Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Werewolf Game (RP-ed!)


Inactive Member
For those of you who don't know what a Werewolf Game is, basically an isolated group of people has one among them who wishes to Infect or Kill everyone else.

I'll break every Character type down, with their objectives so I won't confuse you:

Werewolf: Can be Anyone. Must Infect or Kill everyone else. Very hard to kill.

Agents: Two. Can also be Anyone. (In rare cases the Werewolf as well.) Public objective is to Kill the Werewolf and the other Agent. Has two other Secret objectives.

Civilian: Their goal is to SURVIVE, and in this case possibly ESCAPE (More on that later.) Doctors have the ability to heal wounds and spot Infection, but are otherwise just like a Civilian.

Unlike the normal game with the daily votes to see who dies -- we'll be Role-Playing this. Depending on how many people sign up, and when they're available, it could be in either SP or JP format.

The Setting
Wellseburg is a small westernized town in the middle of the countryside, a hundred miles away from its closest neighbor, Marinaville. Normally it is quiet and peaceful. Murder and crime isn't unheard of -- but a recent killing spree by an unknown suspect has left the Wellseburg Police Department scratching its head.
Suddenly, the Military quarantines the Town, cutting off highway and river access, as well as instilling a 7:00 O'Clock curfew for the night. The killings don't stop, and the military is clamping down harder each day -- Who is murdering people, and why is the Military occupying a small town in the middle of nowhere? Can you escape a horrible death?

1. Past the Sign-Up, this will be treated as a Plot.
2. No God-Mod. This means you don't succeed at everything -- leave it to my dice eh?
3. If you Die, we'll talk about what your future role is in the RP.
4. Never just Kill someone for no reason -- How would you like it if a Soldier just randomly saunters up and puts a bullet in your brain?
5. You officially ESCAPE when you've made it to the nearest City. (Marinaville)
6. I reserve the right to add rules I didn't think of at first.

PM the following to me if you're interested in participating -
Application/Character Sheet

Preferred RP Format: SP/JP
Available Time for JP:
Preferred Role: Civilian / Werewolf / Agent / Doctor


Physical Description:


Skills: (Only Four) (Guns, Fighting, Machinery, Driving, etc.)





Questions, Comments?
To be Updated.

Players List
Player -- Character
Gabriel -- Venicus Marceniak
Aendri -- Amato
Nevaraon -- Gerry Tompson
LuciaVera -- Diana
Jimmy -- “Slim” Bob Phage
Of course! Go ahead and PM me, and we'll take it from there, guys. I'm not sure if Gabriel is still in it, though. But we'll figure things out, and Jimmy should be joining.
That's cool, just submit your character to Sharp. This thing may take a while to start up, unfortunately the cluster flux doesn't get much love, many players have their plates full here. Now, if I can finally stop procrastinating and get my character together...
Guys, please PM me your characters! Once I get 3 people in, I'm going to start assigning roles and asking you when times for JP's can begin.
Alright. PM me not only characters (For those who haven't, yet) but times when you'll be available for JP's.

Try to see if your free anytime from 5:00 PM US Central, to 9-ish PM US Central on weekdays. I'm normally free all day weekends.

If you don't know when US Central time is compared to yours -- Google is your friend! :lol:
I need two skills for a Hill Billy! T_T

Also, my schedule is Messed Up! at the moment, the bad timezones don't help. JP's might be a bit difficult for me to make, which is why I've always tried to dodge plots with them.

Finish up your characters, guys. I think we can just go SP Format. JP's for the random days when we all happen to be available. It'd probably be too much hassle anyway. (5 Players is good!)

We need Jimmy and Nevaraon to finish their characters.
Alright. We can begin RPing, seeing as Jimmy is the only one we're waiting on.

From now on, this is an RP thread! Keep OOC in end-of-post notes or via PM.

1. Private messages between players must be sent to me AND the other player in question, and any actions that need to be divulged ICly will be by me.

2. My next post will be the opening. I will PM you all your roles, and any specials that come with them. Good luck! And, please... keep the blood off the carpet. It's new. ;)
The previous week in Wellseburg was chaotic -- military occupation and Martial Law were instilled, and the people turned away from all entrances to the Highway and ferry services across the river that cut the town off from the rest of the world.

The center of the town was a large Catholic church, surrounded by paved streets and shops. Just to the West, bordering the river are a myriad of Hotels, Motels, and the dedicated 'Business' district of the town. To the East are the suburbs the dominate the remaining directions. Streets are dominated by fast food, restaurants and it was almost the norm of any town within a thousand miles.

