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RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer


Sassa pointed a casual bow in the direction of the Iromakuanhe logistics officer and Zoeichi, her cabin mate. Then, she gave a slightly deeper bow in the direction of the cook. Sassa’s old training officer had always advised her to respect the cooks and caretakers, advice which she had taken to heart. In her view, they performed the most menial and unglamorous tasks, while receiving the least recognition in the process. Their willingness to perform such duties was something to be respected, and Sassa did her best to do exactly that.

However, she could not help but to take note of the cook’s armor. There was a rule against the operation of power armors outside of the bays, outside of emergency circumstances. She was surprised to see that the captain did not take note of it, but perhaps Kaze-taii did not want to discipline a soldier who had just cooked her food. Timing was everything.

“Thank you for the privilege captain.” Sassa spoke when the captain offered to let her go first. “...and thank you for the food, Sakura-hei.” She added with a polite smile.

Without another word, Sassa picked up a plate and began to build her tacos. She picked out ground and spiced beef for the meats, tomato cubes and lettuce for the toppings, and mild salsa for the sauce. After building her taco, she poured herself a cup of water and took a seat around the table, intent upon waiting for the others to get their food, before she started to eat.
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YSS Hana
Wardroom - Deck One

Oliver Got up and followed Sassa, first bowing to the Captain and then to the cook. "Yes, thank you for allowing us to go first Kame-sama," he turned to look at Sakura, the armored cook, finding it sort of humerous that a cook needed armor. "And thank you as well, Sakura-hei. I know your food will be delicious."

Oliver bowed to both respectively, beginning his taco construction as Sassa finished hers. He chose space beef as well, but skipped the tomato cubes, putting on a little extra lettuce. He had two crunchy tacos, and topped the lettuce with mild sauce. For his beverage he chose warm tea, adding two spoonfuls of sugar, the steam rising from the cup as he went and took his seat about two seats away from Sassa.

Finally seated, he picked up a taco and bit into it, an audible crunch resounding from his jaws as his teeth broke the shell and began to crush the meat and lettuce. The mild sauce lit up his taste buds and he made a sort of sigh. Tacos were easily number two on Oliver's top five foods. He sipped his tea occasionally, savoring the sweetness and warmth.
YSS Hana

"Bellflower," murmured Kamikaze as she looked to the Elf that was revealed when Sassa moved from her position, "has told me, Saksen-coburg-hei, that you haven't been able to rest for a long while. I'm issuing personal leave for the next few days. Use it wisely and sleep in for the rest of us, okay?" The captain put a hand on the lanky woman's shoulder, letting it stay there as she said, "I think you should ask our logistics personnel for some dress pants and more Type 35's, for me and for you. That is, unless you are more comfortable how you are dressed now, in which case I will need to review uniform policy, but will work with you."
Lucas took a seat as he waited his turn, giving a nod to the elven woman who appeared. He heard logistics then specific items after, quickly jotting down a note. "Ah thank you kindly Miss Sakura." Was given as the food was placed.

"Understood Captain and thank you for the kind welcome, may the divine bless you.", He said pulling up the appropriate documents on his pad.

He stopped long enough to look around and take in the faces of his fellow crew mates. After he went immediately back to his work, focus like a scribe in a monastery.
When Sassa and Oliver both were seated again and Kaze-taii had given the wordless permission for everyone to join them, the slender elf pushed herself up. Gentle digits moved up to brush some of her loose hair back, before passing over the synthetic, white lily pressed in her similair coloured hair.

Though her movements to the serving table was cut short as she heard the softest of murmurs in a voice she identified as her CO. And her last name was mentioned, along with the rank abbreviation. She inclined her head when spoken to almost immediately. She exhaled a soft breath. "I am grateful, Kaze-sama, but I don't need personal leave," she exhaled slowly, feeling a hand finding occupation on her shoulder. "Just a proper night. Are my bags showing?" She questioned with a soft chuckle, trying to laugh the matter off.

The second remark caused her to leanbe in slightly. "I am fully aware, but there's a problem I'd rather not impart on here, Kaze-sama," she whispered. "I'm... Sorry. I'd explain myself in a heartbeat, as you are aware."
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YSS Hana

Kamikaze nodded, "I know you would, I apologize," her voice lowered even further, "for my lack of tact and for my own naïveté. Imbibe in dinner if you would like, I'm right behind you," she added in a casual tone after looking about and seeing nobody else about to join in the line, save for a technician, Junko, who slipped into life in front of the Elf.
The constant jumps between condition two and condition three may have been an annoying inconvenience to some of the crew, but Juno Aurelion enjoyed the constant surprises, they kept her on her feet and alert just incase it was more than just an excuse to jump into her Mindy and show her eagerness to serve.

