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RP: The Wayward The Ups and Downs (Ep. 3)

A bright pink towel lies near the bathrooms, abandoned and unowned by anyone else. Her hands grab for it as she listens to the Captain, nodding her head once as she begins to wrap the towel around the robot's legs and soak up the water; Another oddity. "Thank you Captain. That's reassuring." She made her way back to her original position when she stepped out of the water, standing still and watching the others make their rounds. Her robot's head turns to Doctor Creed as soon as he mentioned the word 'Neuroscientist'. Darling would raise an eyebrow if she could.

"...Neuroscientist?" She mumbles loudly, then speaks again after the doctor finishes speaking, with an interested tone, "You and me should talk when we have the time, doctor."- Though this is all she says before turning away again.
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Ana listened to all of the introductions quietly. She remained by herself in the smaller of the pools and, not for the first time, felt really out of her depth. She didn't say anything about what she could or could not do. Mostly because her specialty was fixing up the ship. She was working on her own mini robot to help her with carrying tools and such around, but mostly so it could go into the same crawl spaces she needed to get to at times. After a bit of time in the water, she got out. She didn't want to fall asleep, for the water was soothing enough to allow for it. Instead, she wrapped up in her really big towel and sat near her things, watching and listening as always.

As she sat there, she did worry. She had never done anything like what they were talking of doing. Would she be able to handle it? Could she work in those conditions? She wanted to help where she could, but she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to. Not this time.
"This is great! Doesn't this all feel great? Sharing is so great. I love the diversity! You all have some really great talents that will totes be grand additions to the Anbruch. Which already has some super talent on board!

Reed is a talented balls to the walls pilot. Embel is totally tail-ented in the field of security (see what I did there?). Ana is a genius prodigy engineer of awesomeness. Hugar is not only like a mega hunk he is also a big brain in biology. Oh and Quinn is a doc with mad street skills," Nan spewed in his usual rapid fire up beat manner. His smile showing brightly all the while.
Quinn, from where he sat, could get a pretty decent sighting on everyone except for Ana, and Darling when she moved to dry herself off. He noted Hugar's shift in mood at his jest to Tanja, Adiel's comment about preferring rifles, Creed's boasting of cleaning and cooking, and Darling's soft words about wanting to talk to Creed. He finally had to laugh at Nan's declaration that he had mad street skills when it came to being a doctor.

Working backwards, he stuck his tongue out at Nan. "What about my mad shredding skills? Are those not worth mentioning?" He teased and added "And don't worry Hugar, I'd advise you don't play with big puppy dogs this time around." Making it clear he was teasing the other. His attention turned to Adiel, studied the back of the elysian's head and then reached out. As he got to his feet he ran a single finger up what parts of Adiel's spine he could reach.

"You like big guns do you?" He asked "That's fine I'd be happy to lend you my Zen Semi-Automatic Marksmen Rifle and we'll call it a date." That done he glanced over to Tanja. "Before we leave I'd like to see each of you in the Medbay, just to make sure you're all healthy and so I can piece you back together when you inevitably get holes poked in you." He waved a hand back in Ana's direction. "Cept for Ana, she's had her physical already."

Taking a few more pot shots at people he added "Neuroscience is quite the expensive hobby for a professional cook and cleaner Doctor Creed, and while I'm now curious as to why you'd need his expensive hobbyist work: Would there be anything I can do for you?" This last bit directed towards Darling.
Adiel cocked an eyebrow at the massive Neppi.

"Slow down, Casanova. Let's get to know each other a little, first." He replied coolly with a small grin.

Underneath, his blood was boiling from annoyance and frustration at Quinn's insistence on unnecessary physical contact. He was not a parakeet! There were only five people in his immediate vicinity with permission to tenderly stroke him.

Actually, make that four. The robot made him uncomfortable for some reason.
"A Neuroscientist, eh?" remarked Ash towards Creed.

