Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward The Ups and Downs (Ep. 3)


"Honey I'm home! Geb! Good to see you pal.," Nan said as he bopped his way into the ship and patted the Geboku robot on the shoulder like an old friend. "You and Mari (Mary) been keeping everything well looked after I hope."

Nan stopped and slapped his forehead saying, "Yo, I totally forgot, Tanja, I finished Pearl. Pearl! Yo Pearl!" At Nan's beckon a light colored two tone purple FARS unit floated into the Anbruch's entryway. It had two arms folded up under it with another more cylindrical utility item. Nan spoke up, "This ladies and gentlemen is Pearl. I was able to bring her back from scrapheap death row. Say hi Pearl."

The Fars unit bobbed and in a proper southern belle accent greeted everyone, "Howdy y'all. It's quite the pleasure ta meet all y'all. Mah name's Pearl."

Nan did a little dance of happiness as he saw her working to perfection so far. As she finished her introduction he started walking towards the hallway and ultimately the Anbruchs computer core with Pearl in tow, not even realizing he was still dressed in his swimsuit. "Gonna give some basic access to the systems for the newbies Captain. Call if you need anything," he yelled back down the hall.
Previously at the Hot Spring

Quinn could have sliced through the back of Adiel's head with his stare had his eyes had lasers. Not that anyone could tell he was staring, after all, since his eyes technically didn't move as they were mere housings for the cameras inside. Quinn was confident Adiel was coughing up nothing but hot air, and he didn't believe for an instant even half of what was coming out of the bird man's mouth.

He turned his head towards Tanja and grinned "Oh but it's made your ass so much lovelier!" He teased back, waggling his eyebrows at her. That done he turned to face Darling "Come by the med-bay, we'll talk." He told her simply, figuring that she must need something if she was wanting to talk to Dr. Creed. He headed for where Ana and Ash were, saying nothing as he slipped back into all of his clothes, saving his coat for draping around Ana's shoulders. He knew she was painfully shy, and modest to boot, and he was pretty confident she'd feel better with more cloth to hide under.

Not worried about her returning his coat either, he trusted her the most...


Quinn had no troubles adjusting to the gravity of the ship when he stepped off the lift and even found it comforting. He navigated around Tanja, letting her give the others the run down and he headed first for his room, snagging his violin and then slipping back down to the med bay on the lower level. He settled on the table and after a brief moment of tuning he started in on a song, making sure it would be impossible for anyone, new crew or otherwise, to not know exactly where he was. It wasn't that big of a ship anyway so the short song echoed through the halls.

It also wouldn't take Ash too long to find Quinn, as her room and the med-bay were on the same level and only a few doors apart from one another. He gave her a smile when she poked her head in and set his violin aside for the moment on the counter. "Hop up on the table and lay flat. The scan will take only a moment and will be completely painless." He told her "Is there anything else I should make a note of? Anything you know you or your species consider medically relevant?" He meant things like medications that might not work, or her unique anatomy that might prevent him from being able to treat certain injuries.
Anbruch- Med Bay


Three slow claps echoed through the space.

"A fine display of talent, truly." Came the lofty voice of none other than Adiel as he slowly strolled towards a set of chairs in which he could wait, seeing as the goat-w... Ash had beat him here.

Quinn should be elated. Adiel was a fan of classical music, and it was a rare occasion on which he gave a legitimate compliment.

Seeing Ashtoreth made him feel what could possibly become guilt if he dwelled on it long enough. He'd compromised his professional integrity and treated her quite poorly. She hadn't done anything wrong, he'd just needed an outlet for his frustrations.

None the less, he sat and crossed one leg over the other.
Ash had not been walking long when she heard the music coming from down the hall. Peeking her head in the room, it turns out it was Quinn playing a stringed instrument of some kind in the med-bay. He stopped playing the instrument for the moment to examine her.

"Oh. Hi. Uh...Quinn, right? I'm Ash. I saw you at the hot spring, but I do not think I actually introduced myself."

"What instrument is that? Sounds...different, but not unpleasant," she remarked, hopping up onto the examination table. She saw Adiel made it to the med-bay as well.

"Oh great," she thought. She turned her attention toward Quinn.

"Well...the Iromakuanhe...we have fairly rapid blood coagulation from wounds, but that basically means traditional cybernetics do not work. My people utilize bio-technology in nearly all things, including medicine, so symbiont-type cybernetics would be the only kind that would work. As far as I know, I am not allergic to any medicines, nor do I have any health problems that I am aware of."

