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RP [Yamatai] Third Battle of Nataria (YE 42) - OPEN RP

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RP Date
4月 YE 42
RP Location
Nataria Star System
Nataria Star System
4月 YE 42

The space around Nataria began to flicker with the shimmering of thousands and thousands of Kuvexian starships arriving from hyperspace fold jumps at the outskirts of the Star Army's second home, the military system of Nataria. The ships immediately began to launch thousands of fighters and troop transports headed toward the planet. The scale of the attach was huge from the outset. Some 9 battle groups of nearly 3,000 starships each, totaling around 26,000 ships of various sizes, had arrived to force a decisive battle with Yamatai.

For months, Yamatai had been conserving her forces, letting the Kuvexians spread themselves out, letting them eat up their provisions and supplies, letting their logistics trains get longer, and avoiding large battles with the Kuvexians to converse their numbers of ships. The Kuvexians planned to counter this by making a crushing blow to Nataria, the obstacle that stood between them and planet Yamatai. Yamatai had anticipated this and had done what they could to quietly prepare without arousing too much notice.

Deep underground in a war information room under the massive Nataria Fleet Depot, soldiers began to put into action a plan to put the total available assets into use against the Kuvexians to inflict the maximum possible cost to Kuvexia. Taisho Yui's strategy was that by making everything Kuvexians tried most costly, they would eventually decide that this venture simply was not worth their investment and then sue for a peace treaty. So today was all about body count and ships lost. In effect, this was war of attrition.

The initial defenders of the Nataria System were the Star Army's Second Fleet, led by Admiral Fensalir Kelrina, a long-time Star Army veteran Nekovalkyrja who had been around since the Star Army's earliest days. It consisted of roughly 900 ships and was dwarfed by the size of the invasion. These were the ships the Kuvexians were here to steamroll. However, the Kuvexians didn't know that the Star Army's fleet of mothballed ships, numbering some 25,000, had secretly been crewed with skeleton crews and were ready to power up at a moment's notice. This secret fleet of ships had been dubbed "Zero Fleet." and it essentially made the battle an even match. Even still, it was going to be a real bloodbath for both sides and Yamatai stood to lose thousands of ships and lives.

Across the Yamatai Star Empire, the call went out for any starship or soldier who was available to assist in the fight to try to make the odds a little better for the Star Army. Ships from other fleets began to trickle in and do what damage they could, and every soldier who had a power armor or starfighter to use was suiting up and getting out into the battlefield. This would be one for the history books. They could call it...


OOC: The Third Battle of Nataria is an Open RP event in which any character can join in a tremendous fight against seemingly endless waves of Kuvexians ships and power armors. The fighting can take place in open space, on Star Army ships, on Kuvexian Ships, or on planet Nataria. Characters who participate will get a special medal afterward.
Nataria System Space
NSS Boatface

Egwene Tai -

Well, this was certainly not how she planned to spend her vacation. Instead of exploring Yamatai Star Empire, doing talks in universities and learning new science - as well as getting money to dampen down some debts and put aside towards some work later - she instead caught the call for aid in a massive offensive. She had no real investment in the Star Empire or the Kuvexian Empire, it was simply a matter of being here rather than there that put here, well, here. And not there.

Still, she wanted to test out her flight suit and now was the time to do it. Combat Telemetry from this engagement would go a long way to help her make modifications to the suit and see the full capabilities of it's defensive and offensive capabilities. Though, while the repulsors weren't terrible, she did want to see what she could do about adding a little more to it, so in the quiet of mobilisation before the arrival of the ship she was on, she went to the Quartermaster to see if there was anything to spare. Pistol-grade weaponry would not be worth the effort to integrate, but anything else would be appreciated...
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YSS Eucharis

Chujo Hanako had heard the news and, in her usual fashion, had rushed into aboard her faithful gunship, the YSS Eucharis. Her fingers gripped her armrests tightly as the ship entered hyperspace from Yamatai and arrived in the outskirts of the Nataria system.

"Blackberry," Hanako ordered. "The Kuvexians are going to try to swat us with alpha strikes so keep moving evasively and try to find us some cover. A moon, a Chiharu flagship, anything we can get behind and snipe them until this becomes a confused furball where we can take them on."

"Already on it," Blackberry grinned. "Main gun ready."

"Hit anything Kuvexian and try to keep track of it until it dies," Hanako ordered. "Then move on to the next target. Fire at will! When things get hairy we will bum-rush them and take them on at point blank range but for now, we play sniper."