But to the North, looming over the River were the Warehouses from which the Military operated in Wellseburg. Humvees and foot patrols move throughout the day, and most of the night every night past the 8 O'Clock curfew.

Leigh Matthews -- who had emphatically told everyone who had read his name aloud that it was pronounced like 'Lee' not 'Lay' -- clicked his cell phone shut. The sound carried oddly in his bedroom. He grimaced, an unfamiliar sight on his normally smiling face. He had bright, clever green eyes and short-cut brown hair that was unkempt, with a cowlick sticking out on the side of his head like a one-winged fighter jet.

He had just hung up the phone after leaving a message for his friend, Venicus Marceniak, to come quickly to his home. He had left similar messages with Amato, Gerry Tompson, Diana, and the odd “Slim” Bob Phage whom he had met at a recent protest against the military's strong-arm tactics.

They had to arrive quickly, to beat the falling of night and the nervous patrols of soldiers in the streets.

His home on the south side of the Church, on the corner of a street leading into the 'frame' of the church and surrounding shops. A thick, white door, green paint and large windows would greet any visitor upon his green lawn and multiple orange trees.

He opened his phone to call again, and then sighed. It clicked closed once more, and he waited.
Venicus lay hidden behind a dumpster as he waited for the lone stranger to pass by his alley. Once he no longer heard the footsteps he came out of hiding and slowly made his way to the end of the alley. Anyone the knew Venicus knew the he was a mean, aggressive person, but he still didn't trust anyone and could never be too careful. He poked his head out of the alley and was about to make a run for it across the street when his phone rang. He swore under his breath as he realized he hadn't turned it on vibrate. He quickly flipped it open, telling the man on the other side to hold, and then sprinted back into hiding.

"Yes, mhm, yes. I understand. Yes, I'll be there as soon as possible. I might be a little late though, I'm picking up some 'provisions', I'll try and grab you something." He flipped his phone closed, peaked out of the alley and then quickly made his way down the street, making sure to check behind him periodically. There were people being murdered left and right and he knew to never leave himself unprotected. Plus, he knew those blasted soldier weren't to be trusted. One never knows who they're going to decide to shoot at next.
Gerry dashed from a small alleyway heading for a nearby grocery store. He held a small backback he brought along just in case he had to run. He slipped into the doorway checking each corner as he entered. Couldn't be too careful nowadays with murder running rampant in the street and soldiers shooting up the place. He looked up and down the aisles looking for the foodstuffs on the list his wife had texted him.
Slim Bob pressed the end call button on his phone, and put it back into his pocket, shifting around to fit it into his jeans as he sat in front of the small fire he had set up by his ute. He pulled back the sleeve of his jacket to check his watch, seeing the time he swore loudly, and scrambled around the hood into his vehicle. The engine faltered twice before coughing into life, it was far from a young machine, rust clawing it's way up the bonnet and squeaky doors.

Suddenly remembering the fire, he rushed back out around the other side of the vehicle and kicked loose dirt onto the flames until they finally spluttered out. He ran back into the ute, the engine still ticking over rather sickly, and drove off in a spray of dirt.
Amato bent over, pretending to check his shoelace. He was fairly certain he wasn't the only person who'd been called over, and he wanted a look at at least one other person before he went in. Shifting the concealed holster inside his coat, he stood back up, leaning back into the doorway of the house across the way. He'd been fairly nearby when the call came through, though he hadn't felt like answering at the time. Wasn't even entirely sure why he'd come, actually. He hadn't been feeling to sociable lately, and with the murders that had been going on, there was no point in going out more often then was needed. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing, and settled in to wait.
Diana pressed her body against a buildings wall as she waited for near by sounds of people to pass by. She could feel the pulse of her phone’s silent ringer go off in her pocket. Fumbling with her left hand to pull out the phone with her thumb and index finger she stared down at the screen to read who was calling. Noticing it was a voicemail she pressed the phone to her ear to listen. Once done she shoved the phone into her jean pocket once again and fix the straps of her small purse to her back. She glanced both ways before hurrying her way towards the others where they were supposed to meet up.
Venicus found the store he was looking for and quickly walked inside. It was a sporting goods store. A minute or two later he walked out with a long box, meant for a baseball bat. He then walked down the street where a buddy of his owned a firearm store. He walked in and asked his friend if the weapon he had filed for last week was ready. Venicus was told that the paperwork had gone through and it was okay if he took it, so he slid it into the box with the baseball bat, along with several shells, and handed the clerk the money that he had been saving up.

Alright, time to head Leigh's house. He left the store and ran at a steady jogging pace towards the house, he was already running late and didn't want people to think of him suspiciously.