Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Year-End Festival [Year-End Holidays] Winter-Nights (Yule) Solstice Spectacular! (YE 44)

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Festival Grounds

"Ah, the Resurgence!" Hanako smiled. "I have heard some good things about them lately. It is whispers that her captain gets secret assignments from the Empress herself," the teal-haired admiral told Wojtek. "Oh, is that wine? I used to have my own vineyard and winery a few years ago, before the Kuvexians invaded it. I had to learn a lot about wine to get it right. I hope you have a great time at the festival tonight and congratulations on your new assignment. Fight smart, work hard, and build some lifelong friendships!" she encouraged the big fuzzy soldier.

"You honor me with your presence and kind words." Wojtek raised the two gallon tankard of mulled wine above his head, "To your health, and the continued glory of the Empire!" Bringing the tankard to his lips, he chugged the remainder of the contents, loosing a tremendous half belch\half roar as he finished.
The soldiers stared for a moment; a few trying to make sense of the menu. A round of orders; mostly for the Colony IPA with the odd lager being thrown in with their comrades who actually spoke proper trade translating for them, with the bank notes for the beers being placed on the table. A dark look seemed to pass over the table at the mention of the Leviathan Lager, then passed all the same. "I think I'll take some forty-two pale ale," Morris himself replied, noting Airwin waving him over, ("We've had our fill of Leviathans.") The last sentence was more of a mutter, spoken in Valhallan Common and leaving the impression of some foul taste in his mouth he placed his own notes on the table before heading over, the beginnings of a scowl beginning to form on his face.

The feeling had yet to leave him as he neared Airwin. "Evenin' yer Eminence." Morris greeted, the not-quite-scowl on his face fading as he sat down-the chair struggling to accommodate his large frame as it creaked under his weight, "It's nice to see ya again, and under better circumstances no less."
Nearby The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

As the two were walking away Lenna spotted Cheol and smiled in greeting " Hello there Cheol, and yes yes go ahead and get a drink. " Lenna smiles some and moves along spotting Airwin moving along toward a corner and finding a table. Looking around at the mostly full tables and knowing that Cheol would join them after getting his drink, she thought that it would be interesting to stop by and talk with them. " come with me Nikicon let's ask if we can share a table with the Aestaesys or leader of the people we helped save."

Nikicon blinks some and looks around " what who, where?" Her ears move to their full height as she looks around following Lenna as they move over toward the table that Airwin and Gemetzel was at.

Lenna laughs some at her friend's confused antic and moves over toward the table. Pausing a little as a mountain of a man moves over to join the table before they get there. there was s slight pause but then a shake of her head as she pushes forward. ~ It's just someone new to meet~ Lenna would think as she nears the table and smiles bowing her head a little. "Greetings, Is it ok if we share a table, there seems to be a lack of free tables at the moment. "

Nikicon slows to a stop slightly behind Lenna looking as if the snowshoe hare was hiding behind her braver friend, those long ears visible over Lenna's right shoulder as she looks around some then at the people at the table before them.

Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion

"Oh," Thia gasped lightly as she saw Vec suddenly appear in front of her.

"Hi, Sugar," she stalled as she worked through what he'd said, still wearing her asymmetric huntress' smile. "I guess you saw me striking out. Sure, a drink sounds like a good idea. Just one though, for a Nep, I'm actually quite a lightweight."

The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

"I'm not sure that any deliberate action can truly be selfless," Kari replied, scanning the crowd that was growing around them. She caught a glimpse of a purple-eyed woman who was looking at her and Pierre, before watching as a crew of ill-kempt, swarthy men filed in and spoke an interesting-sounding language to each other while one of them seemed to translate into Trade. "If I choose to do something that doesn't benefit me, I must've chosen it for some other reason. I enjoy volunteering. I suppose it makes me feel like I do when I'm working, that I have a purpose and that I'm worth the energy expended to create me. Therefore because I enjoy it, that makes it selfish."

Some unnamed subroutine tagged the sight of the eight-legged horse bartender as familiar, but after a quick search through her training and lived experiences, Kari still wasn't sure why. She initiated a search through her unindexed memories, which consisted of all the junk that she created on a daily basis that had no apparent value, things like overheard conversations that made no sense without context, or intrusive thoughts that had no obvious relation to what she was trying to think about, or even what dream she was having right before she woke up. While it ran in the background, she refocused on the conversation with Pierre.

