Only joined in (provisionally until the character sheet is finished and approved) towards the end there, but:
1. Definitely down for RP'ing the Lost Months.
2. Unsure - if Hoshiko stays in her current form (depending on what needs doing for approval), definitely up for that sort of thing. Just need to work Hoshiko out of her current state of limbo, so she's able to join the greater SAoY world.
3. My assumption has been that there will be a significant period of time in which Hoshiko will need to go through an accelerated program to convert all of her mothers educational memory and experiences into certifications in her own name. I'm also assuming there would be a similarly accelerated program for the other Firstborn to bring them up to official specs, so to speak. After that, assuming she gets posted back to the Wakaba, then I'd be up for new missions. Even if the character ultimately fails, I can always work up a new character for the Wakaba...
I only saw the end of the Wakaba stuff (the bits joined with the Resurgence plot), so:
1. Its been enjoyable so far, but haven't experienced enough to judge it on its own merits.
2. I've always been partial to the 'seek out new worlds and new civilisations' space exploration. Not sure you'd send a battleship for that though and, unfortunately, the 3rd Mishhu War is looming...
3. Biggest/easily solved weakness I've witnessed is spelling/grammar - maybe copy/paste stuff into google docs etc, run it through a spellcheck, then copy-paste back before posting.