Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward The Ups and Downs (Ep. 3)

Med-Bay -> Engine Room.

Quinn blinked "TB?" He asked himself, racking his memory for a long moment and then he gave a snort. "Right, the thing she was making." They'd gone shopping earlier that week and she'd picked up a bunch of odds and ends. TB therefore, he figured, was what she'd made from it. He keyed up the communicator "Alright, I'll be there in a minute." He knew she hated his med-bay and he didn't blame her one bit either. Re-sheathing his knives, and tucking his guns back where they belonged, with the tiny little killer set with the safety off, he slipped out into the hall and followed Ash's path down the hall, through the cargo room and into the engine room behind it.

Quinn blinked when he poked his head around the doorway to find Ash and Ana together, Darling slightly apart for them and seemingly turned off while plugged into what must be Ana's beloved creation. When Ana moved over towards Darling he opened his mouth to say something before she decided to be silly and touch them. Fortunately, for his suddenly pounding heart, she didn't and he leaned against the doorway. "I'd imagine she's doing... ah... whatever you asked her to do." At least he hoped Darling was a she, going off of the name alone. "While Darling is busy though..."
Engine Room

Ana blinked when Quinn spoke up. She knew he was on his way, but that didn't mean she expected him to answer her question. She bit her lip and nodded, moving back over towards him instead and looked up at him with her head tilted, "What did you want?" She knew that he wouldn't have interrupted her for anything trivial. At least she hoped not. And even if he did, she really wouldn't care.

Ash would have noted how her whole demeanor changed with Quinn around. She was more confident and sure of herself. She was also a lot more relaxed.
Anbruch, Gym -> Bridge

Tanja was surprised at how for Nan's android had come, and she was now realizing just how much synthetic intelligence was on board the ship, it was starting to become a rather impressive amount for how small the crew was. Of course she had no problem with it and just found it interesting. Once everyone started to separate she took both Hugar and Reed and made her way to the bridge with them.

Once on the bridge she with the two helping, got the ship running and ready for launch. After everything was ready Tanja spoke into the intercom system to make a ship wide announcement. "This is the Captain speaking. Preparations are complete and we will begin our departure. I hope everyone has found a suitable room for themselves and secured anything fragile. As we are going to be on assignment soon, do not do anything, such as drinking or using drugs, that will impair your performance on the assignment. It will be a pleasure working with you all."

The Abwehran finished with her announcement and then gestured to Reed to start the departure, and withing moments they were moving away from the station and beginning their trip into the vastness of space.
Engine Room

Quinn opened his mouth to say something and then Tanja came across the intercom and he paused to listen. After a moment he glanced out down the hall to make sure Adiel wasn't hovering about and lowered his voice. "You stay away from Dr. Creed and Bird-Brain. They're bad news, the trio I helped you escape from style, bad news." He knew she'd understand that much. "Make friends with Ash and Darling," He added, giving her a tender shooing motion, and raised his voice. "Darling? Med-Bay Please when you're done." He was fairly confident she'd hear and come along when she was done. He fished out his communicator and keyed it up. "Tanja? Can I see the crew in the galley in about... fifteen minutes? I've got a surprise for all of you."
Engine Room

Ana frowned a bit at first when he told her to stay away from Dr. Creed and the angelic-like one. But when he said why, she looked shocked and nodded. At his request to be in the galley, she frowned a bit, not sure what this surprise could possibly be. She swallowed and went back to where Darling was working on her toolbox. She really had nothing else to do for now, since the engines were working just fine.
Computer Core

Nan levitated cross legged in front of his console in the core. He was busy doing last minute handshakes with the atation before they departed. His main goals had been in depth searches on the new arrivals. He used names, descriptions and looked for anything he could find. Not for nefarious purposes or mistrust, more sheer curiosity.

As Tanja made her announcement, he finished up, stowed the information for later and made his final handshakes, clearing them for departure. It was never required for a ship to announce their departure from the stations digitally but Nan did it all the same. He wanted to ensure the Anbruch had that kind of good reputation wherever they go.

At Quinn's announcement, Nan excitedly set foot on the ground and headed for the door. "Pearl, keep an eye on things. Don't get distracted flirting with Geb either," he said cheerfully.

"Oh sugah, you know me so well. I will buzz ya if anything happens," Pearl said as she floated to the console.
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Ash looked at Darling with curiosity.

"I am not sure what it is doing," she said in answer to Ana's question. She glanced at Quinn when he entered engineering, but Ash was more interested in checking out the rest of the room. She wandered around, looking at the machinery and the various tools and gadgets scattered about. Upon hearing the Captain's announcement, Ash did a mental inventory of the things in her room to make sure she did not have anything fragile laying around. Confident her items were secure, Ash inspected the Aether core in the center of the room out of curiosity. She overheard Quinn talking about meeting the crew in the galley, and not knowing where that was on the ship, Ash decided she would find it now rather than later.