"But even if I didn't enjoy it, I might do it anyway for the fact that it benefits others and as such is a valuable use of my time. Even then, I'm doing it because it realizes the image I have of myself as a good person," Kari continued, as she grew frustrated at the unrecognized familiarity of the strange creature, and indeed much of the symbolism around her. "In short, if I choose to do something because it's selfless, the reasons for my choice make it a selfish act."

Realizing she'd been focusing too much on speaking and thinking, Kari quickly raised her glass again and drained a significant amount of her beer to catch up with all the others around her. Suddenly, a match came up on her search. An eight-legged white horse appeared in her dreams this morning. Narrowing the scope of her search to only her dreams, she quickly discovered that the horse appeared frequently alongside many of the other things around her. She almost exclaimed, but realized she still had a mouthful of beer, so she quickly set down her glass and swallowed.

"You there, barkeep!" Kari slapped the bartop for emphasis, while her socialization subroutines were frantically trying to catch up and determine if what she was about to say was appropriate. "You have galloped straight out of my dreams. Allow me to retrieve my spear, for I desire to ride you!"
Closer to the Snow Cream Booth

"We're going to get some snow cream then get back on the ice!" Tachiko announced it to Yue and Kaoru, and also to any Resurgence crew she'd got the attention of. "Maybe another wassail too?" She let the barest tips of her skates trace hairline fissures in the snow as she continued to float. "What flavors do you all want? My treat!" That bit was quieter, towards her fellow Motoyoshi, and almost conspiratorial.

Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion

“You know we don’t do anything half-assed on this staff,” Vec said, “But in the end, how much you drink is totally up to you. We don’t have to get, ‘Do stupid things with weapons,’ drunk.” He turned towards the Tokyo Brewing pavilion. “Are you feeling beer or do you want to go grab something else?”

The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

Pierre listened thoughtfully, formulating some answer about why enjoying altruism didn’t make an action not altruistic when Sunde pulled out one of her most unpredictable actions yet. Caught off guard, they choked on a mouth full of beer. After a few coughs, they took another long swig and said, “Socialization tip: if you’re on a date, don’t offer to ride people without asking your date if they want to join in.” The twinkle in Pierre’s eye spoke of pure mischief. This turn of events had sparked the Chui’s interest and they were along for the… ride.

Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion

"I'm more of a whisky girl," Thia stated as she turned up her nose and frowned slightly. "Beer makes me bloated. I prefer something that cocks my tail, so to speak. Do you know a place? I just got here myself, so I haven't had a chance to explore."

Finally taking the time to have a look around, Thia's cybernetic eye whirred and flashed as she zoomed in on some of the more interesting people around her. She spotted some of the Resurgence crew near what looked like a party bus while others seemed to be scouting ahead to the Tokyo Brewing Company Area. Next, a Kodian talking with a blue/purple haired woman with a Star Army entourage caught her eye. "There's certainly a lot of delightful people around, but I don't see a place for a drink."

The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kari turned to Pierre, her usual mildly angry look giving way to embarrassment for a moment, until she saw a funny look in their eyes. "Would you also like to ride the eight-legged white horse with me?"

Narrowing her eyes, Kari felt a series of intrusive thoughts race through her mind. She unravelled and inspected each in turn, before either discarding or setting them aside for further thought.

"I'm not sure why," Kari began, honestly not sure even how to put into words the abstract thoughts. "But I would enjoying chasing you. I'm not sure what I would do when I catch you, though. That part seems very unclear. Is that unusual? I am not sure why, but I have very vivid dreams and sometimes they intrude on my conscious mind during the day. Not in the sense that I think I'm in the dream, thankfully. I just sometimes find that I myself in unrealistic situations when my mind is otherwise unoccupied. I suppose that's the definition of fantasy."
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Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion
Following Thia’s gaze, Vec said, “Yaknow, usually, I’d want to stay as far away from anybody work related on leave, but I’m trying not to be such an antisocial bastard. Want to find a popup bar or go see what the crew is up to with the party bus?”

