Star Army

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RP: YSS Artemis [YSS Artemis O1E0] Welcome to the Web


Inactive Member
RP Date
7月 21日 YE41
RP Location
YSS Artemis
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One

YSS Artemis

2 Weeks late. That's how far behind the operation was. It wasn't the planner's fault though. When the plans were made, the Artemis was in a fighting state. However, between when the Operation was green lit to begin getting those who'd be tasked to it, getting them into place, and then getting the YSS Artemis back to the station to pick up its new crew, the ship had gotten into a serious fight with a Kuvexian task group, leaving the Artemis and most of it's group heavily damaged. If not for the priority on the Artemis's mission, it'd in fact still be in the yard waiting to get repaired. Still, the ship's crew had been briefed in already, and almost all of those on the ground teams had arrived. That left explaining what was going on, why they got picked, and why, if they broke OPSEC, SAINT would be sending a very upset SIN after them. 'That last bit was debatable, but it would definitely work to keep people in line.' thought Chusa Takanashi Fusami as she sipped at the cup of coffee in her hand while she watched the feed of the wardroom. One of the few places Infantry, and now, Rangers were allowed to be within 'Navy Territory aboard the ship.

YSS Artemis
Wardroom - Deck 2

The two tree elves standing at the front of the room couldn't have been more different in stance as they were alike in appearance. While the Shusa of the Ranger platoon was more relaxed and calm, the Shusa of the Infantry platoon looked ready to tear the other's head off and chew on the stump left behind. Oddly, there were a few of the Armory personnel present with towing carts as well, as the Rangers and Infantry arrive, carrying the arms they'd been issued and likely been using for a long time since joining the SAoY. It was a weird requirement for a mission briefing, but it had been worded in such a way that to disobey was, not a good idea. As the last folks filtered in, the Infantry Shusa huffed and waved to the other Shusa.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, I imagine you are all wondering what in the Kami's name is going on. Well, welcome to your brief in. This goes to everyone on the ground-side of things. Infantry and Rangers. First things first, if you have any weapon kit that isn't a Type 33 Dark NSP, hand it over to the Logistics ladies now." She said, gesturing at the end to the carts. "There is a reason for this. Most of you are going to hate it. Some of you will like it. Others will be indifferent. I don't care." She continued. Once all the weapons had been collected and the logistics officers had left, the loaded carts going with them, a new pair came in, with cleanly stacked crates.

Once they'd rolled into a neat line to the side, the Shusa continued. "Now, I am Shusa Asleif Belemtal, CO of the Ranger Platoon stationed on the ship. This is my sister, Shusa Niwa Belemtal, who is the CO of the Rikugun platoon on board. You have all been selected to take part in Operation Spider Web. The operation is fairly simple in scope, but extremely difficult in execution." Asleif said, turning on the display. On it was shown the map of the sector, in particular the combat zones currently affected by the ongoing war between the Star Empire of Yamatai and the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. Recent battles were highlighted in throbbing red dots on the map.

"Our mission goal is C3 disruption. For those not aware of what I mean by C3, that's command, control and communications. What this means, is that we're not going to operating on the front line. We'll be past the front line, deep into enemy territory. And if something goes horribly wrong, we're it. There will be no support fleet nearby, there will be no rescue force to bail us out. That's why we don't have a pure Ranger unit for ground forces, and why there isn't a pure Infantry unit for ground forces." Asleif continued. "And since we can't expect reasonable means of resupply or rearming, we're simplifying our supply needs, by making sure everyone is using the exact same base kit across the board. Ladies, if you'd be so kind?" She finishes, waving to the carts.

Each person would be called up, one at a time, and given two full crates and a small crate (if they had to turn in a sidearm). They weren't told what was in them, only to return to their seat once they had their 'issue weapon's' handed to them. Once everyone had, the Ranger smiled, while her sister scowled. "Folks, go ahead and open your new weapon cases, and see what we have in store for you. Some of this is not yet fully issued in the field, so you get to play with some uncommon kit here."

Inside the largest case was a Power Armor Assault Rifle Type 40, with 5 spare magazines fitting into the foam holding the weapon in place. The next case carrying a Star Army Rifle, type 41b, also with 5 spare magazines. And finally, everyone would have a Type 33 NSP Dark. In fact, all the weapons were done in a dull gray color, and lacking the iconic Hinomaru on them.