Ash retraced her steps to her room and from there took the spiral staircase to the next deck. After wandering past the bridge, Ash found the galley and also the attached wardroom. Seeing no one else and having nothing else to do at the moment, Ash found a spot at one of the tables in the wardroom and made herself comfortable.
Engine Room

The golem began to stir, its limbs becoming stiff. Its head awakens and turns somewhat, then focuses on the toolbot. The clamp detaches and reverts to its natural home within the robot's wrist.

"I'm finished", Darling says, as she slowly stands upright, and steps aside from the toolbot. "It should be able to...'Work on its own', as you said. It will also follow your orders and follow you, if you want it to do so."

Feeling her work was complete, she begins to leave the room and head to the medic bay (She had indeed heard what had Quinn said to her), saying as she leaves, "Come find me if there's any problems of some sort with it."

The toolbot sits there, solemnly awaiting command.


Darling peeks through the entrance of the doorway to the medbay, though anyone inside would hear the soft stomps of the encroaching machine.
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Quinn glanced up when he heard Darling approach and he gave her a smile. "Come in." He bade her and waved a hand at the table. "Lay down on that for a moment. Won't hurt a bit." Quinn, at this point, naturally assumed she was only a robot so he didn't bother with any of his usual steps. "It's just routine but, Is there anything important I should know about you or your species medically speaking?"
Engine Room

Ana smiled when Darling told her it was ready. "Oh, thank you!" She briefly touched the arm of the robot and then got to work. Kneeling down, she tried voice commands first. "Toolbox. Wake up!" And lo! the tool box came to life. Ana smiled even more as she played around with it, passing the time until she would need to go to the galley for Quinn's surprise.

Darling steps into the medbay and clambers towards the table. Not thinking much of it, she lays down against the table (Hoping it wouldn't bend or break from her weight) and looks up with her hands to her chest.

After listening to Quinn's inquiries, she sighs internally. She doesn't want to lie. Not anymore, really. It would probably be important to tell him, in the case she were injured. "Have you ever treated a cat before?" The robot's head turns to Quinn. "Not one of those aliens who look like cats, but an actual, domestic, four-legged feline." Never has she been injured before, and hopefully it wouldn't ever happen. She wouldn't expect Quinn to say yes. It's such an absurd question!
Anbruch Galley/Wardroom

Nan came be-bopping into the Galley, grabbed a can of some type of energy drink he had stocked it with and headed to the Wardroom to await the rest of the crew. He saw Ash, smiled broadly and waved. "Ash right? Hey, whats the hap? You see Q yet for your physical," he asked as he sat down across from Ash. He leaned way back in the chair rocking onto it's back two legs. "Have any questions so far? About the Anbruch, or any of the crew?"

Ash nodded.

"Yes, Quinn saw to my examination. Hopefully it was insightful for him, as I doubt he has ever treated an Iromakuanhe before."

She shifted in the chair and leaned forward to rest her elbows on the table.

"I do not have too many questions. The Anbruch reminds me very much of the smuggler ship I was on before coming here. That was nearly eight standard years ago." She shakes her head.

"Anyway, how did you come to meet the Captain?"
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Engine room / Galley

Ana had worked with TB, as she was calling the tool box, and debated on taking it with her to the meeting. But she shook her head and thought it better to leave the thing here. "Toolbox. Sleep." At those words, the toolbox shut itself down and she put it away on a shelf for when she'd need it later. As such, she was growing hungry so she made her way to the Galley, thinking that a snack for all might be good.

She kept the snack simple. It was a collection of various fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses that easily could be eaten with fingers. She then took the tray into the Wardroom and placed it on a side table. The tiny mechanic was very quiet in her movements so as to not disturb those talking. She would have made them plates, but she didn't know what they would eat. So she just made her own and then sat in a corner to eat and wait.

Just about the time Darling decided to ask if he'd ever treated cats before the scan finally came up on his datapad and his eyebrows crept up just a hair in surprise. He'd guessed she was a free spacer based on their love of mechanics, but a cat?! Well... he supposed it wasn't too far fetched, but still a surprise. After a moment he seemed to come back to himself and he gave Darling a smile. "Thank you, you can get off of the table now." And then he added "Yes, I've treated several cats before. Better patients than some of their... ah... companions I dare say." He gave her 'leg' a pat, recovering himself and nodding once more.

"I would suggest moving your things to an empty room and you can always find me in A5 on the top deck if you need something specific." He meant more like medication wise, but if she wanted to play or lounge around outside of her armored suit he was more than happy to let her join Fred and George. Speaking of which, he needed to retrieve, rouse, and move the pair of critters so he could introduce them to the crew.

Tanja relaxed some as the ship made it's departure, the hard part was over at least. She got a call from Quinn however. "Hmm you want to see the crew about something? Yes once we're in FTL we can all meet in the galley." She spoke back to Quinn, sounding a little curious. After which she put on another PA call "All hands, we will be entering FTL in a few minutes, once we have, please report to the galley."

