Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Training Mission 1.0] Welcome to Boot Camp. Again.

Phaedra saw several gunships quickly get taken down by the Ravager, and Phaedra was dismayed at the waste of ordinance.

"Our turn to take on the Ravager. Looks like we just pissed it off," Leon said to Phaedra over the radio.

"Sergeant Volkov, I've got two new shooters ready. Where do you need us?" Ran asked over the comm.

Phaedra was just about to reply to Ran when a lone Daisy burst from cover and began firing at the Corporal's squad. She quickly raised the PLR to her shoulder and took aim at the fleeing Neko. Compensating for distance and movement, Phaedra led her target and then fired a bolt of plasma at its midsection.

“Cavaliers! Everyone take out those Nekos and then concentrate fire on the Ravager!” Phaedra said over the comm.
Phaedra's plasma bolt was dead on, striking the Daisy square. It crashed clumsily into a copse of trees.

The Neko fell limply after Alex's execution, allowing her to do what she pleased with it.

Just as she picked it up, the ground shook as Lisa's wanton high explosives detonated all around the Marines. More trees were felled, revealing a pair of Rippers that had been looking for Leon and his unit.

The surprised Rippers looked at the regrouping Marines for a moment, stunned to find the enemy so suddenly. Then they immediately began firing with full force. Wrist-mounted aether weapons, shoulder-mounted 50mm cannon rounds and mini-missiles flew at the Marines.

Bernhard took a 50mm round that disabled his left arm, the simulator locking it in place and reporting that the key servos had been damaged out of alignment. The Daisy that Alex had been using to shield herself was drilled by three separate aether beams, leaving three gaping holes in the Daisy's front armor.

Laura fired back with two RED shells which detonated in the vicinity but did not deter the advancing pair of Rippers.

The hulking Ravager, visible despite its distance, paid little attention to the Cavaliers who had not been able to direct any fire at it. It had its sights on other prey.


Farther away, Leon and Rochester's Renegades were embattled amongst six Rippers, dozens of Neko infantry and the Ravager leading them. The sole K4 still hovering over them was pumping 80mm rounds and high powered laser into the Ravager's shields, which continued deflecting the attacks.

Leon fired two shells, his usual mix of one plasma spread and one solid slug, at the NMX Nekos and watched half a dozen of them fall, screaming in pain. He fired another pair of shell at an approaching Ripper which took the hits and shot back with a 50mm round that exploded at Leon's feet, knocking back. Before the Ripper could advance closer, one of the Renegades fired at it with his HPAR, forcing the NMX armor to switch targets and giving Leon time to recover.

"Kerr, ETA on your arrival with the Avengers?" Leon demanded.

"Five to ten minutes, Chief. Save some for us, please?"
The sleek, green form of the Daisy had become warped and blurred as the video quality on his Aggressor's camera deteriorated slightly from the barrage that impacted on his armor. Before Ran raised his AMP to shred his would-be attacker to bits, the Yamataian amor had taken a bolt to the midsection and crumpled to the ground.

"Nice, Sergeant. Think we're about ready to deal with that Ravager no-" The Corporal was interrupted by the sudden explosions that leveled the foliage around them, revealing the two Rippers that had been previously been sneaking around.


Before even telling his squad what to do, Ran immediately opened fire on the Rippers with his Chaingun Turrets and let loose a volley of 15 DARTs, intending to suppress the enemy as a group with the fire from his turrets and disorient them with the DART volley.

"GUNS UP, don't let them gain fire superiority on us!" Ran would immediately move to cover after his initial volley in order to not let the Rippers get a bead on him, and in order to switch out his AMP for his AOP.
Things were getting interesting. Tanks being turned to scrap, Daisy’s crumpling under high impact rounds and now Rippers were in contact while a Ravager accompanied by a small army tore into the other squad. Zyv let out one of his characteristic world-weary sighs, fun and games all around.

Even as Ran opened up Zyv boosted away, serving to get him out of any retaliatory fire heading the corporals’ way as well as an attempt to close the distance and outflank the enemy. Eyes moving from the AI targeting to the visual feed he worked on eliminating the possibility of missing.

"GUNS UP, don't let them gain fire superiority on us!"
- ‘Roger that, corporal.’

Zyv responded as he stopped, aimed and unleashed a dozen DARTS, a half dozen BOLTS quickly followed by several bursts from his HPAR before boosting off again in the hopes of confounding any return fire that might come from the Rippers.
Sawyer locked onto one of the rippers, opening fire with all 4 of his plasma chain-guns in an attempt to take it down as fast and as hard as he could. He also unleashed a volley of 30 bolts to try to cause as much of a problem for the enemy armor as possible.
Alexandra knelt, holding dead neko in front of herself. She had to rely on her computer with the targeting as she had to use rifle with only on hand and could not possibly use her sights. Luckily for her the rifle had high rate of fire and she could brace it under the dead body to help with recoil.