She laid down on the table and shifted slightly to get comfortable, but that was basically going to be impossible with Adiel staring at her.
Previously at the Hot Springs

Ana was very grateful for the coat. Though she didn't need it for warmth, she was not really comfortable with wearing even just the sundress over her swimsuit. As the others started to make their way out of the area, she gathered up her things as well and tucked it all under the large coat with her.

Meanwhile...on the Anbruch...

Ana had the coat still, of course. After they had returned to gather their things to go to the ship, she had changed into her usual garb of overalls, shirt and boots. Her hair was still pulled back in a braid. She left the coat in the engine room with the rest of her gear, for now. Eventually she'll get it transferred to her room.

For now, she was on the hunt for help in getting her robot to work properly and she paused when she heard Darling address her. She squeaked and looked at the rather large robot that seemed to be more than such. "Er...Yes! You can! I can make it function as a tool, but I'm not sure how to make it work on its own. I'm missing something."

She held out the toolbox robot to the other and bit her lip, smiling shyly.
Med Bay

There wasn't actually any sitting space inside the tiny space the med bay was, but there was room for Adiel to lean up against a wall. It would be even easier for both of them to note the stationary white colored housings of Quinn's eyes as he tilted and twisted his head instead to indicate where he was looking and purely by instinct. From where he stood near Ash's head he could see almost the entire room except for the corner behind him where his violin had been put down.

"Thank you." He nodded towards Adiel and tilted his head to study Ash for a moment. He set up a scan and let it run, bringing the results up on his datapad and after a mere moment more he made a few notes. "Thank you Ash. I'm Quinn Cathal, ship's doc, and that instrument is called a Violin." He gave her a smile and set the datapad aside for the moment. "You can sit up now. Only cybernetics I'm familiar with are mechanical." He tapped his eye with a finger nail "So lets hope I don't have to take off a limb eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her. He eyed the plates over her joints and leaned closer to inspect them. "Fascinating" He mused to himself, and then he turned around to fish a few things out of the limited storage space.

He set a pair of vials and a needle tipped syringe down beside her and then he pulled on a pair of gloves. "I hope you don't mind if I get a couple samples from you? For science of course." He didn't expect much, especially if she was going to clot up quickly, but he could give it a try.
Anbruch - Engine Room

Darling makes her way into the door...After...A bit...Of...Squeezing through...She drops her duffelbags outside the door, where it is viewable for someone to find (if they so pleased), and slides into the compartment. Sometimes, she simply regrets the fact that her robot is so encumbered. She takes a few steps forward to close the gap between robot and woman, then reaches out with her right arm and gingerly takes a hold of the robot, out of Analiese's waiting hands. Darling's head takes full perception of the mechanism now gently held in the palm of her right metal hand, trying to figure out what exactly its purpose. After a short pause she comments, "So, after making such an...Interesting little bot here, with the purpose of making it automatic, you forget to install internal artificial intelligence systems?"

The robot softly chuckles. A robot. Chuckling. With proper reasoning, one could at least tell that the robot was at sapient if it had a sense of humor, or something deeper. Like a midget in a big machine.

Darling twists her palm horizontally, getting a better view of the little robot on its sides. "I don't blame you. I'm forgetful too. But anyways, that's likely what you're missing, and I can probably help you bring this cute little thing to life. I just need you to tell me exactly what you want it to do."
Anbruch - Engine Room

Ana blinked a bit, at first confused by Darling's words. Artificial Intelligence? What...? "Oh! Yes. I think that's what it is missing. A way to be able to kind of think for itself, so that I don't have to constantly use a remote to make it move or follow me." She studied Darling and frowned a bit at the size of the other. "You...are not like that are you? I have an artificial body. Right?"

Though Ana was not as social as the others, she did observe and she had the sense that Darling was more like a living being inside something artificial. But she could always be wrong, it's not like she really had the knowledge that most others did to truly know or comprehend. It was just a guess for her.
Darling stared at the little robot in her hand, then turns her head to focus on Ana. Here's the hard part, she initially thinks; She still has no idea how the crew would react to her true form if she stayed in her position now. Then again, showing herself immediately might not be a great first impression.

