Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center

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Following the Hei in a daze Rei wasn't sure why she had bothered. The girl was just out to cause problems herself. With a sigh she trudged forward and grabbed marbled-neko by the collar of her uniform.

"They have already left, I watched them leave myself. What were you thinking... I don't care if that lady said your mother was a Mishu and your father Gartagen... You don't go off and slug some civy... Damn I even know that one."

She looked back at the crowd, and the thinking over the announcement. "Hell I'll be surprised if you and I aren't brought up on some sort of charges."
Escalation was the only word which encompassed the series of events which took place so rapidly after the marble skinned Eihei shoved her way so brazenly into the crowd. Civilians were faced with living weapons, clad in armor that was fit for squaring off against tanks. Peaceful protesters were being confronted by two infantry companies, enough personnel to effectively lay waste to a small city, considering their equipment and capabilities. There was only one thing that the presence of the military had caused at that point, one thing that was like a spark in a grain elevator; fear.

There was an immediate repercussion in the protesting group, as protesters either scurried off, took to passive resistance, or, were incited into violence, most especially as the marble skinned neko attempted to force her way through, and as the Nepleslian reporter was so brutally trampled within the start of chaos; even as one of the aids of the elf took hold of the information which was passed on, information which he took in hand as he moved to reinforce the position of the elven speaker.

There was a sharp squeal from the elf's megaphone, as she shouted over the din of incoherent voices "Everyone remain calm!" she demanded; as she continued and gave instruction to the protesters, in a hope that they would do just as she tried to guide them to do, but she knew better; the Empire had created a divide, as only a third of the protesters really paid mind to the elf's words at that point. "We must remain here, resolved, and focused! We have been accosted by a provocateur who has attempted to goad us into playing into the Empire's hand, but the Empire has clearly made an error, we have proof that she struck the first blow, we have proof that she disregarded our rights! We refuse to leave the scene of a crime! We refuse to be pushed aside when we must seek justice from those which will grant it! Though, we must also adhere to the law, and grant the warrior-dolls their space." With that, the elf hopped down from her box, picked it up, and did one simple thing; she crossed the street and set down her box before taking a stand upon it once more... she vacated the area of the recruitment center, as instructed, and adhered to the rule of law.

Of course, while some of the protesters adhered, and planted themselves across the street, and held their ground upon relocating away from where they could be implicated in 'threatening the security of the Empire', there were the remaining protesters, which had an entirely different feeling upon seeing the Nepleslian reporter's blood, the violence of the Nekovalkyrja who shoved her way attempting to escape justice, and the military response to a civilian presence; anger.

Grasping hands, clawing fingers, striking fists, they lashed out at the marble skinned Eihei type nekovalkryja, and as blows were struck, their hands reached for the precious equalizing force at her hip, as well as the within the coat of the other neko present; their service pistols. Other protesters which were out of grasping distance of the neko took to other displays of their anger, as a number of them began to seize upon nearby vehicles, intending to flip them and create the tell-tale signs of a protest gone out of control, signs which peaked as protesters began to actually surge at the infantry personnel, while throwing whatever they could get their hands on; stones, bottles, garbage bins, anything that could be lifted, and thrown. There was a flagrant disregard for what threat that they were; they were simply too angered. It was a display which made something distinctively clear; even in the Yamataian society; there was still a savagery present in the psyche of the populace.
As the crowd began to disperse, the lines of DAISY-clad soldiers slowly advanced until they formed a sort of wall around the recruiting center. The protestors who were across the street were face-to-face with this armored barrier but were allowed to stay.

Hanai slapped Rei's had away as she felt someone attempt to undo the snaps on her holster. It was young Geshrin man. She grabbed and broke his arm with a sharp twist of her wrist, leaving it useless and dangling by skin and muscle, and then flew upward out of the crowd where the non-synths couldn't reach her, dropping her trauma kit next to the man as he fell over, screaming. There were a few medics in the formation of power armor and one of them fell out of formation to help the guy. The armored medic opened the trauma kit and took a splint out it and began to treat the injured protestor.

A small aid station began to coalesce in the street and Samantha was dragged to it along with about a dozen other injured people.
Once the hand was slapped away, and they crowd seething around her, Rei Tanaka did the only thing she could think of. She carefully lifted herself up out of the crowd and floated over the the Elf that was now trying to instigate a full on riot. Landing beside the box she looked up.