The Tokyo Brewing Company Area
It was either the mostly empty mug of beer or something Sunde said, but Pierre’s head was spinning. “So, what exactly are these fantasies like?” Pierre said, leaning in slightly. “Riding eight-legged horses with you, being chased, I’m down for whatever when you’re involved.”
The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

Caffran and Sanda sat on the bench sipping there warm drinks and just enjoying each other's company. They both knew that soon they would have to return to their own assignments and who knew when they would both have leave at the same time and be able to get together again. But that was the cost of being a soldier. They knew it would be hard but it was important to them both that they served their respective nations.

Sanda caught sight of some of her crew mates and actually started turning a little red. Caffran noticed and said, "Sanda Hoshi. Are you blushing?" "No!" Sanda denied turning redder still. "I think you are." Caffran teased. Sanda couldn't help it. The site of her crew mates and their inevitable questions and her inevitable answers embarrassed her. Sanda had always been a very private person. She didn't open up about her private life except to a few close friends on the ship, namely her fellow ranger Yayoi and the first officer, Koyama. Even though she was super excited to share about her and Caffran, old habits died hard.

Well, if any of her crew mates noticed her she'd happily share but she wouldn't go looking for them. She wanted tos spend as much time with Caffran as possible. She leaned over and gave him another kiss on the cheek. "What was that for?" Caffran ask. "Just because I wanted to." Sanda responded. Caffran gently turned her face towards his with his hand and kissed her on the lips.

Katsuko and Akina​

The warmth of Katsuko's cheeks now matched that of her mug, she near glowed at Akina's words. It was exactly what she needed to hear, and Akina was good at that. The rise of her cheeks actually ached at the amount it made her smile. "I can't wait to be out there with you again. I feel like my entire life has been waiting for these moments," she whispered in return. "I want to sail away into the stars with you my love, to places that we couldn't even hope to imagine. I've needed this, needed you so much more than I ever thought possible." She couldn't help but remember those peaceful peaceful moments on the Akuro so many years before, they both had a job to do and at least now they would get to do it together again. She placed her mug down on the bar and just wrapped her arms around her, a contented tired look in her steel eyes as it was like it used to be - a room full of people, and yet there was only one person she could hear and see.

"Let's take a walk," she suggested, "I want to see more of the festival grounds since we had to rush to the stage when we got here," she explained.

Airwin and Gemetzel's Table​

Airwin raised his mug to Morris' words, "I can toast to that, better circumstances but I will always sleep with an eye open. Comfort rarely lasts but it should be embraced," he gave a smile and a slight look that conveyed the underlying meaning to the Iron Company Officer. "No Tacho I take it?" he inquired, but it was obvious that the former MERN officer had no intention of returning to them, not that he had any blame for her, "Come stay a while, Morris, it is good to see you. Tell me, what has the iron company been doing since it returned to this sector?" the Norian leader asked as he took another sip of his drink.

He looked up and noticed the Captain Leena of the Sobek and replied to her with a welcoming gesture toward the empty chairs, "Please, there is room for more than a few. I'd be happy if you join us, I am Airwin Caeyara and this lovely lady in my lap is Gemetzel," he introduced himself and his companion, "And this here giant of a man is Morris, a man of the fine Iron Company," he introduced the other man who he had been conversing with as well. Gemetzel gave a quiet wave as she observed Airwin's improved socialization, she couldn't help but note that he seemed more talkative with her close by. She then reached for her mug and took a rather generous gulp of the brew.

Cheol returned from the bar, mug in hand. He was a little shocked the Captain had decided to sit with the other Caeyara, he couldn't help but wait for her and Niki to be seated before he did so himself. "This festival is something else, Yamatai is such a happy place - this is amazing," he commented.

Near the Snow Cream Booth​

Kaoru drifted along when Tachiko announced her plan, at least she didn't have to remove her skates. She just hovered above the ground, and gave a shrug, "I could go for a wassail, get one for me too!" she said to her sister as she encouraged Yue to follow them as well.

Tokyo Brewing Company Area - Kari and Pierre​

The horse tender clapped her hands when the first person of the night came up with a creative way to talk about her costume, it seemed to really please her in fact. "I'm not supposed to let anyone ride me until after my shift is over." The young woman barked a laugh out that caused a few heads to turn, though they quickly returned to friends and drinks. The warmth of the inside of the mead hall was doubled by the mood which was lubricated by so many drinks. The Iron Company got all they wanted in short order, the two ravens were strong enough to carry a lot of booze.

When Kari and Pierre started a back and forth the horse for a night put her hand in front of her mouth, but it did not even come close to hiding her stupid grin.

