Star Army

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RP: YSS Hana [YSS Hana] Mission Two: No More Worlds to Conquer


All throughout the display, Sassa’s eyes stayed locked onto Zoe as the elf chewed her way through the spicy tacos with a series of satisfying crunches. In contrast, Sassa only took a few small and demure bites out of her own mildly flavored tacos as she watched the taller woman eat. Although the elf’s bravura in eating an abundance of the spicy-flavored food did not inspire Sassa to strengthen the flavor of her own tacos with added spice, the display only further endeared Zoeichi to the diminutive Nekovalkyrja. To show her support, Sassa periodically dabbed a few tears away from the corner of Zoe’s eyes with a napkin and gently massaged the elf’s toned and trained biceps.

Ever the anticipatory friend, Sassa left the table and floated to the galley to pour a glass of milk for Zoeichi. She returned just as quickly as she had left, with a glass nearly brimming with skim milk in hand.

“You seem to be thoroughly enjoying this.” Sassa said, as she gently massaged Zoe’s shoulders and set the glass of milk down on the table. “Have you ever considered entering a chili eating contest? I think you would do quite well.” She asked in a demure and admiring tone.
YSS Hana
Outside the Wardroom

With another new posting, Hasewega found herself on a new ship with a new set of faces to try and remember. The cramped corridors of the small scout ships she's been stationed on started to blend together, making it easier to find a room and unpack in. But the faces, they were constantly shifting. Luckily, there was at least one familiar face from a previous posting.

Having spent most of her short time onboard the Hana readying her encryption keys and comms aboard the ship, the Nitô Heisho found herself free to roam the deck for the time being. As she made her way to the wardroom, found herself stalking upon Sakaki and Sakura, a pair of rounded SACOS studying the uniforms ahead of her for ranks.

"Santô Heis." She spoke up behind Sakaki, the SACOS concealing her eyes as she looked over the two.
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The gentle caressing of her arm and the dabbing away of tears before they even properly rolled down her cheeks each time caused Zoe to express her gratitude in some way. Often times expressed as a brief nod. Other moments, when her mouth wasn't filled with the searing hot pain, was a croaked thanks. Only to be finished by a wheezing and breathy cough, before she did nothing less than soldier through the tacos.

She glanced at the glass of milk and grinned, but proceeded eating. It'd be a great way of extinguishing the absolute inferno in her mouth now. But that was for when after she was done. "Wait," she swallowed a particularily spicey bite, taking just a moment to recover, before sniffling once more. "There's contests for this?" She asked, stupified. But she kept eating regardless, and when she was done eating, she once again got to her feet, swift to return with two more of the hellishly spiced meals.

When she was done after no less of four tacos, she finally grasped the sizable glass of milk, chugging it down in one go. Before letting out a relieved breath. Her face reddened, sweat on her brow. But she seemed somewhat content. Looking past the exhausted and borderline tortured demeanour. And past the tears. She rested back in her seat and closed her eyes. "Thanks for the milk," she stated softly. Just experiencing being not on in a Mindy, or on duty for once. With the security detail lowering, she only had four hours of patrolling to do tomorrow. So more than enough time to hit the gym and catch up on her schedule. She rolled her shoulders and grunted slightly. "You're free tomorrow, Sassa?" She asked, white eyelashes fluttering open. Deep purple eyes glancing up at her cabin mate.

Just when Sakura thought she was being ignored enough to slip into the kitchen unnoticed and find herself a proper shirt that didnt seem like it was about to split when out of nowhere an unseen voice spoke to her, turning slowly very afraid of the tight fabric Sakura looked for the source of the voice and quickly found its owner. "Oh good evening Hasewega heisho I didn't notice you there sorry, managed to grab yourself a taco yet?" The emerald eyed neko spoke tiredly brushing some loose strands of hair from her hair and giving a lazy smile.

Sensing the prospect of further conversation Sakura edged slowly towards the kitchen hoping that she could just escape to her own place for a while without being surrounded by others, although she wasn't rude she was just socially anxious enough to want some alone time here and there.

