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OOC YSS Anoiktos OOC

From my understanding we have a couple of most all suits. Miha uses MCAS cause she's too big for a standard Hikael anyway.
What Syaoran has. We'll use whatever people think is most effective for the mission.
K. I'll have something up tomorrow. Just know that Raphael is attracted to red heads. lol.
Ehhh I'm not at home right now so won't be able to get a post up until the evening
Sorry for slowness, but post is up.

Also, I am noticing that Shamshiel seems to come out in RP like some ethnocentric version of Chrono Trigger's Luca.
I'll get a post up soon, sorry about the delay D:
Since there's been no RP in over a month and the GM did not participate in the mandatory RP review, this RP will be losing its subforum.

The RP threads will be available in the Yamatai Star Empire forum and this OOC thread will live in the OOC forum.

Anyone who wants to transfer their character to a more active plot-ship should check out the Characters Wanted page for openings.
@paladinrpg I have issues with this site as a whole that I need to fix, but this plot continuing is going to happen. I need a roll call of all those still interested in taking part.
I would, but I got a lot on my plate right now. Maybe in the fall. Thanks for having me though!
I think for the time being I'm going to go ahead and pull out, I want to refocus my efforts back on my faction since after I joined a few other plots I found I was starting to neglect it a little x.x, once I am certain that things are settled then I shall return! :3
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