"Ma'am, excuse me Ma'am, Um... I'm sure that charges will be brought forth... and you, yourself have said that evidence is there to prove such claims... Hell I would testify, but what you are calling for will harm the very citizens you claim to be here for." There was a genuine look of concern in Rei's eyes. The scream of the injured caused her stomach to churn.

"Please if you are truly for the people, please help them disperse before it something worst happens... The cost of this are all ready to great." Rei herself was close to turning on the armored enforcers to help these citizens. the ones she was created to defend.
As the conflict unfolded before her, the elven protester which had started the series of events into motion, brought the megaphone up and shouted; "Look up! Look at the mockery of justice which so clearly has taken place! A puppet-soldier of our Empire committed an act of aggression against us, and now, she mocks us and she mocks justice by fleeing from what she should be accountable for!" there was a sweeping gaze upon the situation, as the elf looked for how to dig deeper into the moment, to take the facts, and make them stand up bright and bold.

"Look upon the response which our Empire found fit for us, a group of mere civilians. Look upon just how much they love us, just what kind of people they think of us as!" With those words, she pointed her finger skyward at the fleeing neko. "They come to protect their own, they come to trivialize our dignity, and our inalienable rights as sentient beings! Where are those which stand to protect us? Where our protectors? Our police? They're absent, toyed with by our Empire, forced to stand by as the military attempts to intimidate us!" There was a pause though, as Rei approached and landed before her.

Taking the megaphone away from her mouth the elf gave a short nod to Rei. "I thank you for your concern, but, we can't just leave, we can't just walk away from this and let the people who are not here with us remain complacent and oblivious to just what is going on. One reporter being assaulted can be swept away by the Empire, one stifling of our voice can be looked over. Though, they will have to rob us all of our voice to make this go away; and that, is something that won't be ignored. What we came here to do was simply ask that our culture be given a chance to endure, and right now, we need to speak to make sure that actions like this by the military won't make us all forget who we are."
Detective Sergeant Miko Brooks stayed next to her cruiser with her partner, Corporal Rick Casey.

Brooks, standing at 1.4 meters tall in her black boots and peaked police cap, gazed out over the crowd and the suddenly materialized Daisy armored column ready to stun them into submission. She kept her arms folded in front of her, the hint of a frown tugging at the corners of her thin lips. Casey, a Jskitan man of dark skin and curly, short black hair, sucked on one of his teeth as he watched the scene unfold.

"Permission to speak freely, ma'am," Casey asked the former military police officer.

Brooks nodded her head, her blond bun tipping up like a counterweight.

"I wouldn't go into that even if we had jurisdiction," the longtime patrol cop said. He grazed the crowd again with his dark brown eyes, able to see over many of its complement. He was 2.3 meters tall, a giant compared to Brooks.

"Mm," Brooks said. Casey was a wiseass, but a good officer. Knew his shit, street smart, good with people. He was going to make a good detective someday. "Like we'd 'go in' anyway."

Casey had his hands on his belt, one near his baton. Just in case. "Who in the SA-of-Y got their panties in a bunch?"

Brooks sucked on the mint pocketed in one of her cheeks. Bad habit she picked up in the Star Army. She relaxed her sharply pointed Neko ears and sighed. "I don't know. They put people in command of garrisons and stations who have no business running a guard shack."

Casey nodded, watching the crowds get restless and the armored column form a barrier around the station. The broken arm of the Geshrin was a military problem, as was the reporter.

"What about that?" Casey asked, referring to the altercations.

Brooks rolled her eyes. "You think the commanders are bad, don't get me started on the enlisted they stick at those stations. Not even an MP."

Casey nodded, then tipped down his peaked cap and sent to the nearest router. "King Adam Seventeen Thirty-Nine."

"King Adam 1739," dispatch replied.

"Are the crowd control units in position?"

A pause. "Ryokai, 1739. 20 units on stand-by, awaiting orders."

Casey looked over to Brooks. She kept her eyes on the crowd. The Hei who was busy abusing protesters, she'd let go. Someone needed to give her a cuffing, and order severe remedial training, but other than that, no harm done. The broken arm would heal, probably with Star Army-funded settlement money.


