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Why are people reluctant to switch to a Yamataian body?


Retired Staff
Yamataians are effectively Geshrins 2.0. They were included in the setting around 2 years back and are very available to yamataian citizens.

Children today are vaccined against diseases and when adults travelabord in other countries, they typically get vaccined against some diseases where they are going as well. From a medical point of view, the Yamataian is pretty much an equivalent to that since it also has disease resistance.

That's just one of the things the Yamataian body has along with some other special features like telepathy/digital minds which can handle data, light hemosynthetic self-healing, slightly enhanced strength, poison/toxin resistance and anti-gravity capabilities.

However, the medical aspect of the disease/poison resistance is very important for civilians. Yamatai is a multi-species starfaring Empire. Different races move back and fro and while the nodal system on a starship is regulated enough to protect from a good deal of biohazards, it actually doesn't work as well in a planet's atmosphere (for example, rain and snow really hamper the PANTHEON's capabilities). Diseases can go around which actually come from other worlds, despite attempts at decontamination. One well meaning Oharan senator could very well bring to Yamatai a really bad fever which could be very dangerous to the populace. Yamatai medicine might be good, but it might also not be fast enough if something unexpected would creep up and endanger people.

Then again, the poison resistance can also get handy considering the food some yamataians eat (fugu?) not to meantion toxic resistance should typically include a very handy resistance to indigestion.

You say there is no reason to, Doshii, but it seems quite flagrant to me that just for these two features, Geshrins should take measure to make the switch at the earliest convenience. Yamataians are not quite like humans and hold psyche/memories more dear than their body. Furthermore, historical events such as the 'Elysian Plague' (okay, we know it's is not, but popular opinion calls it that) should be all the incentive a geshrin would need to go to the hospital and get what he needs to keep living healthily.

In fact, why should modern hospitals even keep servicing geshrins when they are set up for Yamataians? It's like being given free anti-virus software to an internet user - there are viruses and spyware out there which will sink their teeth in that person's computer in no time. If he refuses to have the countermeasure and the ability to give himself treatment, it's his own fault that his computer is messing up not too long afterwards. Seriously! About any aspect of human medecine takes a big shift once you become a yamataian - everything from the common cold to broken ribs or a failing heart is dealt with considerably differently (one will have an operation and all that stuff while the other will be examined, given the support needed to make sure he'll have a quick recovery and that's about it).

Yes, Geshrins switching to the Yamataian race is pretty damn necessary for a citizen. If the player wants to play a geshrin whom either doesn't care about yamataian citizenship and the medical aid that comes with it (like, say, Nairan), that's the player's business... but new geshrin characters should not be made since Yamatai is currently most commonly populated by yamataians (just like the NH-29 nekos now occupy most of the Star Army except for a few reticent ones whom will have to be ordered to switch after all - being a NH-29 now is mandatory).

I'd argue that given the nekovalkyrja advantages, it's even more important for a geshrin to BE a Yamataian on a nekovalkyrja starship. More than one geshrin has expressed some inadequacies as armor pilots because the nekos were so much better. The people training them and accepting them in the army know that. Considering this, I seriously think that serving in the Star Army would require a character to be a yamataian.

What about Nepleslians? I admit it could look like a tough one, but it really isn't. Nepleslians colonists became geshrins... so they can just as much become Yamataians too for the very same reason - heck, it might be even more motivated in their case! Many nepleslian characters were created lately, but the thing is that most nepleslian players should really be in the Star Army of Nepleslia! Tom is there waiting for people to apply to join his plotship and people just keep flocking over to Yamatai. Well, accepting Nepleslians along with several of their traits which nekos and yamataians (often in higher ranking positions anyways) generally don't like such as the redundant cybernetics. I seriously don't see why the Star Army of Yamatai even puts up with it when they had the majority of their NH-17s switch for NH-29 bodies.

I'm getting slightly weary of the roleplaying cultural inconsistancies and the small hypocrisies some characters seem to have, so, I'm bringing this up. In YE 29, Geshrins Yamatai citizens have no business still being geshrins and not Yamataians. This holds especially true for those citizens whom enlist in the army and have to be considered able-bodied individuals to operate aboard starships designed for nekovalkyrjas. Would this also mean that nepleslians might have to switch? Probably. Nepleslians in the SAoY are really considered civilians at the YSE's sufferance because they generally don't want to go home or get there to escape their street wars. They could either really get into commiting to the switch... or stay home.
I'd write a longer reply, but I just woke up (at 1PM, rawr!). I apologize for my briefness and skipping over some of your points. I won't go into in-character reasoning, as I've never chatted it up with Wes, and don't know if my logical assumptions concerning in-character Yamataian politics would be correct.