"Any questions so far?" Asleif asked, letting folks soak in their new kit.
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Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

Klaus couldn't believe his luck. Just as he graduated from the Star Army School of Advanced Infantry Combat and advanced to Jôtô Hei, he'd been given a chance to join a new crew on a top secret mission. Doing so meant leaving the Kaiyo behind with all his friends, but his gut told him to take it. His instincts had never been wrong before after all. Now, as he looked at the assembled crew, he knew he'd made the right choice. He noticed Elenor and Lucas with the Rangers, so he was glad to at least have someone he already knew there. But, they weren't the only ones. Turning to look Setsuya, or rather, Itatski-Heisho as it turns out, Klaus couldn't help but blush when looking at her. They'd meet during Ocean Day, striking up a friendship, that later that evening culminated on a few intimate moments. Even looking at her now, Klau began feeling a bit hot under the collar.

So flustered was the Raltian, he almost missed when the Logistics called out his name. Steeling his expression Klaus walked forward to the nearest logistics personnel, who held a small case for him. He reached down for his new Model 38 revolver. An acquisition made before leaving the Kaiyo. He hesitated, remembering the feeling of helplessness when the Kaiyo was attacked by the Kuvexian. Maybe he was causing more trouble this way, but Klaus couldn't just hand it over. It represented his determination to better. So that he can protect his empire, his family, his friends, his loved ones.

"Can no exceptions be made for our issue sidearm?" said Klaus, taking the plunge. "If ammunition is the problem, I already have it cared for."
Akane and Aoi had been assigned as the CAS pilots. They had brought two Mamushi starfighters with them. One was their two seater, so they could use the sensor pod as needed. However, they expected to be mostly flying separately. They were next to each other in line and took the new equipment that was issued to them quietly. They didn't expect to be deployed as infantry, but they both technically had the training. They had never actually fought that way, but they could do it. They quietly had a telepathic conversation about how to integrate the new weapons into their survival kit on the fighters and how to get some range time so they could get some practical shooting done with them. They both liked the dark NSP better then the standard issue one.

With that decided, they began to scan the rest of the crowd for anyone that looked cute that they might want to approach later. The guy who was flustered at the logistics station was cute, and they giggled softly at him. He was far from the only one that caught their eye.
Eric was only half listening to the briefing as he fiddled with his Isolated computer pad. As part of his tradition of being assigned to a new posting he was already testings the ships security to see if the ship was up to snuff. To say he was pleasantly surprised by the systems counter measures in place he gave a slight smile as he sent a report to the ships technician of his attempted hack and noted minor issues he noted in the anti viral response. As he watched the briefing fully get under way he went to go get his new kit.

Though not a traditional ranger in the combat sense he still could appreciate what he was getting. Already slapping a fresh clip into in his nsp as he holstered he he felt happy with the weight being on his waist again. Then checking the other cases he was happy to say they at least were getting the the latest kit so that was a plus. As he closed the cases he settled in to watch the rest of the briefing noting anything important. As he saw this was the question period he raised his hand and saw the officer nod to him.

"Ma'am to be blunt when are we getting underway and any vip targets we have confirmed we wish to bag in the first go ?"
The Iroma had been more then ecstatic to say the least when he had found that he would be sharing a posting with Elenor. The only thing that put a crimp in the moment, was the fact he was her commanding NCO now, and required him to keep a certain amount of decorum with his subordinate. That being said, he was still very much happy, the preacher's smile brighter then usual for those who already knew him.

He had no questions, and calmly walked up to receive his gear as called, placing the case under his seat for now. He was already well familiar with both weapons from his posting as the Ranger CO on the Shiroyama. This was so different then the defense posting that was, as there was sitting and waiting, only taking the fight to the enemy. His eyes briefly wandered for a moment on his walk back, the chalk white man with rave hair and horns, noting faces of familiarity as well as those bearing the Ranger patch.