"Nah," she said, predicting his question. "SA wants to deal with it, they can load up their brigs with them if they want to level charges." She looked at him without narrowing her wide, tangerine eyes. "We don't arrest people for failing to obey military orders."

Casey nodded and relayed the message to dispatch.

"King Adam 159, dispatch," dispatch then sent to Brooks.

"King Adam One Fifty-Nine."

"Papa 029 is monitoring a feed right now." "Papa" stood for Police Plaza, the Kyoto Municipal Police headquarters. Badge No. 02 was the division chief of District 9, where they were.

Brooks' boss. She sucked hard on her mint.

"King Adam 159," she said in acknowledgement, and waited.

"DS Brooks," her chief, a sour old goat (of a Neko), said. "Not moving in?"

"No ma'am," she sent back.

A few beats of silence. Brooks didn't offer any other explanation.

"Alright," the goat said. "Good work, DS Brooks."

"Thank you ma'am," Brooks sent back, taking in a deep breath of fresh Kyoto autumn air and letting it out nice and slow. She liked the goat, but she wanted to promote her to lieutenant. That meant no more 80/20 detective/patrol work, and 100/0 deskwork/real policing. She hated brass.

"So we're just gonna watch?" Casey asked, bored.

"Yeah," Brooks said, bored. "For now."
"But... But..." Rei stood there looking up at the Elf, tears were almost forming at the corner of her eyes, "You are asking these people to potentially pay for that goal with more then broken bones and stuns... How can you do that?" Her hands at her side balled up into fists as she tried to maintain herself. She wasn't going to let herself get emotional here.

"Why not fall back... regroup and hold out for the next day... if this continues, if you are all lucky you will be seeing a jail cell by tomorrow. Worst case..." Her voice faltered, she didn't was to form the words 'you all might be dead,' as if it was some sort of spell that she would cast over the area. "Please... I beg of you, help bring this to some sort of peaceful conclusion..."
There was a sympathetic gaze in the golden eyes of the elf as she looked upon the neko standing before her. Clearly, she was an example of the capability for the Empire's war maidens to grow, and that was something she hoped to encourage through her efforts, and that was a painful burden, enough of one to draw a frown to the corners of the elf's lips. "This was a peaceful protest, everything was calm, everything was fine, that was until that bully shoved her way in and opened with an act of violence. If we leave now, we will appear weak, easily sent to cower at the might of the military which is strangling us of our very identity. We need to stay, we need to stand firm, and we need to ensure that whoever that was receives proper punishment for her behavior." There was a moment of pause, before the elf gave Rei a soft smile; "Besides, the law is on our side, we're here within our rights. If they take action now, it means that the military is overstepping their rights, and is acting against the will of the Empress. What comes of that, will tell us just what the nature of our Empire is. That, is something worth bleeding for."

As the elf and Rei exchanged words, there was an attentive ear listening from quite the distance away via a parabolic amplifier from her perch within the boundary of the military controlled Kyoto spaceport. There was a personal interest in the protest, enough of one to have placed Helen on the rooftop, to listen to the words that touched upon a part of who she was, but when the seemingly rogue neko appeared, that was when her attention became purely professional. One thing was for certain, there were a lot of questions to be asked, and she was left to wonder if it would be the job of SAINT, or investigations. One thing was clear to Helen though; there was a lot riding on the reaction to the protest, and from the way it was being handled, it was going to be a public relations nightmare.
Seemingly satisfied, the commander of the recruiting station went back inside through the large brass door. Nitô Heisho Guerrero raised the megaphone to his face. "Attention protestors: If you remain across the street and do not interfere with the operation of this station or its personnel, you may stay. Thank you for your cooperation."

Meanwhile, the elf found herself facing the smoldering anger of a certain Itto Hei Arnbjorg Hanai. The Nekovalkyrja infantry soldier hovered until she was over the wall of DAISY-armored nekos. "Did you just call me a puppet?" she demanded, although everyone knew Nekovalkyrja had digital memories. "One of your idiots tried to take my weapon," she hissed, waving an arm in the direction of the little medical camp. "What is your name?"

Nitô Heisho Guerrero spotted Hanai heading for the protest leader: "Hey soldier. Unless you're public affairs, back off and take time to cool," he ordered her via the megaphone.
Rei looked up at the Elf, impressed with her drive. She was about to say something more when the Hei that caused everything came back ans started yelling again. Turing back around to face the malcontent Rei un-zipped her jacket. "Sister, Back the hell off... you have done nothing but cause this all to escalate more then it ever needed to. All cause you got your panties in a bunch." She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she was positive that if the Marbled Neko wanted a fight, she was going to give one.

