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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

OOC The Soyokaze

I send my apologies for not being more observant of the previous thread to all whom it concerns.

Once again, feels really bad at the goof.
well kids it's that time of year... time for the booze to flow and us dealing with family. I just started up the Yule thread for the Soyo. It's free form and open to any and all fun Yule-like posting

Once I posted it I was hit with the thought "Oh noes everyone will worry about not being able to shop for they friends and family with the ship being stuck." Well the answer is the mission is only a few days onld so your characters could have very well been shopping before leaving, or some other Yule Miracle could have happened and you have prezzys to gift.

Normally this is the great time for the Captain to give out gifts and what not to the crew. This normally being the gm also I think I will be changing something a little out of the norm for the plot. the Captain is welcome to do what ever he would like, But as the GM I want to also love my characters that play in my little universe. SO.... I'll be playing St. Nick or who ever it is that SARP uses in his place... I can't remember. So all you young nekos and older minkians, all you slithery creatures, and sentient computers, REMEMBER to put your stockings out over your cabin doors and get ready to find extra gifts under the tree.... St. Nick is more evasive then SAINT and Is faster then a Plameria class gunship ;)

As for trying to keep things straight with this thread and the mission thread, we are going to use the magic of the holiday and say they happen at the same time, but with out the nasty ramification of what is really happening in the main mission thread.

Above all else I want to wish oyu all a Happy Holidays, and Please enjoy the holiday thread. HAVE FUN KIDS!!!
Hello and welcome to the crew~~~ you came at a great time of delicious delicious disease (a little joke me and few friends do, it makes things you had 'better').