The neko with raven hair that featured brilliant streaks of gold just like the metallic gold of her irises, felt so out of place here. She never would have thought she would ever hit a position of leadership. However, between her service on the YSS-Eucharis under ketsurai Hanako, and a series of emotionally mixed events, found her career fast tracked by some logistics jockey behind a desk somewhere on Yamatai. Before having entered the briefing room earlier, she had placed a hand on her upper arm to brush a thumb against the three red chevrons of the Joto Heisho rank as if still unable to believe. Now though, she stood passive and neutral, her focus on the briefing before called up to retrieve her new equipment.

Familiar faces had been few for the neko, leaving her to feel lonely among the weight of this new responsibility. She still remembered the day the bay doors opened to the invasion battle aboard the Eucharis for her first sortie. She had prayed to the Goddess over and over again, fearing of death, and now that same fear quietly pitted in her stomach for a different reason. But, it was almost forgotten as she spotted one face that grabbed at her, her passive exterior maintained as he eyes had lingered on Klaus briefly longer then any other, as she remembered their night.

With the new diplomatic relation between the New Dusk Conclave, and Yamatai as allies, officers were now cleared to be exchanged. One such NCO stood to the back of the room, his stance and uniform rigid and exact in their upkeep. Jericho stood in his space variant of the formal uniform, the metallic collar connected to the under suit layer that with a helmet would provide a sealed environment against the vacuum of space aboard starships. His short snow white hair still peaked out from under the cap, along with his crimson eyes, making the Fenrir clone stand out a bit. Human and created for war, he stood with the purpose and composure of a career soldier, a scar horizontally across his right cheek acting almost as testament to this unspoken fact.

He stayed quiet and still, having not been spoken to, or having spoken to anyone who had entered. He had spoken to the COs already, currently thrown in with the lot of infantry personnel for now. However, he was not going to be receiving any of the gear being issued to the gathered troops, as per the regulations of the exchange program, he was required to use his own home nation issued gear. He did however, pull up his provided files and documentation to review once more as he waited for the handing out to finish, the reading being the only thing to keep the fidgety clone from doing just that as he read them on his neural implant.
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis
Wardroom - Deck 2

Niwa Belemtal

The Infantry CO looked over as one of her's asked about an absolute beast of a revolver. "Nice piece." Niwa stated as he if it was possible for an exception. He even stated to have the ammo issue handled. Looking over it, and considering her own experiences from previous missions and how they'd turned out... Then at the idea of having one of these when her sister didn't have any... Well, that last thought brought a small grin to the woman's face. "Are you certain Jôtô Hei? I don't care if you got that lovely little flower," She says, while pointing to her own. "Because if you are, be aware that when you run out and we're still some time from a resupply, you'll be lugging around just a nice big lump of metal. Plus, if intel gets right, we should avoid any situation where such a suit-killer would be needed." She finished, wanting to make absolutely certain.

Asleif Belemtal
On the other side of things, the Ranger CO had to keep her eye from twitching. "Well Hei Eric, if you were maybe not fiddling with your tablet and listening, you'd know we aren't even close to explaining what our first mission is. If you'd like, I can make sure you have a babysitter in your fireteam leader to make sure you do your homework and maybe, just maybe, I won't have to put a curfew on ya." Asleif said, glaring at Eric as she spoke. For the most part, it seemed other than that little misstep, her people were getting things done quickly and cleanly. Which pleased her, because that meant less headaches for her. Or more openings for her sister to snipe at her with.

Elenor Herrick

Elenor just got her weapons changed out. She was more than eager to replace the LASR and Star Army Rifle Type 33, since both, while reliable in their own ways, just didn't really fit the current mission profiles that combat was entering. Especially not Ranger mission profiles. When they got let off the Rikugun leash anyways. After all, that they were using a Ranger platoon instead of a SAINT SOFT team told her that SAINT was stretched tight with all the obligations they had. Beyond that, well, she wasn't entirely sure what to make of it all. She just hoped to Odin she wasn't about to get stuck with the loudmouth as part of a fireteam. That would suck massively to begin with.
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

Klaus felt optimistic at his CO's words. From what he'd gathered she was a real boots to the ground officer, that meant, no back talk. So he'd be blunt. "Intel sometimes fails. And then all you have is your teammates, your training, your will and your equipment." he said, quoting from the instructors who had trained him. "So, yes Shosa. I am certain. And if I ever run out of ammunition, I shall endeavour to bludgeon the enemy to death with the 'nice big lump of metal', as you called it."