"Maybe you could open up Adiel's head and see what his problem is," she said with a grin. With a sigh she rose to her feet and then climbed out from the hot spring with surprising agility. She picked up her towel (which happened to be one she acquired from a certain hotel) and began to dry herself off, starting with her legs and working the way up her tall form. Draping the towel on her shoulders, Ash surveyed the others talking and generally goofing around. Ash stooped to pick up her clothes and shoes and then made a circuit around the hot spring towards the young girl sitting by herself.

"Ana, was it?" she asked.

"I'm Ashtoreth, but you can call me Ash. Mind if I sit by you?"
"It's far from a hobby." Doctor Creed started, finally looking at Quinn and the bird. He wasn't sure what the relationship between the two was, but he wasn't very interested in finding out. "I'm just... displaced I suppose. There's far less call for a neuroscientist than there is for a cook and I presume there's no dead weight on the crew... so I'm just making clear I'm here to pull mine."

It wasn't his best cover story for being out here, but he figured the less he tried to lie to then, the better... he was awful at it. He looked around the hot spring for another moment, spending more time than he'd care to admit watching Ash dry off when he thought she wasn't paying attention before finally looking over at the Robot again.

...what use would a robot have for a neuroscientist? It took him as long as it did to register he'd been addressed in part due to how she was mumbling as well as simply initially dismissing the idea of a construct needing the services of someone like him. Was her design special? Maybe a flash cloned nervous system from a much more experienced soldier was used as a template for her design, and the plate was like a power armor.

That would be quite fascinating. But... now he was reaching. That wouldn't do him any good, making up unsubstantiated theories like that.

So he concluded that it was just a midget in power armor and left it at that. That must be it.
Ana watched as the others interacted, but when the one with markings on her came over and sat near her, Ana grew rather shy. She smiled a bit at her and nodded, "Y-Yes. Analiese is my full name. I just go by Ana." Her gaze studied the other for a moment, curious about the marks, but she wouldn't ask. Not yet anyway. She just kept herself curled up in the towel.
Ash plopped down onto the ground next to Ana and let her feet dangle in the water. She set her other items on the ground beside her and tugged her towel closer.

"So you're the genius engineer of the Anbruch? Must be pretty good at what you do if the kid over there thinks you are so awesome," said Ash, pointing at Nan.
Ana blushed a bit, shaking her head. "I'm no genius. I just know engines." She shrugged a bit before adding, "I was made to work with them more when my talent was discovered." She hesitated a bit before reaching for her own things under Quinn's jacket. She pulled out her little contraption she was working on. "I like putting things together. Making them work. It calms me."
"I know what you mean," said Ash, looking at the little contraption. "I like to tinker with things too; mainly to find out how they work or how to improve them."

"Hey, if you ever needed help in the engine room, I would be willing to give you a hand," said Ash with a small smile. "I want to make sure I am pulling my own weight on the Anbruch."

"Speaking of which, how long have you been with Tanja? Does she treat the rest of the crew fairly? She does seem pretty reasonable compared to some captains I have met."
Ana studied her for a moment as she listened. She felt a small bond with the other in the fact that they both like tinkering with things. But for her to be in the engine room? The one place where Ana can easily hide from the others and just work on the ship to keep it going? Could she share that space? It was one thing when Nan had to help her with the repairs. That much she could handle. But on a daily basis...

Licking her lips and tucking some of her hair behind her ear, Ana said softly, "Thank you." She `iwas`i grateful for the offer. And, perhaps, when she was stuck with something, she'd definitely go to her. As for the other questions about Tanja and such, Ana shrugged a bit. "I haven't been with her long. Quinn found me and got me with the crew after rescuing me from some guys that thought to keep me. Tanja is wonderful. Like a big sister." Ana smiled softly as she looked towards the captain, glad that she was better after her encounter on the planet with the rather large wildlife.
"Yeah, your music skills are pretty decent Quinn. It's no Yamyam style but it's good for the old people music," Nan said and looked to Creed, "Wait so your a neuroscientist? That's like nerve stuff right? That is totes cool. But, hold on, if your like a big shot scientist what's with the gun? Oh right, you Neppies and your guns."