Well, then. Simply because you think that "Geshrins switching to the Yamataian race is pretty damn necessary for a citizen" doesn't mean that very many others believe that. Yamataians, in my opinion, don't feel like "Geshrins 2.0" at all. I don't know about anyone else, but I play a Geshrin over a Yamataian because the latter is too not-human, while the former is just human enough without having the oddities of the Nepleslians.
That's just the thing. Geshrins are part of the Ningyô Heiki series. Actually, they are NH-1 and the nekos are NH-2. The CCG describes the Geshrins as androids, though a truer appelation might be that they are bio-synthetic beings. They are alive in the sense that they have been engineered so closely to a living organism, but that doesn't change that the first generation of Geshrins were artificially created through transfer of thoughts imprints from another lifeform.

Sure, geshrins from there procreated. Like the geshrin Tasuku Yatani said a bit ago "I didn't come from a factory and I don't want to be into one of those things." (sort of) However, thing is that Yamataian culture is not humans. The yamataians (as a culture) look like humans and there are some things that can indeed be similar, but many players happen to have their characters naively put eyeblinders to the culture in which they grew up which has substancial differences.

What this results in? Players are making their characters ICly act innaccurately because they don't have a good grasp of just what a yamataian is. I'm not saying that to belittle the people whom are playing geshrins... there is a lack of support as to the information that'd tell a player just what the yamataian culture is like. I've studied stuff around, read over a great deal of in character information and I can pretty much tell you that it's not an opinion - it's a fact.

If geshrin characters persist in remaining geshrins, then, there should be social consequences - it's not like they'd fit the ideal picture of either the Star Army soldier or the model citizen. Result? The government takes the indesirables and shoves them on some outer, more impoverished planets where they won't have to think about them anymore.

Would the Empire really do that? Possibly. After all, there is one powerful faction out there (called the Black Spiral) whom is hellbent on defeating the Yamataian upper class and that wants to forment a civil war for that sake.
Excuse me... I am just going to make this quick... I will make a more intelegent comment later when I am not rushed, but for now.

The reasoning behind some one playing a Nepleslian instead of a Yamataian could be as simple as why a person playing D&D would make a Human instead of a Half-Elf, preferance. Some people just want the feel of being a human.

Now, to put it in WoW Terms.

Yamatai: "Lolololol u rolled Human mage? lawl, u r dumb, Gnome is better."
Nepleslian: "I like humans... so what?"
Yamatai: "Ur not in our guild, cuz ur human."
Nepleslian: "Go ahead and enjoy your increased engineering skills and arcane spec, I'll be happy over here with my faction rep increase and the fact that I don't look stupid."
Kotori said:
That's just the thing. Geshrins are part of the Ningyô Heiki series. Actually, they are NH-1 and the nekos are NH-2. The CCG describes the Geshrins as androids, though a truer appelation might be that they are bio-synthetic beings. They are alive in the sense that they have been engineered so closely to a living organism, but that doesn't change that the first generation of Geshrins were artificially created through transfer of thoughts imprints from another lifeform.

What CCG are you reading? I've come to find that much of the older stuff is inaccurate, and has been retconned. The current [link] Geshrin CCG entry directly contradicts some things you seem to believe. If the current CCG is wrong, I apologize for having an incorrect view of the background.
Of course. But this is a roleplay. There are not only player desires to take into account and I feel you bringing a WoW comparison degrades from what the issue. The "I want to play a human" thing I can understand. Besides, as far as I know, the Nepleslians don't accept the catgirls at home either, do they?

However, there are other considerations to make. Let's compare staywith your comparison... Elves have this elite armed group called the Bladesingers. Bladesingers are special, one-elf army combattant of a sort and they have rich traditions and all. If a human (or a half-elf) would come around and ask to join them, he could hoep for a flat "No" if he is lucky or arrows in the butt for his impudence if one of the elves just got out of her fertility period.

What does this mean? There are racial/national considerations to take into account beyond the race you feel like playing. There is precedent that geshrins and nepleslians don't function on yamataian starships as well as yamataians and nekovalkyrjas. There are IC consequences to that which are taken too lightly to the point of causing inconsistancies. This isn't just about technology: it's about diverging cultural developments and giving those only passing consideration is wrong and messes up my suspension of disbelief royally.