Klaus wasn't usually this blunt, but the soldier that stood before him deserved it. Besides, he didn't say anything he didn't mean.
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

As the briefing went on, a new person walked into the Wardroom, at first glance they were just wearing armor and stood away from the main body of crew. People who looked a little harder at the over seven foot man, would realize it wasn't man and was a robot, with the Star Army badge magnetized to their shoulder to show they were part of the crew. As they listened to the briefing, they were reading the briefing they missed on a pad, after a few minutes they walk up to the rest of the crew, their eyes scanning over everyone they could see and the CO's "I have some weapons that would need to be given to you then." He put his Ke-M4-W2901 Light Armor Service Rifle with Ke-M4-W2901 LASR-SLAG on the cart, he then turned back to the CO's "I do expect them back, oh yes I am the LT-7830 beta model. There should have been a message that you were receiving me as a test."

The model's eyes seemed to show a relaxed mode was activated in the brain "My code name is Bjorn, if there wasn't a message I am sorry for my manufacturer for failing to tell you." With this Bjorn nods and heads back to be away from the group, he wasn't that interested in what the others were going to ask, he got his orders that he was part of this ship, with that he would do whatever CO was leading him would say. He would talk to the crew when he was spoken to but other than that he would just be fine buy himself doing whatever he felt like doing.
Eric smiled knowing this was going to be fun. Seeing the notifications from the ship technical team he couldn't help but enjoy this moment. Speaking back but making sure to try to be some what respectable "Sorry Ma'am saw a flaw in some of the security so sent it off to the technician's". As he kept his grin he relaxed in his seat as he saw the CO's eye twitch further. "Sure we didn't want that to go unnoticed ma'am".

Knowing he was pushing it "Though I'll be sure going forward to check ship systems later and not disrupt briefing again Shosa ".
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis
Wardroom - Deck 2

Niwa Belemtal

As Klaus spoke up, Niwa couldn't help but smile broadly. "Very well Hei. You may keep it, but I recommend you also take an NSP-D just to be sure." She says. As the android entered, she merely gestured to the process going on. "Wither you get those weapons back or not is up to Logistics, not us. We're just making sure everyone's following instructions." She states, returning to the front of the wardroom, hands clasped behind her back. There was some quiet muttering from a couple of the mid-level enlisted Infantry while her back was turned however. Anyone paying attention to them might catch something about 'Ironsides', and 'cursed'. What exactly was being said was difficult to fully catch however, what with the rest of the noise going on while equipment is swapped out.

Asleif Belemtal
Looking over to Lucas, Asleif gave a grim grin. "Heisho Arturius, find Hei Eric a babysitter. Make sure they literally sit on him. He wants to play this dumbass card, he can be treated with it. Oh, and make sure he gets extra courses." She instructs, before returning to the focus on any other possible issues that came from the gear issue from her Rangers.
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

"Understood Shosa!" answered Klaus. Turning to the logistics, he couldn't help the slightly sheepish grin that formed on his face. He gave his thanks and took with him his cases. Walking back he could hear some mutters from the crew members. He paid them no mind. It wasn't fair to judge the Shosa with the opinions of others. Memetic infection and all that.

Finding a new seat, Klaus began opening the cases and checking his equipment. He saw the new power armor rifle, noting the bullpup configuration like his old Scalar SMG and checking its weight. Opening the new infantry rifle, he took note of the two magazine slots on either side. The magazine could take 50 rounds. Lots of firepower. Not to mention the combinations of rounds it could allow. He looked the NSP, but it was mostly standard. Just colored dark.

Feeling satisfied, Klaus directed his attention to the COs. Or tried to. So preoccupied was he with the gun debacle, he didn't notice he was sitting next to Setsuya. Klaus had been trained to respect the chain of command, as any good soldier was. But, it was hard when you had been with the superior. In several compromising positions.

Skin on skin. Groaning and moaning. A warm womanly body in cool sheets. Two heartbeats as one. An amazing night.

