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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

True, true. I forgot how gigantic they can be. But this is going to setup a dilemma... which direction is the hemosynth blood trail leading. @Reynolds? Opposite our beacon?
Ooh, very nicely described @Reynolds. Definitely predatory creep factor.

Though a bit sad for Yumi to end up crab food...

Is it possible to take the capacitor batteries from her Origin Sniper Rifle and set them to overload, a bit like a grenade?
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Thanks. Overloading an energy weapon sounds pretty standard to me, but it might make a bigger boom than you were expecting. We might want to get someone with a bit more experience to answer that for us, though...
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I've got five bucks on Sayoko either being angry at Darren for "Patronizing Her", pretending he doesn't exist and thanking Rin for the help, or blaming him for the situation entirely.

I've got a further 20 spacebucks on the captain giving us a dressing down for it, killing Yumi even after we save her, and none of the away team getting the proper rewards and/or commendations they deserve for their heroic resolve to not leave anyone behind.
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We'll definitely be getting a chewing out for this turn of events, that is undeniable. But it's also IC for Rin how I describe her past fights against the Mishhu that she always returned home with everyone, even if they (and she herself as well) were injured or in pieces. It's a principle and her pride at stake, and the Heisho and her had those conversations before and the speech beforehand that reinforced it.

At this point, it's highly likely that once the Crab is done the only way to really "save" Yumi will be to have to cut her open and destroy the parasite/egg/etc. that's eating her from the inside. Then bring what's left of her body back to the shuttle, seal her in one of the AMES from a locker (barrier just incase still contaminated), gather weapons and personal effects, and have Miho and Kayoko keep tabs on her while the group finishes the investigation quickly.

Of course... we also have no idea what the new "blip" coming our way is, either!

You know, I really got to play Undertale some time. This is the second time I've been caught in that meme. (First time was Aran'ya being Miss Muffet).
Hey guys, you've probably noticed I can really only post on the weekends, my days off. Well I started getting a bad cold yesterday, hit me hard today. I just stayed in bed and slept until like 7 PM. Hopefully I will get through this in a few days, and I'll try to get something up as soon as I feel a bit better. Back to rest for me.
*hugs* I can totally relate to ya, had a bad ear infection that still hasn't 100% cleared up. Feel better soon, boss
Alright, sorry about the delay on that. I barely started feeling better in time to go to a concert I had bought tickets to like a month ago. And cough my way through it. But I made it through the week, at least. Now I just have to wash and disinfect everything and hope it doesn't come back or anything.

Hope this one wasn't too rough on you guys...
Awesome post, @Reynolds . I think we did very well, all things considered... though I'm wondering if what just bombarded us was a remote controlled TASHA hovertank. Quick question though... is the second brain of the Crab obliterated by that? Just incase it must be killed again to prevent a Neo Mishhu regeneration. Also, Yumi most likely has eggs growing in her... but I think that takes time so we probably can at least get her back to shuttle to stabilize her and try to surgically remove them in a proper quarantined medical setting when we aren't half-dead...
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