She got on communications to Nataria, "Nataria, this Eucharis actual. We have engaged the Kuvexians."
Fort Minori

Nitô Hei La Rostislavovna

Since her reassignment from the YSS Kaiyo II, she has been without a new task for some time. The reason behind this was that her skills were needed at Fort Minori, she managed to get machinery run smoother and build new equipment that would benefit the war in Yamatai favor. It was a calm day, Dalida was on her way to get ready for some fun with her new friends that she made at the engineering teams whom she been working with at various tasks. But for some reason, she was distracted by odd flickering lights in the skies. Placing her hand in front of her goggles as she looked with narrowed eyes "Are those not..." She shrugs as the Fort alerts went off and everyone went to their battle stations "Let me hurry back to my post"

With that in mind she could see the flashes in the skies, something was going on and talks among the people were that the Kuvexians were knocking on their door. The time had come, the battle was going to commence and Dalida bold her paws together and her ears spit up in the air. She was ready and rushes to her engineer unit that was getting ready into their Mindy's "Dalida suit up!" She nods sliding towards her own Mindy "Suiting up!" Jumping into her suit and linking up as fast as she possibly could. This battle was going to be fierce and very dangerous, but the engineers were needed.

Chui Matsuda

Her body was fully recovered, ready to get back into action. But the medical team wanted her to get used to the new body, then she would be cleared for duty ones again. The waiting process got her to Fort Minori, the days passed by and she got only memories of those horrible times at Himiko. She wanted to return there, serve there, and get the planet back to the Yamatai. But it was to early for this war to get back to the ship. Now she was sitting in a coffee shop trying to relax herself and get a sense of peace for the wait. Slowly taking a sip of her tea, she opened her eyes as in the reflection of the window the light flashes in the skies of ships jumping in were vaguely visible. Shortly after this, the fort got into high alert as everyone around her rushes out to get ready for whatever was happening. Placing her cup down and standing up as she places a tip on the table and moves out.

When getting outside she puts her uniform in order and starts to rush towards the command center and enters to make her way towards the already activated medical center as a medical enlist stops "Sir we are in..." Erina rose her hands "Just give me some gloves and materials...we will be receiving wounded soon. Prioritize the wounded by using heavy to severe injuries into the automatic medical devices, medium to lightly injured can be done by us. We facilitate and provide support..move" The enlist snaps to attention and moves out after giving Erina her gloves that she puts on "Back to work..." She mutters to herself.
Space- NSS Wild Wolf, Task Force "Clover Fall"


A simple declaration silencing an entire bridge crew as a navigations officer looked over her terminal with an unblinking stare, Mumbling information softly to herself with a single raised hand to both draw attention and silence all those around.

"Interstellar Kuvexian fleet signal on systems edge, Range pending, Numbers climbing in the thousands!."

It was not uncommon for Nepleslian warships to pass through the core of the Yamatai Star Empire. It was even not uncommon for many of them or even task forces like the NSS Wild Wolf and its escorts to pass entirely through the empire. Such was the space between systems that only on rare occasions did DIoN ships ever go molested through the empire or pass through its systems properly.

Today was a rare exception after guiding a small group of rouge traders from the space between the Kingdom of Neshaten and the Democratic Imperium required travelling through the YSE space under the close watch of its navy back towards the Nepleslian core.

So while the bridge became awash with the controlled chaos of general quarters and transmissions where passed between the various ships of the TaskForce a simple set of orders was given by the Captain in charge of the taskforce. A sly if diminutive captain under the name of Nathaniel Dumont.

"Disembark all non-essentials and put the marines and pilots to general ready. Ship marines will disembark in powered armor and pilots will launch and prepare to counter invasion forces."

The orders seemed to solidify across the taskforce as the enemy numbers grew. Not one soul on the bridge offered a single contradiction to his order or recommended a retreat despite the clear tension on many of their faces.

"Get me communications with whoever running the show for the cats. A system in their core like this should have at least one of their admirals."
Mikael Harris

The School of Advanced Infantry Combat was an interesting experience he was not technically required to do. But he felt it was necessary to undergo (and successfully strike for). One is that a leader should always understand what the training and experience of their subordinates so they know what they can and cannot do. But the other reason was more personal in nature.

The intensity of the training to simulate the rigor of combat was nothing new to him. But the focus of it did present a certain challenge of it. SAINT stressed his body to not spill out secrets when he gets inevitably captured and survives as an operative. Giretsu, on the other hand, pushed their bodies to be the best infantry combat force for any situation/environment. And that was the refocus he needed from SAIC.

Today Mikael was looking at his newly requisitioned Keiko Thought Armor sitting in a seiza position being positioned into transport with some of his other gear to make way to the G/75. While he was signing "paperwork", the readiness alert reached his digital mind. He looks at the logistics soldier calmly and starts the boarding process by linking with the armor and stripping down to his underwear.