“Why of course there are spice eating contests. After all, you can find contests for everything.” Sassa answered playfully, before taking another bite out of her tacos. “You seem to be particularly tenacious when it comes to eating spicy foods, and I have no doubt that you would be a winner!” She added admiringly, with a thoroughly content expression on her features.

Sassa finished eating her two tacos just as Zoe finished with her fourth. Seeing that Zoe had finished eating as well, Sassa reached in front of Zoe, took her plate, and stacked it on top of her own, along with her glass of milk and any other utensils she may have had.

“I will take care of these, for you.” Sassa declared, as she stood from her seat and picked up the stack of dirty dishes. “Zoeichi, you know I can always make time for you.” She responded in a playful and matter-of-factly manner. “I will be right back!” The pig tailed Neko finished, waving a temporary goodbye with a simple lowering and raising of her fingertips.

Sassa arrived back in the wardroom only a few minutes later, after cleaning the dishes, stowing them in the washing machine, and washing her own hands, as well. Her eyes scanned the wardroom as she walked towards the table, taking in the casual and social atmosphere, as well as the paintings on the walls. One of the many perks of serving on a small starship was the quality of accommodations for enlisted personnel. If she had been assigned to a Sharie or a Super Eikan, it was likely that she would have eaten in a more crowded and spartan environment. She was used to life on military starships, but it was nice for the sounds of outside conversations to be a soft chatter, rather than a loud din.

“I’ve returned.” Sassa said, as she took her seat and looked at the elf with an ardent expression on her face. “What were you thinking of for tomorrow?” She asked, seeming to be genuinely curious about what Zoe had planned.
YSS Hana

Latch Gaillard been totally doing other things; those "other things", such as sleeping in, are not as important as taco day! Latch never even had tacos before, and he'll rue this day forever if he skipped taco day! The smell of exotic meats and citrus aroused the Iroma from his slumber, and gave him a rush of adrenaline as he practically threw his uniform together and bolted out his room to the wardroom.

Please please PLEASE for the love of everything holy- Latch skidded to a stop, and took a gander in the wardroom. Whew, I didn't miss it! I can still have tacos!

The pilot began assembling his taco, with such energy and eagerness that it contrasted with his edgy appearance. A cup of meat, drowned in lime juice, coated in lettuce, covered in tomato, slathered with guacamole, drenched in hot sauce, shredded cheese slapped on it, Latch was just stuffing every possible ingredient for his taco, and he knows he'll just love it to death.

Latch, with plenty of eagerness to spare, took his plate of three overfilled tacos to a table, and he quickly found out that his taco won't shut; there was too much food in it to close.

So, being smart about this, the Iroma went back to the taco ingredient buffet, grabbed another set of taco shells, and went back to a table so he could stuff his face with thick, meaty, flavorful tacos. Unfortunately, as much as he wants to praise the cook, Latch is preoccupied with eating in massive mouthfuls.
Lucas had finished his food in a deliberate and at an even pace. He gently wiped his lips clean. Ah, so this is what it was like to be around comrades, socializing, out on the waves of the cosmos. Making a change out on an otherwise turbulent ocean. So far, the crew had proved quite endearing, and he hoped to interact with them more. He felt so blessed to have so many potential friends, and what was this, another Iroma?

"Ah, another Iroma, how goes it my brother? Oh, i'm terribly sorry, how rude of me. I'm Lucas Arturius, and who might you be.", Lucas asked Latch as he listened to others talk.

The elven woman and her neko friend sounded quite....close, the engineers sounded rather busy, and the cook was so fretfully nervous for some reason.
YSS Hana

Kamikaze put an arm around the Iromakuanhe solider's back as another, this one the bridge pilot, came up to them.

"Now that I have both of you here..." she began coyly without ending.

Junko told the other engineer, "I haven't been able to fabricate the necessary Zesuaium swords for the next mission. I want them to be like some I saw on the Kaiyō with aetheric blades that had Yamataium handles."

Aratani leaned towards Oliver, "Sick and tired of being bored and tired. No sleep and nothing to do in four days, you feel?"

Outside of the wardroom, Sakaki was approached by someone she had worked with before when Yuu Sakaku had been fresh out of SAINT training. The Nekovalkyrja looked behind herself and bowed in greeting.

