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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

I apologize for being scarce the last couple of days, guys. A nasty flu decided to sneak up on me and try to run me into the ground, which I suppose it did. I still feel pretty crummy, but my fever and chills are gone, and I can stand to be up and about once again.

Now for the GM saber-rattling: @ShotJon - your last post was over a week ago! Need you to write something ASAP, please!
I've been taking care of my husband all day today, due to the sickness I've wrought upon him. :(

The worst seems to be over, though, but even though I tried, I'm too tired to give you guys a quality post tonight. I'll have one up first thing in the morning.
If you'll be around for the next few minutes, @ShotJon, I'll have a post for Shrie shortly, then once you respond and have her go back to the lounge I'll post again with the main content (Sienna addressing everyone).
Okay, since no one has posted anything further to the Junk thread, I'm going to assume that there is no interest in continuing that particular scene. Later this afternoon I will lock the thread and post the next chapter, arriving at Dawn Station.
Foxtrot and i have been working on a jp, don't know exactly what time frame, but I have been waiting until sienna makes her debriefing to post for crash.
I remember Foxtrot mentioning you guys were doing a JP, which is great. But Sienna just made her (brief) debriefing in my last post. :) If you want to post your JP, feel free, and make whatever timeskip you wish. There has been ample time for someone to respond to Sienna already.

I also said I'd have the next thread up this afternoon, but it's been a stressful, hectic day today, and I simply never got the chance. I will be doing so early tomorrow morning.
The following players are either almost overdue or overdue for a post:


Centurion has a reasonable excuse, given that he's deployed on military business, of course, and that he and I are in the process of (slowly) compiling a JP, so I'll let that one slide. Riko is currently approaching the two-day mark, so I need a Six Four post soon, please. ShotJon, your last post was four days ago. Please stop making me prod you to post for Shrie.

Having a family to care for, I completely understand that real life ALWAYS must come first, and I will never punish a player or character for obligations that take precedence over SARP. But if you feel that your schedule prohibits you from keeping up with the other players, please do the right thing and either give me some advance notice or bow out of the plot. There will be no hard feelings about it, and I will be more than willing to work you back in in the future when your RL schedule calms down, should you so desire.

I don't want to be the ogre GM here, but players should be advised that I've received a number of messages expressing interest in this plot, and it isn't fair to turn them away due to lack of room if said slots are being taken up by someone who drags down the pace of the story. The Veil is currently docked at a high profile and highly public place, so I will have no qualms about cutting player characters from the plot and leaving them on Dawn Station to find somewhere else to go.

This isn't the first time I've said this, and it will be the final warning.
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I am sorry for troubles but weekends are always very busy for me and mondays are crazy with work. I apologise for that, but htere is little I can do. I am going to post right now.

I do understand that I am keeping you back so I will do my best to squeeze in a post on sunday evening at least.
Amanozako had fallen back by a dozen meters, taking up a tail position, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone who might interfear with them. She had spotted the hard hatted tech woman on the catwalk above, thatvwas now calling down to her compatriots moments earlier.
Quietly, Amanozako had scaled up a ladder to the catwalk, moving as quiet as a cat. She darted along. The woman was focused on the group below, perfect opportunity.
Amanozako leapt, using her dravity control to cross the distance rapidly and silently. She pounced on the woman, tackling her to the deck and clamping a hand over the woman's mouth to silence her. Her other arm was firmly squeezed against the woman's throat, legs pinning her down with superior neko physical strength. Amanozako kept up the pressure until the woman passed out, but no more. She had no intention to kill the technician, just to get her out of the way while they worked. Once the woman was incapacitated she woukd tie her up and gag her, then rejoin the others.

@Gunsight1 - you know better than this, sweetie. Don't auto your PCs actions, in the off-chance that this woman was really a Neko herself, or something equally extreme. Leave the results of Amanozako's actions up to the GMs, please. :)

I removed the results of Amanozako's attempt from your post, as per my above statement. All players please remember that you're encouraged to be as specific and descriptive as you can in your postings, but you may only post the actions of your own PC, and never make any assumption about their outcome. You may, of course, ask for clarification or advice at any time, and either I or @Foxtrot 813 will do our best to help you out.
@Foxtrot 813 @Luca @nite train @Gunsight1 @Centurion0507 @Riko @ShotJon @Yoshi @Compouds117

As a heads up, I will be out of town starting December 19th, and returning home sometime around December 30th. I should still have internet connectivity, but it will be much more spotty as I will be hopping around visiting family, many of which have very slow internet service (if any), and my availability will be limited. I should still be reachable via PMs, but I will not be present on the IRC.

As I'm sure most or all of you will have plans as well, the regular posting deadline will not be as stringently enforced during the week of the Christmas holiday, but I will be checking the forums as time allows so as not to have the plot come to a complete halt for too long. Regular posting deadlines will resume close to the new year.

In the meantime, let's keep pressing forward with the plot, and get as much story as we can before the break. :)