Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Yeah, no worries, work has been rough here as well. I think I'll actually be staying home tomorrow due to the weather here, so I'll probably get a post up then!
Alright guys, got the general info for the meeting posted. I'll specify the mission (as far as you all know it) next time I post. Although feel free to ask what it is yourselves, since it's noticeable that she left it out. Feel free to ask whatever your character would be concerned with, or continue conversations until she started talking, or pick up new ones after she's finished.

I don't want to start booting people or anything, but it has gotten really quiet for a while. Just try to post whenever you can for now, I know we're not really official yet. Some chatter in the Wardroom is fine for now, don't worry about sticking to a 'one per round' thing unless we're in combat or some other situation where I need to decide things as a GM before you can continue.
Sorry for any delays in my postings, but I have been busy preparing my wife for surgery this morning. I will be checking periodically but can't post anything for at least a day or two.
Okay, everything is good at the home front now with my wife's surgery...

It seems there are no big objections to what the captain said, so shall I make my next post?
Glad everything's going okay.

I would hope everyone else is going to post soon, but feel free to post again whenever you'd like. She can always lag behind slightly to respond to the others.
Just out of curiosity, what do you want Kyou doing right now? Like, do you have a specific station in mind for her? I know during combat readiness levels, she's either getting ready to fight or acting as damage control, but that's not really part of Readiness 4.
I used it as a general rule, as that a call to duty stations to depart is coming out of 5 and going to 4.

I went ahead and edited my original posting to add that our infantry squad should go check their power armors and weapons to make sure everything is ready. That seems the smart thing to do.

The Shoi then swiveled her attention to the power armor element members, "Matonaka-heisho, you and your fellow infantry squad members Gunshin-hei and Baek-hei should head to the PA bay to familiarize yourself with your assigned combat equipment, which is a compliment of Mindy M2-3A's as well as M6-2A Daisy's for planetary engagements. We need your team ready to defend the Heartbreaker and conduct investigations, so discussing some tactics for those scenarios amongst your group is highly encouraged."
Yeah, if there was any sort of incident or combat, the infantry would likely be sent out in Mindys to fight or investigate or whatever. Worse case they're at least safely in suits with their own propulsion, some of them might even have one of the FTL boosters.

Plus as soon as the two officers are gone Yumi will be free to boss the two other infantry around, I'm sure she can keep you guys occupied somehow... :)
Alrighty, got up a post to quickly wrap up that exchange without us having to do a lot of posts back and forth. I'll try to move the Captain to the Bridge by Friday night. I think Rin will be moving there soon as well.

Everyone else, try to interact with the other PCs in your area. If you wound up alone, remind me here and I'll try to corral you into an area with someone else, or ICly contact the Captain/Rin/Bridge to get something to do. If you already did and I missed it, poke me and I'll make sure I cover it in my next post.
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Nice to see you posting Moogle. :) Rin will be at the bridge momentarily, but it is dramatically appropriate to await the captain's entrance first, as Rin has some matters to attend to first before arriving.

Although, I am wondering how our bridge stations will be setup... which stations will we be manning? I know Tsukisaki is command, and Rin and Miho could possibly be Ops and Sensors, respectively. We might want an NPC in there too, though.
I tried.

I mean, Miho is basically a walking encyclopedia, so she can basically be like the dispatch person or whatever. You know, the one who relays information and stuff relevant to the situation on missions.

My head's a bit fuzzy so the word is not coming to me. But one of those people!

If worse comes to worse, Miho can do that in the field in a Sylph.
That would be like Mission Ops/Communications station then... could definitely see her fitting in there in that capacity.

Also, Reynolds, how does that work with the requisition order of that Sylph and related weaponries that Miho put in? I'm sure we could squeeze a Sylph into our armor slots, swap out a Mindy, etc.
I think I assigned everyone a station properly, with NPCs to handle the open ones.

If it wasn't clear, I approved the request for the Sylph and accessories. I added it to the PA Bay spot on our wiki page, too. You can safely assume that the Ikoi has basically everything you could want available, but we'll only sporadically be meeting up with it to restock.

Related, I was planning to wait until we started the first proper mission, but that brings up something else I'd like to do. I want everyone to put their assigned Mindy/Daisy (or Sylph) with their current loadout on their character's page. You know how the Mindy says it can come with X accessories attached to certain spots? I'd like all of those listed. If it isn't listed on your sheet, you don't have it for that mission, and the Heartbreaker will probably only carry one or two spares, due to space restraints. I think this works fine at the very top of your character's Inventory subsection, but we might also consider a separate spot right above that.

Then on the ship's wiki page it will have each suit listed individually with a link straight to that section on the character's page. You can see what I mean for Valesti and Miho. Once that's all set up I'll redo the remaining suits as spare core versions with nothing attached. If someone's suit is scarred or they earn a special paint job or something it can also be tagged there.

It sadly seems like we may have lost @Revolver. I'm not sure about @Semjax either. I'm not sure how to go about recruiting replacements, as the only other new applicant I've seen was sent to the Eucharis.

Also, I am stuck working seven days a week, and have been for the past few months, and it's driving me insane. Simple things like finding a day to go to the store or get my car inspected are requiring planning days in advance and far too much hassle. All I want to do when I get home is try to relax and turn my brain off and not worry about anything, which isn't really helping me get up posts. I tend to consult lots of wiki pages and try to put the proper amount of thought into these posts, so I can't even bang something out real fast just to keep us moving. I'm falling way behind on the other plots there, too. But I'm trying to give this one the first look before I try to catch up on those, since I've got responsibility here. I think we will finally have people to cover these shifts by the end of the month, so hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Again, sorry.
You haven't lost me, I apologize, I've just had a really, really hard time these last few weeks finding the willpower to post. I'll be posting today. Again, Sorry.
I'm so sorry to hear that Reynolds, I hope things improve for you soon... I'll do my best to keep things moving where possible. Thanks for keeping tabs too, Semjax... been a rough week for everybody I think.

I do like the idea about the loadouts and having one for each of us for reference, we used to do this on the Senbu when I was there doing missions and it was useful in certain combat situations so you could remember.

Rank wise, Yumi is basically the squad leader so between her and Gunshin they can control whatever infantry is needed to keep us moving smoothly (Seonji and NPC Neko's).