You might feel that you might not agree, but I'm pretty damn certain that most of the neko/yamataian NPCs serving in the Star Army of Yamatai would and that's really the crux of the problem.

You don't have to appologize. I'm not bashing on the geshrin players so much as I am pointing out that something here is wrong. For all I care, you can play your oddball geshrins whom don't want to ST in their updated bodies ("No, I don't want Windows XP, I want to keep my Windows 95 and not be able to function with the latest software and better system specs!!!"). The point is though that it might not be the norm of yamataian culture (which could use some more detailing) and might cause social consequences that wouldn't so much be unfair as they would be warranted and in character to the roleplay setting we are participating in.

It's not a retcon so much as it was just not really well detailed in the character creation guide. ~_~;

This was a description from an even older CCG document:
Geshrin: After the colonization of Yamatai, a powerful genetics corporation called PNUgen (pronounced "New-Jen") began work on a new super-human species to replace the population. The result was the creation of the Geshrin species. Soon, with "Soul-Transfer" (ST) technology made readily accessible by the government, nearly the entire population was 'upgraded' to the new species. Those who weren't were wiped out by a disease created by the Elysians. Some suspect it was really PNUgen that produced the legendary virus.

Geshrin are largely immune to disease, and are of superior intellect and body than their true human counterparts. Their lifespan can last well over 150 years, with "old age" kicking in only in the last 50 or so. In addition, using ST methods, a Geshrin's mental essence can theoretically live forever by obtaining new bodies. Geshrin reproduce sexually (there are roughly equal numbers of males and females).

This is another. (cute Hanako pic included)

The older description of nekos does show common roots.

And this post of Wes pretty much makes it crystal clear.
Alright, I made changes to the CCG:

Specifically, Section One, Page 2 (and page three for the females) and Section 2, Page 2. There's more to come but I think that's the basics. I plan to create seperate species selection pages based on the nation choice at the beginning. I also made updates to the Geshrins' "about" page.
Nice Wes ^_^

I'd say more, but I'd like to focus on this discussion rather than what could or could not be changed in the CCG. I know that member discussions/debates only yield good information that you can take into account and use later.
My $0.0180058 (CAN $0.02):

There are anachronisms in every culture, people who go against the norm, but should one play one of them, they should know that they are anachronisms and definately not the cultural norm.

I should know - I'm trying to play an anachronistic person. :P Sometimes, the best way to learn about a culture is to go completely against it. However, future characters, to Fred's relief, will be far less rebellious.

As for the Geshrin issue, that is something to take into consideration. Some nostalgia still applies to the body, which will slow adoption somewhat, but at this point there should be almost no true Geshrins left.

Besides, Yamataians have their own problems - there are still a lot more Nekos out there, and they have far less reasons to convert, right? That's an issue one should take into account.
*nods* I concur.

( ZOMG FM and I agree on something! ~_^ )

One thing to consider is that the pa and ma of your character's parents (if you were naturally born and are under 30 or so years) were most likely Nepleslians whom happened to switch to a geshrin body because it was convenient. It is quite possible most of them could very well have been 20, 30, 40+ years old and they apparently were willing to do the change, even though they had a good reason to be attached to their bodies.

Born Geshrin characters are essentially the children of such people: people whom were willing and ready to switch from an organic body to a bio-synthetic being. Most Nepleslians on Yamatai which didn't make the switch died in the great plague: how do you think this would reflect on the geshrins? Realistically, I think this would be a case of "Thank god I made the switch. I'd have hated to be one of those poor souls whom were retching blood and having their eyes fall off."

This, I think, is quite a strong incentive for when the next better body comes up that geshrins as a whole would be very receptive to changing their bodies for an improved model. Not to mention that a faction of geshrins whom didn't like that the very numerous nekovalkyrja were so much more powerful than them both made themselves better bodies and made measures though nekovalkyrja's in the society would be 'dumbed down' to a yamataian body too under the excuse that those would be gifts which would allow them to have lives beyond being a combattant (though the NH-29 body is sort of the neko statement "We can be a race too!").
I'll be quick, since I'm at work --

Fred, I think you're being far too rational about this argument. Try being a little more irrational. Like old people are sometimes. Basically, they don't want to go through the hassle, they don't see any reason to change because their body works fine, and they don't want to be associated with anything new-fangled and "not human."