Rei took her oath to protect the civilians very seriously. Even if she didn't how heartedly agree with what that civy spouted.
Samantha made her way out of the medical tent, now somewhat more bandaged. She straightened her hair, and headed back towards where things were thickest. Her hovering camera drones continued to flit around, filming things. She walked back to the protest zone, sat down, pulled out a hand mirror, and started fixing her makeup. Once it was fixed, she turned back to the elf. "I'm still somewhat confused on what your platform is" she admits "Reducing the size of the military? because it sounds like you're trying to reduce the prominence of the military in society, and, well." she tapped the side of her head "That's a cultural issue, not a political one. I've not really heard much of people protesting cultural issues successfully unless they had a platform of laws and reforms to fix them."
There was a sharp gaze skyward from the elf, as she sneered at the loud-mouthed Eihei type Neko. "Yes for your information, I did call you a puppet!" shouted the elf, without even the slightest bit of hesitation; "I also called synthetic warmongers that act like you dolls and machines!" there was no fear of the nekovalkyrja that could lay waste to her, and perhaps even put up a fight against a Daisy armor. "Do you wish to exchange names now? From what I understand, puppet, that is considered a hostile action in Yamataian culture, and more so, is often done to accompany a duel!" every word was shouted into the megaphone so all could hear. "Perhaps, this is a duel, a duel of sensibility versus the madness of a technological progeny! So let us have our words; my name is Nessa Calafalas, daughter of the departed Sairalindë and Elladan." there was a scowl upon the elf's face, as she waited to see just what the neko was going to do, that was, until she heard Rei speak, and with that, the scowl softened into a somber smile.

"Though, not so many of your kind can be called puppets, just you up there, coward, who dares not face responsibility for her own ill temper and design, acting as if you're driven by strings!" Exclaimed the elf, as she felt a pang of guilt for speaking so ill of some of the Nekovalkryja in a broad generalization, when one stood at the defense of her and the other protesters, and how she wished more of them were like Rei. "Thank you by the way." Nessa spoke without the megaphone to Rei with a tone that carried a distinctive gratitude; "You're a credit to your people, and you give me some hope for us all."

A bit of a distance away from Nessa stood her aid, who caught up with Samantha and waved to her to get her attention before speaking in response to her question. "Right now, what we're aiming for is not a legal reform, or something pivotal, all we ask is for people to think about living their lives outside of the military. Right now, so much of our economy, politics, and even day-to-day lives revolve around the SAoY, what we want is to be able to bring our civilian culture to the forefront of what our neighbors see when they think of the Empire. It is like how we don't think of your Marines when we think of the Democratic Imperium, we think of your people and their freedom, ambition, and drive to be as successful as possible, on their own, without the government being involved in everything."
A short time later, the commander of the recruiting station appeared again, and went over to Nessa and spoke to her across the line of DAISY-armored soldiers. She said: "I have received a message from the commander of the Star Army of Yamatai, Taisho Ketsurui Yui, regarding this protest and she wants me to inform you that, while she is in the area, she will not honor it by appearing here, as she feels your methods are disruptive to national harmony and unity; however, she is willing to meet with you privately and hear your concerns once you call off the protest."
There was a certain meaning to the phrase "Disruptive to national harmony and unity", a meaning that was grasped by anyone who was aiming to bring about a cultural change. What the phrase came out to was simple; her efforts had turned enough eyes and ears in the direction of the protest to demand an immediate response, for the sake of the Empire saving political face, that was at least Nessa's understanding of the move on the Empire's part. What Nessa also knew about being "Disruptive to national harmony and unity" was that historically the responsible party behind such a movement would often end up on a coroner's slab somewhere.