Katsuko and Akina​

It came at no surprise to anyone, except perhaps Akina, that Katsuko could always make her heart beat faster. She swore she could hear it between her ears as she soaked every word her partner spoke. "I could say the same thing. It is like being whole again. The trip is going to be amazing, or a mess, or an amazing mess. We'll be together, that's what matters. There are a lot more systems to name out there." She joked lightly, leaning into the blue-haired woman as their world shrunk around them in contrast, "You make me feel like I can get there without a starship, speaking like that. I might just take off if you give me any more."

She led her towards the door, and out into the festival to see what they could get up to, periodically squeezing the hand not claimed by cocoa with her own warm affection. "I love you." Was the last thing she said as they wandered through the snow, like it had to escape from her or bubble out in some weird way.
Skating Rink - With a Bunch of Pop Stars
Yue smiled as Tachiko called to the audience, and like Kaoru, she waved to them all. Because of her full winter outfit, they couldn’t see who she was at first, but then they had when they saw her blue skin. Like Kaoru, she was a fan favorite, so she heard them squeal their names. Her head turned to Kaoru, telling her she should lead their next song in the next album. “Well.. I do have an idea for one” she said to her band leader.

Closer to the Snow Cream Booth

Like Tachiko and Kaoru, she too began floating to join them as they began moving on to the Snow Cream Booth. Ever since she’d arrived as a little girl, she had always loved snow cream. Yuka would have had to come up with ways to prevent her from eating too much all the time. On thinking of her mother, Yue made a mental note to get Yuka a gift while she was there. ‘Vanilla with sprinkles for me, please! thanks sweetie!”
Yue also thought she spotted Katsuko and Akina, but they were so far away and she wasn’t sure.
Morris simply nodded at the two newcomers before producing a large-bladed hunting knife as he picked up the bottle. Wedging the head between the crossguard and the flat of the blade and gave a sharp twist upwards, the cap popping off and landing on the table with a slight metallic clink, a bit of mist from the gas within forming briefly then settled as he sheathed his blade. Taking a brief sip as he was not sure what to expect, he was surprised at how pleasant it tasted though it wasn't quite as strong as what he was used to. With a sigh, he set the bottle down and sighed at the mention of their resident alien.

"No, and if she is," Morris replied, as he looked back towards his squad-they talked among themselves while drinking but had yet to start causing problems, "She didn't arrive with us." Turning back as he made to pick up his beer, taking another sip, "As for what we've been up to...more or less the same-stumbling around like the town stiff and giving the usual suspects a good thrashing." He took another swallow, before continuing, "Honestly, being here in Yamatai is probably the first change of pace we've had since after we left Valhalla." And how true it was-no monsters trying to rip them apart; no hostile raiders shooting at them-no spending endless weeks humping up some hill on a toxic planet.

It was kinda nice...actually-shame it wouldn't last.

Outside Tokyo Brewing Company Area​

Lenna would smile some as they were invited to take a seat and then nods some, moving to introduce herself and Nikicon. "Greetings Airwin, Gemetzel, and, Morris, it is nice to meet you again. It was brief but I do believe we meet a moment after the funeral. And this..." Steps aside as she turns a little to introduce Nikicon " Is my 2nd in command, tactical and engineer Nikicon, We have been getting more and more of a crew lately and it only makes sense that Nikicon becomes my 2nd in command as she knows the ship just as much as I do. but then again The Sobek is our home as with our job!"

"Greetings" Nikicon would bow in place some and then straighten back up with a smile those long ears of hers started to lay backward on the back of her head as she relaxes some before moving to take a seat and take a drink from her mug and resting it onto the table.

Lenna would smile and bow briefly now that she was finished with introductions and then slips into a chair. Then as she hears Cheol returning Lenna would smile looking back at Cheol. "Yes, this place is amazing. I was born here, well not in this town. But I left it to go into the stars and find my place in it. Besides it lead me to Nikicon, and meeting a great people in their time of need." A slight pause as she motions over toward Nikicon, " Nikicon told me of the operation as she overheard the radio traffic on it and she wanted to help."