Sakaki said, "Nitô Heisho. I have some questions for the captain. Mind if I send them up the chain of command through you?"
YSS Hana

Soft footfalls called to the ears of those crew members whose hearing was more sensitive, as well as the extremely soft swishing of feathers. Yawning to herself, one hand stretched straight up while the other reached behind her head to the side, Aradia Sivins entered the Wardroom, coming from the medical bay. Her silver eye seemed to almost glow as per usual, its mirror-like coloration always managing to catch the light. Being the shortest person on the ship - shorter than her captain, even - was an interesting experience; no doubt if the girl wasn't incredibly colorful she likely would have been nearly forgotten by most of the crew.

Not like her whole, lack of talking in general helped that. She yawned again, easily filtering over towards the tacos on display; too spicy, too spicy.... ah. That one will do. Satisfied with her choice of taco, the little one made her way to an open corner like she always did, plopping down and getting right into the eating. She didn't have any of her notepads out today; a rare occurance, that...
YSS Hana

The pilot turned his head to the direction of the soft-spoken voice. "Eh? Oh!" Latch puts down his last, overfilled and incredibly flavour-concentrated taco on his plate, and made his way to the other, very polite Iroma. "I never thought I'd run into my kind again, my name's-"

Suddenly, a white-shirted Neko with black-white hair butts in. She's short, and honestly fairly attractive, but she's actually the captain of the Hana, so even Latch knew to give her respect where it's due... Unless he wanted to be kicked out the airlock. At the same time, he sort of expected to get one in one time with the other Iromakuanhe. The best Latch could do is go with the flow, see what happens, but he wants to do it his way.

"Hey Captain, awesome to meet you as always!" Latch put a hand in his hips, and smiled wide. "Like I was about to say, I didn't think I'd find another Iroma here! I heard they're uncommon folk here in the army and all that jazz; my name's Latch, Latch Gaillard! I'm the Hana's pilot, here for fun and cultural enrichment!"

The sulfur-haired pilot extended another hand to Lucas, in offer of a handshake.
Lucas was a little nervous at the blatant rude manners of his fellow Iroma towards the captain. He hoped Latch wouldn't do that to often, he had seen what those kind of manners usually ended with. In previous experience on Vice, it was usually a bullet, or a boot out the airlock at low orbit.

"mhm, well it's certainly a pleasure to meet you mister Latch, and a blessed one at that. I'm sorry captain, you were about to say?", Lucas replied accepting the hand before trying to let the Captain resume, but not being outright rude as ignore the man.
YSS Hana

The captain's arm found its way up to the second Iromakuanhe's arm, holding it before saying, "Is the practice of empathy something that happens often amongst your people? I heard about it a long time ago and never knew if it was real." Her eyes were patient and willing to listen, although her question was said quickly.
YSS Hana

Latch nodded. "Oh yeah, definitely! It's been exaggerated a few times by other people, though it's the real deal... Kind of. You'd need to try it for yourself to really get it, you know what I mean?"

He looked between the two, then he looked at where the Captain's arms are. Latch felt an idea coming up, and boy did he want to try it!

"Hey, how about we do that right now? We could share our feelings the good old Iromakuanhe way, if you want!"
YSS Hana

Being quite unbeknownst to the surrounding conversations, glancing up momentarily to see the captain familiarizing herself with the Iromakuanhe's in a more physical manner. Before her gaze was pulled back to her cabin mate. A soft smirk appearing on her face. "I honestly wouldn't know," she answered with a soft breath. "I wanted to get training done, hit the gym." She let out a soft chuckle. "Unless you wanted to join me, I'm open to suggestions." She stated with a soft smile at the twin-tailed Nekovalkyrja.
Lucas was calm, but deep down he felt a slight panic. An empath bonding!? The man was as the crew knew him, a happy go lucky preacher, without seemingly a care in the world. But deep down he still had some of the old feelings from the old days, when his life was on a turbulent path. No matter how hard he shunted them, buried them, ignored them, they were there deep within.