Fort Ready
G/75 Combat Outpost "The Cave"

Today was a well-earned rest day for the G/75 after their certification training cycle coming to an end. Now on a maintenance training cycle until the come to full strength, some of the Giretsu had taken leave to go to Fort Midori. But the vast majority remained at the Century's encampment to do some "light" training. But the Kuvexians clearly did not agree with this. When word of the Kuvexian presence reached Nataria, klaxons began to ring out to alert them to readiness condition 1. Each of the infantry and their support scrambled to their Mindies in preparation for orders.

The G/75 is finally getting some action and Mikael is earning his pay once more.
Jôtô Hei Nishizaki

The green-haired woman was laying back on a chair as she was gazing to the ceiling, finally, the training cycle came to an end and they received their license to kill. Well, she wanted to get to work much faster if she didn't get held up with all the bureaucratic crap that was needed to get to this stage. Now she was ready to get her hands dirty and be shipped off-world to some remote corner of the Yamatai space to take back what was rightfully theirs, to begin with. No one was going to stop the motivation, break the spirit and drive of these girls. They were ready for everything and Yoko was loving it, the idea to finally get the job done. Looking at her hands that she lifted before her eyes in the air she looked at them and smiled softly.

Until she shifted her eyes to the klaxons that began to ring out the alerts and smiled softly "They just couldn't wait until we arrived!" Jumping up from her chair as she followed the rest of her squad to the armory to get their weaponry and armor. The Kuvexians were really mounting a surprise attack, well the surprise is on them as they will meet the fierce and highly motivated G/75 who were almost salivating to get to war. Sliding to her armor locker she gets her gear "Oh yes..yes yes....this is our day gals!" Came almost like a cheer from Yoko.
YSS Eucharis
Nataria System Space

"Here it comes," Hanako said as the Kuvexian fleets unleashed a hellish torrent of fire towards the Second Fleet, which responded with its own massed fire towards the closest Kuvexian fleet formation. She could see the various colors of beams - white, gold, teal, pink, and purple criss-cross space in waves of death, and the explosions on both sides. The Second Fleet was getting really hammered.

Meanwhile Zero Fleet was starting to come online, with shields, engines, and weapons powering up as fast as the ships could manage. Star Army carriers launched their entire wings to hunt Kuvexian Fighters, some of whom were escorting the landing craft and some of which began to swarm the mothballed ships hoping for easy kills. Eucharis dove and weaved through a cluster of old Chiharu-class battleships with its AA guns blazing at the enemy fighters, drifting sideways every so often to peek out and shoot a Kuvexian escort ship.

"Concentrate on the smaller enemy ships," Hanako ordered. "Nataria has over 5 million infantry soldiers to defend against the invasion forces but space superiority makes or breaks the planetary situation so we need to keep those ships off Nataria so they cannot provide artillery support to their ground forces. We have to focus on the warships and trust in our planetary soldiers to handle the invasion."

"Aye captain," Blackberry said. "Chujo Hanako, some Nepleslian ships have arrived."

"Any help we can get is welcome!"
Task Force "Clover Fall"

"Local authority have given permission to engage, Captain"
The communications officer relayed and sent the information across the taskforce. "Local authority is claimed by Chujo Ketsurui Hanako onboard the YSS Eucharis"

A murmur was canceled out by a hearty chuckle from the captain and a simple message sent back in return.

Good health to you, Vice-Admiral. We hope your short retirement has done anything but dull your senses while you worked as a desk jockey.

"GRU" The captain finished by addressing the ships ACE. "Get a link with the MEGAMI of the Eucharis to relay tactical data. Comms declare a 150,000KM dead zone around the Wild Wolf for any non-DIoN vessels, Exception star army vessels. Helmsman levy bearing 140, Full burn to within .5 AU and retard of nearest star army element."

Clover Fall
so desperately small as it was compared to even the modest star army fleet could achieve little in the grand scheme of things. Even its full fighter and bomber compliment dwarfed by their neighbor's own carriers and fighter assets as it was that when a single message came through on a black channel the blood in the captains veins turned to ice and he knew what had to be done.

"Send a message to the Eucharis, Vice-Admirals eyes only. If she can spare the time and can clear us a hole, a little time, And find the will to give some ground we can offer more than our weight and mettle to this fight and give the mother of all sucker punches to these bastards before they can build any momentum."
Nataria System Space
NSS Boatface

Getting a NovaCorp Heavy Assault Rifle from the Quartermaster, Egwene would heft the beauty back over to her Combat Flightsuit for instillation. It was designed to be modular, so any additions would - while crude - be easy enough to weld onto. Though, given it was surplus that could just be handed to a woman, she didn't put a lot of stock in it's capabilities, and when she got back to her suit, scanned it's components with her cybernetic eyes to ensure she had a grasp of what she was working with.