Nan levitated up out of the water and stepped onto the ground. His pale thin body showing his true colors as a shutterbug computer operator. He grabbed his towel and began drying himself off. His blue tinted hair seeming to spring right back into his perfect emo glamour look.

"Adiel right? Say, I have honestly never seen a businessman as buff as you. I mean don't get me wrong cause like Hugar is a buff biologist so it takes all kinds but what's your story?"
"Adiel right? Say, I have honestly never seen a businessman as buff as you. I mean don't get me wrong cause like Hugar is a buff biologist so it takes all kinds but what's your story?"

A good soak had done wonders for Adiel's mood, and so he didn't respond to Nan with as much hostility as before. He gave a small smile and shrugged.

"Simply put, I was once a happy little Plebian in Elysia. Everything was swell. I upgraded to this newer body shortly after joining the navy. Once my tenure had run its course, I decided to head off and apply myself in the world of business," Adiel recounted, skipping over a lot of the details. "I joined this crew in order to expand my horizons and start new ventures."

It was a half-truth, and no doubt anyone who listened could tell.

But they would be wise not to ask any further, because although Adiel smiled warmly, his eyes said "Quell your curiosity or else."
Darling shoots back at Quinn, "I don't know what you mean by that. I don't need any help with anything." After a brief pause, she adds, "Oh, I completely forgot to mention. My name is Darling. I'm happy to meet all of you." She reaches down and takes the bright pink towel off, tossing it to the side. Dry enough, she supposed.
Previously at the Hot Spring

Tanja stretched her arms up and let out a sigh. "Fine fine." She replied to Quinn. "I should be fine now but I'll let you check as long as you promise I'm not gonna be bedridden anymore. I've laid down so much I think my butt got flattened." She was at least jovial, so she was either putting on a show or she really was mostly healed up.

"It looks like everyone is getting to know each other well. After we're done here we can head to the ship."

Inside the Anbruch

They boarded the ship through the lift shaft meant for personnel and when it opened they were greeted by a Geboku type android, familiar to those who had already been on the ship. Like usual it scanned everyone and added them to it's roster of accepted passengers.

The lights were indeed dim, it was like it was late afternoon with no street lights around, still light enough for those with standard eyesight to see, but it would take some getting used to. They stood in an improvised weight room, it wasn’t an ideal place, being right near the entrance, and that there were no walls between it and the hallway, but it was the only place there was any real space for the equipment, and Abwherans needed a good workout when they stayed in ‘average’ gravity range for extended periods.

“The ship is mostly in standard configuration, we keep the mining modules on just in case we need them, plus they act as extra armor.” Tanja stepped off the list and rolled her shoulders a bit. “Everyone get familiar with the ship, we’ll also do physicals while we’re at it.”

Stepping off the lift everyone would feel the slightly increased gravity on the ship, nothing major but just enough to be felt, the ship really was tuned for an Abwehran to use.
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Inside the Anbruch - Engineroom

Analiese had made her way onto the ship with everyone else. She was in the back, as usual, and once she was clear to, she headed straight for the engine room. It was her home on the ship. Her place of refuge. Once she was there, she put down her little toolbox that she had been working on and spoke to it. "Alright, TB. Let's get you set up. This is your new home now." She turned on the contraption and smiled a bit when it started to work, but frowned when it just seemed to sit there. She scratched her head and wrinkled her nose.

"Huh. I know I had put you together right. You function. But...what am I missing?" She chewed on her lip as she contemplated what more she'd need and then it hit her. Smacking her forehead, she sighed a bit, "Of course! You don't have a brain yet to work on your own!" She huffed and turned off the robot, picking it up and frowning. "But how can I get that? Oh! I know! I can as Nan to help me create one for you!"

