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YSS Hana Discussion

Hey I just saw these posts. Wes and I talked about this plot the other day after he posted here.

I am planning on posting here, I just need to do it when I am capable of doing so. Nothing crazy is going on, I just felt really pressured and stressed to post by a lot of the plot's players.

Some people mentioned I should ask people to leave the plot since they've been disrupting it for me, but I'm not really about to create more issues for myself or this plot. I just want to spend my energy thinking and talking about this plot in a conducive way, which is tbh only posting in it, reading the player posts, and asking you guys questions.

I'll continue to do that and if you're not in the plot anymore, just talk to me in DMs AFTER my next GM post or if I'm tagging you in Hana channel with questions you can DM me to stop. I'm not planning on killing anyone or writing anyone out, I'll just operate normally and we can move on from the next GM post with the people that are with us. I don't see any further discussion needed on the matter until we get a GM post.
Trying to shame/guilt-trip a GM into posting is totally not cool and it's the wrong way to go about this guys. I know everyone wants to keep the RP going but let's try to be encouraging in a positive way.

Also, if the GM doesn't post, nothing really stops you from keeping it going on your own (e.g. if the enemies haven't been posted for in like a week, just post for them). Or you could do a side-JP or side post to keep your character in use. There's options.
I don't think anyone tried to shame / guilt-trip Ametheliana into anything. I've personally asked her 3 times, not to post, but why the plot was inactive. No response, I was being ignored. I made it clear in the Hana channel on the Discord forum to make the issue obvious. I tagged her in that channel a day or so later, the response I got was along the lines of this, commenting on my remark of this player's plots are 'starting to slowly lose hope' was met with; "Good. Starting and slowly are not a threat." - My reaction might have been on the harsh side, but doesn't that literally translate to; "They're only feeling uncomfortable, I'm not in danger yet. So I don't care."?

And when I raise my honest concern on the matter, I get shut down on Discord for it.

I apologize, but that doesn't seem all too conductive to the players in this plot. Maybe some of the blame lies here with us, yes. But the refusal to even communicate. The following of deciding that it's not big enough a threat AKA not important enough, then the failed promise of a DM post.

This is not entirely our fault, in conclusion. And JPs take us only so far. I should add the amount of times I've heard that Ametheliana is not a fan of JPs between people if missions are going to the equation as well. I'd like to apologize for being confused by so many mixed messages.

I've been sitting on this post for a bit, but I guess this is about it. If the DM is unwilling to listen and refuses to communicate with their players, or vice versa, there's a serious issue at hand. That about sums it up for me and why I decided to persue another, active plot. Maybe with a GM that does care about my feelings with the plot.
What IQ said summarizes my feelings pretty well - many of us have been simply asking questions about the potential presence of a GM post, and the discussion of leaving this plot only came up in the past couple of days.

Additionally: Several of us have been told in the past by Ametheliana to not do any sort of NPCing, auto-ing, etc. without her explicit permission. She has also stated an extreme disapproval for any JPs that take place after a current mission. While I won't call anyone perfect, nor will I expect permission from anybody, I do believe that at least an official notice of some kind that the plot needs to be put on hold would certainly have reduced tensions significantly. As it stands, while it may not have been a "good" thing to do, leaving the plot when its GM refuses to communicate is pretty much the best option to follow. A game master should not let their players walk over them - but a game master needs to cater to their players at least a little bit.

SARP is an economy, with GMs being producers of a service and players being consumers. Bad service results in fewer consumers, because the consumers want better service. Bad service and an adamant refusal to properly communicate with consumers creates an even worse situation.
I'm really heavily considering leaving. While a GM post would help give me more incentive to stay, I'd just generally prefer a more clear method of communication between the players and the gm, and the gm and the players. If the plot needs to be officially put on hold/paused for a time whle the Gm is busy with things, then I'd prefer if we were told that instead of... being lost in an effective limbo state.
I feel like we'll get a head count with the new mission thread. I don't want to hear who is and is not staying so please hold those posts!!
New thread! Feel free to wrap things up in the last thread, post in-between mission JPs (we haven't been given a break or shore leave, just told to stay in the Tami canyon dock for a few), or whatever. Tami is the place characters would have likely been between these two missions. Anything about this mission you want to know could be directed IC or OOC at me but I am waiting on word from Wes for the motive, so give me a second to hear back from him on that. For now you have just about every detail of the infiltration aspect of the mission, though.

well except since the site follows an active calendar, it's been about two months since the last mission IC. So unless im mistaken, we've had plenty of time as a break.
I am putting this plot on a hiatus for now. You can move your characters anywhere else and the last pre-mission thread is going to be swept under the rug (non-canon).
Everyone but Sara and my NPCs that were a part of the mission got a one rank promotion and some medals and awards, a list of which I will procure in the coming time. Sara received a two rank promotion. My NPCs won't ALL be getting promos (like Kamikaze will not, but Sakaki will) but I'll figure that out myself. Thanks for being on this plot! I am very sorry I had to put it on hiatus!
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