Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC We go where we are needed (YSS Wakaba)

Like i said on discord, i'd be interested in having you play Runa's daughter, so long as you dont mind her being a Mini Neko.
Not sure what I want to play yet. Am currently brainstorming options from mini-neko technician to a navigator to a scout/soldier/hunter to an administrator. :p
Hello my brave Wakaban's. So we were finally rescued. It was quite exciting. So we've got a few options moving forward.

1. RP the missing time before we got rescued. I know many of you were very excited about this idea and even made some new character for it. Just want to see if this is something that still has people's interest.

2. The Wakaba post rescue. We can have a shorter story where the Wakaba is welcomed home after being MIA for so long. There'd be partys, awards, promotions and probably some goodbyes.

3. Big question now is what do you guys want to do moving forward. I'd guess there'd be a few IC months of leave and waiting for the Wakaba to be repaired. After that, would you guys be interested in continuing with some new mission or not?

Lastly, if you guys could take a moment to give me some feedback on the plot that would be great. Here's the questions:

1. Are you enjoying the RP? What do you love about it?
2. What are some things you'd like to see in this plot in the future?
3. Got any suggestions for me as a GM?
Only joined in (provisionally until the character sheet is finished and approved) towards the end there, but:

1. Definitely down for RP'ing the Lost Months.

2. Unsure - if Hoshiko stays in her current form (depending on what needs doing for approval), definitely up for that sort of thing. Just need to work Hoshiko out of her current state of limbo, so she's able to join the greater SAoY world.

3. My assumption has been that there will be a significant period of time in which Hoshiko will need to go through an accelerated program to convert all of her mothers educational memory and experiences into certifications in her own name. I'm also assuming there would be a similarly accelerated program for the other Firstborn to bring them up to official specs, so to speak. After that, assuming she gets posted back to the Wakaba, then I'd be up for new missions. Even if the character ultimately fails, I can always work up a new character for the Wakaba...

I only saw the end of the Wakaba stuff (the bits joined with the Resurgence plot), so:

1. Its been enjoyable so far, but haven't experienced enough to judge it on its own merits.
2. I've always been partial to the 'seek out new worlds and new civilisations' space exploration. Not sure you'd send a battleship for that though and, unfortunately, the 3rd Mishhu War is looming...
3. Biggest/easily solved weakness I've witnessed is spelling/grammar - maybe copy/paste stuff into google docs etc, run it through a spellcheck, then copy-paste back before posting.
1. Since we are technically current now, we can map out what happened to people and rp according to that plan. That way we know both how to respond and already know how they evolved for current content.
2. I am definitely interested in interacting with the site in current time. How it goes depends on if I have Hiroshiko remain in the SAoY or not. Also need to flesh out her "clone" daughter since she was made via parthenogenesis. If/when they go, I'll roll up something more combatty or transfer Kamiya into the plot. She's more of a natural fit for a battleship. I might ask to transfer Kamiya anyways since the two are friends and Kamiya is technically homeless freezing on Fujiko IV. lol
3. Yeah a battleship is definitely not really meant for exploration. Not unless you are pulling gunboat diplomacy and SAoY does a "Great White Fleet". We can either wait for the fleet action to start or just do endless training until it does.

As for the GM Review requirements:
1. It's good, it is out of the ordinary you typically see on the site.
2. More social rp would be nice. PC's occupations don't make natural away teams.
3. Nothing screaming at me.
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1. Yhea, I think we have intresting stories to tell in that time.
2. Sure, sounds like fun
3. I'd like to keep going with the Wakabba, but I also understand that it's not meant for exploration. One option might be to have the original ship get put in a fleet museum and we get a ship a bit better suited or something. On the other hand, the return and the celebration does mark the end of a pretty big arc and is a natural place to end it.


1. Yhea, I'm enjoying it. Voyager is my favorite Star Trek series, so Star Army Voyager is a lot of fun.
2. I'm not sure, I expect that there will be a lot of exploration as we try to find and pin down the Mishhu.
3. not really
1. I would not mind maybe doing some pre-crash roleplay with Crysta's parents or even Crysta herself so I might be able to get some more history with her. But that can also be something that is in a side JP and not in the main roleplay.

2. I would not mind having a sort of welcome-home celebration for the crew and all, being one that was born from the need to recrew it might be interesting to meet the families of her parents. But again that can be a separate side story.

