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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Visit

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"Agreed." Kip strode through the door, literally, and the door opened behind him, and proceeded to the nearest transport module, checking over his shoulder to see if Harm was following him "Everywhere in the Horizon is only a few minutes away by module of course, not quite as fancy as the Destiny's system, but we get by."
"It is all just a system of transportation, as long as it works reasonably well no one will care how advanced it is,â€
"We are sister ships in the sense that we are the two most important ships to NovaCorp, and she was the only really significant ship built, the first one, and shares much the same purpose as I do. However other than that, we could not be more different. We have a slightly simmilar personality I suppose, but he's a little more sadistic. Anyway, she's much larger, and massively more advanced, different shape, and actually has real weapons, not the pea shooting particle cannons the Horizon has." Kip sighed, "He got the better deal all right." he followed her into the module.
As they entered the module Harm leaned against one of the nearby walls and waited for it to take them to their destination. "Well now, I didn't think starships would get big gun envy.â€
Kip waved his hand, and the module began to move, "Oh, it's not big gun envy, I'm not particularly envious of the new Onslaught, and that has weapons that makes the Destiny look like a Chihuahua in a hat. I admit that it's weaponary is nice, and what it can do with gravity makes me a little envious, but mainly it's ... I don't know really, it would take a while to analyse all the feelings exactly. She is better in pretty much any way you can think of.â€
"But of course, and I am naturally far superior in every way in terms of personality, and general brilliance mentally. I would never let a disembodied AI take control of my systems." Kip sniffed, but his eyes glinted mischiefously "In any case, we're here, after you m'lady." The module stoped and the doors slid open, revealing a corridor better decorated than the usual spartan looked, carpated and with a plaster ceiling.
"No not really, only happened once. Rather nasty guy called Baker, used to be the head of security for NovaCorp, back before I was really functioning. He tried to take over NovaCorp, was stopped by a group of mercenaries, it was a half baked attempt really, and then was shot, but the leader of said pirates. However somehow his mind was converted into an AI, and he lingered in a sub-system, unconnected to me I might add, there are some old computer systems like that, to do with information back then, and lay dormant. However when the Destiny's AI was being made, Ephesus thought it would be a good idea to give it sensory readouts etc from when the Destiny was first around, one or two interesting gravitic anomalies, as part of its knowledge of how to deal with Kohana like environments. Apparently during this scan, and download, of information Baker was activated, and flowed into the Destiny's memory banks, where he began wrecking havoc. The AI couldn't even do anything about it, until Ephesus, and Android called Robert, and a young engineer called Karin Marr interfaced and isolated him on a disk. He caused many deaths.â€
"Kohana is this place," Kip said grandly, sweeping his arms around, "I mean not this roon, but this cloud of dust a rock, with the remnants of a star, now a nuetron star residing in the centre, and strange gravitic anomolies lurking around. It used to be called something else, but the good Empress renamed it in honour of ..." Kip froze for a moment, some built in system forbiding him from really thinking about Kohana the person, "But less of that, take a seat, and I'll take your order."
Harm pulled out a seat and sat down, "in honour of...." she mimmicked, looking for a completion of that sentence.
"I suppose it would be daughter, Kohana." Kip waved the statement off, "Now what can I get you, I can probably make anything, using authentic ingredients mind you, that you can think of that doesn't go too far." He stressed the too.
"Cod, Kipper, Salmon, several species of shark, rock fish ... the list is actually rather extensive. Name a fish and we almost certainly have it in stock somewhere." Kip smiled, "Otherwise we could be here a long time as I go through every type of fish in stock."
"Uhm, no. No we don't have one of those, I can't find any mention of one in my databanks. I could of course have a combination of a fish and an albatross prepared and dyed partially red if you want." Kip replied, somewhat confused, and then analysing the genetic structure of such a possible creature.
Harm was laughing quite intensely at Kip's expense. "Well, it would appear that you wouldn't almost certainly have fish that I just make up.â€
"Well if you're sure ..." Kip had actually sort of been looking forward to creating the abberation, and made a mental note to do so later, "I shall prepare Salmon. Is there any particular way you want it prepared, seasoned, cooked etc? I know one person who likes to have his food power freezed by throwing it out an air-lock before eating it."
"Medium rare, smoked, topped with minced lobster and coleslaw ontop of a bed of lemon rice. Tell your chief that I prefer it salty.â€
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