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Setting Submissions Process

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I've seen that when people get frustrated with the site, they're often frustrated because of the Setting Submissions process. I'm really interested in making this part of the site a more positive experience for creative SARPers who have graciously put their time and effort into expansion articles to Star Army's setting and lore.

So I've put together a plan to fix things:

Step 1: We're going to completely rewrite the rules for submission reviewers, with clear, thorough guides on how we expect them to conduct themselves. A key part of this will be positivity.

Step 2: Search for more active and positive moderators and aggressively streamline the overall process to make it faster with less frustrating wait times. Create forms for the submissions so articles and posts always have everything they need to succeed. You've already seen the start of this now that the forum asks for submission URLs and WIP URLs along with the post.

Step 3: Opening submission of new factions again - a date will be set soon. This is a very requested feature.

If you have specific suggestions I want to hear them.

EXAMPLE: Reviewers always should fix typos instead of posting about them in the thread.
I'm the guy who says all the time "go wild with your submissions." I feel like everyone tunes out after that phrase because immediately after I always say "You will most likely get your stuff denied, a lot. But you also might end up making something great."

I hope people aren't misinterpreting that. I don't think I am. I'd be okay with DG's stuff if he was willing to really make it logical and I've even torn a few of the newer NTSE new buttholes for talking a few people down from submitting new content.
Why are you blaming me for this? I'm the one helping bring on new players and encouraging them to play / make stuff. Pointing out that people are having a problem with the NTSE isn't part of the problem.

To whit;

Maybe you shouldn't train them to hate the NTSE in your private Discord server. I'd have made you a setting submissions moderator already if you weren't so negative all the time. It's clear the problem is not coming from the moderator staff alone but also from your constant attacks on the staff, which spread negativity in our community.
Which is clearly silly.

1: I don't have a discord server.
2: I'm not training people to hate the NTSE, they are doing that on their own.

The negativity is already there, blaming me for the NTSE's problems when I have no control over what happens there is kinda ridiculous. Like if only I didn't have control of the NTSE this problem would go away?
1: There's a server dedicated to the USO, as well as one for S6.
2: You tell people to ignore anyone who says anything critical, even when the people you tell someone to ignore are NTSE.
As a new player. And as someone who has attempted at NTSE, namely the android tech submission named the Drakon Unit that got approved by Wes. I'll add in my two cents. Maybe just because I'm a relatively new player, I can give some of my views during this submission. Though I'd like to add that, what I've seen from this discussion, that I'm starting to reconsider writing the race I had in mind as well day one of joining the site. I've gotten into it somewhat, but that's the furthest I'm going to go into this.

Regardless, onto my two cents.

The submission and approval process of this tech was... mixed. I'd like to give a poisoned compliment to Meta here, but I think Wes already adressed it to him as well in private. He helped me a lot during the submission and was very friendly, right up until the last push. Where I was pretty demotivated by his general attitude towards the submission and the work he didn't want to put into it, as well as failing to notice the added subsection of the Drakon Company that wasn't, and is still not conform, to the company template. This change was over several weeks old and yet he only noticed after Ametheliana stated. And seeing the trend where I'd have to wait a week or longer for just a response, it started to drag out. I became disheartened and wanted to give the submission up. I contacted Wes and explained why. Told him my side of the story and left it at that. He approved it a split second later and apologized. We had a proper conversation.

What I'm trying to say is... There are issues, yes. Something I've come to notice is that the mods are lazy or innacurate at times. Which is alright, we're all human and you have to slog through entire walls in those submissions. It's a trend I've seen both Ame and Meta do, respectively with my Uberreik location and the Drakon. But I'd also like to attest that the sympathy and enthusiasm I was met with was very motivating (bar at the end, sorry Meta, I still love you md, no hard feelings).

I hope I haven't offended @META_mahn with this, much love and appreciation, I just couldn't bring myself to face you regarding this. Same for @Ametheliana, who I actually was able to tell in person. Just try to be as critical and inclusive as you can. I'm not in the NTSE to have my feelings spared. I'm in the NTSE to get stuff on site I think would be interesting additions, either for my own characters, like the Uberreik. Or for a plot, like the Drakon Units.

I will also tag @Wes so he can call me out on any stupid mistakes I made in telling this, it's all a bit fussy but I think this is the full extent.

Furthermore, admire the people that do this, the NTSE mods regardless. For one simple reason, I know how tough it can get. And when you make mistakes, it hurts the players. I've been at both sides, believe it or not. I was staff of a roleplay site at one point. And while the lore was not as expansive as SA is right now. The combat system was a nightmare to judge. An attack had various types, classes, tiers. Based upon these three parameters, you had the correct defensive stat, which was one of three, and through that, you calculate advantages that decide how much damage you deal. To level up characters, you could grind out threads, which us staff had to read and judge. Or buy them with points in a needlessly complicated way. I loved the site, but working as such a staff member had burned me out completely and I left.

So yeah. There are issues, stuff that the NTSE moderators need to watch. The accuaracy and their laziness. Though at the same time, I completely understand where the slack comes from at times.

But there's also a recurring trend I've seen in this mess of a discussion thread. And here comes the somewhat more direct and brusque side. I want everyone to take a long hard look here. Yeah, I've just been complaining about the NTSE and how important feelings are to it. But Meta sat down with me and discussed stuff. I was open to the changes he proposed and the criticism he offered. And yeah, I had to make sacrifice and had to make changes, other parts I just had to clarify myself a bit more.