3. With the amount of damage that the Wakaba took it might need a full refit, or even be fixed enough to become a museum ship.

For the feedback on that plot from what I was there for.

1. I enjoyed the time I was there, though I am going to admit I was in over my head and felt lost most of the time due to being new to the engineering side of things. I did have fun playing as Crysta and trying to think of what she would do.
2. Not sure what I am looking for as most of the plots I have joined till now have folded up due to one thing or another. So maybe we keep going forward doing things?
3. Keep being awesome and kicking butt! I've really enjoyed the brief time we have been together and kind of wished maybe joining sooner than I did!
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For the options, all seem good, I would be happy to run any of them, they all would be interesting in my mind.

1. I am really enjoying it, it is quite fun and different.
2. Hmm for the future, I am unsure exploration seems like a interesting way to go.
3. I think your doing real good, so keep it up.
Here's some great news: The Star Army sometimes uses battleships for exploration, and with the upcoming event the Star Army will need every ship it can get to be out there exploring and fighting pockets of enemies!
Have the day off from work tomorrow so will try to smash out Hoshiko's character page and see how much of her survives the approval process as is. :)
battleships for exploration

Fr tho at first contact when a ship that size and presumably armed is exploring do the locals that meet them for the first time jump to the conclusion that if that's their exploration ship then what do their warships look like?!

"You just wouldn't get it. We're peaceful explorers broadening the horizons of the star empire."

"With a battleship?!"

"I'm sorry; Who are the explorers here with experience in this regard and who are the explored? This is yamatai, we clown on cliche hostile first contacts."
(this is a joke, no hate~)
Nope the craft now exiting our craft is our Exploring ship, The large ship it is launching from is its carrier and escort.

Just remember in Homeworld they launched a Corvette class ship that was unarmed as an ambassador and first contact encounters.
So Yamatai are conquistadors. We did have tricorne hats once.

"We come in peace. But if the welcoming party isn't to our satisfaction, you are going to need a new planet. We can help you with that, for low low payments to cover health services."
Hello Wakabans!

Just wanted to say hi now that I'm officially joining the plot. Up until the Firstborn come into play when the be-fruitful-and-multiply-order goes out and I start playing as Shima Hoshiko (who I will be writing as in the post-rescue celebration thread), I will be writing as her mother, Navigator Shima Haruto-Taii.

She's been with the Wakaba since before it got lost, but being a junior Taii (promoted just before coming aboard), she was left as the lead-navigator for third-shift (e.g. night-shift/when all the player characters were asleep). Given the size of the crew, its not surprising that she hasn't run into any of the PC's before. During the boarding action at the end of the second mission thread (where Thomas Canterbury took command), she was badly injured. Without ST tech, she was left to slowly heal from some nasty brain damage. Now, she's awake and reporting for duty.

I look forward to writing with you all!
Hello my brave Wakaban's things have slowed down quite a bit lately. I'm very guilty of neglecting this plot recently but I want to pick things back up here soon. For the Scene route home, things were leading up to a fight against a NMX shipyard, however I think here soon I'm going to just say what happened at the shipyard and move forward. Frostjager has asked to join up and we've been working out how his character joins so I want to move the story up to that point. Once Frost is found we'll do another short time jump to the point when the "Firstborn" are actually born the have the finale fight where the Wakaba takes on 5 NMX cruisers before crashlanding onto the planet where the Resurgence eventually found them.

With the Celebration thread, I figure we'll soon start the actual ceremony here soon then the rest of the party will be opportunities for your characters to discuss next steps or to do something special. For example, I think I'm going to have Thomas, Setsunu and the girls preform a song together. You guys will be free do to any speeches or present gifts to friends or something like that. Around the New year will probably have the ship repaired and set out on our new mission.
Hey Everyone! I know I'm way behind on things. I thought once the new year started I'd be able to get caught up on updating the plot page, threads and getting the new thread started but I haven't gotten to do any of that. But I as my schedule starts getting back to normal after the holiday season I should be able to get caught up on these things.

If I could get some feedback on the plot that would be great at helping me get the new plot going.

1. Are you enjoying the RP? What do you love about it?
2. What are some things you'd like to see in this plot in the future?
3. Got any suggestions for me as a GM?
1. Are you enjoying the RP? What do you love about it?

2. What are some things you'd like to see in this plot in the future?
no idea at this time currently
3. Got any suggestions for me as a GM?
nope keep up the awesomeness