She nodded to herself and set off in search of Nan. Or really, anyone that could help her create a brain for the robot. She can fix the parts, she just can't make it function on its own.
Anbruch - Gym

Adiel didn't mind the reduced lighting; he was just glad to be out of that god awful swimsuit. Once more the Elysian was dressed in his usual garb of a clean, crisp, tailored suit and tie. The jacket and slacks were navy, with a white button up underneath. His shoes, belt, and tie were black and made from the finest leathers and silks.

Adiel removed his aviators and tucked them into his jacket, then surveyed the room with an air of nobility.

The gymnasium would suit his needs. A small smile graced his lips. This increased gravity would also provide opportunities to increase his strength during daily activity, and hone his flight capabilities.

He nodded in affirmation to Tanja and headed off, tugging along his rolling suitcase. He walked briskly to the door marked "A-3", and then stepped inside. He looked about, and felt a small feeling of distaste.

Anbruch - Cabin A-3

Small, and rather bland. However, this was to be expected. No use fussing about it. At least it was single-occupant. Good for privacy. And no communal bathrooms were a plus.

The angel set to work unpacking his belongings. His clothes were hung neatly, his socks and undergarments were folded and tucked into drawers, his shoes were placed in a neat row in their designated spot. His GP-1A was leaned against his nightstand with care, and his magazines and other munitions were placed in more drawers at his bedside.

He took a moment to scan through his datapad for updates on the rest of the galaxy before stepping back out of the room and heading for the med bay.
With most everyone gone to go to the Anbruch, Darling decided to make her leave too. She leaves the alpine park and makes her way back to her hotel, where she checks-out and collects her belongings, which she carefully organizes in two duffel bags.


With two duffel bags in tow, she makes her way into the ship. The surroundings were a bit cramped..She had to move slowly to avoid bumping into anything near her. Navigating the interior, she passed by the engine room and overhears a woman's voice within; From what she hears, she figured that someone is having a little trouble with another robot. She could help her with her little 'brain' problem...But how could this woman have possibly forgotten what might be the most important part of any robot, anyway?

Darling stops at the entrance, then calls out to Analiese. "Maybe I could be of use?"

She figured that if she was going to be around these people for awhile, she might as well build some trust.
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Inside the Anbruch

Ash stepped off the lift and into a weight room, which was an interesting place for it to empty out into she supposed. She was back in her usual garb: boots, cargo pants, sleeveless turtleneck, and her trenchcoat. She had a large duffel bag pulled over one shoulder and a messenger bag pulled over the other. While she did have her weapons with her, they were packed away in her duffel bag; one did not want to give the wrong first impression. The dim lighting was unusual when compared to the normal bright and sterile interiors of most ships, but considering the biology of the Anbruch's captain the low light was a given. The gravity on the ship was higher than it was on the station, but not by much. The higher gravity reminded Ash a little of Mazerin, but she quickly shook the thought from her head.

She nodded to Tanja as she passed by and made her way to the staterooms. Ash had volunteered to take one of the double rooms on the 2nd level, mainly because it was away from Adiel. She made her way to cabin B-6, which was all the way on the right side of the hull. Upon entering, Ash tossed both of her bags onto the bottom bunk and then after removing her trenchcoat she put the garment up onto the top bunk. Glancing around the room, Ash saw that is was small and sparse, but she did not mind. Compared to the shanty she had been living in only a few weeks ago, this was heaven. Ash took what few clothes she had and placed them in the nearby dresser. She left the rest of her belongings for later, because she had a ship to explore!

Ash began to make her way around the ship, boots clomping on the decking as she poked her head into the rooms that she passed for future reference. She had heard Tanja mention something about check-ups in the med-bay, which seemed like a good idea being the only one of her species on the ship. Now she just had to find where is was exactly.
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