I wasn't submitting the Drakon because I wanted to snowflake and have my tender feelings saved. I was submitting the Drakon because they seemed like a cool idea. And I think that's the issue some people have, they go into he NTSE, having made their mind up already. With tunnel vision and refusing any changes the NTSE moderator puts. I went in with the Drakon open minded, knowing full well there'd be changes requested. You just can't have such a big submission right from the get go.

So can we all just stop playing the goddamn blame game and actually use this thread what it was made for? Discussing how the NTSE process might be better? Can we stop pointing fingers, admit our own shortcomings and handle this like adults? Because from what I'm seeing, only a bare minimum are doing this right now in the thread.

No one is perfect, buttercup. So I'll tell you once that you're delusional.

If you feel personally attacked by the remark above, well, it says more about you than it does about me. If you don't, you're probably fine.

That's all I have to say. I will proceed to unwatch this thread because I won't go on to continue following it and get even more demotivated at working for getting my peeps in. If you have retorts, feel free to write them. I will read them, but I refuse to respond any further. And this isn't because this is the case of "I'm right and no one else is." No, it's because I just don't have the energy to actually put more effort into this thread than I already have. Nor am I experienced enough to step beyond this.

I'll part with this; Please talk this over in a civilized way. Don't cause drama, don't point fingers, don't shift blames. Everyone screws up. And yeah, some people have somewhat malicious or destructive intents at time. But this place is not the place to remind them. This place is to help the site. Not have another toxic outlet that will cause yet another cataclysm.

~<3 IQ
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I'm accepting applications for additional setting submissions reviewer volunteers. I'm looking for people who are active on the site every day or two and who have the time to consistently get in the forum and evaluate people using the Reviewing Submissions guide. Reviewers need to be highly familiar with the Star Army setting (this typically comes with being around a while), super positive/nice/polite to people, and should have mastery of wiki formatting, know the Star Army wiki's style guide, and be great with spelling and grammar.

I run the site but there's many hats I have to wear and this volunteer position is extending trust to you to do this for me right. By delegating I can help ensure my SARP workload isn't overwhelming. It is vital that people submitting things to expand the Star Army universe have a good experience doing that so they'll keep doing it. If you think you can help with this, let me know.
I'm active on the site, I've got great consistency, I know the rules better than most, I'm more familiar than the setting than most, I'm already the guy being nice and helpful to new players trying to make stuff, I already help new players with wiki formatting, I'm p good at style guides/documentation, and I've certainly spelled things, sometimes even correctly.
Yeah no. You are far from an unbiased person to do this. Your repeated disrespect for the NTSE all but disqualifies you for this.
@Alex Hart you know being a mod changes your perspective on the NTSE. And it's not like he can approve his own submissions. Maybe a trial is in order? Perhaps we can see how he does, and maybe his opinions might change once he's in the seat?
EDIT: Wes permitting, of course.
I would also like to apply to be a Setting Submissions Reviewer, on the conditions that I refrain from reviewing the submissions of certain members and that I not begin reviewing submissions until I return from my hiatus.

As for qualifications, well, I’ve been around for three years, I am skilled at grammar, spelling, and the eldritch abomination that is wiki formatting, am quite familiar with the Style Guide, and am trying my hardest to work on being more positive towards others and less “blunt,” with the unfortunate exception of the long-running...”disagreement” I have with a certain individual.
I’ll volunteer, but as it should go without saying I wouldn’t have the utmost greatest timeframe. I’d be more floating to give input than able to tackle entire submissions often.
I think Zack would be good with tech but not style/formatting and Frost good with style/formatting but not tech, so that actually seem fine if they focus on suggestions that play to their strengths. And it goes to a full Mod to look it over after their suggestions, to actually rubber stamp things.
I'd give it a shot, I've been pretty consistent with submitting new things so I know the process. Recently my articles have had very few objections raised (if you ignore those I wrote a year ago), so I daresay I'm getting better at what an article should and shouldn't do regarding the checklist.
sniff hm wha-? I mean it would be neat but I doubt I'd make the cut, that and I'm pretty new in the scheme of things so yeah.
@SirSkully if you don't feel confident in that kind of a role there's no shame in it. A modest man knows his limits. You may try observing and offering advice in the tech submissions as they come up until you feel you are fully capable of handling submissions. Even now, you will always have the support of the other mods. Frost isn't even a mod yet and I've asked him for help with the weapon limitations math so you can be sure that anything you don't know or aren't familiar with can generally be handled by another member. We all follow the same rules.
It's not so much that I don't feel confident as it is that I don't know how it would play out, I'm just a guy who pumps out a low-quality tech article every other day and there is no way of knowing I would be any good at it or not - I might be decent or I might be a complete trainwreck and just embarrassed myself. I just honestly do not know how to feel about it.

TLDR: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was holding off on this because I thought there were plenty of NTSEs, but I've been reading the place a bit and it seems there's still congestion for one reason or another. I'll do it if it's asked of me because:
  • Who knows lore better than raz? Just about Wes and one or twomst others.
  • Totally impartial except being a big Yamatai fan, and everybody's resigned to the fact that Yamatai is great.
    • What I'm saying here is there's absolutely no bias risk that matters.
  • Will be quick and attentive and use the checklist.
  • Despite being quick and attentive, raz is very thorough.
  • Knows wiki style and how to use plugins very well.
  • Used to be a real life editor.
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