"Ohh....wow" Egwene muttered, looking at the power supply. Taking indepth readings through every single spectrum, she stored it all away for further search. However they had managed it, they had harnessed Quantum Foam to such a degree it was cast off as scrap. The power contained within this thing could vaporise every body of water on her home planet and have enough spared to melt the continents into molten slag on top of that. The number of joules within in reached high octillions, which was just impossible to capitalise on completely on anything less than a Star-sized planet.

"Chances of this thing surviving the fight?" Egwne muttered, staring at this little hunk of treasure.
#Minimal, ma'am. I shall store the information for later# TONY replied. Well, if nothing else, this little excursion had bown her mind with the scale of what was out there. For now she could only hook the gun up and then connect it to her reactors. Usually she had to juggle loadshunting as her wattage was limited, but this thing was only limited in wattage if she made a moon-sized space craft packed to the gulls with energy weapons and shield systems and the most inefficiently powerful computer systems in the universe.

Getting into her suit and reading up, she made sure the connection was stable and the rifle could move properly into position when needed, then headed out to the assault shuttle. There were a few technicians here, as the plan was to pile into one of the larger battleships and take over the central processing unit to upload new IFF data and have it blow it's allies away. Egwene and her Combat Flightsuit fortunately covered both avenues and was a much needed asset in the attempt.
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Task Force "Shadow Hammer"
Chikara Starbase in the SX-05 system

Mikasa Sorano arrived on the bridge of the "YSS Desudoramu" a Izanagi-Class Dreadnought NF-X2-009. She had finally received the message that her task force has been waiting for. Three months of preparation, some of which could only be called creative methods to get the ship and its escorts prepared. The ship's were from the Depot and the 2XF spent every possible hour getting them refitted and updated where possible. She went to her station, and opened a channel to the Task Force. Sorano picked up the handset. "Attention all ships. The moment we have been waiting for has arrived. It is time for us to get some revenge for those we have lost, and the places they have taken.

Synchronize all fold engines."

She looked at the status display on her volumetric desk. All of the ships were showing green. "All Ships Engage and No Mercy for the enemy."

The Desudoramu and 10 Shari-class Battleships and 20 Super Eikan-class, and 14 Heitan 1B Class Carriers vanished simultaneously in a teal glow.
RP Date: 4日 YE 42
RP Location: G/75 Combat Outpost, “The Cave” - Fort Ready, Nataria

Okane Eve never took days off.

She had made the VR chamber her second home for the last few months, spending at least an hour a day practicing her marksmanship. Her rest days were no exception, and she often used the spare time on those days to spend even more hours shooting and training so that she could become the perfect Giretsu Scout Sniper. For Eve, there was no compromising on that seemingly unattainable goal. She only accepted failure so long as it was done in pursuit of that standard. However, if failure happened when it truly mattered, she considered that to be unforgivable and worthy of harsh reproach.

Upon hearing the alarm klaxons go off around her, Eve blinked slowly, initially wondering if it was a drill. Nevertheless, she did not hesitate in floating towards the power armor module as fast as she could. On the way, the details of the alert appeared in her digital mind, at which point she processed that the Nataria system was being invaded by a massive Kuvexian fleet.

For once, it was not a drill.

Eve suited up in her Mindy quickly, not needing to slip out of any clothing given the volumetric bodysuit she had opted to project over herself instead of wearing real clothing. The armor was already fitted with the accessories that she had chosen for her loadout, which included a short-range teleportation unit, a heavy aether pistol, NSBs, an AHAMR, and seven magazines for the massive rifle. All the while, the Nekovalkyrja instincts which were so predisposed to violence caused her to feel a strong sensation of electric elation. The excitement in the module from her sisters was almost contagious, but Eve nonetheless refrained from adding her voice to the chorus of cries and cheers from the soldiers in the G/75 as the undermanned century prepared for what would be their first true test. The towering green-haired 33A she had met during the unit activation ceremony was next to her, expressing her joy at the prospect of finally getting to fight the Kuvexians after hundreds of hours in live-fire exercises and drills.

After she was suited up, Eve picked up her rifle and placed it on her right shoulder mount as she looked towards Yoko, locking gazes in a strangely intimate moment that could only be shared between two sisters in arms...
SAINT 547th Strategic Operations Battalion
Entering Nataria System Space

Sixty-three ships painted in the black livery of Star Army Intelligence slid undetected through space, quietly approaching the Nataria system from above the axis plane its worlds orbited. Their arrival near-system had been only minutes before the behemoth Kuvexian fleet flashed in, and well outside where military strategy would dictate a prudent approach. Once FTL was cut, this collection of SAINT ships — 38 Yui 7 scouts from the Strategic Strike Pool, 16 more whose captains responded from operations in the region, two Azusa-class including the YSS Kōkatsu, five Chiaki destroyers, and two of the legendary Plumeria-class gunships — proceeded toward the battle by momentum alone with all power cut and all compartments voided.