But the fresh-faced Santô Hei was now clad in her Type 21 bodysuit with it's red panelling while her Mindy sat in the PA bay along with her considerable collection of weapons that was a little odd considering she was a relatively recently enlisted combat engineer and not some kind of grizzled veteran with that 1000 mile stare in their eyes. Nonetheless the alluring scent of tacos had carressed her nostrils and drawn her to the source of it all, she gleefully entered the room with her ash-brown ponytail bobbing behind her until she stopped dead in her tracks.

A look of concern crossed her features as Juno moved into the back of the line, sure it was only a minor inconvenience but there were tacos and she wanted them to be in her belly rather than sitting there, waiting to be taken by others.
YSS Hana

Ittô Heisho Takeda Junko was not there to make friends or win promotions, she was there to expand her skills as an engineer and work closely with this ship, one that had battle damage and a marred hull and internals that had needed TLC. She turned to look behind her and noticed the other engineer. Not one to organically introduce herself, her rank overtook her and she took a step away from the food with a plate still in hand and spoke to the combat engineer.

"Juno Aurelion-hei," she said after a bow. "Have you had a chance to stop by engineering today? I have been in and out."

The Captain noticed the cook had a spare moment and stepped forward to speak with her, putting a hand on the Santô Hei's forearm before saying, "Might you want to change? I spied an exercise uniform parceled away in the galley. Can you put that on? Power armor, my dear friend, are worn in the racks for them only or during boarding exercises while on the ship." She gave a small grin and put her hand off the Mindy's Zesuaium armor. "Please check up on everyone after you change and see to it they know dinner was a bit early."
YSS Hana
Wardroom - Deck One

Oliver watched the various conversations take place, sipping his tea after he had finished his tacos and the debris that had fallen onto the plate, scooping the meat, sauce, and lettuce mixture up and into his mouth with a fork. He picked crumbs off of his uniform, an outcome that no matter how hard you tried, you seemed to always get some amount of debris on your clothes. Once done with that he wiped his mouth with a napkin and leaned back, cup half full of tea in hand. The liquid had seemed to cool of now, the occasional wisp of steam noticeable here or there. He took out his Datajockey and tapped a couple times, bringing up a digital book as he waited for someone to either engage him in conversation, or until something else happened that would involve him.
"Thank you, Kaze-taii," Zoeichi responded with a respectful inclination of her head. "You needn't apologize," offering her CO a soft smile in return and deciding to take her up on the offer. Protein bars and dispenser food wasn't all that. The prospect of actual meat and vegetables was something she had looked forward to for a long time. Be it tacos, be it anything else. A warm meal was a gift from the empress herself.

She took up her position in the line, behind this Juno individual. Before she stepped out of line with her plate in her hand still. Arching an eyebrow, Zoeichi just opted to step in, get her food and get out. She was swift on the uptake of gathering halibut, assorted vegetables and picking out what might be the spiciest sauce in the rack. Not really taking any precaution, just screwing the top off and almost drenching the entire taco in it. She put the small bottle back again and glanced at the cook, only to see their CO taking a private moment with them. A mental note of thanking the cook later, she put her plate down on the table. Taking the empty spot next to her cabin mate. "So, how was your day?" She asked, surpressing a yawn, before crunching down on the unbelievably hot taco. The burning sensation causing tears to well up in her eyes.

Good, the kick'd keep her awake properly, at least.
Juno had been so caught up in the anticipation of tacos and the line that separated her from them that she ended up paying little mind to who stood between her and her lunch. She gave an bow of equal magnitude before grabbing a taco and beginning to liberally apply the hottest salsa available over a heaping of beef.

"Tak- eh, Junko-hei" she paused to collect herself briefly, quickly correcting her mistake "I re-wired that faulty display panel in between all the condition two warnings and I plan on giving that dodgy temperature sensor the same treatment after I've eaten but sorry to say not much else has come of it" she spoke, the left side of her mouth dipping a little apologetically along with her usually quite chipper tone as she dumped a handful of cheese over the red mass of spice that was threatening to overflow the taco shell, giving a brief nod and a "thank you" to the armour clad cook.

"How about you? have you managed to make much progress today?" the red-clad minkan asked her higher-ranked compatriot as she moved out of line, taking a big bite out of her lunch, not making a single face that would give away how insanely hot she liked her food.