There was a moment of Nessa simply looking into the direction of the recruiting center, as she weighed just what to say, as she brought the megaphone to her lips. "With all due respect to the Taisho, being disruptive is usually the purpose of a protest." she stated with a tone that was lacking any belligerence. "However, I will acknowledge and respect the Taisho's sentiment, and out of that respect my protesters will take the remainder of the day off, not just for the Taisho however, but so tomorrow their feet and voices will be well rested to resume!" with that the elf's gaze went to the Nepleslian reporter in the crowd, before she spoke further; "As for meeting with the Taisho, I must say, I am thankful for the Taisho's time, and would like to meet with her, however, I do insist that a neutral third party be present... It would put my nerves at ease, after all, the Taisho is a rather formidable individual, won't you agree?"
Outside the Recruiting Station

"That may be permissible but the third party will need to be approved," the Nekovalkyrja commander said. "If there is nothing else, I would like to return to my normal duties and I hope you will send these people home so these centurions can return to their duties as well."
There was a bow from Nessa, before she brought the megaphone to her lips, then spoke in response to the commander. "We'll leave you to your duties, carry on with your good service." she spoke, before the elf gestured away from the building, and pointed off to the end of the street. "This way everyone, we'll meet at Ayame Park." announced Nessa, before she strode along the city sidewalks, with protesters in tow, with the full intention of moving their protest away from the recruitment center, and to the park, for the sake of being a dignified protest, one that had the ability to be flexible enough to avoid an outright clash, especially since there was an ear already listening closely.

As Nessa walked in the direction of the park two miles away, she gestured to the Nepleslian reporter, Samantha, before speaking to her; "Excuse me, I've noticed that you've taken quite an interest in this situation, I was wondering if you would mind being a third-party observer for that meeting that was spoken of. I can't think of anyone better than a citizen of the DIoN, and a member of the press, to be a fair and neutral observer."
Recruiting Station

With the situation resolved, activity began to return to normal in and around the recruiting station.

Nitô Heisho James Guerrero's tan, slighty-aged faced face emerged from behind a corner to look out in to the musty waiting area, which was still half-filled with job-seeking applicants. "Number thirty two!" James called out. A human male stood up and went to get interviewed.
Outside the recruiting station

After all the hubbub had died down and the people dispersed, the station would find someone pacing in front, someone not seen in the army for some time in fact.

The red head Neko was nervous about walking into the station and signing back up, but she knew it would be good for her. She was tired of the days filled with nothing but drinking herself into a stupor and finding a client for the night. She just hoped this would fill the gap in her chest she always felt.

It was with a weak resolved, tinged with a little whisky, that Akamaru Datenshi walked into the recruiting station. It took her several minutes more to actually register to see a recruiter by taking a number, which wound up being thirty four, but the busty redhead found herself squirming in a seat waiting for her turn, petting the long red pony tail over her shoulder and seemingly inspecting the floor tiles for even the smallest imperfection. It was all she could do to keep herself from bolting out of the station.
DocTomoe said:
As Nessa walked in the direction of the park two miles away, she gestured to the Nepleslian reporter, Samantha, before speaking to her; "Excuse me, I've noticed that you've taken quite an interest in this situation, I was wondering if you would mind being a third-party observer for that meeting that was spoken of. I can't think of anyone better than a citizen of the DIoN, and a member of the press, to be a fair and neutral observer."

"I would be honored" Samantha responded with a nod. "Honestly, most reporters would murder for a shot at a story like that." she smiled softly, and pulled out a small makeup kit, then began prettying herself up. "Is there anything you'd like to say on the record before the authorities probably deactivate my recording equipment for this meeting?"
Inside the Recruiting Station

After a few more people were called, Nitô Heisho Guerrero eventually got to call Datenshi's number. "This way please," he said, leading her to a side hallway with a bunch of small offices along it. He brought her to one of them and then gestured for her to enter it.

Inside the office, seated at the desk, was a deadly-looking light-gray-skinned NH-33 Eihei with cryptic coal-black eyes and cropped black hair. She was wearing a Type 35 Duty Uniform with black panels with a skirt and boots. "My name is Nito Heisho Alfhildr Kaneshiro. I will be conducting your intake interview." Kaneshiro took a moment to bring up Datenshi's files. "Akamaru Datenshi. Former Jôtô Heisho, last assignment YSS Asamoya, NJ-X1-10. E7 Master Petty Officer on the UOCPF ship UCS Akaramu. No further service records. Some former UOCPF members have been accepted into our ranks again in spite of their betrayal of the Empire. Obviously they had some useful skills and you would as well. But you have broken your oath before, what is there to convince me you would not betray the Empire again?" she started by asking.
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