The largest problem Darling may have to face is some kind of roommate. If that happens, it would be extremely difficult and tedious to hide herself. She still needs to get out of her robot to eat, sleep, and...well, do her business.

The robot shrugs its arms. "Those are complex questions." True to herself, her inner-body had been altered so greatly to compete with the physical constraints of the typical alien races of this universe, and she has never been told whether her innate intelligence now came from her mind or from those metal bits stuck to her grey matter. "I can show you. Everyone, in fact. But not now. Let's just focus on your robot." On that mysterious vibe, she focuses on the little machine still resting on her hand.
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"Let's hope," she replied.

After sitting up, Ash glanced at the syringe in Quinn's hand.

"No, that makes perfect sense. Being the ship's doctor, you should be familiar with the innards of the crew; especially if they are the only member of their species aboard."

Ash presented her right arm, palm up, to Quinn.

"Take what you need."
Quinn nodded and prepped a few other things. The blood draw was quick and mostly painless, Quinn working efficiently to get it done. He dosed both vials with anticoagulant so it wouldn't go to waste before he could get a good look at it. A press of a gauze against the vein he'd drawn from, a bit of colorful pressure bandage that Ana had picked out for him a week back, and then he released her. "Thank you Ash." He gave her a charming, pleased grin. His touch had been surprisingly light and gentle the whole time and he didn't linger any longer than he had to. "That's all I'll need from you." He glanced to the door. "If you want to go find her for a short tour Ana's probably out the door to your right and aft in the engine room." He added. "If you have any questions let me know."

That done he turned to Adiel and tilted his head towards the table top. "I'd suggest folding your wings tightly and laying flat on your belly. I'll stitch the skin of your wing closed while I'm at it." He began fetching out different supplies for the change in patients. "Same questions for you. Anything I should know about your medical history or that of your species?" This was his first time encountering either of them, Iromakuanhe or Elysian, so he knew next to nothing about them, but he'd certainly find some resources and read up what he could when he had a moment. For now though he was all business, probably a pleasant change for Adiel as it mean much, much less touching for the moment, at least until Quinn got started on making sure Adiel's wing healed nicely and hopefully in a manner that allowed Adiel's vanity to be salvaged satisfactorily.

Adiel eyed Quinn suspiciously, as if gauging whether or not he would get "feely" again. Satisfied, but still cautious, he did as instructed. First, he removed his jacket and hung it neatly on a hook, then, as further warning against "unnecessary procedures", Adiel shrugged off his shoulder-holster with loaded pistol and hung it on the same hook. He took great care to display the weapon and his willingness to use it.

Finally, he laid on the table and rested his chin on his folded arms.

"Elysians are essentially human, however, our bones are hollow," He replied curtly. "Furthermore, it should be noted that I was formerly a 'Plebian', and transfered into this artificial 'Caelisolan' body. It is comparable to Yamatai's 'Minkan', however I do not have the same psionic abilities."

Quinn watched him without addressing the problem, yet. He set aside a needle, fine thread, a few cleaning supplies and a miniature flash light. He added to that a pair of vials and a new needle tipped syringe. He keyed up the table to run it's scan "Stay perfectly still or we'll have to do this again." He told Adiel and while the other sat perfectly still on the table Quinn wasn't shy about circling the table, picking Adiel's gun up, releasing the clip, flipping the safety on and returning the gun itself to it's holster. He set the clip down on the counter furthest from the Elysian. "You can have that back when you leave." It was as clear as he could make it, Quinn wouldn't allow Adiel to threaten him, and most certainly not on the ship in the med bay of all places. If Adiel felt like butting heads he'd have to brave Quinn where the Nepleslian was more in his element.

Either way, Quinn added three more guns and his pair of knives beside Adiel's magazine. A laser pistol, his chemical-based peashooter, the High Hybrid pistol his sister had sent him, and of course his pair of retractable, monomolecular edged molecular bladed knives. All of those had been produced out of the coat he wore, and four out of the five were best used for close range.

Hopefully with his point made, peace not war, Quinn pulled on more gloves, studied the scan, and then he got to work on Adiel's wing, unmercifully plucking a few broken feathers from the area, cleaning and putting in a few stitches. He pulled blood from close to the same location, tucked the vials into his pocket and then put on a few thin layers of wet-to-dry bandage. A quick wound wrap, in black mercifully, over the other bandage to hold it in place and he was done. He'd done his best to oblige Adiel's wish of few touches unlike earlier in their day. Quinn shed his gloves, disposed of them, scooped the magazine up and offered it to the Elysian. "It'll itch like a bitch for a few days or so. Leave it be and you can take the bandage off in four. The stitches will dissolve on their own in about a week. Otherwise there's no broken bones and no major damage done to your muscles, nerves or veins."