The distinctively sharp aroma of the two tacos on Sassa’s plate wafted up and into her nose like a rising cloud of invisible steam. She was beginning to become really hungry, now. Sassa took a cursory glance at Oliver, as he bit into his food with an delectable crunch. Her eyes wandered towards the line, catching a somewhat annoyed expression cross the face of one of the engineers as she moved into the back. Sassa shifted her eyes back to the food in front of her, but not before her yellow irises caught a glimpse of the captain, placing a hand on the forearm of the cook’s power armor.

Although Sassa could not make out what was said over the sound of the light-hearted conversations taking place in the room, she suspected that the topic was regarding the power armor. One of her old training COs had always been reluctant to discipline (or even to correct) cooks, especially during meal time. By his own own admission, “he did not want them to spit in his food”. However, Kaze-taii’s willingness to do so was admirable, and it only endeared the captain to Sassa that much more.

She would enjoy following this woman into battle, that much was certain.

Upon seeing her cabin mate approach her, Sassa felt the corners of her lips turn up, to form a warm smile across her features. With one hand, she gracefully pulled the seat next to her out of the table. Her focused, sharp, and yellow eyes did not leave the soft features of her room mate as the elf took her seat at the table, addressed her, and began to bite into her taco. There was a slight pause as Sassa considered her words, while staring idly at Zoe’s eyes, which seemed to well up as she took a bite into her hot taco.

“It was wonderful, dear.” She replied softly. Sassa reached forward and pulled a napkin out of the bin, before bringing it up to the corner of Zoe’s eyes and gently dabbing away any tears. “Don’t let the spice make you cry.” Sassa said in a playful manner.

Setting the napkin aside, Sassa took a small bite from her taco. She had taken care to put mild salsa on hers, knowing that she had a weak tongue. Tacos were not her favorite food, but they were acceptable enough that she could eat them without discomfort or complaint. However, she would have preferred something more traditional, such as teriyaki, sushi, or ramen.

After taking another bite, Sassa dabbed the side of her lips with a napkin and looked towards Zoe with pining eyes. It was becoming increasingly more difficult for Sassa to stay away from her room mate for long periods of time, and if not for the crowd, she would have leaned on Zoe’s shoulder, and closed her eyes.
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Sakura stiffened at the touch, she hardly expected not, to be called out on the armour but she still wasn't expecting it until later when there was no fear of her tampering with the food and she could be properly disciplined so the softer words were a shock. "Uhh, of course please forgive my transgression it won't happen again..." She hurried into the kitchen more frustrated than embarrassed, she'd wanted to get dinner ready earlier at the captains request and as a result had been in too much of a rush to change which she knew was her own fault.

Slipping out of her mindy in the galley certainly had a different feel to doing it in the PA bay but Sakura knew there was a time and place for admiring such experiences and now was not one of them. After hurriedly stuffing the suit into a cleaning closet with yet another twinge of regret Sakura noticed the next strangest feeling, running around naked in the galley. "Seems today just keeps getting better." She grumbled to herself grabbing the Type 38 exercise uniform and pulling it on only realising afterwards that it was a size below her own. "...Brilliant"

In an effort to draw the attention away from the smaller uniform stretched over her frame the neko brought the second tray of tacos out with her and set them down, clearing the remainders of the first plate onto the new one and hurrying back into the galley to wash up the old tray. After just placing the tray down near the large sink the captains words came to mind once more "Check up on everyone to see if they noticed dinner was early", with a sigh she banged one hand on the table, so far she seemed to be making a great impression.

Moving back out into the kitchen she clapped her hands together to grab everyone’s attention, despite what she’d just tried to avoid doing. “So as some of you will have noticed I was not dressed in your standard cooking outfit. Just wanted to put everyones mind at ease and say, I still washed my hands before cooking.” It was far from hilarious but it should at least break the tension, “As for why I was dressed so controversially, dinner was requested earlier tonight by our esteemed captain and in my efforts to provide you all with sufficient tacos I, kind of didn’t worry about dressing so thats my bad.” It was a butchered speech with the best she could muster in terms of sincerity but at least she’d managed to keep her natural sarcasm from slipping into her words. “As for why it’s early, I’ll let Kaze Taii explain.”

Stein looked over to the others members of the crew as they moved to make their plates. Once they had passed him, he stood and walked over to make his own plate. "Thank you..." He said to the cook as he made a simple plate of tacos and walked back over to his table.