If we phase them out, we phase them out. No harm. But I remember when Yamataians were a race for retired Nekos, and I imagine it still is to some extent. Would real human characters, essentially Geshrin in this case, really want that?

They don't belong in the military. It should be forced at that point. But civilians? It makes no sense to force the issue.
Yangfan said:
Nepleslians are the original humans who colonized this sector of space. They either serve the Nepleslian Empire or the Yamataian Empire.
  • Strengths: cybernetic and mechanical enhancements, most are street-wise, and are more experienced in general compared to Nekos
    Weaknesses: somewhat prone to genetic defects (allergies, genetic disease, etc.), females are extremely rare, looked down upon by many Geshrins and Yamataians until they prove themselves "worthy"

Geshrins are the first-generation genetically enhanced humans of Yamatai.
  • Strengths: mostly immune to disease, superior intellect and strength compared to most (un-enhanced) Nepleslians, longevity (lifespan is around 150 years)
    Weaknesses: considered obsolete after the creation of Yamataians

Yamataians are the second-generation genetically enhanced humans of Yamatai.
  • Strengths: mostly immune to disease, superior intellect and strength compared to most (un-enhanced) Nepleslians, longevity (lifespan is around 150 years), fast healing, are either human or Nekovalkyrja in appearance (chosen at time of body transfer), most are retired former Nekos.

    Weaknesses: inferior in abilities compared to the standard Nekovalkyrja, as Yamataians are not designed for combat situations.

This is from the crash course on species Yangfan made. I think it outlines some pretty important things - things that often go disregarded.

The planet was Geshrintall. No, it is called Yamatai. Yamatai's citizens are in essence called 'Yamataians'.

The Geshrins were nepleslian colonists whom made a switch for bio-engineered bodies. Nepleslians whom were open to body swapping in the first place. Why would they be so reticent to make a switch to a body which would keep them in better health and with slightly more asset. It's not like they'll feel any different, it's free and they were already open to the concept in the first place or otherwise, why change to the geshrin race in the first place.

Also, the Yamataian body type was meant to provide a civilian body with a handful of nekovalkyrja advantages (not to surprising: the Gesrhins were first in the NH series). Like mentioned, the Yamataian is the second-generation of bio-engineered humans, replacing the geshrins, a people whom had already replaced their original organic bodies and proven receptive to soul transfers.

There are many more yamataian nekovalkyrjas because some geshrin factions wanted to even up the nekos working on civilian duties with their normal citizens. The nekos get a body with which they can live normal lives (instead of being set as fixtures and replace traffic lights even in winter) and the geshrins get a slightly better body that won't have them feel inferior to the much, much greater neko population on yamatai.

So, you mention that the yamataian looks more like neko replacement bodies? They are, after a fashion, but they only seem more that way because there are a lot more nekovalkyrjas too.

However, what I am pointing out is that the process of switching bodies and getting something better is not abberant in the eyes of the yamataian culture. With huge corporations like PNUgen being dominant and so popular in increasing the quality of life of the populace, it's pretty much a given. As much as cybernetics is the in thing for nepleslians, doing body swaps is normal for yamatai too. It isn't an hassle at all - they're used to it, it's normal.

Windows 95 worked fine, so why did people get Windows XP? Because computer technology is advancing? Because Windows XP supports 32-bit of active memory? Because it's neater? Windows 95 still works well anyways but no one really enjoys being stuckwith a dinosaur. Computer users would like to at least have a machine that works within the standard of the society.

The point of view of Yamatai toward one of its very developped field, genetics, is very similar. Given that the geshrins are a genetically-engineered people, this would hold sway a lot. Memories and the psyche are the most important part of a person; the body itself has about the value of your favorite pencil. Sure, you're used to it and you might not be entirely happy to lose it, but once you fine a new pencil to replace it and start working with it, then there's no problem... especially if it happens to be a nice mechanical pencil which it has a nice grip which doesn't chafe your fingertips, an eraser on the back end and stuff like that.
You misconstrue my words. Or I didn't state them clearly. But I'll go in order.

The Geshrins were nepleslian colonists whom made a switch for bio-engineered bodies. Nepleslians whom were open to body swapping in the first place. Why would they be so reticent to make a switch to a body which would keep them in better health and with slightly more asset. It's not like they'll feel any different, it's free and they were already open to the concept in the first place or otherwise, why change to the geshrin race in the first place.

