Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Visit

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"I have no chief, and the chef is me," Kip replied mischievously, "and I shall begin on your meal upon requesting if there is any particular vintage of alcohol beverage which you wish to imbibe this fine evening."
"I would ask you to surprise me, but your such a surprise from you is not likely to result in a beverage. I will leave the vintage at your discression,â€
"Very good m'am." Kip responded, bowing deeply, overly so actually, before heading into the kitchen, which was through the side door, to begin preparing the meal.

Meanwhile another hardlight embodiment of Kip apeared, and sat down, "I'm here to keep you company while I'm cooking our meal."
"Then clearly a third would have to be called in to adjudicate the upcoming debate, in which I would put forward the argument against myself, and which I would inevitably both win and loose. I will of course be lenient with myself, and let me win." Kip replied smoothly.

Kip walked back in carrying a bottle of fine quality wine in a water cooling nest, and offered to pour a taster for Harm.
Harm accepted and waited for the wine to be poured. "Sounds like a lot to go through just to settle a dispute with yourself.â€
Kip was only to happy to oblige, and poured the wine into the cup with perfect race, and to an extremely exact level he'd calculated to be full, but not enough to risk spillage. The level was actually extremely exact to several thousand decimal places, taking into account the tilt of the bottle, the hydrodynamics of the falling wine and a couple of entropy figures. Not that Kip would say anything, but he was quietly proud of it.

"No, not always. One of the Kip's has a rather foul mouth. Some people have a subconcious, I have different avatars." Kip said, this one being the one that was seated.
"Well I suppose. It is more that my 'personality' as you might define it has an enormous variety of different facets, each with a different emphasis, and when I create another avatar it has to be brought into a more human mentality. That requires that certain amount of the personality to be shaped by the situation at hand, and by a list of other parametres, and as such it creates a different version of me. When the need goes, I usually keep that versions unique mentality within me." Kip replied, sipping from his glass of wine.
"Sounds like a computer from the past. I got the impression that the latest Kessaku models are all tightly controlled Aisâ€
Kip shrugged, "Some things from the past work. I'm glad to say I'm not entierly out of date, but I'm certainly not one of Kessaku's more modern units, and I hardly follow their programing updates. I prefer to use my own or that of Ephesus. And we both like variety, being fixed is so limiting ... so sterile." Kip smiled wickedly, "I think that I'm far more interesting than a normal SA AI anyway, they're usually all responsibility and so forth."

The other Kip walked back into the kitchen and returned to cooking.
"And well the might, in order to pass something themselves onto future generations, and ensure a measure of immortality. In some people's eyes, someone who is sterile is already dead, because they can not create life. And in the sticktest terms I am sterile - I can not have a child with a woman, at least not through the merging of DNA. There are many other ways of course, but they're not exactly the same. The point isn't quite as important to me as it would be to a human male of course, because I am not going to die of old age or disease, and apart from the case of a serious accident, I shall continuiing living for millenia. So I already have immortality. As do many these days, what with genetic technology and so forth, no-one needs to die, and so one of the greatest motivations for having children is gone." Kip said, sipping against from his Wine (which was not going down in level), and fixing Harm with his warm gaze.
"Such technology isn't available to everyone and by your definition I would think you have a thing for necrophilia.â€
"Note that I said some people, not myself. I do not think that someone who is sterile is dead. More importantly, Necrophilia is not really the love of those that are dead, but more the domination of a corpse, something which represents the living but which can be abused without them opposing. It's worse than rape in some ways, and I am most certainly not of that persuasion." Kip waved a hand in a nonchalent fashion, "As for the technology ... well on Yamatai it is hardly hard to get access to, and on Nepleslia there's relatively cheap age retardant treatment. It's not immortality, I'll grant you that, but it's certainly great longevity."
"Perhaps so, especially on Nepleslia." Kip acknowladged with a tip of his head.

Kip came in from the kitchen carrying four plates of food, one in each of his four arms, two having sprouted from his midchest, and he placed them on the table, before pulling the lids off in an exagerated fashion and revealing for Harm a Medium rare Salmon, topped with minced lobster and colesaw, lying on a bed of lemon rice. The dish had been cooked to perfection, measuring every chemical reaction with in, taking into acount likely taste bud reception (Kip would have checked Harm's taste buds, but he thought that his 'no scan' policy might prohibit that), laying out the food in the most psychologically pleasing way he could consider, and getting the salt content just right for someone who like their food salt.

Kip was given a large gammon stake with a side dish of chips (OOC: British Spelling), and rellish. Under the second sets of dishes where several white bread rolls.

"Voila." Kip said, and went back into the kitchen where he began to prepare desert.
Kip nodded, and began to eat his meal, using the cutlery with a great deal of finesse, and eating slowly, savouring the various flavours. This was a fairly interesting procedure, as it included Kip trying to work out what a human would taste in the exact same situation, and then bringing this into a sensation that he could understand and appreciate. The effect was a truly delicious experience however. One of the primary reasons why the hardlight projection was eating rather than the robot-avatar was that eating food was always a little complicated with the robot.
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