She aimed herself towards the two Rippers that just appeared and started unleashing barrage of bullets at them them. She wondered what else will they meet in this simulation.


Lisa heard last orders. Kill the Ravager. She looked at hulking mecha in the distance. She could see it's shields flashing being assaulted by singe lonely tank. Blond bombshell frowned, released empty rocket clip and her hand picked new clip full of Blue shells. Just the thing to make it's shield crumble.

As clip clicked when she inserted it, she was already getting firing solution from her Savtech computer. She raised her AOP and aimed it hulking robot. "Let's see you shields stopping this shit!" Lisa shouted and opened line to Kerr's Lancers. "Be advised I am firing heavy EMP ordnance at the Ravager!"

All she needed to do now was pushing the trigger button, which was exactly what she did.
Stan had been somewhat disoriented by the blistering pace of the unexpected engagement, though he had the presence of mind to use his PA's thrusters to help make himself a harder target to hit. Trying to get a lock on one of the Rippers using his Monoeyes, Stan fired his own chaingun turrets and AMP. He also launched a short salvo of ARROWs, hoping to conserve his ammunition while still assisting in overwhelming the Rippers.
Wulfe stopped evading when the Daisies were taken care of and used his thrusters to land a couple of meters besides Sawyer's Aggressor. By then he was already fully immersed in the simulation. The marine raised his HPAR and fired it on the same Ripper being targeted by the other man.
The Rippers stumbled backwards as the DARTs impacted against their shields. Ran's plasma guns did little more than annoy them. Nonetheless, their aim was off as aether beams and a 50mm shell sliced into the ground around the Cavaliers.

Zyv's added firepower only prolonged the Rippers' confusion. Their shields swatted away his HPAR fire and the armor showed little visible sign of damage.

It was only when Sawyer's large volley crashed into a Ripper was the damage evident. The explosion from so many anti-matter rounds sent shockwaves which threw off the rest of the Cavaliers' aim. As the dust, cleared, one Ripper was lying on the ground, attempting and failing to get up. Its left leg had been torn off and its right arm had been severed at the shoulder. Both it and its less damaged companion were severely scorched and blackened.

Alex's shots went wide as the shockwave from Sawyer's antimatter barrage hit. Her aim went wild, sending HPAR rounds into the Rippers as well as the Cavaliers around her.

Similarly, Lisa's other-wise well aimed shells flew off their intended track. The Lancers had acknowledged and the one tank still flying above them cleared out. Rather than all detonating against the Ravager's shields, three shells exploded in the air causing the nearby K4 tank to wobble in its fight to stay aloft. That then allowed the Ravager to swat it out of the sky and into the Renegades.

The hover tank smashed violently into two of Rochester's squad, "killing" them instantly. A third Renegade in an Aggressor, was pinned beneath it. Leon was torn between ignoring the simulated casualty or being realistic and ordering a medic to help him.

However, before he needed to make a decision, the remaining three Lancer tanks arrived, blasting the Ravager with their main guns and missiles. Motoyama and his Avengers appeared momentarily. "Get that man treated!" Leon ordered Rochester's medic, Private Thomas. "Motoyama, focus fire on the Rippers first and advance on them!"

The fire from both Stan and Wulfe tore apart the single active Ripper facing the Cavaliers.

Bernhard and Laura, who had been trying to track a Daisy, gave up their chase and turned to see that they had been separated from the squad. They had somehow made it to the unguarded rear of the Ravager. With an evil grin, Laura lasered her plan to Bernie. A moment later, they fired with everything they had. 6 RED shells, a stream of plasma and moneyshots, over 100 ARROWs and laser pulses. The kinetic force alone caused the Ravager to stumble forwards, crushing a Ripper and several Neko infantry. Moreover, one of Laura's shell had penetrated the shields and damaged the mecha's two back missile launchers. "We got it, Bernie! Let's move before it decides to shoot at us!" Laura exclaimed, leading the pair to a new position as heavy caliber gatling rounds from the Ravager's tail tore into the trees around them.
Lisa frowned looking at what she caused. "Oops" she said as she saw one of the tanks going down. She put her AOP back on her back and took out AMP. Looks like rockets won't be her thing. Lisa aimed both her rotary chaingun and plasma turrets and Ravager trashing on the ground and opened fire fully.


Alex tossed dead Daisy away and aimed her HPAR at Ravager since it was last visible enemy. She did not fire though as she knelt and once again looked around for more threats, not forgetting to check the treetops.
Stan fought the urge to exhale in order to relieve the tension, already activating his boosters once more to ensure that if there was any imminent threats they would find it more difficult to draw a bead on him. Now that the immediate enemy had been eliminated, he began probing the area around him with the Aggressor's sensors, hoping that their next engagement would be equally successful.