It didn't take long for the ship to enter FTL travel, they were in very safe sector of space so they did not need to make as many preparations before jumping. With a simple shift of the ship and a pull hardly felt on teh inside they were traveling at speeds exceeding light.
Anbruch - Galley

Nan smiled as Ana brought in the finger food and said," Thanks sis."

He turned back to Ash and really smiled. "Oh the Captain? Yeah, her and I have been life long friends. She was actually there when I was born. I guess you could say that our bond is basically a lifetime," he said excitedly. "Yeah we have been through some crazy times. We were stuck in this Gartagen jail once. It was crazy! We were innocent of course. Wrong place, wrong time an all that.

"We actually got out because I was able to swing her tail and get the keys! That was so classic. And that time we were invited to a Yamatai ball and everyone thought she was a waitress! Oh hilarious. Sure enough she started serving and actually made some money that night." Nan kept his remarkably enthusiastic smile as he animatedly talked.

"Oh? Impressive." The robot nods; Clearly, this man was well-rounded. "Then I won't have to worry about anything." The robot pauses as Quinn pats her leg before getting off the table. "If that's it, I'll find my room. Thanks you."

She stops at the door quickly before looking at Quinn and saying, "I'll show myself at the galley", and goes out to find a room.

Cabin B-2

Once she finds a vacant room, she grabs her duffel bags that she had brought along with her aboard the ship, setting them inside. Well, the room was big enough to hold her robot, so it was just fine. She wouldn't mind if she had to share the room either - It's not like she takes up or needs much space on her own. After getting acquainted with her new home, she finds a small open area within. Time to stretch her legs.

After commanding her robot to open the hatch on it's back, the cat herself groggily climbs out of the nest after detaching herself from all the hardware. She jumps to the floor and looks down as she takes some time to accustom to her real senses again. She has to do this every time she gets into Buddy and gets out. It's annoying, but needed. For a few minutes, she blinks a few times to adjust to the lighting, letting her pupils contract, while she finds new noises that goes on throughout the ship that she couldn't hear while commandeering the robot. With a paw, she quickly rubs her grey, hefty collar on her neck, making sure it still exists (it does). This collar is unlike any other - Not something used for pets. The collar contains useful gadgets that will allow her to speak and connect herself to any piece of technology, and of course, to Buddy. It can't come off either, unless someone were to surgically remove it. Basically, it's another implant.

Taking a deep breath, she turns and looks around again. Unsurprisingly, everything was much bigger than she thought it would. She wasn't a big cat by any degree - She's a little under the average for domestic cats, at least. Didn't really matter, though, when most of the time she's in Buddy anyway.

Her stomach grumbled softly. She supposed it was time to head out.

"Alright, Buddy", her voice called out as she turned to the titan (at least to her). Her voice was much more clearer and significantly less metallic compared to when she spoke through Buddy - It's almost real. Regardless, it doesn't come from her mouth, but from her collar. "Close up. Let's go." On point, the robot's hatch shuts up tight and stands to attention. Darling heads out the door with her now-pilotless robot in tow towards the galley.

Adiel strode into the galley with his datapad, muttering under his breath and not acknowledging anyone. He chose a seat in a far corner where he would not be disturbed, then continued his work.

On the display before him was a spreadsheet, full of names and numbers that could easily be identified as personal finances. Some of those numbers were in the millions!

The Elysian loosened his tie and frowned at the display. He would scroll along, read a few lines, tap the screen, and repeat.

All of these assets were inaccessible at the moment. Using any of this money would be dangerous, because most, if not all of it was gained through illicit means.

"...Ugh, the dry cleaner?" he grumbled with a sigh as he looked upon one of his enterprises that had been both under scrutiny and losing money for a while. Truth be told he rather enjoyed owning a dry cleaner's shop. It made managing his expensive tastes in clothing that much easier!

Woefully, he deleted the asset. Off somewhere, one of his people were getting the notification to sell the property and all of the ill tidings associated with it.

One of many losses in recent times...

But then, he got a message.


Recently acquired Freespacer frigate and crew.

Need investors for future merchandise runs.

%20 return.


Adiel's lips stretched into a small grin. One of his associates had apparently purchased a ship for "merchandise" runs. Merchandise- meaning drugs, guns, whatever. If he invested, and the venture was successful, he would receive twenty percent of the profits. None of it would come to him directly, of course, as the account he was "officially" using was watched constantly. It would continue to pile up in one of his ghost accounts until the day he was free of his hard times.


Count me in. Funds transferred. Good luck.

"So let me make sure I understand this; the Captain was present when you were born? Just how old is she?" asked Ash.

She nodded towards Ana and helped herself to some of the finger food, not realizing how hungry she was.