Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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"Good," the veteran began, "What is your full name, birth date, birth place and are you currently a legal citizen of Yamatai? Were you ever employed by any foreign government or military? Do you have a criminal record anywhere or are accused of a crime or under investigation? Have you been a member of any religious or political group or any gang or space pirate group in the last ten years?"
Frank thought of the best way to answer this set of questions. "To answer these in order my full name is Frank Sterline, birth date 1 week ago albeit memories are corupted so I can exactly give first creation date. as for birth place since 1 week ago I was 'awoken in a abandoned lab within Yamatai space as for if I was ever employed by a foreign government or military I don't think I've worked for a military or government but I have a faint memory of dieing by a boarding party while protecting a child...and finally I don't think I've ever been in a criminal relegios or political group in the last ten years as from what I can tell I've been dead for about 20 years before being reawoken." Frank looks down at the wooden table and sighed knowing full well how crazy he sounded but it was the truth.
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"That sounds kind of sketchy but we can verify some of it later. So you've not applied for Yamataian citizenship in the last week you've been around? Would you like to? You can apply for Yamataian citizenship right here in the building, and your military service will ensure you'll be able to earn it," Guerrero explained. "Let's move on. Have you ever been diagnosed with or had reason to believe that you had a physical, mental, or other disability, mental illness...for example: memory loss...behavioral issue, or substance addiction? Do you have over a million KS in net worth including real estate, non-liquid assets, and stocks? Do you have any outstanding debts totaling over ten thousand KS?"
Frank nodded his head, "Sure I'd like to apply for citizenship." Upon hearing about the substance abuse questions and mental illness Frank shook his head. "No sir, I don't believe I have any substance abuse problems nor do I have mental Issues other than remembering my past life. I am a biodroid or android after all." When it came to questions about money Frank would shrug. "I got about 1000 ks on me and probably 2000ks in equipment that was assigned to me upon myself waking up."
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Guerrero nodded. "We're trying to weed out people who just come for the training and then leave and bring their training to some other country like the NDC, or become space pirates or gang members. How loyal do you consider yourself towards Yamatai, and what drives and earns your loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire? How long do you plan to stay in the Star Army and what do you plan to do afterwards? Also what kind of skills and, er, job experience do you have? I have to ask these things," he explained.
Frank nodding understanding the man, 'Who were the NDC' frank thought to himself briefly "a lot changes in 20 ish years but I'm loyal to those I serve with putting their safety and well-being above my own...That's just how I am as for the skills that I was programmed with, Proficient with assault rifles and pistols, squad leadership training, medical and field dressing capability. Basic hand-to-hand combat training. Communications and etiquette training and finally Basic survival training such as finding water, land navigation, shelter construction, hunting, signaling, and camouflage." Frank finished before twiddling his thumbs to keep his mind busy
"Well, I think you would fit in to the Star Army and, while we're not some sort of charity, it's really the best place to build a new life for yourself if you can keep up and not be a fuckup. You'll be part of a community. Also, if you're into woman, the Star Army has a lot of female soldiers so maybe you'll even meet someone special along the way. It sounds like you'd make a good infantry soldier. We have space infantry that goes around on starships all the time and planetary infantry which stays planetside most of the time but also rides on starships. What sounds interesting to you. Also if you had another occupational specialty in mind I'm willing to consider it. Additionally, did you want to join as part of the reserves or as active duty?"
Frank nodded before adding "I also agree its a great way to start a new life, and that info is...good to know." Frank stated upon the info on the amount of females. Upon listening to the suggestion Frank thought for a moment before answering "I wouldn't mind being a Infantry on a starship as Active duty, and is there anything along the lines of a combat medic? If so I wouldn't mind such a job either." Frank had to admit such a change in life was a big choice but it was the best chance he had at making a difference out here.
"Yeah! Maybe, we'll see how the aptitude test scores work out!" Guerrero said with a smile, while also selecting BASIC INFANTRY, SAOY FLEET on his datapad before moving it to the next screen which simply had a large signature block and a button to view the Star Army Enlistment Contract. "If you're ready and willing, sign here and I can give you the oath of enlistment."
Frank would sign the contract and ready himself to recite the oath. *nothing like signing your individuality away to become a asset to a military* Frank thought to himself. It could be the programming or vague memories of his past life but he had a strange feeling the recruiter was willing today anything to get someone to sign up to join the military sexy wemon and benefits sway a lot of people. frank being one of those people heck the recruiter should have said you could get a nice vehicle when you join to fit the whole stereotype package.
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Once Frank had signed the enlistment contract, Guerrero stood from his chair and moved around the table in front of the set of large flags at the end of the room. One of them was the Yamatai Star Empire's flag, a regal blue flag with a white circle with a red outline and purple bellflower. The other was the Star Army's flag with the Star Army Hinomaru, the red disc outlined in white and black and emblazoned with a stylized Mindy suit of power armor.

"Raise your right hand and repeat after me," he directed. "I, (state your name), have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."
Frank stood u following the recruiter over to the flags Admiring the craftmanship on them and Mildly staring at the Mindy armor on the one flag.
Raising his hand Frank repeated. "I, Frank Sterling, have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai."
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Calandri had a mix of excitement and nervousness as she walked to the huge fortress, only places like this she had seen before were the place she was enslaved and some of the places she traveled to as a mercenary. She gulped as she noticed the Minkans and Nekos that were walking around staring at the hulking four-arm woman, she would have been a sight anyway with her deer-like features and horns, the fur, and with every step, her hooves made a clopping sound against the floor. She was a sight for these people but knew that to everyone the furred woman was nothing more than an oddity to gawk at and hire to do jobs for them. She had enough of the running around and doing things, she missed doing her traditions with others, she wanted to have somewhere to actually call home, and was pointed to Yamatai and the Star army.