Perhaps it was still the first flush of victory filling him, but the ID-SOL felt rather confident in his ability to fulfil his objectives. All he needed was the word, and he'd be on it.
Wulfe decided to stick next to Stan, figuring out that if they acted together they would stand a bigger chance against the threats presented by the simulation. He engaged his thrusters and followed the man's Agressor.

"We should close in the enemy Ravager now." Wulfe suggested to Stan via his Hostile's laser comms.
"Good point," replied Stan, who used his own laser system in turn to communicate with Wulfe. As he finished sending the message, the P3C was already realigning himself to make way to the Ravager - after all, that was part of Ran's plan, wasn't it? Still, he kept a watchful eye on incoming transmissions just in case his superiors had a different plan in mind for him. He was still smarting a little from the man's dressing-down in regards to setting up a perimiter, after all.
"Close in on the Ravager. Take it down!" said Phaedra, pointing for effect. She launched the rest of her missiles and began firing her PLR at the Ravager's torso.
((Sigma has given me permission to auto this one post, due to previous misunderstanding - otherwise however awesome this is, it wouldn't work at all. Also, apparently DARTS are great for killing shields, and BOLTS are good for killing what isn't shielded.))

Henry had been on the run from the Nekovalkyrja. His initial beating and the fact that his leg had siezed up, coupled with his drained shields meant that he had to use the rest of his abilities to evade his pursuers. He couldn't fully focus on hitting back ... however, there was an even bigger fish to fry as the Ravager started to hammer the squads back, destroying. He had to find a weakness in the gargantuan frame-like monster. Thanks to his erratic dodging and akward positioning, he found himself behind the Ravager and Rippers and cut off from the squad.

His mind went into a state of analysis within and without, looking at the Ravager and considering his inventory. The size of the thing, coupled with the sheer number of armaments, including two gatling guns on the shoulder, a back mounted missile and laser suite, plasma throwers on arms for up close and a second set of arms for other handheld weaponry - this thing was going to be a difficult bet to take on. But, one thing stood out to the Engineer - there was a flaw somewhere in this intimidating design from Henry's point of view.

Machine gun on tail. Currently cutting everyone to bits and clearing the brush, making concealment useless. Its causing the Cavaliers to take hard cover, allowing the Rippers to flank and charge, shredding them to bits. Simple, but deadly strategy. Henry summarised the tactics as he saw from behind.

But... the machine gun itself is in an exposed area, but nobody dares get in front of it, and a Sniper is useless from a frontal position - nullifying Phaedra's offence: The only other option is to come in from the cold. He broke it down, looking at the tail-mounted, and very Freudian gatling cannon. His arsenal wasn't great, but he had to make do, Missiles to the joints could destroy its feed mechanisms, effectively ceasing its ability provide suppression fire - giving the others an opportunity to close in and fight back.

He made another quick inventory of what he had. His HPAR required a reloading, his DARTS were on half-capacity, his BOLTS were similarly limited, and his SMG and Vibro-Knife would be as useful as tickling it. His best bet were his minimissiles - DARTS first to disrupt the shields, followed up with BOLTS to hammer the part into submission - and to get there and get out, he'd have to do something that was calculated in planning and completely Pavonine in execution.
"I think I have this figured out, Phaedra. Pardon me,"

Once he got his lock-on to the tail mounted gatling gun, he fired his DARTS and he held up his Push-Pull system. As the DARTS made contact with the shield surface and disrupted them, Henry pulled himself towards the Ravager in a vertical position, twisting his body with thrusters so the BOLTS on his left thigh were conceiveably pointing towards the gatling gun once he was in position.

"I'm coming through."

He passed between the Ravager's legs, and fired his BOLTS through the gap of shielding the DARTS had made, and they collided with the gatling gun and smashed the mechanisms apart, exploding as the bullets cooked and the barrels flew off in many directions. Henry kept on flying and made a push against the ground to sustain his flight, and went over the heads of Rippers, and landed on his back in the middle of the Cavaliers. During the course of his flight he'd taken a few stray shots from friend and foe alike and his shields had been rattled back down to zero. There was no risk without reward after all.

"Sorry I'm late," Was all Henry had to say as he picked himself up and took his position next to Phaedra and raised his HPAR. There was still plenty more Ravager to deal with, and Henry had just spent another quarter of his minimissiles and gone through a lot of effort to knock out one gatling gun, just one - but a vital one.
A grin spread on Zyvs face as the two Rippers were torn to shreds under the squads combined firepower. The battle was simulated but the emotions were real.

