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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 43)

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Or so he thought. In that seat a man did not sit, but rather a woman with long black hair. Lane wondered if his brain tricked him on purpose. Out of boredom. He chastised himself mentally for making a foolish mistake as they approached the desk. He retconned the recent events of his memory to ensure a (wo)man sat in that chair. In case he ever met someone later on who asked him the usual icebreaker questions.

Her response, in spite of his silent assumption, was kind and welcoming. His nervous inquiry didn't phase her at all, and the embarrassment of his silent turmoil faded away. He nodded when she returned a question, quickly believing a verbal response might be more appropriate.

"Uh, yes ma'am."

He shot an uncertain glance at Sanda before returning his attention to the clerk and awaiting further instructions. His fingers quietly thrummed on the countertop and he rolled one ankle or the other with intermittent anxiety.

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Sanda's attention wondered around the recruiting room. It had changed little since she had last been there, though she had changed tremendously. Aside from the lighting bolt tattoo, she doubted that if her old self and her current self had met they would not have recognized each other.

Sanda nodded encouragingly to Lane but didn't speak. She was there for encouragement but she wasn't going to do this for him. This was the first step in growing up and becoming independent. If he couldn't manage to do this than he wouldn't be able to cut basic training or becoming a soldier.
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Joto Heisho Takeda's left eye visibly twitched at the mention of ma'am, but she refrained from saying anything about it. She reached over for another volumetric display to tap a few keystrokes before the printer on the counter printed Lane's waiting ticket. "Here you go son, good luck with the recruiter. Also look out for the Giretsu Officer in there, I hear she is looking for promising s.... recruits to become Giretsu." she said before she went back to looking at the display she was previously.

Sandra was correct that the waiting room for the Recruiting Center remained the same. Rows of partially empty seats were laid out with members of various species waiting to get their shot at becoming citizens for the Empire. Some were doing it in thanks for the Yamataians saving them from the Kuvexians and the number of existing pirates that exist within the sector. Others were doing it for less selfless reasons.

By the refreshments on the right side of the waiting room, a woman with red highlights in her black hair could be standing with a datapad, the stipes on her sleeves indicated she was a Taii. In addition to old fashioned pamphlets on her table, there was a volumetric display playing on a loop a promotional video of Giretsu School. Young men and women could be seen struggling to sprint in unpowered power armor, stumbling over obstacles before transitioning to a portion of their long 25km march. The next scene is an instructor talking to a noticebly smaller group over weapons before scenes from their final exam could be seen. The loop finally ends with the graduates marching and receiving their triple sakura blossom patches. Not all of those attending the training were infantry. The panels of technicians, supply, and even admin could be seen at the end.

The woman notices the Lane and his group, nodding her head towards Richard and Sandra to acknowledge seeing them.
Sanda's attention caught at the mention of Giretsu. Her last mission attacking a Kuvexian cruiser had shown her that she was woefully lacking in PA combat. Oh she was a good enough fighter in PA but she preferred fighting without it. She had heard lots of good things about the Giretsu. They some of the best warriors the SA had. Although she wouldn't trade her Ranger patch for anything.

As Lane finished his talk and got his number from the lady behind the desk, Sanda wandered over to the table that had some Giretsu pamphlets and picked one up. She flipped through the information, taking special interest in their training requirements and eligibility. The promo video also caught her attention, particularly the 25km march in unpowered power armor. Now that was what she called a workout. Sanda noticed the Taii and her Giretsu pins. Sanda returned the woman's nod and glanced down again at the pamphlet, wondering idly if she would get permission from her ship if she wanted to cross train.
The Taii watched Sandra as she watched the promotional video. Her main focus was to get more "butts" in the number of open seats created by a pilot program of the Rikugun's Chief of Staff. The speed of the more prestigious spitting out trained soldiers in its current form is too slow in his eyes, but since Taisho Mizumitsu has no control over training schools he just had to live with it.

But the opening of Fort Hikari and its more open ended training programs gave him the idea to authorize his Area Armies to use what Giretsu they had to establish regional schools. With luck, the concept will be permanent tool to assist Area Armies' quest to customize their forces to their needs. But these were things the Taii would not tell any prospective recruit, it would just bore them.

"I met a few Rangers during my training at the School of Advanced Infantry Combat. Do you have any questions?" The Taii asked Sandra. She then glanced over at Lane and Richard to see what they were doing.
Sanda glanced up from her pamphlet and smiled. "And I've met a few Giretsu. Damn fine soldiers. I considered joining the Giretsu originally, but I prefer fighting outside of PA and the Ranger's and just started recruiting." She shook her head when asked if she had any questions. "Not really. I recently had to board an enemy ship and really felt the lack training in using a Mindy suit. I know that is something you Giretsu specialize in." Sanda tilted her head back towards Lane. "I'm just here helping out a friend enlist."
The Taii nodded her head "As a Heavy Infantry formation knowing each and every possible advantage we can unlock with power armor is key. Though we are capable of functioning without them. We would not be very adaptable infantry if we completely relied on them though." she said before pausing. "I was going to suggest Giretsu Rangers since you are already a Ranger. But they prefer to make use of their tashas since it was specially made for the more stealthily trained individuals of the Star Army. It's not quite a mindy, but it certainly is suited to the skill set you Rangers have. We would not be able to function without their intelligence gathering and battlefield manipulation abilities. First to enter, last to leave is what they always say."

"Of course you don't have to serve within a Giretsu Century either. Regular forces could benefit a lot just having someone Giretsu-trained." she continued, partially recruiting and mostly just being an long serving officer giving hopefully useful advice. Since she was just there to support a friend, she was not going to push the issue too much.