He set his tray down and listened to the other conversations going on when the cook stepped out and declared that she was wearing the wrong attire for a cook. Stein raised an eyebrow. "Coulda fooled me... I just thought that's how y'all dressed." He muttered to himself before taking a sip of some water and began digging into his tacos.
Lucas would most likely be the last to grab a plate, if he even bothered to pull himself from his work. If there was one thing he was known for, it was doing the mass amounts of tedious work without complaint, and with the zealous attitude of a fiery preacher on the day of giving a lengthy sermon. His stylus moved across the screen rapidly and fluidly. Documents being signed, forms filled, manifests updated, and notes jotted in record speed. He had a easy going smile on his fac, his violet eyes joyful as he worked.

"Ah so much to do, and such the blessed privilege to do it.", The iroma hummed to himself quietly.
YSS Hana

Kamikaze let out a slight chuckle, then said in a joking voice, "Says the man with a Godzilla armor, Stein."

Sakura had roused Koizumi Aratani from tinkering without orders to do so or recommendation from her superiors, though she had the knowledge base to do so. She had never wanted a promotion or a new panel and was happy to stay a Santô Hei infantry girl forever, as long as she had Tokuko to train her and the engineer's guide to the multi-verse at her side. She came in and slumped next to Oliver, putting her eyes on him as she sleepily asked, "What're you reading? Is it like the ecchi light novels Sakaki reads?" The pale haired and purple eyed Nekovalkyrja asked of him in a low, distinctly friendly tone.

Sakaki hadn't walked into the room yet, but she was listening to the conversation on her multi-function bracelet, as she was in the habit of doing surreptitiously lately. She turned tail away from the wardroom and back into Sakura, who she had just been told Yuu Sakaki to go to dinner. Sakaki fumbled with her words and said nothing, lips sealed tight as she looked to be holding in her breath.

The captain made her plate and a second, then brought it to Lucas. "Have yourself some dinner," she said as she placed it in front of him and then hers, in front of herself. Her light teal eyes settled on Lucas' lilac ones. "Working hard or working hard? You deserve a break."
YSS Hana

Stein smirked at Kamikaze. "If you think that is Godzilla armor, wait till you see an Aggressor up close. The Raider is the smallest PA in the Nepleslian armory." He replied before turning back to his food. "In any event, that armor has been with me for quite some time." He added.

He ate his food, watching the others as he ate. He needed to write up his report to his superiors back home which Stein hated to do. He was a soldier, not a pencil pusher. However, with the promotion came new duties... He would have happily stayed a Master Sergeant, but a push from Cadence had made him reconsider his previous stance. 'I need to check in with her too...' he thought to himself, making a mental note to send her a note that night.
The Iroma man paused to blink at the plate before him. Hmm, Lucas guessed he could take a break.

"Thank you Captain, your too kind. I'd like to think I work just as hard as my fellow crew mates, I am just a simple logistics officer who enjoys his work.", He said before setting his work aside and beginning to eat his food in a ordered manner.
YSS Hana
Wardroom - Deck One

Oliver looked to Koizumi and smiled as she sat down, placing the data pad on the table to talk. “Well it’s about this captain who has to go find an ancient, mythical starship with his crew of misfits and bandits, who begin to become family. Basically Yamatai is facing a new enemy, a better version of Human that could take on any species, and destroy ships like the Hana and even Eucharis in seconds. Entire fleets within half a second. The enemy is approaching Yamatai, so this captain eventually finds this ship and brings it back. That was the first book. Now in this one Yamatai is beginning to fabricate systems and armor from it, even though the technology is 600,000 years old, but it’s superior in every way, seeing as this ancient civilization destroyed themselves in a civil war, along with their entire solar system and their outer worlds.” He said, sipping his tea. “And I’m not sure if they’re similar to what Sakaki reads.” The tablet went a pale black, then dark as it locked to conserve battery because of his inactivity. “What have you been up to? Did the smell of the tacos wake you?” He asked Koizumi.
"It's the way I like it," Zoeichi croaked her argument, coughing momentarily before sniffling and taking another bite. "It's gotta hurt." She said with a grin spreading across her blushing face. But another crunch resounded. And before it was even swallowed, Zoeichi took another mouthful. Properly devouring the spicy mess that she called a Taco. Tomatoes or lettuce didn't even reach her tastebuds. The beer-battered halibut helped at least slightly, but other then that, all she tasted was searing pain.

And Zoeichi was loving every second of it.

When she was one with the first, swallowing it fully, a tear rolled down her cheek. Though she gave Sassa stubborn thumbs up and a lopsided smirk, before pushing herself up. Grabbing her plate and going for seconds, loading up yet another taco, this time, swapping out the fish for the ground meat. And making it at least twice as spicy as the one beforehand.

Positively beaming through her tears, she scooted back in next to Sassa, another crunch resounding. Then a whimpered groan. "That's-... Damn."
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