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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Again, players, when you post, PLEASE put the location of your post in a header!

Also, please stick to using the past tense.
I think that the fact that ozera (or however you spell the name) by being the only male that Vel knows about on her ship would mean that her frustration would be caused by her desire for him was lost when I posted. Lol
Vel is just lucky Sienna didn't happen to overhear him due to Six Four's prattling.

And Oreza is more than twice Sienna's age, FYI.
Vel's experience with other races are limited to pirates and a few people on the black moon and I doubt that how the other races prefer mates of their own race was covered in the general infantry hand book.
Hey I was wondering in this universe would a scanner be able to show a 3d representation of what foreign machines are supposed to do and how they are built or does everyone have basically the same tech with different names (for ships)
That kind of a sweeping question may be a bit over my head, but the way I see it, it seems like a logical assumption to think that technology would exist that would allow such a 3-D scan; however, I think it would only show things regarding a machine's moving parts, potential energy sources, freedom of movement, etc. The actual function or intended purpose of a machine's design seems like it would be something that could only be gleaned by a trained eye. That is, if a botanist and an auto mechanic looked at a machine of a design that neither of them had ever seen before, the mechanic would probably be able to figure out after some study that it was a diesel engine-powered post holer, while the botanist would probably just see a fancy machine with gears, pistons, and screws.

You may want to ask someone better versed in pan-SARP lore, however.
It's really the same concept; each part of a larger machine is a machine in and of itself. Pistons in a cylinder are machines, gears and rotors are machines, even a pair of scissors is a complex machine by definition.

I would think that such a scan would show how each part and its subsequent parts are able to move, but what their purpose is, as well as whether or not they're actually free to move in the manner originally intended (i.e., whether or not it's broken) would have to be inferred by the observer.
I apologize for my absence, folks. We had a minor medical issue with one of my little ones, but it's resolved now. A post from me will be forthcoming tomorrow morning.
@Foxtrot 813 - Amelia managed to avoid being knocked out cold, but a wrench to the head hurts! She'll be able to get up eventually, but the blow definitely rattled her and is going to leave a nasty welt and headache. And Datsan has the advantage now, unfortunately...
@NightWolfe - I have to admit that I'm somewhat curious as to how Vel managed to procure such high-tech military-grade schematics as well. If you can provide a good IC reason, whether in the RP or via PM to me, I'll allow it, but it does seem like getting one's hands on such sensitive information would be difficult and require a fair amount of resources, or at least a good contact network.
@Yoshi - don't worry, Crash isn't dead! He's just out of commission for the time being. Nothing that a little cooldown time and circuitry repair can't fix. Plus, he managed to seriously mess the last remaining intruder up.
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