((Retconning this to some random Taii I will roll later. lol))
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Sanda smiled at the unofficial Ranger motto. "Yes that is indeed what they say." Sanda set the pamphlet down and gave the woman her full attention. She was interested in the Giretsu. The history and fighting record of the Giretsu were very impressive. They also held themselves to a much higher degree of professionalism than regular SA troops, something that Sanda sought to do as well.

"You have piped my curiosity. Please tell me more. I'm currently assigned to the Resurgence and while it's not..." Sanda stopped. It wouldn't do to speak ill of her ship, no matter what the issues were. Sanda was nothing if not loyal. "While I don't get to utilize my stealth skills all the time, it is still an honor to serve aboard her. What would be the process to get to go to Giretsu school? How does that all work." Sanda was starting to think that meeting Lane was a better opportunity than she had thought.
The Taii smiled politely, but maintained her professional demeanor. She was used to hearing complaints from assignments. Though she was not used to someone exercising the level of self-control Sanda appeared to possess to know tact was needed here. She knew Sanda would be perfect as a member of the Giretsu community.

The Taii pinged Sanda to see if she had a digital mind or the ability to receive messages wirelessly/telepathically. Not getting a response back, she reached behind the table and pulled a thin tablet from a case. "As you are already enlisted and not part of the Rikugun, you will have to do it the old way and compete for a seat. This is offically known as "Striking"." the Taii said before handing the tablet to Sanda.

"Given the way you hold yourself during this brief conversation, I believe you are definitely ahead of many of your peers in the important mental profile we desire in people. Anyone is capable of pushing their body to the limit, but you need to mentally strong and mature to be able to not quit before you achieve that." She said before looking at the tablet.

"It is a standard Star Army application form, this one in particular is SA Form 88-6. If you don't have your SA-20-A photo done yet, I highly suggest you visit the volumetric photographer before you leave the fortress. A lot of people don't think they need it until they need it." she said, briefly giggling and somewhat humanizing herself.

"Once you have that and the form filled out, you then need to get a recommendation letter from your Commanding Officer detailing your achievements, judicial punishments, non-judicial punishments, and why they believe you would be a suitable candidate for the School of Advanced Infantry Combat. You also need to write your own personal statement on why you wish to become Giretsu. Just... be yourself when you do it."

As she waited for Sanda responses to the information dump she just delivered, she looked over at Lane and Richard. In addition to herself, there were the recruits waiting their turn to see one of the center's main recruiters. One particular one was a short Lianjia-descent woman with long blue and black hair sitting and watching the Lane, Richard, and the other two infantrywomen. The key defining traits that wasn't her stature (not much within Yamatai) were the cybernetic limbs peeking from her very punk clothing. The pleated skirt was long enough to be considered moderate, but the half athletic sweat jacket covered only her chest, shoulders, and arms.
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Sanda was quite surprised when the Taii handed her a tablet and began to explain how she could apply. Sanda loved being a Ranger. It filled her with a great deal of pride. The stealth, the fighting with everything you had despite the very real possibility of being under equipped and on your own. But the Giretsu... If there was any group that Sanda held to the same respect as she did her beloved Rangers it was the Giretsu. Because they were the only group Sanda felt had the same level of commandment to being professional soldiers, on and off the field, as she had for herself.

"Thank you Ma'am. I take that as very high praise indeed." She looked at the tablet. Could she do it? Sanda felt no fear at the physical demands of training. Ranger school had pushed her beyond anything she had thought she could endure. Since then she had always tried to push herself beyond that with her personal training. But to become a Ranger and a Giretsu, there were few indeed to could claim having done both. "I would be honored to have the opportunity to Giretsu school. I will work on this form while I'm waiting for my friend to have his interview then when I return to my ship I'll speak with my CO about getting his permission and letter of recommendation."
Sayako calmly waits her turn, watching the activity of her surroundings and spending idle processor time reading regulations and handling Yugumo business in parallel, two of her favorite tasks. Waiting a few more minutes, she spawns a few diagnostics routines to fill out the boredom represented by her unutilized processing capacity. The equivalent of a fidget, various subsystems test themselves- altering length and color of hair, other body coloration, but nothing drastic that would shock someone who wasn't paying very close attention to her. More visibly, some of her internal augmentations, carried over from her nascent existence in a FARS unit, extend and retract again during the routines' execution.
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Cal walked along the streets of whatever city he was in now. He needed to avoid detection at all costs. he noticed a poster and walked up to it, only to turn around to see a... Soldier? stare him down. Cal reached for one of his pockets which held one of his gadgets when the soldier spoke. " you want to join?" Cal's expression must have been priceless because the soldier chuckled and pointed at the poster. "OH!, no, I would bloody well rather be a technician or engineer" the soldier grumbled something under their breath before speaking: "We need those too." Cal hesitated, looking at his wanted poster behind the soldier. It might be a good way to get a good enough reputation and find a way around the prison. "Sure, I guess... Where do I go?"

Arriving at the... wherever-Cal-was was hard enough, but dealing with the soldiers and recruits! THAT was a nightmare and a half! Did he arrive at a segment of the base? Recruitment center? whatever. that looked more like solitary confinement than a customs and security room. after that, he arrived in a lobby filled with people waiting for interviews. all the seats were taken, so he stood. he noticed several robotic objects and bodily modifications that he knew would never meet his standards, causing his OCD to skyrocket. he pulled out a gadget--a grapple glove--and began to tinker with the already seemingly-flawless design. to other people, it was an extraordinary device, to him, it was just a prototype that he tried to "fix" and "improve" whenever he could.
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