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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Alright, posted. Unfortunately I had to remove quite a few crew members for inactivity. I'll NPC them until we can shuffle people around. If you know of anyone who is looking to make a new character, try to point them in our direction. I'm updating the active plots and wanted characters section to hopefully catch some eyes.

Also updated the timeline to show first contact with the I'ee and Edtoto. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=calendar:ye_38#yamatai_star_empire

When might be a good time to have everyone meet up for a chat next week? We might also attempt to recruit a few new people in the chat room at the time. I know Wes usually holds meetings on Wednesday night, and I could try to get home from work early enough for something like that. What do you all think?
I got a few tests, but I can take them when I want to, so let me know when the meeting is and I'll schedule around it. Tuesday and Wednesday nights wouldn't be the best for me, since I have something else going on, unless we want to do it after 9pm MT (11pm ET).
Thursday is good for me and Friday is fine too. Although there's a small possibility I could be up to ten minutes late on Friday, I wouldn't take it into consideration when trying to decide which day.
Hello everybody. I'll be playing your new medic. I'd say something about myself but a good chunk of you know me from the chat. As far as the meeting goes, I'm up for Thursday or Friday so long as it's after 1:00PM EST. I have class till around 12:30 those days.
I totally forgot about the meeting last night. I didn't set the date in a calendar (mental or otherwise), so I wasn't thinking about it at all. I read through the chat archive of it, though, and I'm happy to say there's nothing I wanted or needed to add. Still, I should have shown up and I apologize for missing it.
I kind of forgot myself. >w< I was sort of half-there, but not paying attention at all. Didn't even realise it was happening until it was over.

In response to this:

The idea that I had was that the majority of it was distant observation, coupled with stealthy backroom deals for information; possibly even going to the effort of disguising themselves while out fishing for info. Uesu's fleet passing by would've been like the a passing comet to the Oo'tut, though; they'd have been watching with all their telescopes and apparatus, awed and fascinated, but too scared to get closer.
Regarding the NMX, my draft map of the I'ee home systems had the Thi-thi family's territory act as a barrier against gradually increasing NMX incursions. They'd be an enemy to the I'ee that would seem frightening yet manageable, unaware that they're only still alive because they don't have the full attention of their enemies; being literally as insects in their eyes.

This is all just my draft, though. I dunno how much of it would sync up well with established canon yet.
That all makes sense to me. But those two I mentioned are definitely the best bets to get thing settled.

I probably need to post in the big galaxy map thread to see about an update for what we've been charting so far. Might be good to add in the I'ee and NMX at least a bit. I think I saw you already asking about that.
I've contacted Wes once about it already, but you should definitely poke the Starmap Updates thread in the GM forums with the formal request.
Aggh...I knew I forgot something. Stupid college and all of its tests. Where is the chat log for the meeting?
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