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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Would Miho be able to get a custom Sylph and such? (I.E. mobile information warfare unit, etc.)

I'm not sure about a custom one, but I think the Sylph is still the default PA for Minis, even though it's marked like it's no longer in use. Maybe post any specifics you wanted for it here, and we can look it over?

Also, Rin's room should be an Officer's Cabin, so there would just be the one bed. Miho could probably put her stuff on the desk or lockers.

Is this going to be used as the OOC thread as well?

For now, yes. I think it will get moved and turned into the OOC thread proper if we get a subforum.
This is going to be quite interesting having a tiny Neko running around, I can already see Rin getting agitated by the cuteness factor, lol. But as long as Miho is good at what she does she'll probably get along fine... If Miho doesn't mind, maybe she could have a bed built into my desk drawer?
It's not uncommon for minis to purchase elaborate dollhouses to put in their cabins.
We really need a more comprehensive mini living experience page on the wiki. Maybe I'll have Miho with a special custom shoebox later, but for now it's a regular old storage container.
Reactions: Wes
I'll have Yumi finished by tonight after work at the latest... Working on her history now.
I'm probably going to use Kyou, Reynolds, assuming that's okay.

This one?

Seems okay. I don't think I ever saw her on the Sakishima. When was that? You might need to update her history to include that, I only see the Miharu listed.

Also, we have a ton of infantry, if every proposed character winds up sticking with that. A few people have already disappeared, though, so maybe it will all work out.
I have some plans tonight, so I may not 100% be able to get out an intro post until tomorrow. I did snag an empty cabin on the wiki, so if anyone wants to be bunkmates send me a PM. @Exhack has dibs though if he brings in a character because I do play favorites.
She actually ended up not going onto the Sakishima. Got busy right about the time I'd intended to start on there.
I've contacted some of the people that paused in the middle of setting up characters to see if they were still planning to join us. Otherwise there are two or three that are set up and ready to go that I'm just waiting to see post.
Well at least we have enough to get some dialogue flowing and hopefully it can inspire the others to come along for the ride...
Alright, it looks like everyone but @Revolver has made an appearance! I put in a quick post to move us along. Since the hall kinda curves around in front of all the cabins, I'm going to say she will be either meeting Rin in front of the Officer's Cabin or by the somewhat open space where the vertical passage is. Everyone can just assume it rolls over to 0700 during their next post, and wait outside their cabins for those two to make their circle. As far as the NPCs go, we'll just ignore them during this Open RP session. I'll work up some NPC names to fill the night shift slots later, and we'll figure out what to do with new PCs as we get to that.

Also, since we have our starting team, I was hoping you guys could help me come up with some names! There's a few things currently unnamed:
The Ikoi Light Starbase
The Kuma Shuttle

I'm pretty open to names for the Ikoi...all the ones I see are named boring things like 1st Dock, G01 Dock, etc. I'm sure we can think up something more interesting, or maybe just use a Japanese word that means the same thing, or a joke or pun. For the shuttle, we might want to aim for something similar to the ship's name. For the MEGAMI, if anyone didn't catch the reference, she's basically a Rakugoka.

I'll also take suggestions for NPC names/appearances/quirks/etc.
Sorry for delays getting past my initial posting, I do plan to rally the troops ICly now that everyone seems to be more or less here.

Also, apologies to Moogle, her character is going to have an interesting time getting Rin to warm up to her... but I wouldn't worry too much. That's just part of her personality.

Also, if the MEGAMI is a Rakugoka, we maybe want to use a term that is related to it. I envision perhaps a short, somewhat cute (yet serious) name with some meaning behind it. Like perhaps "Ochi", which is a narrative interruption in that sort of play... because she had a 'fall' once from Uesu, only to return again now to tell a new story and take the narrative back up again.
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Alright, I sent Revolver a PM, but I haven't seen any activity in ten days or so. Skipping her for now, and if she doesn't appear soon I'll have to remove her from the wiki, unfortunately. They should be making the loop back from #4 to #1 now. I don't want to post the captain too much and get in the way, so she's basically looming in the background while you all converse. The Wardroom has about six or so faceless NPCs waiting there already, for those who get inspected first, so feel free to idly chat with them or strike up a conversation with the others that will be sent there before the officers finish up. I hope this setup works for everyone, let me know. And let me know any ideas you've got for names.

And I wanted to tag @Joshua Kyrie here in case he hasn't found this thread already.
sorry for the delay in my postings. I had a birthday party as well as immediately afterward getting called into work. Will try to have something up for tonight or tomorrow morning the latest.
Welcome aboard Joshua, just in time for kickoff.

My inspection post is now complete, whew. Please let me know if I missed anyone! (Josva is at the end if it is unclear)
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