Star Army

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OOC YE 45 Election Planning Thread


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Hello, I figured I'd make a great to discuss the election that will happen in YE 45.1.

First, I guess let me know if you're interested in having a character run for the position of Imperial Premier. Ame's already said she's not running Sachiko again so it's a bit of mystery who will run in the election so far, just that we need to have one because Katsuko went back to being a Taisho for the Star Army.
Hello, I figured I'd make a great to discuss the election that will happen in YE 45.1.

First, I guess let me know if you're interested in having a character run for the position of Imperial Premier. Ame's already said she's not running Sachiko again so it's a bit of mystery who will run in the election so far, just that we need to have one because Katsuko went back to being a Taisho for the Star Army.

It would be nice to see some planning in general in terms of the election, the premier, and the senate in general.

Something like:
  • A wishlist like Wes's "Needed Designs for the Star Army" of legislations Wes and Yamatai's FMs would like to see written/proposed.
  • Some kind of system where Yamatai players can act as the constituents of the Senate ridings to express the needs and wishes of their Senators.
  • Some kind of oversight where if someone is going to propose a really controversial bill that there is some input from Wes and FMs on if that's the direction that they want for the faction. Essentially a way to protect Yamatai as a faction from straying outrageously far from how Wes wants it.
Anyway just some suggestions.
I really like the idea of a person that is not a veteran to the site taking this role. Someone that has not been on the site for multiple years but has been moderately active since joining should try this role out, in my eyes. With that in mind, I think saying publicly to newbs and non-sarp vets that this is a pretty good role for you, even if it looks daunting and like tons of work. It could be or it couldn't be; make the role what you want of it. In the end, it's just another vehicle for RP!

But new players should try for it!
I'd be hesitant to give a position like this to someone new because we really don't know how long a new player is going to be around. I think that a player should at least show that they're going to be active. You don't want to give it to someone who does one post and the disappeares.

Or when you say new do you mean someone who doesn't have a bunch of characters and isn't already tied down with a lot of stuff?
I see what you mean. Maybe the ideal person is someone who posts regularly but has only been around for at most a couple of years. Mainly I just wanted to encourage new people with fresh ideas to step up. :)
Yeah. In no way do I have a "plan" for a certain person or character to win this. It's wide open to whoever wants to give it a go. May the best campaigner win!
As much as I'd like to flesh out of the civilian government Departments, which could do with some nice articles so Yam characters can contact the regular govt for the Department of Colonisation and such given the new frontier, I'm not going to run for Premier.

Not that I really have much of a plan for Mochi in the Senate now that he's formed his Party, because I'm not sure where I can actually go from there with it. I'm kind of playing it by ear without any kind of steps in mind.

In terms of the "Needed Designs for the Star Army" list, as I've said in every Senate thread, the Senate constitutionally has no control over the SAOY (and technically never did despite the passed Proposals affecting it) ^^ the SAOY can do whatever they fancy without bothering with politics.

When I decide to give up on being a Senator, it would be nice to pick up the role, but I still have some Proposals written that are in the pipeline, so I guess I can't yet.

Having a new player take up the role would be great.

As much as I'd like to flesh out of the civilian government Departments, which could do with some nice articles so Yam characters can contact the regular govt for the Department of Colonisation and such given the new frontier, I'm not going to run for Premier.

Not that I really have much of a plan for Mochi in the Senate now that he's formed his Party, because I'm not sure where I can actually go from there with it. I'm kind of playing it by ear without any kind of steps in mind.

In terms of the "Needed Designs for the Star Army" list, as I've said in every Senate thread, the Senate constitutionally has no control over the SAOY (and technically never did despite the passed Proposals affecting it) ^^ the SAOY can do whatever they fancy without bothering with politics.

When I decide to give up on being a Senator, it would be nice to pick up the role, but I still have some Proposals written that are in the pipeline, so I guess I can't yet.

Having a new player take up the role would be great.


The "Needed Designs for the Star Army" was a comparison, saying we needed a "Needed Bills/Legislation" list. Thank you.
So, Anslen is going to throw his hat in because he doesn't believe in people running unopposed. It would be a terrible irony if he got it in a election if he was unopposed. However, from a out of character perspective, I'm neutral to slightly negative about taking it. Eth and I run 'liberal' loyal opposition types and that's what his party strikes me as. So I think it would probably be more dramatic if a pro-imperial person became premier instead, also a minineko, because it's funny.
Or when you say new do you mean someone who doesn't have a bunch of characters and isn't already tied down with a lot of stuff?
I am not promoting @/Deleted User to the position, but their level of interest, activity, and thoughtfulness to the setting shown over the period of their activity and time therein would be my best case "newb gets it" scenario.

I agree with all your points, though! A new player could do nothing, but we have had vets do the same before ^^
I don't know, it's kind of like that town that keeps electing a cat as their mayor because, if you don't like change, the cat is considered less dangerous as the mayor than a human would be, simply because it's unable to affect the status quo.
I spent a bunch of time yesterday reading up on Yamatai government. In summary, I think the prospect of participating in the Senate could use a really good sales pitch. Something that makes newcomers really excited to join.

I'll be honest, at first glance it seems like a daunting amount of research to get up to speed so I can participate in a plot about how we want to word legal proposals and follow Senate procedures.
TBH, I actually didn't for a while that the Premier was supposed to be moderating the Senate.
Point of order, sir, as per Proposal 106[citation needed], the Premier is supposed to appoint an Imperial Steward, to whom they delegate the responsibilities of calling to order, presenting bills, and calling to vote.... 😴
It is quite niche and oftentimes fairly frustrating lol. Still, it's a nice way to clarify on IC things if you care about em
Just from others in this thread, I’ve heard it’s niche and frustrating and we’re having trouble keeping people interested.

IMO, we need to do something to make this more appealing and sustain the appeal.
It's not the Senate I'm not interested in, it's being Premier. Head of government and you have to moderate the senate without getting a vote. IRL, very powerful. In play, kind of boring.