We should get a ruling on this. We know Yamataian brains are different -- they're Neko brains, essentially, divided into primary and secondary, unlike a human brain, which is far more sporadic. You said this yourself -- Yamataians shouldn't act quite "human" but they do anyway, to the player's chagrin.

Also, the Yamataian body type was meant to provide a civilian body with a handful of Nekovalkyrja advantages (not to surprising: the Gesrhins were first in the NH series). Like mentioned, the Yamataian is the second-generation of bio-engineered humans, replacing the geshrins, a people whom had already replaced their original organic bodies and proven receptive to soul transfers.

We say this now. But I distinctly recall, when I first joined about a year ago, that this was not the case. NH-22C was meant to be a race for Nekovalkyrja to transfer into after their term as a war machine was over. This was because the population of Nekos was simply too huge for civilians to not be worried about. However, later on, we decided Nekos should maintain their race -- in a less powerful form, namely the NH-29.

There are many more yamataian nekovalkyrjas because some geshrin factions wanted to even up the nekos working on civilian duties with their normal citizens. The nekos get a body with which they can live normal lives (instead of being set as fixtures and replace traffic lights even in winter) and the geshrins get a slightly better body that won't have them feel inferior to the much, much greater neko population on yamatai.

This is where I think you're wrong. See above -- yes, Geshrins felt inferior, but they didn't seem initially to want a new body, they wanted Nekos to have a new body. NH-29s eliminated that.

However, what I am pointing out is that the process of switching bodies and getting something better is not abberant in the eyes of the yamataian culture. With huge corporations like PNUgen being dominant and so popular in increasing the quality of life of the populace, it's pretty much a given. As much as cybernetics is the in thing for nepleslians, doing body swaps is normal for yamatai too. It isn't an hassle at all - they're used to it, it's normal.

Wes needs to say this is the case. I don't think it's normal. Our bios don't think it's normal. No one thinks it's normal to go switching bodies time and again -- if it were, we'd be Nekos and we'd do it constantly.

There are three factors to consider -- need, time and change.

I have a wart on my foot. It hurts a little, but not much.
It takes five hours to remove it.
Chances are I'm not going to take five hours out of my day, if all days are relatively constant in their content, to get it removed. It only hurts a little, so why bother. (Need - time < 0.)

Now, say it takes fifteen minutes -- holy shit! That's awesome. I can do that, no problem. Need - time > 0.

But what if removing the wart involves cutting off a tip of my finger? Or my entire ear? Sure, the wart is gone -- but so is something else. It could be less tangible -- say I couldn't daydream anymore. Or be spontaneous.

Need - time - change < 0. The change is too great and overwhelms the need, no matter the time it takes.

That's how I see Geshrin to Yamataian. The change is simply too great for some people to do it. Obviously, in the military, you lose the choice. But as a civilian, you should have it.

Maybe on Yamatai, you don't. If so, it needs to be stated -- All Geshrin must now become Yamataian. Period.

Windows 95 worked fine, so why did people get Windows XP? Because computer technology is advancing? Because Windows XP supports 32-bit of active memory? Because it's neater? Windows 95 still works well anyways but no one really enjoys being stuckwith a dinosaur. Computer users would like to at least have a machine that works within the standard of the society.

I don't think so -- if this were the case, we wouldn't have backwards compatability. We like Win95 because it plays some things we like. That's a different reason from why most people don't update WinAmp.

Being a Yamataian, again, I don't think you can do some of the things you could as a Geshrin. It's a bigger change than you think. That backwards compatability is gone -- and we want to keep it. That would be a middle-aged person's argument.

An old-timer's argument would be like WinAmp -- the new product sucks dick. "I don't want telepathy, anti-grav or any of that shit. I like my feet on the ground and actually talking." Depending on the Nepleslian, the last point I imagine would be extremely strong. But I can't say for sure.

The point of view of Yamatai toward one of its very developped field, genetics, is very similar. Given that the geshrins are a genetically-engineered people, this would hold sway a lot. Memories and the psyche are the most important part of a person; the body itself has about the value of your favorite pencil. Sure, you're used to it and you might not be entirely happy to lose it, but once you fine a new pencil to replace it and start working with it, then there's no problem... especially if it happens to be a nice mechanical pencil which it has a nice grip which doesn't chafe your fingertips, an eraser on the back end and stuff like that.