He leaned back against the counter, his unoccupied left hand a mere inch from one of his knives and he waited, watching and wondering what Adiel would think.

Adiel briskly loaded and tucked away his pistol once more, then slid on his jacket.

"Thank you." Said the bird calmly before he turned and left the room.

Quinn watched Adiel leave and gave his head a shake when the Elysian was gone. "Thought so." He mused to himself and then he cleaned up a bit, labeled the vials and tucked them away. The whole pair of them had taken... maybe five minutes if that. He pulled his little communicator from his pocket and keyed it up. "Ana? Can I see you in the med-bay for a moment please?"
Engine Room

Ana nodded, still rather curious, but not one to ask questions. She was still not used to such things. Rather, she waited for Darling to say something or do something with her robot, but then she got the call from Quinn. Frowning, she used her communicator in return, "You know I don't like going in there. Can't you come to the Engine Room? I'm working with Darling on TB."

Ash nodded to Quinn as she left the med-bay. Doctor visit done, Ash decided to check out the aft of the ship; she followed the passageway down to the cargo bay and entered.
The cargo bay was basically as she expected; a large cavernous space for crates and containers. A crane sat immobile on the ceiling for heavier loads. Ash walked around a bit, but then decided she had seen enough and headed towards the aft door.

Anbruch - Engine Room

Opening it, Ash now found herself in the engineering section of the ship. This room was nearly as tall as the cargo bay, with catwalks above that were linked with the upper floor. Large pieces of machinery were set a opposite side of the room, but set in the middle of the room was what Ash recognized as an Aether reactor. Ash recognized Ana from earlier, as well as the huge robot; they were both huddled over some kind of device. Maybe they were trying to repair it?

Boots clomping on the decking, Ash casually walked up to the pair.

"Hey Ana. Hey..." said Ash to the robot, realizing she did not know its name. "Um...sorry big guy, I did not catch your designation." And then she heard Ana speak into her communicatior.

"Darling, huh? Nice to meet you, Darling. I'm Ash!"

"What're you two working on?" asked Ash with a smile.
Engine room

Looking up at the new voice, Ana almost started to look around for an escape route. But then she realized who it was and instead she tried to smile back. All these new people were a bit much for the shy engineer. "'s my project. TB. He works well enough, but I didn't..umm...give him a 'brain'." She looked to Darling as if seeking confirmation. For some reason, Ana can cope with Darling. Mostly because, as far as she knew, Darling was just another robot, but one that was more sentient than expected.
Engine Room

Darling nodded in confirmation, her head glancing back to gaze at Ash. "Hello Ash. It's nice to meet you too."

She turns to her left with the robot still resting in her hand, and takes a few steps forward away from the two whilst saying, "Right, the 'brain'. Give me a few minutes to work, Ana."

Slowly, the much larger and animated robot lowers the tiny, not-so-lifelike robot to the floor and deposits it on the ground. Then, Darling simply lowers herself and sits against the ground with her legs in a criss-cross position, as if she were about to begin some sort of meditation. It was not so-Instead, she reaches out to herself with her left hand to the bottom of her right wrist, and pulls out a black cord from a compartment resting neatly underneath, which could have been noticed if anyone had given her a thorough look-over. There's a sort of brown-white clamp at the end of this cord.

With the cord held in her left hand, she pushes it forward and attaches the clamp onto the toolbot, then lets go. Her arms retract and slides underneath her knees.

After a short pause, there is a small electric shock, the source of which seems to come from the cord. Darling's robot slumps a bit, and the head leans forward. It seems as though the giant golem has turned itself off in some way. Behind the scenes, this is a normal process, and where her work to create a 'brain' for the toolbot begins.
Engine Room

Ana blinked when Darling wandered off and then the robot seemed to shut off! She gasped and started over towards it, not sure what to do or expect to find. She didn't dare touch the two, but she could see that they were now linked. She looked to Ash, even more confused. She wasn't as used to how computers themselves worked. She was still learning the way that the engines were accessed via the consoles. "What is she doing?"