Nikicon would smile and nod as Lenna spoke and then added in, "You got the cargo seating floors, and I spoke to the company that I was part of a photoshoot for and they managed to put together a crew to help us, and the containers of food that we dropped off on Cheol's um Gamma ark was it?"
Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion
"Yes to both of those," Thia's jagged huntress smile faded to the softer smile she gave her patients. Suddenly, she tensed visibly as her cybernetic hearing picked up a fragment of conversation that seemed relevant. Once she recognized what was said, she started scanning the crowd around them for the source of the words. "What's a wassail? Is it a drink? Apparently some other people are getting some of those."

Tokyo Brewing Company Area​

Kari watched the eight-legged horse bartender as she made a joke. A knowing look crossed her face, but she dared not smile after having seen herself in the mirror when she was making such an attempt. Needless to say, it was not a comforting sight. But she still wanted to show her appreciation for the young woman's clever phrasing, so instead she nodded stoically to her. "I appreciate your clever phrasing," Kari explained bluntly before turning back to Pierre.

"My fantasies are of riding horses, though only one of whom has eight legs," Kari gestured with an open palm to the bartender, even as she looked up and away as she recalled her dreams that she normally archived away as irrelevant junk. "But many can fly. I wear golden armour that sparkles in the sunlight as I ride through the clouds on horseback, dropping low just to watch immense battles that fill the crevices of the world below. Humans, elves, trolls, giant snakes, along with creatures that don't exist whose names I don't know. When the bravest warriors fall, I alight by their side and dismount. None dare challenge me even in the confusion of battle. I tower over them even as I kneel to breathe a second life into the warrior's spirit. I lift them onto my steed and fly them upwards, at first into the clouds, but even higher still. Where we should reach the edge of the atmosphere, instead we pass the limbs of a great tree on which the world itself is built both below, and another world above. There in the world above is a great hall full of revelry."

Kari snapped back to the present and looked around. "Much like here and now, but sunny and warm. There the warrior joins their peers where they tell stories to one another until the final battle," she adds before her eyes unfocused again. "But it's not always so spectacular. Other dreams are quiet. I lead a horse through the snow that falls between the trees of a great forest, following the fresh prints of what I think to be a stag. I move slowly, letting the wind through the dry leaves mask the sound of our steps. When I come upon my quarry, I find that it has the horns of a stag but the shape of a man. Though I am downwind of him and have been careful to keep quiet, he turns to look upon me. I know then that he is no man but the god of all things wild. I know not why, but they are not displeased with my hunt. They share with me their wisdom in exchange for performing on their behalf."

Finally pausing for more than a second, Kari looked down at her drink as if she were trying to see the solution to some quandry, then she looked at the bartender, then to Pierre again. "I am excited to hear you say that, Pierre," she said, haltingly, like she wasn't sure how to phrase it. "I feel as though I should do something, but I don't know what. In my dreams, I always know what to do."
The Tokyo Brewing Company Area

Lynira bounced happily through the festivities in a dark purple little holiday elf costume with matching thigh-high boots. Her aqua blue mane decorated with glitter had been arranged into a messy bun atop her head. Black orbs perused those gathered when she approached the Tokyo Brewing Company Area. On her way through she spotted the Aestaesys and his companion at a crowded table of people, to which she gave a warm smile and cheerful wave of the hand. There was another norian that she did not know who sat with them. She tilted her head thoughtfully, innocently curious as to who this attractive male was. However, she did not wish to intrude upon the assortment of occupants at the table and made her way to the bar.

This holiday event was a delightful little break from diplomatic work and just what she needed to unwind. When she reached the bar she took a deep inhale to take in all the delicious scents and wiggled happily, her feet doing a cute shuffle. She waited patiently for the waitress' attention as she did not wish to make the person's night any more busy than it already likely had been. While she waited she wondered what all she could explore when she was finished at the bar.

Winter-Nights Lights Pavilion

"Not sure," Vec said with a thoughtful frown, "But we're people of science, let's give it a shot." He stepped off as if to lead the way and paused, "Where'd you hear about the wassail, was it?"

Tokyo Brewing Company Area​

In Pierre's opinion, Sunde's dreams seemed somewhat surprising yet extremely on-brand. She didn't seem the type for indulgences, but if she was to, Pierre these would be the ones she would have. "The glowing, gold armor, that's gotta be something to see," they said with a half smile. They were about to joke that she should try to get a Catacombs & Creatures or Derelicts and Demigods game running, but then they listened, really listened to what Kari was saying. Their cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. "Kari," they said in almost a whisper. No, they decided not to jump to conclusions. Was this how they looked to her? She had said they were wise in the past, but... No, don't overthink it. Don't try to be cool either, just... Pierre reached out a hand and placed it on hers. "Don't worry about what you should do, what do you want to do?" They leaned in as they spoke. Pierre knew the outcome they wanted, but wasn't sure if Kari was quite there yet and they didn't want to tip the scales any.

