding to the ruffled woman, "Yes?"
Sheva stopped, her eyes widened with frustration and anger. She opened her mouth to speak, raising a finger as if attempting to start a tirade. Those lips sealed up though, and her cheeks puffed out wide into amazingly peeved face. With her puffy expression, she thrust her finger at the Sky Marshal several times, before throwing bother fists down to her side.
"You're startin' to turn red, Sheva." piped Pyros, a lop-sided grin on his face showing just how much fun he was having.
"Why won't you answer to your title!" roared Sheva', letting out all that pent up air before she turned blue.
"Why should I? I'm the Sky Marshal, I do what I want."
"No! No no nooooooo!" The PR rep stamped her feet several times, "You are the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia's Sky Marshal and Premier. You answer to Premier, so that we can project a peaceful and good view to all the other nations! You don't go by Pyros, we talked about this! You stay formal and impersonal and businesslike. Now, say it with me."
Sheva held up both her hands, and spoke, "I."
Pyros titled his head, arching a brow, "I."
Came the woman's next word, "Am."
The man mimicked it perfectly, "Am."
Sheva sighed thankfully and continued, "The Democrat--..."
Suddenly, she was cut off, "Pyros. I am Pyros."
"AUGGGHWGHLE!" Sheva threw a fit, and turned to stomp off, "I can't take this! If you're not going to take this seriously, I'm going to go back to our quarters!"
"You sure? I was about to raid a panty-locker."
Sheva stopped, turning around with an absolute shock of horror on her face, "You... You're joking."
"What? I wouldn't mind seeing what that Abw Matriach wears under the hood."
"Bweh... Heh heh..." Sheva's face turned unnatural incredulous, her form bouncing with little giggles, "It's a joke. Beh heh ah ha ha! It's got to be a joke! Heh... Heh haha ha... Ha ha ha..."
Pyros, not sure what was going on, started to laugh too, albeit with a curious look on his face, "Ha... heh heh... Ha ha ha ha!"
"Hah ha ha ha ha!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha!"
"Haw haw hah awh hah!" Sheva turned and walked off, laughing hysterically.
"Ha ah ha ha ha...! Glad we had this talk." finished Pyros, before turning on his cane to go elsewhere, "Now where's that heavy-weight's panty drawer..."