Again. Old people like old stuff. They want things they are familiar with. As for genetic engineering being a good thing -- look at PNUgen headquarters and tell me it's still good.

Basically, that's all I'm saying -- we're thinking like our age, and not like our parents. Our parents don't really want to change all of their ways just because something is more efficient, or is safer or whatever. They know what works and they like that.
Basically, that's all I'm saying -- we're thinking like our age, and not like our parents. Our parents don't really want to change all of their ways just because something is more efficient, or is safer or whatever. They know what works and they like that.
Instead, shouldn't we be thinking like our great grandchildren? After all, this is very futuristic society, not Baby-Boomers from the 20th century.

We should get a ruling on this. We know Yamataian brains are different -- they're Neko brains, essentially, divided into primary and secondary, unlike a human brain, which is far more sporadic. You said this yourself -- Yamataians shouldn't act quite "human" but they do anyway, to the player's chagrin.
How does having a "hard drive" and "wi-fi" of sorts for your files and memories make Yamataian mind different from computer-saavy Geshrins? It doesn't.

We say this now. But I distinctly recall, when I first joined about a year ago, that this was not the case. NH-22C was meant to be a race for Nekovalkyrja to transfer into after their term as a war machine was over. This was because the population of Nekos was simply too huge for civilians to not be worried about. However, later on, we decided Nekos should maintain their race -- in a less powerful form, namely the NH-29.
Nekovalkyrja are now (and still) restricted to military use only.

This is where I think you're wrong. See above -- yes, Geshrins felt inferior, but they didn't seem initially to want a new body, they wanted Nekos to have a new body. NH-29s eliminated that.
NH-22 Yamataians were made for both NH-17 Nekovalkyrja and for NH-1 Geshrins to trasnfer into.

The last time a massive body switch occured, those who upgraded to Geshrins (primarily PNUgen personnel) survived while the humans perished because of the plague. I think the survivors would certainly take that to heart, or at least be aware of that.

Geshrin are an obselete species; they're not even allowed to join the Star Army anymore. It's only a matter of time before those in it are ordered to upgrade.
If they want to remain in the military? It'd make some sense, considering how elitist Yamatai is.

There's not just that, though: there is also the matter of the Nepleslians.
Wes said:
Instead, shouldn't we be thinking like our great grandchildren? After all, this is very futuristic society, not Baby-Boomers from the 20th century.

Player characters, yes. But not their families and such, not necessarily. Humans are still humans.

How does having a "hard drive" and "wi-fi" of sorts for your files and memories make Yamataian mind different from computer-saavy Geshrins? It doesn't.

This is good to definitively know now. The brains are essentially the same.

Nekovalkyrja are now (and still) restricted to military use only.


NH-22 Yamataians were made for both NH-17 Nekovalkyrja and for NH-1 Geshrins to trasnfer into.

Early on, we only seemed to have NH-17s transfering to them. The argument of Nekos wanting to maintain their own race led to the NH-29, I thought. But yeah, now we have plenty of Geshrin that have switched, so the precedent is set. I was trying to say that it hadn't been set before you did the big CCG update.

The last time a massive body switch occured, those who upgraded to Geshrins (primarily PNUgen personnel) survived while the humans perished because of the plague. I think the survivors would certainly take that to heart, or at least be aware of that.

Geshrin are an obselete species; they're not even allowed to join the Star Army anymore. It's only a matter of time before those in it are ordered to upgrade.

The plague I can't fight against, if that's the main motivation. I'm saying there could be others. But now that they're not allowed to join the Star Army, no big deal.

But yeah, what about Nepleslians now? Is Rufus going to have to switch too?
In the near future, I think Nepleslians would also have to upgrade, except for possibly those with with ID-SOL heritage and other major genetic upgrades that make them more robust than Geshrin equivalent. In the long term, all of them should eventually upgrade.
It's not like it'd be a dead end for the Nepleslians whom don't want to do that, though. Yamatai lent some older KFY vessels to the Star Army of Nepleslia: I'm sure they'd appreciate getting some competent crewmembers whom would be familliar with the KFY vessels and yet also represent their nation better than the soldiers borrowed from Yamatai.

An excuse to get those Neps not willing to change a good use and allow the SAoN to have more participants? Probably! XD
Remind me to design some race-survival cybernetics or whatnot for the Nepleslians, to prepare for the next plague. :(

It is my strong, strong belief that Nepleslians, through their very nature, do not approve of complete body switching. I think they'd like to build their own bodies with their hands.