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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Sorry for the delay, players! I ended up having a big family weekend and didn't have much of an opportunity to get on SARP. I'll be starting the next mission this morning, as soon as I'm able.

After reading the last couple of posts, I have to wonder a couple of things. One, @Gunsight1, where are you hiding?? :p

And two, good gracious, is everyone on the Veil an insomniac? It seems like Sienna is the only person who actually slept. LOL
Shrie slept, but in the afternoon before she cooked the meal :p

By the way if anyone wants to come up to the soudn of music and thumps and see topless 7 feet tall woman run around the cargo bay, feel free to :D
The next chapter is up!

Feel free to continue in the off-duty thread if you have anything further you'd like to add. When it wraps up, I'll lock the thread.

@Centurion0507 , the time will be coming soon for you to make your debut. You can either wait for an in-character cue, or you may write a post from Tam's perspective in hiding on the moon. :)
Oreza is places. Been busy with stuff for the documentry the past couple days. We are under the gun for getting the trailer out.
I understand.

One thing, though - I believe Amelia and Crash had a JP lined up that would have taken place in the cockpit, without Oreza's presence. Would you work with them so that all three of you can have something that doesn't conflict?
Yeah thats fine. Yoshi, Foxtrot, lemmi know what you guys need and I'll edit.

I'll just post the logs from the IRC before adding my thoughts,

[08:01] <Pantsu_Queen> so unless Crash has been hidden this whole time and Amelia has been pretending to fly, as Crash really pilots the ship from a hidden computer port, Gunny's character knows about him.
[08:01] <Pantsu_Queen> though since Gunny's character hasn't said or done anything about Crash I have no clue what to think aobu tthis all, let alone know how to procced.
[08:02] <Foxtrot> Yeah.
[08:02] <Foxtrot> Same
[08:02] <Foxtrot> Also our JP would've been impossible to happen considering NOBODY SLEEPS
[08:02] <Pantsu_Queen> right.

That is basically the gist of it. Stating that Oreza is around the cockpit at night pretty much invalidates the JP I did with Yoshi in the 2.9 thread, where they go there at that time just so there is no one to bother them, which, in retrospect, is pretty ironic because everyone decided to have their characters be awake at that time.
@ShotJon, @Riko, @Centurion0507 :

The latest JP has brought the ship to a landing on Neue Jaspis IIh, where Tam is located, after a very rough descent. The landing beacon is about twenty minutes on foot away from where the ship is, in a forest grove of strange alien trees.

I flagged you three because I wanted to let you know that we've reached the point where everyone can more readily participate. Unfortunately, Gunny is going to have to back out of the plot for a little while until his RL schedule settles down, so in the meantime I will be NPCing Oreza. Sienna has just stepped out of the cockpit to help Shrie and Oreza finish prepping the suits as well as take stock of any weapons that will be available. Sienna will remain aboard the ship while Oreza and Amelia go out in search of the beacon and Tam. If Six Four, Shrie, and/or Crash want to be a part of the away team, have them speak up in the RP, but Sienna will probably only be willing to let one more person leave.

If anyone has any questions, let me know. Let's get going on Mission 3!
Will try to hack ine out around lunch break if I can, work plus other riko things have been draining me this week