Glancing away from the visual feed he looked at the tactical info setting into his mind who was where and what where their fields of fire.

The man had about enough time to confirm he received the order to engage the Ravager when one of the corporals conducted a flashy attack. Rakowski observed the act somewhat dumbfounded before looking away and adding his firepower to that of the rest of the squad.
Stan simply whistled in awe as he saw one of his comrades even the odds in spectacular fashion. If he was lucky, perhaps he too could do something as impressive as that.

He still had a job to do, though, and without further ado he added his own minimissiles and fire to the mix once he was in range, though he tried to focus it on wherever the other Marines were currently shooting.
Just as it seemed that the Ravager's powerful shields were giving in, two large circular shields appeared from the Ravager's forearms. These new defensive barriers absorbed the attacks from both Lisa and Alex without difficulty and retaliated by firing two globs of superheated plasma in an arc towards the Cavaliers.

More immediately, a trio of Nekos armed with Impaler guns opened fire with a succession of beams. The first particle beam ripped in Alex's shields and the last cut straight through her left leg. On her HUD, the damage report showed that she was injured and that responsiveness in that leg was down by 50%. No drugs were pumped into her but for the next three minutes the handicap would not be an issue due to simulated painkillers. After that, her leg would slower.


Another trio of NMX Nekos appeared and began firing rapidly at Wulfe and Stan. Their shields deflected the particle beams easily but it was clear that they now had an obstacle in their path.

Zyv moved up to join Henry and Phaedra who found that there were more and more Neko infantry coming between them and the Ravager. The front ranks began hurling packs filled with demolition charges and grenades at the Marines while those behind opened fire with their Impalers. A demolition pack landed by Zyv blew him off his feet. His shield collapsed as it took the blast and shrapnel tore into his armor. The damage was minor but his shields were down as Impaler beams impacted against his Hostile, burning away at the armor plating.

Phaedra's Plasma Lance Rifle was speared by a particle beam, destroying its cooling mechanism. Phaedra tossed it away moments before the superheated matter overflowed and melted the gun. Then she noticed how low her shields were.

Farther away, Leon and the surviving Renegades were still embattled amongst a trio of Rippers and Neko infantry. Even as they whittled down the Rippers, the Nekos were concentrating their fire to take a Renegade down. It was at the point where only Leon, Rochester and four Marines were left, with low shields. "Kerr, fire support on my location. Bring it in close!" Leon ordered the tank jockey.

Overhead, the three tanks tore away from their attack patterns against the Ravager and flew towards the Renegades' position. In one pass, the tanks fired a volley of explosive 80mm rounds, high velocity moneyshots, shrapnel grenades and DESCO laser. One of the Rippers died as two 80mm rounds tore into it and exploded while another incapacitated as a DESCO laser burned off its right leg. A dozen Nekos were killed in between this but Leon paid little attention to them. Rippers first.

To his left, Leon saw Motoyama's newly-arrived squad open fire at the Ravager with everything they had. The addition of so much firepower drew the Ravager's attention away from the Cavaliers, turning its back towards them. "Phaedra, get your squad to fire at the Ravager now!" Leon yelled urgently.


Bernhard and Laura didn't need to be told twice. From their isolated position near the behemoth, the pair had a perfect shot on the Ravager's right shoulder. They fired at it with all of their mini-missiles, RED shells, plasma and high velocity rounds. The combination of firepower was spectacular as the Ravager's utility arm seemed to explode, leaving a mere stump that bled strange liquids. Their victory was short lived. The right clawed arm grabbed Laura and crushed her suit while the Ravager simply stomped on Bernhard.

On both of their HUDs, the game over message played. "Not again," Bernhard complained over the squad's radio.
Sawyer reacted to the "deaths" of Laura and Bernard by locking onto the Ravager and opening fire with all 4 plasma chain-guns as well as a massive volley of 30 BOLTs from each of his mini missile pods to try to cause as much damage as he could to the hulking mecha and possibly give the others a chance to regroup and engage the smaller NMX nekos in the area.
"Oh shit!" thought Phaedra as she tossed the malfunctioning weapon away. She also realized her shields were nearly depleted. Although effectively useless against the Ravager, Phaedra drew the LSP from her thigh and the VCBS from the sheath on her chest.

"Phaedra, get your squad to fire at the Ravager now!"

"Cavaliers! Concentrate fire on the Ravager while its back is turned! Fire everything!" she shouted.

And then Phaedra saw Bernhard and Laura's icons go dark on her HUD. While thankful that this was only a simulation, it still made her angry that two of her squad had "died."

Phaedra futilely aimed and fired her LSP at the Ravager; more to inspire her squad than to actually damage the NMX armor.