Tokyo Brewing Company Area 2. Saga and Nas​

Saga had had enough of failing at skating. Her knees were bruised and her black denim pants were damp from the number of times she'd found herself on the ice. Her new friend of sorts, Nas didn't seem too put off by her own series of falls. She'd just give another freckled smile, dust off her fashionable leather jacket, and go on tottering across the ice. Eventually, the diminutive marine was able to lure her off the ice with the promise of alcohol. Soon they were cued up at the bar two women of a similar age, nationality, and preference for short hair and leather jackets, but the similarities stopped there. Where Saga was short, rail thin, and pale, with a perpetually guarded expression, Nas was tall and athletic with freckled brown skin and a nearly unshakable open grin.

Akina and Katsuko - Leaving the TBC Area​

It was a strange comfort to hear the words; Katsuko had never really been known to vocalize what she and Akina had unless there was a strain. The strain now existed in other places which made the words flow so much easier and with more eloquence than before. Absence makes the heart fonder in some cases, and with this red-headed beauty, there were no words that could describe her place in Katsuko's life. "I love you too," she responded in a low voice, just above a whisper in fearless expression, "...but those words hardly provide justice to it, I feel like your return has set right the ship of my life's journey back upon a logical course after it was lost within the darkness and a storm." Katsuko had lied to herself for a long time, her vision blurred by the hatred figures like Kiyoko and Misato had spawned and blindsided her with. Katsuko clung to the warmth that was there as their footsteps led them down the winter path. The glistening dusting of white brought an ambiance to it all, a piece of a home that had been cast prior beneath the dark clouds of what was a political nightmare. The clash of enlisted and officers before them, snowballs flung between parties as their steps wandered through the festival grounds. "The lights are beautiful," Katsuko observed, Akina had thought of every embellishment and had truly captured the celebration of the year's end. Although this somewhat returned Yamatai to a world of sparkle and color, she still longed for the next year which would hopefully be ushered in with the establishments of new colonies and a rebirth of the frontiers and pioneering spirit that had driven her up the ranks of the Star Army, to begin with.

The blue-haired former Empress spotted Hanako and the Kodian in the distance and she lightly nudged Akina to choose the path which would lead them there. It would be nice to wish the fellow Taisho a Happy Year end as she had done the previous year. Hanako was one of the few faces of the Senate she missed, she said quietly to Akina as their steps led them closer, "I forgot the gifts, that is what I forgot," she added as she noted the pile of gifts she had left on Port Jiyuu in the hustle to get to Yamatai on time, she would have to send them when she returned. At least she could greet Hanako with a proper wishful toast, "Happy Year End to you Hanako!" she said as they closed their distance and she gave the Kodian a gentle nod of acknowledgment and an apologetic gaze as they interrupted the conversation as gently as possible.

Airwin and Company​

Airwin gave a grimacing reaction to Morris' words, almost a confirmation of the sentiment which read plainly across the soldier's face. "Aye, few have an appreciation for what it is you do. I doubt I would myself save for the fact I clearly recognize the bravery and valor to which the Iron Company joined us upon our most trying endeavor. Similar to my gratitude to Yamatai, there is no way I can ever figure out to repay despite the fact that the balance is paid in full on paper," he said with a brief pause and then continued in a breathed expression of reality, "Fight the darkness so that others may stay in the light, just don't give in to its allure Morris for even in the shrouds of safety and glistening towers and strong bastions lurk the possibility of incursion." He raised his mug a little, "To those of us who understand, and to your health," he added in a brief toast to which Gemetzel also raised her mug.