The light from Nataria's sun reflected dully from the flotilla's dark Xiulurium-coated hulls as it entered the threshold for engagement, momentarily heralding the arrival of what fighting forces SAINT could muster on such short notice. The ethereal sight did not last long enough for anybody's appreciation, and quickly began to be replaced with the signature teal glow produced by KFY drive systems as the ships tumbled from their drift and into a more uniform pattern.

"All ships: launch armors and form up into attack pattern toppū," Chusa Nicholas Saiga ordered from the bridge of a Yui 7, the YSS Yorokobi. Only Akechi-juni kept him company while he stood there sealed up in a Mindy 4, herself engrossed in piloting the ship as he commanded the task force. "Tokutenku and AEGIS teams: you have your orders. Proceed as appropriate."

Each of the scout ships in the task force was controlled by a single Nekovalkyrja operative specifically trained for her duty. Neko are capable of flying nearly every Yamataian ship solo, but each of these operative-pilots today had either been chosen for their lived knowledge of when the tactic was more commonplace or were more recently trained in the skillset. They could direct their ships in unison and maintain a serpentine pack of firepower with which to scream through the horde of Kuvexian invaders and get where they needed to be.

The swirling, comet-like school of SAINT vessels maintained skeleton crews so that all other available personnel could don their power armor and defend the Nekovalkyrja homeworld. Headquarters at Vicky had been hastily picked clean of every available Mindy 4, Daisy and Daisy II, and even old Mindy 2 models to equip the soldiers assigned to the 547th. Analysts, scout ship crews, electronic warfare technicians, intel attaché officers, and warriors from every SAINT directorate filled the ships alongside their professional operative and SOFT comrades. Some 2,300 of these temporarily assigned power armors had loaded into and upon the task force ships on their way out of Vicky. Now, they flooded out from open launch bay doors to join the fight.

With all special operations and reserve armors launched, the 547th Strategic Operations Battalion was demonstrated in full. AEGIS 21, an all-Elysian search and rescue team clad in gunmetal grey Mindy 4s, flew at the vanguard of SAINT's fury, and would remain its spearhead until the time came for them to break off and secure the Star Army Museum's Avenger-class carrier. While SAINT's shadowy scout ships and darkened power armors had standing orders to target smaller Kuvexian escorts and shatter their squadrons, the Special Deployment Force and AEGIS teams all had specific objectives like AEGIS 21's — the former usually assigned to take down ships previously identified as meaningful to communications or morale, such as capital ships and legendary Kuvexian crews, while the latter would attempt to secure vital Star Army officers and activate ships like the Avenger and its SMX carrier counterpart.

The five Chiaki in the group broadcast an audio/visual/text message to Kuvexian ships in the vicinity. It was delivered by a KAMI-generated "Snowy Neko" whose likeness was designed to embody a Nekovalkyrja's genetically engineered grace and perfection whilst augmenting her words and demeanor with an uncanny, disturbing ferocity that few beyond Taisho Irim could realistically match. SAINT's repeating message was simple:


OOC: Anybody with a SAINT character can be here whether they are a field operative or analyst. Feel free to be part of one of the SOFT teams, where you can do anything from take that Avenger carrier as part of an Elysian-themed AEGIS team or make up whatever surgical strike you'd like as a Tokutenku SOFT deployment. Or just fly through space and have some armor battles against Kuvexian warships and armors. Come get your medals and save Yamatai! There are certainly opportunities available planetside as well, but those are best coordinated with what's going on with ground characters.
YSS Eucharis
Nataria System Space

Hanako put her hand over her mouth in shock as a wave of dread and nausea came over her as she watched and heard the mighty Second Fleet completely decimated. Less than ten percent of the ships were still in action within the first two minutes of battle. It was a total bloodbath. Her old friend Taisho Fensalir's ship was not responding and was presumed lost. She grimaced and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye with her sleeve. She had been in massive space battles before but there were no words for this. It was the slaughter of the First Expeditionary Fleet all over again.

She hated these Kuvexians with every fiber of her being. Even the Mishhuvurthyar were almost a force of nature, creatures driven by bloodlust and hate. But the Kuvexian were not that different than humans and Nekos. They could have chosen peace and kindness, but instead they chose to steal, enslave, and exploit other people, and it made them somehow worse because they had a choice and chose to come here and do this on purpose. She needed revenge. She needed the Kuvexians to die here, screaming into the vacuum of space staring at the green gem of the Nataria system that she would never let them have. Never again would the Star Army allow Nataria to fall. She would make sure of it.

Hanako got on area comms. "All Defense forces, this is Eucharis Actual--Hanako. Taisho Fensalir is down. I am assuming command of the defense effort. Keep fighting. There is no retreat, only avenging our fallen. Yamatai expects every soldier will do their duty."

