Player Name: @Soresu
Star System requested: Jiyuu
Star System's population: 1.5 Billion on Jiyuu III alone, a total (I think) system-wide without SAoY personnel 1,500,238,300 altogether? Making it I believe the most densely populated system in the
Yugumo Cluster. I may have gotten my count wrong. If so, please correct me and hit me with a wiffle ball bat.
Is this a current Star System in the YSE? Yes
Do you roleplay in Yamatai? Yes, on the Resurgence with Ketsurui Koyama, and the Hinomaru Sunrises (YSS Mazu) with Motoyoshi Kazumi
Why did you choose this system? OOCly because I've always been fond of Jiyuu, there has been a lot of time, effort, and thoughtfulness put into its articles. ICly, the senator of choice, Koyama has begun desiring to build a political career and with Jiyuu without a senator currently and her being a former 1st Expeditionary Fleet officer, has ties to the cluster itself. Having served there and amongst its fleet for a number of years. In other words, she wishes to do right by those she perceives as deserving of further assistance of its growth and potential for the benefit of the YSE.
What plans do you have to help this star system and the YSE? Thus far? To help grow Jiyuu into a more populous, economically stimulated system. As the defacto 'Capital' of the MCS, its growth is tantamount to further development and stability of the cluster. OOCly, it is also because of a desire to assist and work with the likes of
@Andrew again, as well as
@Yuuki who have been both lovely and accomodating people to me and are far, far deserving of assistance in this regard and my own desire to explore this area of SARP as it is unexplored territory for me!
Do you have a character to use as a senator? Ketsurui Koyama
However: This is a decision of both
@Andrew and
@Yuuki 's discretion on my taking up this position ICly and OOCly, and know if they do agree I can rely on assistance and aid as needed. And help them in turn.
Also, I suck at applications.
Don't hurt me bro.