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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Oh! Dibs on this one!

Gravity doesn't produce visible light but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to see it in some way. Realistically you would see light detract a bit as it passed through the beam as if someone was using the Photoshop smudge tool in reality, or as if it were just one large piece of glass.

Or maybe Space OSHA requires some sort of color beam be added so that people don't accidentally walk infont of the gravity projector when it is turned on?

Of course, the gold color could also be a by product Of how the gravity is created, or part of whatever system is used to direct the gravity into a beam.
My basic reasoning was 'so the viewers can see it and follow what is happening' like having blurry outlines around invisible things. Or loud explosions in space. I could definitely change it to a different, more subtle effect. Gold was just my first idea while writing at 3 AM.
So Edto and I were randomly paired for the Love Day exercise. Enjoy. Or don't. Or enjoy not enjoying it.

I wasn't really sure where entirely to plop it down, so I just shtogged it in an aside post. I think that's normal? You understand what I did, I'm sure, and will gently correct me of the errors in my manners. Chronologically, it'll probably happen during the epilogue for this mission. Obviously, not canon until we get to that point. But then it will be!
I'll be frank here, I like this plot and I like playing Darren and being in this plot, and no-one has been a dick to me for no reason, but I don't feel comfortable playing with FrostJaeger.

Nor do I feel comfortable in being in a space oriented mission focused around new races created by people as soon as they joined the site.
as soon as they joined the site.

I actually worked on another character to roleplay here before the idea for the I'ee came to me. I just find the I'ee a far more interesting and fun concept to work on than any of the alternatives, not to mention it creates characters that I can identify with quite strongly.

I'm sorry that you're not happy with it, though. At the very least, the plan I had with Reynolds was for the I'ee to simply have a supporting role in this mission; providing some information about Uesu's fleet before letting the HB go on its way.

It isn't actually you yourself, or the L'ee. I like them. The problem is the double standard and how it's become okay to treat me in a way that no-one else is treated.
Kirk, sadly I cannot erase the deep divisions of the past that will always in some way work against you and your ideas until you can really prove your detractors wrong (and recent controversial events have not helped matters). If you want to remain in this plot with Darren that is totally up to you... I'm not going to force you to stay if you are uncomfortable (this is a game, not a job -- and you know I like Darren ICly), but similarly I can't kick someone else out just because you personally have an issue with them.

In regards to the I'ee, I think it's more a matter of them being at the right place at the right time creatively, and Wes wanting to encourage more insectoid species in general that will actually see RP use. Let's not descend into some form of NTSE jealousy, please.
Alright, I have taken some time to try to get things sorted out elsewhere, and I think everything is as good as it is going to get. I could not handle dealing with that, and the emotions it brought, while also worrying about running this plot. But I did make a commitment to this plot, and it's not fair to everyone else involved for me to just run off and ignore everything while I had to post elsewhere. I apologize for that, and I'll try to get things back on course.

So, first off, if there's any sort of harassment going on that involves two players here, send me a PM. Or talk to paladin or even @Wes and see if something needs to be done. But if some of you just don't get along? Well I've had to post in plenty of plots where I didn't get along with someone. Either work through and keep posting and you can both stay, or one can choose to leave. But if it starts affecting other people, I'll just have to ask both of you to leave.

Now, I'm going to get all caught up this week and make a post on Friday or Saturday. I expect everyone that wants to stay here to post by then. Obviously some people have already posted in the past week, so they're fine. But everyone else needs to post before I do, or @ or PM me to tell me why you are not able to post. Because after I post I'm going to trim the roster down so we can have a nice, fresh start.

I also encourage anyone that has any questions or other issues to PM me. I feel like I have not been communicating properly with everyone. Along those lines, I'm hoping to set up some sort of real time meeting in the chat room once we're back on track. If anyone has a suggestion for a time when they'd be available to chat next week, let's see when we might be able to set something up to talk about the future of this plot.

Thanks guys. And, again, sorry.
No worries, boss man. I sure don't blame you for needing a breather... and sorry if I may have made anything worse.

We have a great mission ahead of us still tangling with space wasps, so let's hope everyone enjoys it.
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