"No not really, only happened once. Rather nasty guy called Baker, used to be the head of security for NovaCorp, back before I was really functioning. He tried to take over NovaCorp, was stopped by a group of mercenaries, it was a half baked attempt really, and then was shot, but the leader of said pirates. However somehow his mind was converted into an AI, and he lingered in a sub-system, unconnected to me I might add, there are some old computer systems like that, to do with information back then, and lay dormant. However when the Destiny's AI was being made, Ephesus thought it would be a good idea to give it sensory readouts etc from when the Destiny was first around, one or two interesting gravitic anomalies, as part of its knowledge of how to deal with Kohana like environments. Apparently during this scan, and download, of information Baker was activated, and flowed into the Destiny's memory banks, where he began wrecking havoc. The AI couldn't even do anything about it, until Ephesus, and Android called Robert, and a young engineer called Karin Marr interfaced and isolated him on a disk. He caused many deaths.â€