To the Nepleslian group, she replied in text format, converting thoughts into coded signals: "Not sure what you require specifically; engage enemy as you see fit."

To the 2XF ships, she welcomed their arrival. "I have a special mission for you," she told Mikasa Sorano, "The Kuvexians are using superweapons on large dreadnaught ships in formation with their 3rd battlegroup to punch holes in the Nataria planetary defense shield. If you can take those ships down, we may be able to stop the the invasion. The battle group is sitting back outside of the FTL dead-sphere so it can leave. If the dreadnoughts survive this battle, Kuvexia will bring them to planet Yamatai next so they have to be killed before they can FTL away. Can you take out their FTL so they cannot go anywhere?"

While the Second Fleet burned, the Kuvexians began firing on Zero Fleet and the new arrivals. The Zero Fleet consisted of:
The ships spread out to avoid area-effect weapons and put the Chiharu-class Battleships, with their incredibly thick armor in front of smaller ships like the freighters, which were serving as anti-fighter support with their AA guns. Thousands of anti-starship torpedoes had also been loaded onto the freighters, which were launching them directly from cargo bay doors using salvaged launcher tubes. The Izanagi-class dreadnaughts were Yamatai's heavy hitters and were slowly turning their main guns towards the Kuvexian formations.

As the first waves of fighters and power armored space infantry began to close in on the Kuvexian Navy ships, the gold ships began to fire on the swarms. Mindy armors made small targets and had strength in numbers. The Kuvexians began to divert fighter squadrons back towards their ships to deal with them, taking fighters away from the Star Army fleets.

Meanwhile, the landing craft and drop-ships raced towards planet Nataria and began to enter the atmosphere, stuffed with Kuvexian soldiers and their various alien lackeys and robots.
Fort Minori

Nitô Hei La Rostislavovna

The team of engineers had made their way towards the edge of the fort barriers as the Kuvexians drop-ships started to pour down from the skies and landing onto the ground as various species started their initial attacks. The slaves of war went in first with the Kuvexians soldiers behind them, they rather let the lower classes do the heavy lifting so that they could claim the glory for themselves. However, at the barrier, the Yamatai army stood ready, armed, and even eager to do what is needed for their empire. A Mindy came to a stop as it looked at the battlefield and then at the side towards the cannon that was redirecting its aim towards those that were crazy enough to think that Nataria was going to fall that easy.

"Cannon 14-C is within the operational permitters, moving towards next cannon" A light voice came over the communication as Dalida moved her Mindy towards the next cannon. She was not afraid of anything when the loud bangs of these cannons went off making the battleground a place that no one wants to be at. Dalida slides over some sides to the next cannon as Yamatai Rikigun were firing everything they had as Dalida saw a few incoming missiles and she stops with a slide and fired flares. The missiles to the bait and hit the flares in front of the barrier as a few Rikigun saluted her, Dalida simply saluted back and moved on "Heavy incoming forces at the east side of frontline" She reported quickly.

Chui Matsuda

The transport platforms worked as needed, those wounded in either space or on land were transported towards the large emergency hospital set up base. Erina heals up a soldier on the shoulder "Good to go, back to the frontline soldier" The woman jumps up to the floor and moved to go back to the battlefield as Erina continued her work towards the next wounded. This was going to be a long day as they had to move many wounded and classify them in categories. The 7-line system worked in the field optimal as field medics responded accordingly as best as they can to all medical requests. When they arrived at the base, they would again be selected on color-coding, Black being severe to near death, Red being heavily wounded, Yellow and Green are medium and lightly wounded. The agreement was made that yellow and green were patched up and send back. Red was a case to case situation and black would simply stay and be send to a secure location if they made it.

Thought Erina knew that the black and red cases would increase over time, if the battle became more severe then it was equal towards the number of people getting transported into the base. Erina ties up a bandage and taps on the shoulder to move along as she went to next. She kept a close eye on the transport platforms, it was a problem if they could keep up with the amount of wounded if the setting was put upwards. Additionally, the automatic medical bays were still keeping up, the keyword was 'still' in this matter as her experience would be required soon to do operations herself.
Kuvexian Dreadnought
Nataria System Space

The power armoured marines moved with inexorable discipline, as if such a thing had been done a thousand times. Egwene felt somewhat out of place next to these heavy, grizzled veterans. Her light suit and general inexperience on the field made her feel like she didn't belong here. But, at the same time she was here more as a technician with a large gun than a trueblooded marine. So she got in place, had the srervo-clamps lock her armour down for the rigors of space flight, and took off.

The blast was sudden and intense. The shuttles designed for short range bursts of extreme speed to rush through the enemy defences before they could blow it away. Best laid plans and all that, but that didn't mean they were doomed. Heavy armour, fighter screens and anti-missile drones helped keep the heaviest damage off them, and while the shuttle was rattled and knocked about by munitions, it managed to survive to make it's impact. Laser drills lit up and weakened the hull in front of the shuttle, allowing it to bulldoze through the armour and deploy the Marines inside.