These others who had joined the table were obvious friends of Cheol. Cheol being one of the very few things that were complicated about this new Ysi that had come barreling from the flames of a fallen universe, he remembered well when Cheol had been adopted. He couldn't help but wonder what it was like for the Admiral in those most intense moments of Operation Fireplace. The man had found a place though. It was somewhat of a relief to the Norian leader as he observed the interactions, a unspoken thought couldn't help to notice the subtle fluctuations in what had become the norm that maybe Cheol himself was oblivious. His attention strayed as he noticed Lynira nearby. He waited till that moment came when the connection of gaze was met to raise his hand and usher her towards them. A friendly invitation for her to consider what she had secured libations for herself, the transmitted words interlaced with a peaceful demeanor which had a joyous embrace of the occasion, //"Come join us when you are done there, it is good to see you again."// Airwin knew even in statehood Tsenlan would need the skills of its diplomats. Perhaps this little gathering would lead to an offer for her to join his staff, no longer constrained by what their previous social situations had implied there was a stark reality to the more Minatu approach he had, titles meant little without the following which made the gears turn. A lot of gears needed to be turned. They were like a newly hatched bird from its egg, mere younglings to the ways of this new place that had opened up to accept them.

Cheol said to Lenna in acknowledgment of her words, "If it is what brought you to cherished kin, then that is all justified. I am glad it was Yamatai that brought me to you if I might so boldly add, it is nice to have a ship and crew to find purpose in again." Were his words too careful, too formalized to convey what he truly meant - perhaps, but time would lead to an unraveling of the mysteries which lurked within Cheol's thoughts as he quieted to regard the conversation between the two. He nodded in affirmation of Nikki's words, "Indeed, Gamma Ark," he said before a healthy sip of his beer. The Sobek awaited, it made a smile across his expression and he awaited another avenue to add to the conversation, it was strange feeling nervous around people after years of briefings and speeches. "So where are we headed after the end of the year?" he questioned them, anxious to hear of the places the Sobek would venture. He had yet to meet the one paying for recent endeavors, that woman Lenna had mentioned.

Sweet Cream Booth​

Kaoru grinned from ear to ear at what Yue said, "A song! I can hardly wait. I want to hear about your idea, we will get to making it a lyrical masterpiece. At least we will be able to collaborate since you're coming with the fleet." The presence of the Yugumo civilian side of the mission they were soon to embark on offered a unique opportunity for them to work together in closer proximity. Perhaps a concert or two or more would be available as they made that adventure through space. It might just of been what had cooled Kaoru's objections to the future Taro and her mother had pressed so hard for her to consider.

Airwin and Company​

Lynira was delightfully surprised at Airwin's vesper. "Thank you for the invitation Aestaesys! It is good to see you again as well. I will make my way there after procuring a beverage." she vespered to him. Cheerfully she ordered whatever the most popular drink of the night was and transferred the funds over to pay for it. She received her Leviathan Dark happily, cupping the receptacle with both hands thanking the bartender. Her eyes looked at it pondering for a moment what exactly made it one of the most ordered drinks of the night. It smelled like it would be palatable and with that she picked up the cup wandering back to the table of Airwin and Company.

It was quite kind of the Aestaesys to invite her over to sit at his table, an offer she could not turn down. While she strolled over with a little bounce in her step, she took a moment to observe all the occupants at the table. There were members of the Iron Company, who's contributions saved the lives of many norians. The female Anthro and human sitting next to Cheol also caught her attention. "What an interesting choice of companionship?" she thought to herself. It seemed another group also sat at the table, but she did not know who they were affiliated with. Carefully she slipped up to a spot next to Airwin and sat down settling in with a wiggle. "Aest' how are you enjoying the festivities?" she greeted the head of state with a soft nod and a smile. Her attention moved to the companion in his lap. "How are you dealing with the cold hon?" she asked obviously in a bid to engage with them both so his companion would not feel ignored. She picked beverage up to finally partake in a sip wiggling with delight at the taste, setting the mug back down. The mug carefully came to rest on the table and she bounced excitedly, eager to interact with the other occupants present with them.
Snow Cream and Idols

Despite the fact that Tachiko was also one of the three executives of YTP Entertainment along with the members of the idol pop group, she got lost when the other two began to talk shop. Being able to sing on key so as to not embarrass herself at karaoke was the extent of her musical talents. She didn't understand, sometimes, the roles Katsuko had given her, and YTP was the prime example of one she did indeed not. Generally, she did menial administrative work that she could handle wirelessly while working the heavy bag in the morning and evening, leaving the actual music business part of the music business to the two that actually knew it.

"And I will have... matcha-ginseng-honey! Oh! And one of the ginger-yuzu-pepper! Ah! And one of the Chai Masala!" Food was something Tachiko knew much more about.
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