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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Mission 2.0 is up!

I won't lock Mission 1.0 just yet, to give everyone the chance to finish up any RP they wanted to conclude there. Sometime in the middle of this week, however, it will be locked, and we'll start posting exclusively to 2.0.
Just want to be clear that Vel's interpretation of freespacers is that they do extensive "alteration" of their natural bodies which is similar to the iroma though not exactly. (If this is what they do idk I haven't gotten to reading them yet)
If anyone has any further business in Mission 1.0, do it now. I will be locking the thread at the end of the day today.

Also, I've been very flexible since the plot began regarding our expected posting frequency, but I'm going to start firming up on it starting today. I would prefer not to have to start trimming the roster down, but in the interest of keeping the plot moving and engaging for the players who do post frequently, I will be forced to if it comes to that. Please be sure you're posting at least once every two days. If for some reason you expect to go longer, be sure to post something here on the OOC thread so that everyone is aware of it, but if it becomes routine then I'll be forced to reevaluate whether or not you can keep up.

I'm not chastising anyone (yet). I'm simply saying that I will from now on be more faithfully enforcing the expectations set forth before this plot began. If one post per two days is too tight of a deadline, please let me know, and we can discuss it.
I will post in the morning I just went through some very difficult things and i cant focus. I am sorry. If you would like to skip what i was gonna do I am fine with that.
Well, shoot. I thought I was being brainy there. *facepalm*

I'll modify my post. It would actually make more sense that Sienna doesn't think a firearm wouldn't work any differently in space.

@NightWolfe - Real life takes precedence over RP any day. Take the time you need to sort things out before you come back, we'll hold your spot for a while. Thanks for letting us know. Do you mind if I autopilot Vel if necessary? I promise I won't get him in too much trouble.

Also, as clarification on my post regarding the cracking down on posting times, remember that the plot guidelines allow for an extension of the two-day window if notice is given, as NightWolfe has done. So you're only in danger of being booted out of the plot if you don't make an RP post in more than two days AND you make no effort to let me know you're temporarily unavailable. If I'm made aware of a problem on your end, I'm willing to be much more forgiving, but arrangements will be made when necessary to keep the plot moving.
Normally i wouldn't mind if you Autopilot him but i have collected myself and will have my post up very shortly. (Before noon)
@NightWolfe, the only way that Vel could possibly have seen outside the ship is if he was in the lounge with the vidscreen tuned to an exterior view. There are no exterior windows anywhere on the ship except for the cockpit.
Sorry if i wasnt clear on how he was doing it. He was connecting his wireless network to watch from the main computer/scanner interface.
Just to be clear on how his connection works, Vel can only connect while concentrating on the connection, other than those times he isnt connected to the computer in any way.

I would like to ask a few questions also. Is Crash connected to the entire ship (as he said he was to the 2 guys that tried to high jack it). If he is how exactly would he identify Vel, as his connection to the ship would be completely foreign to him as it is a human(ish) brain connecting to the main computer. (I want to point out that to me it would make sense that he would sense the trespass but identifying it instantly as Vel is a little difficult to believe when it would be the first time he every would have sensed something like him). Finally if Crash was able to sense Vel wouldn't the reverse be true and Vel would know about him being connected to the computer?
Now I may not be entirely right on this but this is from my understanding.

Is Crash connected to the entire ship (as he said he was to the 2 guys that tried to high jack it). If he is how exactly would he identify Vel,

Crash is a type 5 freespacer, though normally just a data entity crash has a physical body that keeps him/it whatever able to interact with the physical world instead of just the digital. That being said crash is essentially a program in the ships computer so anything the computer is connected to Crash is connected to, and if not the physical body can get there (though a bit limited without the spiderbot atm).

how exactly would he identify Vel, as his connection to the ship would be completely foreign to him as it is a human(ish) brain connecting to the main computer

The answer to that is within the question. Out of all the people accessing the computer currently there are 3 nepleslians 1 freespacer (minus crash obviously) and 1 Ihroma (sp?). It would be logical to say that out of the 5 beings accessing it only two can do so from something other than a direct input device, like a data pad, which would narrow it down to Vel and Six Four. That being said a freespacer accessing the system would 'feel' different than an Ihroma accessing it, think of it as different IP addresses but seeing as there from different species there would most likely be unique identifiers and such... also with Polysciense and other mind ware Six Four doesn't really need to connect to the main computer but I digress.