Communication was relayed to the fleet that they had landed and the men piled out, opening fire on armsmen and crew members in the immediate vicinity. Egwene stepped up from there and lent her fire to the frey, Xaser beams and Neutron Repulsors blasting away at anything that moved, putting her combat subroutines to the text as scanners picked up viable targets and background programming fed directly into her brain. Egwene always felt a little weird, surrendering conscious control of herself to a more pseudo-instinctive set of movements. Maybe the Marines felt like that to? Acting on gut and skill rather than thought?

The shuttle was a pretty hefty thing, so there were plenty of marines to secure the initial attack. From there they split into three parties, two to raid and draw away reinforcements, one to head for the bridge. The hallways only allowed so many abreast and everyone piling into one thing would just be highly inefficient. Though drawing away heavy enemy attention was a dangerous task and they were liable to not make it out alive. Didn't seem to bother them though. Probably wouldn't be part of this mission if it did.
G/75 Combat Outpost "The Cave"

"Well you wanted action, you got your wish kitties. Now..." He paused before using his Mindy to generate his briefing map. "The Kuvexians do not seem to be unaware of our position, but it would be foolish to think that will always remain the case. Squads A3 will be kept in case any of their scouts should become curious or actually do their job for once. The rest of you, along with all but one of our technicians, will be conducting hit and run operations into their forming beachheads with suitable soft targets identified by Recon Platoon. Our is to keep them off-balanced, but if there is anything the technicians think will be of interest to intelligence, nab it." he said before pausing.

"As much as all of you are hungry to make the blue skins pay for Hamako and Himiko, we are only a platoon size element. A new group of Giretsu was to report tomorrow, but their whereabouts are unknown at this time. I trust them to do what we were trained to do, suited or unarmored." He paused once more before looking directly at the tall green-haired Neko. "So don't do anything overly heroic and keep your head on your shoulders... Mission, time now." he says new T11 Tanuki shuttles can be seen flying low for a landing.

Nito Hei Mizumitsu Hiroshiko

The ghosts of Himiko continued to haunt a young sensors technician. Did she help stop the Dawn hammer from wiping out most of the planet with a sabotaged aether reactor? Yes, but only because of the sacrifice of the combat engineer. All she did was flood it with coolant until she or life could come up with a solution. At least that is what she keeps telling herself when she thinks about the commendations she and others that day received. So after spending months with psychologists once she returned from Himiko with SAINT's efforts to recover the Dawn Hammer's black box, she has thrown herself to understand everything to be a ship engineer.

But those memories came back to her once again when the alert came to her at Fort Minori. With no real way to make her way back to the Nataria Fleet Depot and her personal Mindy, she instead opted to go to the nearest armory to arm herself with a Type 41 SAR and a premium repair kit ready to apply her skills. Along the way, she found herself a unitless giretsu soldier looking for action.

Itto Hei Kamiya Misakura

Much like the technician she currently found herself with now, Misakura is a survivor of the Kuvexian's conquest of the Ketsurui Military Sector. The difference between the two is the G/2 soldier and surviving platoonmates only did so by the miracle of the YSS Sakishima just happened to be in the area. A fact that she was all to happy to get another chance to make the Kuvexians bleed. And again much like the Technician, she was only armed with a Type 41 SAR. She had no idea what she was going to do with it as they made their way slowly towards the fighting, but at least she could protect Hiroshiko for now.

Shoi Mikael Harris

Technically a man without a unit, Mikael defaulted to his old SAINT operative ways. Stripped down to his underwear, Mikael couldn't help but flex like a bodybuilder and wink at the logistics soldier before he squatted down into his modified fetus position, disappearing into the Keiko. While he certainly trained to operate the thought armor, this was the first time he was actually piloting the unit in person. It took him a moment to refocus on the new way of moving and viewing the world around him. Thankfully he trains until muscle memory, so he didn't stumble past the logistics soldier. That would be embarrassing.

Equipped and armed at the nearest armory that had the spare equipment, Mikael jumped to support the east side of the barriers of the Fort Minori. Mikael made his arrival known when he landed near one of the cannons and opened up with his coherent aether rifle focusing on providing fire support role so his fellow Rikugun can focus on the cannon fodder. He would make a song about this later, but for now, he wanted to punish the Kuvexians for their "lead from behind" style. There will be no glory for them today.

Santo Hei Nakama Osakura

Osakura's mission was simple, to help crack some Kuvexian systems for her assigned SOFT. Nothing more and nothing less. She waited in silence with them as they waited in silence as they waited for the power armor bay doors opened and screamed out to battle it out.