Unable to help himself, Klaus's cheeks began blushing. Still, with a incredible effort of will he focused on the briefing.
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Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis
Wardroom - Deck 2

Asleif Belemtal
And now that everyone had finally settled down and was paying attention, Asleif nodded. "Finally. Alright, if you all will redirect your attention to the display again." She ordered, changing the display once more to show their expected AO (Area of Operations). "We'll be deployed a fair distance in. While there are plenty of HVT's on the list for us to hit, it was decided by higher heads than our own that our first target will be this." She stated, highlighting a star system with just a alphanumeric designation. "7632 Jiao Xiu. Be aware, this is the Yamatain designation, not what the kuvvies call it. It is a M4 V Red Dwarf system. So don't expect a lot of nice sunsets to photobomb to. Five worlds located in it, most are rocks spinning in space, planet number five is an ice ball, and the last one, the one we care about," She said, showing the solar system they were looking at. "7632 Jaio Xiu II. Terrestrial world. Also happens to house a large Kuvvie supply node. Not base, not depot, node. This sucker, according to intel, feeds 24 bases, which in turn feed the myriad of supply depots across this stretch of front." She said, having the display zoom out from the world in question to highlight the supply lines in question.

"Our job is to render that node inert. Since the position is well inside the Kuvexian lines, it is believed that, despite it's value, it will be lightly protected. So between reaching the front, and then slipping behind enemy lines, you will get 3 months to get aquainted with your assigned fireteams, squads, and the rest of your chains. You will also make sure to pass the certification test on both the PAAR-40's and SART41b's before we reach the front in 2 months. Once we get there however, that's when Operation Spider Web begins in ernest, as this is only our first target." Asleif finished, explaining the goal of the first mission. "Are there any questions about this first target or any other part of the operation you have been cleared to know?"
Eric was paying attention and was recording information on his isolated computer pad. Now in work mood he was listening to each part of the briefing and already compartmentalizing the information. As Asleif was talking he found it interesting they where hitting a large target un supported. Hoping that this wasn't going to be a quick walk in and die he raised his hand. After getting a quick nod "Did intell note anything interesting about the base defenses? Possible troop ratings, local equipment and hostile numbers or is are we going to fight out when planet side?"
The petite hand of the feline woman, was raised in search of answer. When they turned to her, she gave it calmly, "In what capacity will infantry be serving in this operation? Are we to remain on standby, or will we be deployed as well? Perhaps as a diversionary force to draw enemy attack for the Rangers?" With her question asked, she gave a respectful nod and awaited the answer.

The clone had been watching from the back, the droid that had come in reminding him of the ACE and AMP humanoid units they used at home. However, there was one thing he wanted to double check now that questions were being asked. Raising his hand in the back, "Sir, what is my role in this operation? I was assigned to the infantry unit currently, but was not told what role I was filling."
The twins listened to Aslief, quietly comparing thoughts on the subject? Aoi nodded at Akane, "Why don't we just bomb it? it looks small enough that a couple of aether bombs, and it would be wiped from the map." Akane spoke up to ask.
Bjorn listens as he stands at the back, his eyes narrow and turn back to a dull expression. He wasn't really for all of this stuff and looked over the crew names, to see who he would be serving with as he seems to let out a chuckle and went a little closer to the group to add something to the conversation. He joined in after one of the two look a like meat things spoke up, he couldn't really tell which it was, with the offer of a bomb he added "A bomb would alert the kuvvies to our plans far quicker than a stealth run in, miss." He looks at the planet "If it is true that it supplies other places, we can wait till after a supply run has been done and hit it then." His eyes narrow in on the planet "If we then hit it hard and fast, taking out any transmission facilities first, we can kill the node and the kuvvies won't know until they come to collect."
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis
Wardroom - Deck 2

Asleif Belemtal
"The reason we don't just bomb it is because we don't know where exactly it is, or what kind of defenses it has. We only know which planet it is on currently. Hopefully SAINT can refine the intel to narrow a part of the world before we arrive, maybe even give us defense strength. Until then, plan for this being a heavily fortified, defended and difficult target to hit and insert to operate against. Because for all we know, this whole thing is under a mountain or deep in the local ocean." Asleif said, to handle her end of things.