Finally if Crash was able to sense Vel wouldn't the reverse be true and Vel would know about him being connected to the computer

Does a deer know when its being hunted? The answer is no. Sense Crash is somewhat 'installed' onto the computer and also a 'living' being it could potentally 'hide' when someone is searching for it. Also seeing as its hanging out in the computer it could tell when a remote user was accessing it, and that remote user (in this case Vel) wouldn't necessarily know that something was there unless they were specifically looking for it due to it being in the digital backround. Now i'm going to assume that Vel wasn't trying to search the system for anything wonky, mearly just accessing information, so there would be no reason for him to find crash especially if crash was tying not to be found... which it seems to be doing.

Also for IC purposes if Vel was going to be like "Hey I'm gonna go search the computer system for a Freespacer organism!" He would A) Sound a bit crazy to the crew because type 5s are rare and why would one be on this little junky ship. and B) would be kinda fishy or sound like a coverup for trying to do something dastardly like trying to program the ship for his own purposes or something of the like.

Hope that helps a bit with your questions, I'm just assuming a bit on behalf of Tanka's character but I think I got Crashes expliantion down right. and of course if our Glorius GM Floodwaters has any other reason(s) or wants to put her foot down for something she is more than free to do so. She is the boss and has the final say in this plot afterall.
Just to be clear on how his connection works, Vel can only connect while concentrating on the connection, other than those times he isnt connected to the computer in any way.

I would like to ask a few questions also. Is Crash connected to the entire ship (as he said he was to the 2 guys that tried to high jack it).
He is the computer.

If he is how exactly would he identify Vel, as his connection to the ship would be completely foreign to him as it is a human(ish) brain connecting to the main computer.
The same way computers to that today: IP Addresses. Your character access will leave a trace, and since Crash already knows who has been accessing it before (because he is the computer) he would recognize a new access.

(I want to point out that to me it would make sense that he would sense the trespass but identifying it instantly as Vel is a little difficult to believe when it would be the first time he every would have sensed something like him).
This is exactly why Crash would sense someone like Vel and identify it as such.

Finally if Crash was able to sense Vel wouldn't the reverse be true and Vel would know about him being connected to the computer?
No. A certain security agency does that right now, do you know that they are doing it?
The following was my reply to you when you asked me privately about Vel "probing" his surroundings in his cabin:

After your original post was modified, I asked you via PM again yesterday morning if your intent was still to have Vel wirelessly probe the immediate area, to which you replied yes, but we exchanged no further messages. I never gave you specific results as to what was possible if Vel were to hack into the ship's computer, or even if he would succeed in doing so. Your making the assumption that Vel is able to gain enough control over the ship's computer is treading into the dangerous territory of metagaming.

With the exception of relatively insignificant actions, everything that your character attempts should be clearly written out, and the GM needs to be given the opportunity to provide the results. It's not up to you to automatically decide whether or not an action succeeds, or what the results of said action will be, particularly when something he's doing something that has the potential to affect other PCs. That's the GM's job.

Riko and Foxtrot both explained the IC situation much better than I would have, and it's perfectly logical for Vel's intrusion into the ship, no matter how benign, to be detected and instantly recognized. Amelia and Sienna are the only two people who have accessed the ship's computer since the plot began, Oreza is the only other human on board with the authorization to do so, and Six Four is a Freespacer. The process of elimination leaves Vel as the only remaining possible culprit. However, I need to point out that this is entirely OOC information. As far as Vel knows, he hasn't been caught, because no one has given him any reason to think otherwise.
I apologize for overstepping Vel's abilities. I seen that crash was from somewhere else yet accesses the computer wirelessly while never having problems with security or anything else and assumed that without the lockout codes that Sienna put in before their little adventure onto Black Moon that the general security of the system was rather minimal at best.

