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OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celia Never Rests

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I recommend staying with the prestige system, unless you're saving up to buy some big, expensive item. Keeping track of your earnings each week can be a pain.

Also, no IC post today. Sorry. The GM needs to catch up on sleep. ^_^;
Well...ah...^_^' as it came out recently in "Mission 3D(2): Spelunking" Renko wants to buy a ship when she gets out....so money would be part of the goal for her. The more she can make now the less she'll have to make later.
Still, for a Santo Hei, the salary you'd get in exchange for the Prestige System is pretty piddly; like 25 KS per week ^_^;...
Ya...but every little bit counts. *shrug* i wasn't planning on going from prestige to pay till i'd gained a couple ranks tho.

Um... talk about the Military Decentralization Proposal and coverage of protests on Jiyuu in support of the Bakufu are all over the newswires today, though, and deliberation hasn't even finished yet ;...
Deliberations have been over for a while now. The proposal failed. It cannot be proposed again for another month, and only then with modifications.

Once a session is over, Senators can leak general info to the public, like what proposals passed and what failed. They'll probably get "disappeared" if they leak military secrets though.
When I haven't been at work, I've been trying to remove the engine from one of my cars to get it sent off and fixed; this is a slow, dirty and painful process (I have some monster bruises now :/) and haven't even had time to log into the site lately, let alone read posts let alone make one myself.

If all goes well (ha ha) then it should be done in a couple of days; I'll try to get a post in before then but don't bank on it :|
No IC post today. Dental braces + other orthodontic procedures too nasty to mention. On painkillers. Seeing pink elephants.

I hate my teeth.

Oh, and you haven't lived until you played Rock Band (or Guitar Hero) while hopped up on painkillers. The colors... the colors...

[edit: above is not an endorsement of painkiller abuse, use only if in actual pain, etc. :| ]
Teeth are evil aren't they! stupid things always getting cavity's and such. :lol:
Sorry, I have to delay IC posts for another day. I had to help a cousin review his grad school application. Now I have to start folding the laundry if I want to go to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight.
Hey guys, sorry to leave you hanging like this, but I need to take a short vacation away from SARP. Work gets really busy for me around this time of year, as I have a lot of deadlines to make. On top of that, my braces are giving my bad toothaches. Long story short, I'm stressed out, and I'm starting to crack at the seams.

I may or may not check in sporadically, but please don't expect another IC post for awhile.

I'll get a week of actual vacation (from work) in two weeks. I hope to become active again then.
'tis cool, better to take a break now than have your head explode and be able to do even less because of it

Chill out as much as possible and we'll be here ready for you when you're back on an even keel
I totally know what that's like. Take the time you need.^_^ Like Itkatsu said better to get the break now than to break later.
Don't stress it. SARP is supposed to be fun not kill you. There is a real world out there. Hope your teeth get better.

I'm rootin' for ya. We're all in this together.
A fleet-wide alert has been issued by Star Army command, with the 3XF recieving orders to take the Valaad system.
I'm back! I've fought off one cold and is in the process of fighting off another one (it's friggin' cold this winter), but I'm back.

Hope I haven't lost all my players in the mean time. <_<

I have a plane ride back to my parent's place tomorrow. After that, expect lots of IC posts for the next week or so. ^_^

If anyone's busy for the holidays and prefer not to participate, please let me know so that I know to carry your character along for the ride, and not wait for you to post.
As far as i know i'm good this week. i'll be at my parents for the whole week...but they have net so it shouldn't be a problem.
Ah, cool. Guess I'll finally get around to making that post of Orie getting ready to go grenade people.

Edit: As you can see, Orie will eventually have to start learning the Sexy Commando school of martial arts.
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