Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Training Mission 1.0] Welcome to Boot Camp. Again.

"Neppies sounds like a great idea to me" Sawyer said as he stretched out and grinned a bit at the effectiveness of the overabundant usage of antimatter rounds on Ravager mechas.
"Yay Neppies!" Lisa flickered to life! "And shower too of course!" She added catching up with Luara and Bernie. Blonde bombshell put a sneaky smile on her face and added. "Want me to wash your back Laura?" She said with smile, half-joking.
"That sounds awesome!" Stan grinned at the prospect. He hadn't been to Neppies in a while, and he was looking forward to it. It was also nice to get an opportunity to freshen up - the confines of the simulator had resulted in the ID-SOL getting a bit sweaty. He had briefly wondered what Kerr and Motoyama were going to be told, but he quickly pushed it from his mind. It was none of his business, after all.
Phaedra had planned to speak with the Chief privately, and patiently waited for him to finish talking to Kerr and Motoyama. But then Laura bounded up the the squad and said:

"Showers then who's up for Neppies?"

In the interest of squad cohesion, Phaedra wanted to socialize with her squadmates. The talk with the Chief would have to wait.

"Speaking of Neppies..." said Phaedra, pausing while she retrieved her wallet from her front pocket. She pulled out not one, but four Free Meal Vouchers from her wallet, waving them at the squad.

"...I just happen to have some free meal vouchers for Neppies here," she said with a rare smile.

"The question is: who gets them?" she said, pulling the vouchers close before someone could swipe them from her hand.
"Oh dear God, tell me it's not permanent!" Everyone turned their heads to see that the distressed Kerr was the source of the outburst. All they could see was that Santiago was nodding and saying something quietly, very much aware of what everyone else looking at.

"Riiiiiight.... well, I call dibs on a voucher since it was my idea!" Laura exclaimed, breaking the silence.

Kerr and Motoyama separated from Chief Santiago. The former looked like he was forced to swallow cyanide while the latter looked as pleased as someone who had a bucket of cold water thrown on him.

"Sergeant Volkov, I saw you hovering. Did you need something?" Leon asked, face still very serious from the chat he had been having.
Phaedra raised an eyebrow at Kerr's outburst, but quickly returned to the matter at hand.

"Riiiiiight.... well, I call dibs on a voucher since it was my idea!" exclaimed Laura.

"Fair enough," said Phaedra, handing her a voucher.

"Sergeant Volkov, I saw you hovering. Did you need something?"

"Not at the moment, sir. It can wait until later. I do have something for you, however," said Phaedra, holding out a Neppies voucher for him.

"It would please me greatly if you were to accompany us to Neppies for a little R&R," she said.

"Unless of course you have more pressing concerns," said Phaedra, her eyes glancing toward Kerr and Motoyama as they left the vicinity.

"As for the last voucher..." she trailed off. Phaedra turned and flicked it into the middle of where her squad stood.

"May the best Marine win!"
Stan stared hard at the free meal vouchers as though they were made out of the most valuable material in the known universe. He had only torn his gaze away to look at the source of the rather distraught sounding cry. He briefly wondered what had soured their moods, but his attention was soon grabbed by Phaedra again.

When she dropped the free meal voucher, he knew what he had to do, even if he did feel it was a bit meanspirited of the Sergeant. Ducking quickly, Stan tried to grab at the voucher.
Neppies. So very tempting but Zyv forced himself to remember a certain fact and ignored the glorious fight going on over the ticket as he approached chief Santiago and waited for a lull in his current conversation before snapping a salute.

- ‘Excuse me sir. Sergeant. I was ordered here virtually from my transport so I haven’t technically reported in yet. Am I to do so now?’
Free neppies sounded awesome and Sarge had last voucher, that Lisa wanted. "Hey Sarge I could wash you back to-" she tried to haggle for it, but then Phaedra tossed it. Before Lisa could even react, the large Id-Sol caught it. Lisa looked at the voucher a little sadly, but then stopped caring.

"Well Sarge, I can wash your back anyway." She said in the end and smiled.
"I'll cover your order Lisa" Sawyer said from the back of the group having not even tried to join the scramble for the free voucher. He'd been saving his pay from a lack of things to do and thought that it would at least be a good gesture to try to buy food for at least one of his squadmates before the next mission.
Lisa turned around to see the other Aggressor enthusiast to offer her a free meal. Well Lisa would not be proper woman if she would turned down a gentleman's offer. It was not like he expected her to have sex with him for it or something.

"Aww, thanks Heavy!" Lisa replied also giving Sawyer his new nickname by a chance.
"Not a problem Gun-babe" Sawyer replied, giving Lisa a nickname of her own. "That was an interesting outcome to the simulator, we learned that sufficient quantities of BOLT missiles will bring down a Ravager class mecha" Sawyer noted as he fidgeted a bit with his prosthetic and considered what else he was going to etch into it to personalize it.
Lisa nodded, "That we did," she replied and then looked at him a little more seriously. "We also learned they fuck up targeting of our allies though." Lisa said.
Sawyer nodded at that and then had a look of intense concentration travel across his face. He suddenly brightened and looked directly into Lisa's eyes and said "hey, maybe we can work some kind of method to limit that while we are at neppies. I'm sure we can figure some way to meliorate the flash pattern disruption of our sensors if we put our minds to it.
Lisa gave that a thought. "Hmm maybe we could coordinate. Make fire-teams. One guy with arrows and one with bolts. Arrow-guy opens a path and then the bolt-guy sends his payload in! Because the first guy already fired his own shit, that bolt-guy does not have to worry about messing his targeting. Not to mention that arrow-guy can shoot like two second before the bolt guy. Coordination is all they would need."
"How do you organize that kind of thing when we don't even know the landing plan?" Laura asked. "We don't even know which ship we're landing on. It would be silly to make a plan only to have it fall to pieces because of the chaos of a boarding action. There's a chance we could get separated on the landing. We all know our jobs so that should be good enough until we get there and see what it's like exactly."

The medic spoke with a stern voice, as if she was lecturing idiots. A plan was all well and good but how could they plan anything when no one had any details about the target? This sort of incomplete planning reminded her of that idiot, Cedric, and how he had been demoted and transferred out of the Fleet for insubordination. She had heard the details from Bernhard and it tickled her so much to see that idiot gone. So Laura was not pleased to see that sort of thinking coming up again.

A rigid plan was bound to fail considering how difficult boarding missions were. Keeping it fluid and working on the spot was the best plan because it ensured that no one tried to follow a doomed plan. Plus, the Chief was going with them so it was his job to make a plan, not the squaddies.
"I'm thinking it would be more of an on the spot coordination instead of a rigid preplanned thing, or we should find a way to polarize the sensors so that they darken enough to keep from getting overwhelmed by the flash of the detonations" Sawyer said to try to head off the argument.
Lisa looked at young clone with neutral expression on her face. "Well at least we are looking for a solution and not just shooting other idea down." She said calmly, interested how young medic will behave.