This idea troubled him greatly because of this. Instinctively he pulled away slightly, but not completely. "What? Here, I'm not sure about this idea. Um..I think I'll skip this time.", He said giving a nervous laugh.
YSS Hana

The captain patted Lucas on the back and rubbed it gently while giving Latch's arm a tight, but friendly squeeze. "I'll pass for now, too." She looked at the meal in front of her and to those just joining. "Have you had a chance to get a taco and settle in? We sort of showed up in the wardroom tonight and put Santô Hei Sakura on the spot! Don't worry, no matter. Dessert will surely be served soon, no?" Keeping the cook on her toes seemed to be the captain's specialty.

She turned back to the two Iromakuanhe and said, "I'll be seeing you on the bridge after dessert, right, Gaillard-hei? Sivins-hei should be on duty with you, at sensors. Arturius-hei, you may join us," she added dutifully, making is sound more like a party than a night crew's long watch.
YSS Hana
Outside the Wardroom

Hasewega's steely stare over the two was maintained as she gave a nod towards Sakaki in response to her bow. "I guess it would behoove me to pass any questions you have up the chain of command. I will let you know her responses after the gathering." Her attention turned from her former SAINT acquaintance to the other neko before she shook her head. "Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to sample the food yet. I have never even seen a 'taco' before, but I assume it is quite the delicacy if the crew is enjoying it."

Her SACOS searched through some of spare SAINT databases on for what a taco. She kept from raising a brow as she saw one appear on the lens. How would one eat one of these things?

"You seem tired, Kirisho-hei." Hesewega tried to distract herself from the taco dilemma. "Is everything okay?"
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Juno sat down at the table and was about to take another large bite from one of the overstuffed tacos on her plate, when she heard what the other engineer had been up to. While Juno had been running around fixing the menial things, Junko had been trying to forge swords and mighty impressive ones at that.

She lowered the half a taco from her open maw and began to speak "Can't say personally that I'm familiar with that very specific combination but.. I could probably help you out if you need me to" Juno finished speaking quickly as a small clump of mince and sauce fell from her taco to land on her plate. She quickly downed the remained of the exceedingly spicy taco in one mouthful and swallowed before speaking again. "If the fabricator itself is having issues then maybe it isn't receiving enough power, just a thought, it isn't like this ship is exactly in tip top shape now is it?" Juno finished with a sly grin and a raised eyebrow before choosing another volatile taco to down, equally as ready to burst open as the previous one.
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YSS Hana
Wardroom - Deck One

Oliver nodded as Koizumi spoke, understanding all too well about being tired and bored with nothing to do. "Yeah, I know. As a medic on this ship, the occasional cut or burn is all I get to deal with. Otherwise it's organizing the medbay, making a mess on purpose, and then cleaning it just to have something to do. I also read those books," He pointed to the datajockey in front of him on the table. "but otherwise it's a lot of sitting 'round waiting for an activity to present itself. Technically I can walk around the ship and say I'm patrolling in the event that there's a medical emergency and I'm nearby." He finished his tea, placing the cup on the table next to the datajockey and his empty plate, save a few scraps of lettuce and some droplets of sauce. "Oh, I also listen to music in the medbay since barely anyone is ever in there." He looked back to Koizumi, placing his hands in his lap and clasping them together as he leaned back.
YSS Hana

Sakura nodded as her suspicions were confirmed, "Well then you need to get some of that sweet meat..." suddenly realising what she had just spoke out loud Sakura sighed and seemed to deflate as she put her head in her hands and groaned. "You know, I think I might be tired. Between having to do dinner early, all the condition changes and having to squeeze into these clothes like, who even wears stuff this small?" Sakura spoke indignantly pulling at the base of the shirt in annoyance before giving up.

Hearing talk of dessert caused her ears to stand up straight along with the rest of her body, its not that she forgot to make dessert more like she forgot to complete dessert. "Uhh if you'll excuse me I have to go find the dessert I mean make I mean, oh nevermind I gotta go!" Sakura fumbled over her words in the haste to finish the dish and also fumbled over her own feet. With her arms windmilling rapidly she tried desperatley to regain her balance before crashing into Lucas the priest and tumbling to the floor.