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OOC Service to the Free State OOC

Well, I thought everyone would want to chat with each other and such, but I suppose that can wait. So, before I go to bed tonight, I hope to write the first post of Chapter 2. If I don't get around to it, I would like to conduct JPs with a few of you, if any of you are available this weekend.
I'm free tomorrow afternoon and possibly the same for sunday, but i can't be up late tomorrow, since I have church in the morning and first time I'll be singing live with the choir.
Okay, I got a JP out of Gunhand, and I got a 'pass' out of DeathEvn for this one.

I absolutely have to get at least a short JP with @Syaoran so Linda can contact Max Jaeger.

I'd kind of like one with @Born-On-Board and @Moogle because they are the best.

@Gunsight1, Harmonious Solarsailor is going to want some help for a little project it has in mind, and I think you know what it is~

@Yoshi, insert some words here and note how I acknowledge you and mention something about our earlier JP, and you know, just feel really special because you're the best-- Just like BoB and Moogle.
I waited for you, Lam! You left me standing at the IRC altar!

(Jk just hit me up next time you're online)
'Bout to dump a lot of stuff to read on you guys.

I think it's pretty interesting for the most part, though. Those of you with whom I did not JP, I will get you at the end of another chapter-- or perhaps in the middle of one?
I actually did not realize that was the new thread XD I thought it was another one of the JPs cause it had a character's name in it
Li has brought it to my attention that I could've been more specific when saying what exactly to 'suit up' in. Just grab either standard PA load-out, or if you were trying something sexy last time around (IE Eir was getting in a Devestator) go ahead and grab that again.

As with Sigma, if you like anything that's starred on the roster then I need a heads-up about it first. I know Nepleslian plots are very heavily focused on these sophisticated powered battle armors, but you'll have to bear with me during combat with them. Some of you probably already know about my distaste for powered armor fighting, but if you don't I'm saying it now. I've never liked how power armor is so much of an equalizer on the battlefield and I've always felt that, out-of-character, it takes away the chance for a varied and dynamic cast of characters to show off their strong points and skill individuality.

That said, I'm not going to run a Nepleslian military plot in which marines are asked to abandon almost a decade of in-character established military doctrine. So, once again, please bear with me if I GM it stupid in battle and be like 'Eli clearly couldn't have done all that dumb shit BoB just said he did' when he clearly could've because of power armor. I'm just not used to it.