75th Legion

A somewhat experimental unit, the legion's Type 41 Bulldogs and Daisy clad infantry began to roll out to confront the Kuvexian forces. Supporting them, their Corona gunships began to fill the skies to rain down death.
Jôtô Hei Nishizaki

The click of her mindy locks as Yoko smiled from within her suit and loaded her rifle. This was indeed the moment she was waiting for and it kept repeating in her head. She clicked her rifle with the right setting as she placed it on her shoulder "Heroes don't exist on the battlefield, only true warriors Chief" Yoko replied and pushed herself forward into the open. Looking upwards seeing the space fight reflect in orbit "Kick them hard, we will keep it safe here" She mutters to herself and looked towards the front and started to rush forward to get herself into location.

Jumping onto the wall and aiming her rifle forward-firing away "Whoohoo, come on ugly bastards....Nataraia shops are closed and we are here to collect the bill for Himiko and Hanako worlds! Let's show them, girls!" She said with a bit too much excitement in her voice. The Kuvexians were not holding back either, they were pouring down their minions as if a mass cloning factory had a discount action.
KNS Ahoszubewpar

"Mee lord," the advisor a hunched-over creature with a face full of twenty eyes and translucent purple skin squeaked in a foreign dialect of Trade, "Dy eneemy ships in storajj became activ mor queekly than was anteeceepated. Dhey arrlready reeturning firrre."

"What?!" The Kuvexian commander, Lord Admiral Bustenas Vlon Spaarksnuffer, Greater Baron of Roanellar and the Swooeo Expanse, watched in anger as the Star Army ships unleashed a tremendous volume of fire at the Kuvexian fleets. "Request reinforcements. We don't want this to be a fair fight."

"Som eneemy reeinforcements also arrived," the advisor added. "Nepleslians identified."

"I see. Assign one of the fleets to wipe them out. They should have kept out of our business," the commander scowled, taking a cup of goumara leaf tea from one of his scantily-clad slave women and sipping it with his fat pinky extended. "Other forces should concentrate fire on the Yamataian ships. The less guns they can point at us, the safer we are. The profit/loss on this maneuver will be too high. But when the Star Army is wiped out they will not be able to argue with my results and I shall be able to retire with a grand bonus payment."

"Eet shall be done," the advisor nodded, making the appropriate commands.
Task Force "Clover Fall"

As Task Force "Clover Fall" joined the battle, the fighter jocks and bomber crews scrambled to their stations, small craft streaming out of the front hangar of the NSS Wild Wolf and its escort and forming up in squadron sized formations, several of which were heavy-loaded with bombers. The craft flew at maximum military speed, filtering through Yamataian formations and into the battlespace.

Jokes passed through squadrons' internal comms networks as the distance closed, about "The cats" and how "this time they won't hog all of the glory." However, behind the bravado typical of aerospace pilots, each of them knew the gravity of the situation. Most of them would not come back alive, but it was a sacrifice that needed to be made. If Yamatai fell, Nepleslia could be next.

Lancer Squadron

Larry Falke was having a decidedly bad day. What was supposed to have been a milk run escorting trade vessels with only a few flying days had suddenly turned into a full-on combat cruise, and against a fleet that outnumbered them by several hundred to one, not counting the Yamatai ships in the area that were rapidly decreasing in number. These were odds the likes of which he hadn't seen since the 2nd Mishhuvurthyar war.

Still, he had to keep up the appearance of high spirits. If his subordinates knew how worried he was, they'd second guess orders and the greener pilots would panic. So he joked like the rest of them, offering up puns and derogatory remarks about other pilots' relatives interspersed between orders. A few minutes later, they reached the battle in earnest, and then the enemy was upon them.

Larry and his fighters began to weave in an intricate dance, warding Kuvexian fighters away from the precious bomber groups as Lancer and the other Nepleslian squadrons burst through Yamataian lines, plunging directly into the flank of the Kuveixan battle line. Lancer's pilots fought hard, and the comms net was a cacophony of different pilots shouting "FOX THREE!" or lines being filled with screams and then static as the squadron reached its goal; a formation of Kuvexian battleships.

There was a brief moment of silence as they broke through the fighter picket, and then space lit up as the Hammerhead Strike Bombers fired their plasma lances, burning through the shields of the Kuvexian vessels before he yelled "NOW!" and the squadron's craft disgorged their deadly payload of torpedos. Explosions followed as the squadron passed, though point defenses took their toll on the formation, reducing the squadron to half of its effective strength.

But their job had been accomplished, the battleship formation was dead in the water, the torpedos having struck true on the bridges and engines of the Kuvexian ships. Pilots cheered as they fought their way back out of the midst of the enemy. "Holy hell Pixy, we did it!" One pilot radioed to Larry, "If we make it out of here alive, I'm proposing to my girl back on Freemud!"
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