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OOC The Fringe - Discussion


I intend to have this segment wrapped up by the end of the week, and then @Foxtrot 813 and I have a special treat for you - we'll be doing a cross-plot RP with the Bounty Hunters! :)

So let's all try to wrap up any loose ends we have on the ship before the FTL jump. There is one JP waiting on deck to be posted once @Riko and @ShotJon push along with the RP in the medical lab, and I will pull Oreza's puppet strings as needed.

@Centurion0507 , feel free to write something about Tam settling into Cabin 2, or whatever you wish, as your time allows.
It looks like everyone has responded - thanks guys!

Based on the feedback I've been given, here are some things I'm going to put more energy into providing in our stories:
  1. More NPCs, preferably recurring ones
  2. More crises and ethical dilemmas for the players to sort through
  3. More opportunities for ground fighting and moments for individual characters to show how dangerous they can be :)
  4. Longer downtime and "off duty" RP
On the topic of downtime, I can provide as much of it as you guys want, but I want to make sure that everyone understands I need your help to make the most of it, too! Get creative in these "rest periods" and let your character's personality really shine. If you want more opportunities to roleplay with anyone else's character (including mine), let them know you're interested and work something out! If you need help with settings and situations, ask! :)

I also noticed that the majority of the players would like to see more romantic themes incorporated, which is great, but my power to inject more of this is slightly more limited, given the relative isolation and small size of the crew. I do see one such relationship in the very early stages of development, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes, but by and large, in-character romances are tricky to handle in a way that makes sense without feeling forced or contrived. It also requires two players who are willing and comfortable with such a relationship to blossom, so much of that is up to you! Of course, with the addition of more NPCs over time, characters' options may eventually expand. Whichever way the chips fall, I'll try to keep my eye on this aspect and make adjustments accordingly, but my primary efforts will be focused on the things I can more directly influence.

I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am so far. Let's wrap up our current chapter and get ready to go meet the Bounty Hunters! :)
One other thing I forgot to mention in my comments above:

The survey also showed a trend of players not feeling fully comfortable with where everyone's characters were physically located in relation to one another in certain situations. How does everyone feel about me providing maps with character tokens when necessary, if I'm able?
To that comment I say that would be cool, at least a map of the area as well.

but on an unrelated note, I finnished some doodling!! The Doctor is in...sorta

Apologies for my absence over the weekend, guys. My youngest decided to test the limits of my sanity, but I finally came out (mostly) unscathed. I'll be posting a response to your last one this morning, @Riko, then enacting a fast-forward later today, most likely.
All -

Just in case I didn't tell you in the IRC, I know I said I'd be opening a separate off-duty thread for travel time, but I decided to continue that RP in the current Junk thread, since it has all been relative downtime anyway. We're now coasting until the Bounty Hunts plot reaches a point where it's ready to meet us at Dawn Station, so RP away until we get there!

If anyone would prefer a slight timeskip ahead so that the characters aren't still exhausted from the previous mission, please say so here. As we stand, I expect the trip to Dawn to take anywhere from 50-60 hours, given the weakened state of the CFS on the ship, currently.
Okay guys, since there haven't been any responses to the RP thread or to this one with regards to a preference one way or the other, I'm going to go ahead with a timeskip later this morning. I'll set it up to be a few hours later, giving everyone time to have rested, showered, and changed clothes, and Sienna will gather everyone in the lounge for a meal and a little pow-wow to let everyone known what's going on.
@Riko - you know the cabins are situated right next to the lounge? All Six Four would have to do to get there would be to go through Cabin 2. :)

Unless, of course, you were telling those events out of order?