The woman mustered up enough bravery to walk into the front doors and saw the receptionist as she smiled a little "Kalistari sir, I am Calandri Valtok." She had spoken her greeting in her own language followed by trade. After realizing what she did she shook her head "Pleasant greeting, is what I meant to say, I came to sign up to the Star army." The height of the woman made it obvious that she would need some custom gear if she got through. She bowed a little and thought for a moment she may have blown her chance, before even getting an interview.
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The older Nepleslian cyborg at the reception desk made this kind of disgusted face and without asking any questions, handed her a number and gruffly directed her toward the lobby. He wasn't sure exactly what Calandri was but it was definitely not one of the standard acceptable species. Anyway, it was going to be the recruiter's problem, not his.

The lobby itself was kind of deserted looking with only a handful of other enlistees around it, since demand for soldiers was down in the post-war climate. She wouldn't have to wait long. Oddly enough, one of the people waiting was an anthro deer with green hair.

Calandri nodded to the Nepleslian and she smiled "Thank you, sir." She wandered into the lobby and looked around as she saw the deer person and smiled at them as they gave a small nod to them "it is rare I see someone similar to me on these planets." She bowed her voice still getting used to Trade as she hoped not to scare the other woman "Are you hoping to join the army as well?" She was full of intrigue that others like her wanted to join this force as well, she knew they weren't the same species but similar in looks.
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"Yes, I am hoping to!" the deerlike woman smiled. "I guess it seemed like the obvious choice in what to do with my life and it's relatively peaceful right now so hopefully pretty safe. I'm just worried about making it through all the physical training. Oh, I'm Nailelee Elaphine, it's nice to meet you."

OOC: I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply!
Calandri did her people's bow when she heard the name of the Deerlike woman "Kalandran... Oh sorry, it is nice to meet you, Nailelee, I am Calandri Valtok." She smiled at the woman and looked her up and down "you have a fine physical form, you will definitely make it through the training with ease, I am more worried if they would accept an alien like me." She gestured to the odd body she had "I normally get looks and confused stares at what the hell I am, but I am hoping that this place would allow me to work with them, would be easier than merc work,"
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"This is the place?"

"Yep. This is the place."

A young Senti male stood outside the impressive building, orange eyes scaling and admiring the architecture. A local Yamataian directed him to the building when the foreigner approached. The Senti expressed how he became lost looking for the building, and the gentleman was kind enough to lead him to the front entrance. When they arrived, several people entered and exited the building. Uniforms, suits, and casual wearers wove in and out of each other as they traversed the expansive base. While the clean streets and campus grounds were pleasing to the eye, they didn't command as much attention. Not like the fortress before the newcomer and his guide. The Senti turned to the older man, holding out a gloved hand with a genuine smile on his face.

"Sir? Sir." He extended farther when the old man turned around and met the outstretched hand, "Thank you for your help. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Mr. Janik. And welcome to Kyoto. These are some good people. If you let them, they'll take good care of you."

"Thank you, and thanks again."

With that, the guide's polite bow straightened tall. He fixed his beret to his balding head and turned around. He waved goodbye to the foreigner as he went on his way. Mr. Janik returned the friendly wave, watching the man leave before his gaze gravitated back to the building. A deep breath swelled his chest, and booted feet took their first steps down the walkway. The distance to the entrance was a longer than he anticipated. It gave him time to muster courage and adjust his winter clothes. When the gazes of onlookers stuck to him and weighed on his conscience, he pushed past it. People really had no idea how judgmental their looks could be. Especially when a new face felt so out of place already.

Upon entering the building, another weathered man sat at a desk, likely performing administrative work. A quick glance around the lobby surprised the Senti. There were a decent amount of individuals here, waiting to be spoken to or otherwise summoned. Yamatai must've become a popular recruiting force, if this said anything. He pushed long, black strands of hair off his face, hoping they would catch behind his ears. The shorter strands fell forward to frame his face once more. He sighed as he fixed his long braid and stuffed it between his tan sweater and mud-brown coat. When he felt he'd brushed up some, he walked up to the semi-circular desk and approached the gentlemen seated there.

Mr. Janik placed his hands on the edge of the cool countertop, standing silently and waiting to be addressed. The secretary looked like an intimidating man, someone who'd been through a great deal in life. Someone who cut to the chase instead of beating around the bush. He knew people like that, and the Senti wouldn't deny the rise in heart rate as he spoke up.

"Uh, hello, sir-" a waver in his voice quickly steadied- "My name is Morivai Janik, and I'm interested in becoming a member of Yamatai's Star Army. Unfortunately, I'm unsure where to begin, and was directed here by one of your citizens. I was hoping you could help me, or give me some direction."
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"Well, you've come to the right place," the old Nepleslian cyborg replied. "Haven't seen a Senti in a while. I remember the first one of you that came here. After going through security you'll get your number and wait to be called in the main lobby."

Inside the lobby, there were two deer-like anthros talking to each other.

"Nice to meet you, Calandri," Nailelee smiled. "Honestly I don't know if they will or not. On the Star Army's website I read there's a list of species that are automatically okay to join, and everything else is on a case-by-case basis based on things like being able to fit in Star Army uniforms, vehicles, and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if they asked you about transferring your consciousness into a different body like a Minkan or Nekovalkyrja. I think it also might depend on the job you're going for, since combat arms jobs are more...power armor reliant?" She stroked her chin thoughtfully.
Calandri nodded as she looked at the smaller deer-like being "Yes I can understand that the armors may not be for my body type, but there is the envirosuit that I might be able to slide into just to make sure I can do some things." She stretched a little as she looked around for a moment "I also know about the transferring, but to me, that just sounds a little wrong, I would rather be in my body and stay in it."
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