Niwa Belemtal
Niwa stood up and nodded to Setsuya. "Infantry's role in this entire operation is backup, including this mission. Our job is to be the hammer to the Rangers needle. If they can pinpoint the target, and remove it without needing back-up, we get to enjoy the view out the port. If however, things go wrong, we move in, and show that the Rangers didn't come alone. We will deploy primarily in Daisy's, though if the target is a space-based target, we do have Mindy's. Other than the new issued kit, you'll be loaded heavy. We may only be a platoon in size, but we've the kit for a light company stowed aboard for this operation, so we can hit well above our supposed weight." That handled, she focused on Jericho next. "At this time, you're assigned to the Infantry. If that role is changed between now and deployment, we'll let you know."
Eric raised his hand again as he listened to the previous questions answered. Still not liking how it was going but hoping to know more "I assume we have saint assets still in place to support us during this operation?"
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

Asleif Belemtal

Asleif shook her head. "We've one SAINT person on board. They're a pure intel puke though. However, unlike the rest of us, they'll be having regular contact back with Yamatai chains to ensure we have as up-to-date intel as we possibly can in this operation. We're going deep into injun territory. It's just us out there. As we said before, there will be no support for us beyond what we can pull off on our own. If there are no further questions, we do have one last thing that you all will be doing before you can call the day done. A little exercise, to help both sides get an understanding of what the other is valuable for this Operation. And for this, Shosa Belemtal of the Infantry will cover it."

Niwa Belemtal

"Thank you Sister." Niwa said as she looked over everyone, and changed the slide on the display, showing the room that would have normally been a fitness center on Deck 6. "For this little exercise, we're not expecting expertise with the weapons you've been handed. Only a few in this wardroom currently have even certified on the weapons, and that's mostly because they were testers of the weapons. This exercise will be Infantry vs Rangers. Infantry will be protecting a piece of high value equipment. You'll have an hour to prepare a defense before the Rangers enter. Once they've entered, you will have an hour to ensure the safety of the equipment. You will have succeeded if the equipment is secure for an hour, or all the Rangers have been rendered unable to continue fighting." She explained, showing a simulated jungle environment.

"Oh, and the Fitness Center normally on a ship of this class on Deck 6 has been gutted, and replaced with a VR chamber fitting the whole space. It's default setting will be a fitness center, but for things like this, it can serve as any training aide we need." She pointed out. "Back to the exercise at hand, Infantry will fail if one of three conditions are met. All the infantry are rendered unable to continue fighting, the equipment is destroyed, or the equipment has been captured and taken 'out' of the simulation by the Rangers. Infantry will be fitted into Daisy's, with equipment per your designated loadouts for defense operations. You have an hour to prepare any kind of defenses you can manage in that time, so use it wisely. And yes, I've already said that. I'm making it abundantly clear. The Rangers, however, will not be in power armor. We're operating at our prefered style, the Rangers will be performing at theirs."

Asleif Belemtal

"That correct. Rangers, we'll be in utilities and plate carriers. You'll have SART41b's loaded with AP ammo, simulated, to engage the Infantry. Beyond that, we're operating light for normal ops of this nature. No loaded rucks, no extra comm kit. They will be loaded with whatever heavier armaments they have access to to fight back. RoE is simple - Complete the mission. For this one op, the Infantry are enemy combatants, fully legal. So if you feel you need to engage, it's your call." Asleif explained, looking at the Rangers. "Myself, Shosa Belemtal, and Chusa Takanashi will be observing from the Bridge, but any activity you lot do is your calls. SNCO's, you'll be in charge of your elements. That means Heisho Arturius is leading the Ranger's for this exercise, and Heisho Itatski will be leading the Infantry for this exercise. Any final questions before you start getting ready?"
Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] Docking Bay One
YSS Artemis

Wardroom - Deck 2

Klaus raised his hand, asking "Will we be free to engage in hand-to-hand if the situation presents itself?".

The Raltian's mind was already at work, thinking of possible strategies to implement for this test. Klaus felt a bit apprehensive as he was trained as a Pointman. Close quarters offensives were his specialty. Nevertheless, he will perform his duty to the best of his abilities.

Despite everything, he felt energized. He always loved this sort of training exercise. Besides, he'd get to face off against Elenor and her lover/CO, Lucas. Chuckling lightly, at the fact that both the YSS Kaiyo soldiers were dating their commanding officers, though, as far as he knew, nobody knew about him and Setsuya.