Also for the part about asking privately what he would find i was actually simply trying to make sure you were ok with how i set it up as the wiki page for the augments is just the general definition of what kind of augments there are and nothing that actually states what is available besides a few examples which i tried to keep as close to as i possibly could (unless i misunderstood some of them in which case i could change/remove it). I also thought i was clear about him using some of his time that he was "Sleeping" to analyze the different systems he found in case he needed to use them at a later date like i said he would need to do.

Also on the note of what he found when he searched, despite it being closer ( ie. in the next room), Vel never sensed that there was 2 robotic units or the unnumbered amount of other data jockeys including Sienna's own personal wrist mounted version which crash has accessed twice now despite not having an address to send things to her which wouldn't be able to be written off as him having access to the main computer so he has her address as they are two completely different systems and not ingrained into one another otherwise Sienna would have known much earlier about the 2 hyjackers without Crash needing to send her a message to warn her.

Now I don't mean to make it sound like I'm complaining or that i think i am in the right. I just want to be clear that from my perspective there has been a lot of assumptions made during the roleplay just in the short time i have been here especially concerning the computers and wireless access.
I apologize for overstepping Vel's abilities.


Not sure what you mean there, so I'm going to abstract it and translate it to what I gathered from your post:
"I've seen that Crash was somewhere else, yet had access to the computer wirelessly while never having problems with the computer or anything else(...)"

As said before, he is the computer. And no, the spiderbot has had problems regarding interacting with it wirelessly. To quote it directly from our GM:
Meanwhile, Crash worked to override all internal controls for the hatches, although the ship's stilted computer infrastructure slowed his progress. .


I also thought i was clear about him using some of his time that he was "Sleeping" to analyze the different systems he found in case he needed to use them at a later date like i said he would need to do.

You weren't. To quote you directly from your post,

While everyone else was watching the space flight to the derelict ship Vel remained in his appointed room doing a mix of meditating and monitoring the flight and got quite a surprise when he seen the condition the ship was in.

You were first told by the GM, after this post, that there were no windows in the room your character was in . After being told that, you clarified that he was, and I quote, "connecting his wireless network to watch from the main computer/scanner interface."

Not sure if you know, but accessing a network that you normally wouldn't have access qualifies as hacking. The ship's sensors weren't supposed to be used by anyone other than the bridge crew.

Also on the note of what he found when he searched, despite it being closer ( ie. in the next room), Vel never sensed that there was 2 robotic units or the unnumbered amount of other data jockeys including Sienna's own personal wrist mounted version

Cool, that would be powergaming otherwise.

Wrong again, Crash never accessed it. The only interactions that the character has had with those devices was sending them messages, and the devices had been previously connected to the ship's network, which, as said before, is Crash.

The fact that your character tried to access the network and tap into the ship's sensors would open the possibilities for either:
A. Being detected.
B. Being fed the wrong data, after being detected.

Then please point out exactly which assumptions you are talking about.
In relation to your first point what i meant was that it has been stated several times that Crash had sneaked aboard the ship sometime in the past which would mean that he is still a foreign program to the ships computer and if the ship was able to detect hackers it would have picked him up until he rewrote the code to trick the computer/security program that he was part of the ship as well which means that there is absolutely no way that Sienna didnt know there was someone else on board that wasnt supposed to be there as Crash would have been detected hacking the ships computer and knowing Sienna she would have searched the ship top to bottom to find out who or what was hacking her ship in the middle of space when it was supposed to be only the three of them in the ship.

As for your next post i was refering to my PM to the GM which was this,

Lastly my very first paragraph was the assumptions that i was speaking about.
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