Shrugging slightly as she heard Faye and... what was her name? Honoka? climbing the stairs up to the bath house, Jessica quickly stripped out of her uniform and her underwear before she ran the showers, icy cold, for a brief moment, just to get a tad cleaner before she hit the bath.
Slipping into the bath itself, the gear-head stood dumbstruck at the scene for a moment, before she scratched behind her right over-sized ear before she shrugged again and slipped into the water. As she did, she made a show of looking around in an exagerated manner.
"Taisho? Where's that big sea critter ya were talkin' 'bout? An' yup, ya've got class, Taisho! Jus' take this place for 'sample!" The mechanic stated, feeling somewhat cheeky as she relaxed in the water, finding that the 'stones' had a texture and consistency she hadn't really expected.